For the third year in a row, McAfee researched Hollywood’s glamorous stars and pop culture’s most famous people to reveal the riskiest celebrities on the Web. McAfee’s latest report found that searches for Barack or Michelle Obama posed a lesser threat compared to others.
“Cybercriminals are star watchers too – they latch onto popular celebrities to encourage the download of malicious software in disguise,” said Jeff Green, senior vice president of McAfee Avert Labs. “Consumers’ obsession with celebrity news and culture is harmless in theory, but one bad download can cause a lot of damage to a computer
Young Hollywood – Just as Dangerous to Search as They Are Famous
Young Hollywood starlets (and popular tabloid subjects) Miley Cyrus, Ashley Tisdale and Lindsay Lohan all edged out Heidi Montag and Jessica Alba who appeared on last year’s list. They also ranked higher than other young personalities including “Twilight” stars Robert Pattinson (#30) and Kristen Stewart (#20), the Jonas Brothers (#23), Taylor Swift (#16), Lauren Conrad (#25) Vanessa Hudgens (#17) and Zac Efron (#21).
Full article at McAfee | Via
lol, how much therapy do i need...i wanted him to be #1 here too!
@JA..don't laugh..so do I..it's sad I'm supposed to be going to bed now..dreamy hugs from Rob xxx;)
I actually got a virus from this and had to take my labtop in for service.
Just read an article on Mail Online about Rob and Kristen with pictures of the place they are staying in Bel Air. Rob's classic car in driveway. You could make comments which I did because some of the comments were nasty. At least it said where they are staying in Bel Air is a gated community.
@JA and Twilightnan, ROFL at both of you. Is there a doctor on this site? Stat, psych treatment needed dispensed badly. I think we have all gone down the rabbit hole, I just hope I can meet Johnny Depp in the process. At least we have a new story on Rob.
HI again, WtsUP favest FAVS?
@Twilightnan,@Iluvthemovies@Mrs.Deen,@Yaelfica,@JA;big hugs tUA:)))
what has been changed since monday,
well,well,well....so many comments to read...
fingerdrama going,
cellphoneporn checking,
@honey trolling
paps hunting,
Rob being on top.
same old
same old...
@JA good point gal
Don't they remember that Kris even flipped Rob off once upon a time
It's become her trade mark now...
What about Kstewbird™ for instance
Me with Love to U ALL
@JA aahahahahahahaa we all wi chu girl! XD
@papagaj heyyyy finally!! how was everything?? hope u had an AWESOME time..tell us about it if u will..:)
@papagaj...Hi!..it's just a quick welcome back greetings..how was ur break? tell us more tomorrow..have u read mail online?..interesting article about Rob and Kristen plus the picture of the house where they are supposed to be living together in a gated community in Bel Air. bye until tomorrow:)
@Jane, are you joking about getting a virus?? note that i only pick up on my own sarcasm...i'm usually slow with others :) but really, were you joking?
i want to see the article about bel air...where do i go?
and here is the latest guys..can u believe this?
@yaelfica, ridiculous. i hate smoking but tyler's smoking fit him.
found the article(s) on the bel air house. it sounds like the cullen house, hehe.
I can't believe I did not check mark to receive emails and I've been checking my email and it shows that I have received nothing and here you are talking about smoking in Remember Me, by the way (I know the hate will be coming my way) I think Rob looks sexy with a cigarette like in the classic movies from the past. They smoked more in my day and I don't smoke, gosh do you think it is the parent's responsibility to tell their kids not to smoke. (I did it again I'm judgemental, shoot me).
I hope no one hides in trees or planes with a photographer with a telephoto lenses try to get shots of the windows. Those pesky mosquitos are around and you never know when they are out there until they bite.
Here is my contribution to the addiction: http://www.metrowny.com/blogs/archives/614-Are_Robert_Pattinson__Kristen_Stewart_the_hottest_couple
and http://thinkingofrob.com/_in_Hollywood.html for two videos on Remember Me.
That is how tired I am that I am forgetting check marking to receive follow-up emails. See ya later. Mrs. Deen we miss you.
@iluvthemovies, ITA! it's the parents responsibility to teach the kids that smoking is bad..not hollywood's.
i think rob looks sexy with a cig also. i think he's possibly the only person on the planet that looks sexy with it though. i'm biased.
JA..Yes, I really did. I was on Perez Hilton(I know, he is trash) and was clicking on some of Rob's news and it shut me completely down. Cost $80 bucks to get me back up.
Google MailOnline for the story. It is now on EW also.
@JA, ITA, I really don't see anyone currently that can hold and put the cigarette to his mouth and make it so darn sexy. Those scintilating fingers holding the cigarette and the way he holds the cigarette in his mouth, I would need to take several cold showers.
so amazing
so amazing
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