The fangs are back in - or are they? True Blood hunk Stephen Moyer revealed he apologised to Twilight star Robert Pattinson for calling him the "Diet Coke of vampires".
The fight began last year, when Brit actor Stephen made the comments about Robert when the heartthrob refused to let his character drink human blood in the popular films.
Stephen, who plays blood-sucking Bill Compton in TV series True Blood, admitted: "I sent him a message saying, 'Dude, I hope you realise that this is a joke'.
"I did call him a wuss. But I didn't call HIM that. I referred to his character."
However, 40-year-old Stephen has put his foot in it again by admitting he has never seen the Twilight films or read the books.
He also hasn't ever met Robert. He said: "I haven't even seen Twilight. I don't even know the books.
"All I know is that one thing - I think he drinks cow blood instead of human blood."
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Interesting...I watch True Blood, to be quite honest that is really my type of vampire, however, Stephen, Stephen, I know you were joking but lets face it you are no longer the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or
5th hottest vampire w/ or w/o blood. 1. Robert 2. Aleksander 3. Ian 4. Sam Worthington (he just signed up for Dracula: Year Zero) 5. tie Xavier Samuel or Kellan Lutz IMHO.
I found this : http://kristenstewartfan.us/photos/thumbnails.php?album=942
is it true ??????????
I don't really care,I have never seen True Blood or Vampire Diaries,for what I've heard they are not my kind of vampire...I don't like gore and blood..and now based on what's going to be on the cover of Rolling Stones mags, it seems also porn?..I'll stick to my good vampire,,thank u very much..to me he is on top of the list..Robert Pattinson the hottest vampire of them all!! @ Iluvthemovies..hmm..True Blood..what would ur grandmama say about that?(wink..wink..and a nudge)..hahah..hugs to all favs:)
I dont really into a vampires things...I only concern about ROB things :))
I never feel TWILIGHT Saga is about Vampire, I thought is about LOVE..
@ Lena it's a rented house/villa. I think they've moved out. it is their home during WFE shoot
@twilightnan or should I say FWG (Fierce Warrior Goddess),LOL, I think I have mentioned this before but I luv vampires since I was about 8 yrs. old from Bela Lugosi, Christopher Lee, Gary Oldman, those are actors who specifically play Dracula, but the list goes on, maybe it is the perv in me that is attracted to those creatures of the night. (Thank goodness, my grandmother and I have separate bedrooms, I wouldn't want to taint her good nature). Rest assure Robert is still my fav even if he prefers a vegetarian diet and sparkles in the sunshine. I am leaving for errands, you will probably be sleeping soundly when I return. Until another day. Hugs to you and the favs.
@Iluvthemovies..yes I remember..don't worry still luv ya..my daughter is the same she likes Gary Oldman in that dracula film..she took me to see Blade it was only when inside the cinema that I realised it was about vampires..had my hands over my eyes most of the time..hubby has now fallen asleep infront of the telly..take care and hugs to u as well and all the favs..over and out (FGW):))
@erpatz..ITA w/u..I fell in love with Twilight because of the romance between Edward and Bella ,however we can't escape the fact that the story is based on the books by Stephanie..about a vampire falling in love with a mortal girl.
Honestly I LOOOOVE True Blood...I love the porn, I love the nudity, I love the biting, the blood...and of course the plot! But lets face it Alexander Skaarsgard takes the cake in TB (IMO).....Couldnt care less about Bill.
And I also wanna add... I *know* Stephen Moyer is totally kidding and I enjoy his occasional teasing...but I feel like he *always* has something to say on Robert/Twilight...Its like fuck! We get it you hate Twilight and think its a stupid teenie bopper movie! But you know what? You'll never hear Robert making a teasing remark/joke or saying something like "hey look at Bill's awesome hair fringe"(Yeah thats something that I say!!)maybe thats 'cause Rob has more class than some people. Stephen just get on with it and dude be honest if it werent for Twilight you wouldnt even have a job, we all know this little abstinence movie totally brought the vampire craze back..(well I think so anyway)! Anyways like I said I know he's kidding but... eff off already!
is it true???
behnaz said...is it true???
The fact that K&R have buy or rented this house
Ohh I love True Blood. Yes those are my kind of Vampires. Actually My favorite Vampires Are The Black Dagger Brotherhood. More specific my favorite is Lover Awakened the Story of Zsadist and Bella! Yes Zsadist is my favorite Vampire. The series is by J.R.Ward. Yesif you like smut and action and amazing characters this series is a definite read. Not for the kiddies though.
No Twilight really has never been about vampires for me either. It's a beautiful love story with unusual characters. :-)
i love vampires...now.
__we don't have to mention his name, because that's what he really aiming for. Poke at Robert Pattinson and pronto instant recognition. Free publicity. BUT never mind, he will be a man playing grandad after 10 years, and Robert is still the sexiest man alive. As Matt Titus said, Rob understands fame. He doesnt talk, but acts mysteriously, and that's make him more interesting and fuckingly sexy. He's not following HW, he's shaping it. One has to try, right?
__I'm hoping that VD has to stop copying themes and scenes from Twilight. Its downright cheap!
@mujhiko, grandad, ha!!
vamp diaries is comical. it's entertaining but comical. in 20 years, the twilight vamps WILL BE what vamps are. no one will think that vamps ever burned in the sun, they will always know them to sparkle.
i have heard that true blood is very good.
the most insulting thing stephen said was that edward drank cow blood. he doesn't hunt cows?! lol!
@JA :):) yes, a nice and old grandpa.
He should know that Edward got more class in the food deparment. He prefers organic foods. Hunting instead of raiding someones herd or the bloodbank!:)))))!
@deesirius, first off, let me say I luv your user name. ITA I luv the sexiness of that show, but thats just it, it is aimed for adults, not young adults.
@RavenLilly, I am going to Amazon Online to check out those books. There are so many vampire books saturating the market like TV shows and movies, it is impossible to choose what is the best of the bunch. Thank you for the recommendation.
@mujhiko_mujhiko and JA, I thought he was more into feline cuisine(mountain lion) than hefer (cow). I will cut him a break becuz he has not seen Twilight, but if he speaks again, know what you are speaking about if you make a joke, even a bad one.
Stephen moyer is a british like Rob, its just the press provoking actors to comment for publicity. It was the love story in Twilight that I love. I am not interested in vampires
Can we move on from the house pics,pleeeeese?Intrusion must have some limits.
As for this guy.................not interesting!And the TB cover for RS mag is totally disgusting.
@LK,totally agree, enews showed this RollingStones mags cover..they asked if they have gone too far this time re- it's pornographic theme..I agree it's disgusting...they are trying to rationalised it's not real blood but only red paint??anyway not intersted w/ this bloke even though he is a brit..there is only one I'm interested at present..and that is ROBERT PATTINSON:))
@LK, with all due respect, if you don't wish to talk about the house pics..or any other subject matter...please move on to another post. I don't want to see anyone being censored. there are other rob sites to go where all they talk about is how beautiful he is.
@lluvthemovies Your welcome. Yes The Black Dagger Brotherhood is an amazing series. The first one is Dark Lover Wrath and Beth's story.She is still writing them I believe she is working on the nith one I have been a vampire lover since 7TH grade when I read a book called The Silver Kiss...I have been hooked ever since. Here is J.R Wards site address if you haven't checked it out. Let me know if you like them if you read them...
I did check them out on amazon.com and ordered the first two. I am looking forward to reading them and I will let you know if I enjoyed them. I was happy it was not for young adults, it seems to have all the ingredients of a good book sort of in the vain of Anne Rice. Have a lovely evening.
Poor Rob. God, he doesn't even court having people talk about him! They just do! I wonder if these celebs know that Rob may not even be aware that they are talking about him and if he is, he probably wouldn't even care!
I am looking for my memories through the stories, the narrative of people. I feel it is difficult but I will try.
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