Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Rob and Kristen arriving at LAX today - HQ and untagged

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ETA: More pictures

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Setje at Pattinsonlife


JA said...

i'm never going to get to bed tonight!

loony lovegood said...

What goes is it gonna do if you give the finger to the papz, Kristen?

neerja said...

She loves to dress like Rob

loony lovegood said...

jeez, i just had an epic fail in my spelling, oh well at least i can laugh at myself.

sharon said...

Get ready to flame but I'm kinda sick of kstew's finger. I get that it must suck to not be able to move without someone sticking a camera in your face BUT you have to accept a certain amount of shit from this kind of job.
Really sweetie? That's what you want your fans to think? I'm wondering if I have ever seen pics of Meryl Streep flipping someone off.. or Elizabeth Taylor, or Sandra Bullock (just random examples truly)
Flame away....

neerja said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
loony lovegood said...

@sharon IA, even when Rob had that spat with papz in Malibu, he never gave the finger.

JLC said...

The photos of Kristen flipping off the paparazzi.....I am still laughing!! Tell us how you really feel Kristen!!! Good for you. If I had to deal with that they would never have a photo without my middle finger.

call_it_golden said...

oh looky she's flipping them off again. how nice.

Jenn said...

OH NO!! Not the 'finger'!! I know it has to be BEYOND frustrating to deal with flash bulbs in your face, but that sort of thing just gives the vultures food! Far better to ignore the fools than lose your cool! This will be everywhere and she is beat up on enough as it is! AGGGHHH!! I loathe the person who took these pics!

JLC said...

OK, It probably was not the smartest move for her to make and not a great image for her fans. No doubt the press will make a fuss about it. but I do sympathize with how frustrating it must be and we all have our limits.

WickedBrownEyes said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JA said...

@sharon, i kinda agree with you. on one hand, it's her personality. but she's who she is and one can't expect her to NOT give the finger any more than we can expect streep, taylor or bullock TO give the finger. but unfortunately she's giving the papz what they're looking for - a reaction.

CCluvsau said...

Not one of us can image what it's like for her.

If giving PAPZ the finger makes her feel 10% better about having a camera in her face, I say good for her!

If her FANS dont like her giving the finger they aren't her fans because that's who she is. She IS NOT Bella Swan or some Holloywood starlet aiming to please everyone.

And the Meryl Streep, Sandra Bullock comparisons were stupid.
She's 20 they are in their late 100s. OF course they aren't flipping ppl off.

Unknown said...

In the old days, pulling 'the finger' would ruin a pap shot, because it makes it inappropriate for printed media etc. Unfortunately with the internet, there is no such limit, so .. ineffective. I feel for her though.

Jane said...

They flew back to Los Angeles? I thought she was on her way to film in Ottowa. Oh, well, our couple has surfaced.

call_it_golden said...


that's prob kristen's hat. she has her own too

WickedBrownEyes said...

@JLC ITA. Plus we don't know what they were shouting out at her.

disguise said...

did kristen wear rob's clothes again? the one she wore in LAX ?

Unknown said...

it's not his hat. rob's hat has something white in it. the one kristen has doesn't have white in it.

loony lovegood said...

@CCluvsau it's nice that you insult Sandra Bullock by saying she's in her hundreds.

I think you shouldn't talk smack about somebody thats actually won an Oscar for one of their movies.

WickedBrownEyes said...


yeah, i missed that beanie she had in her right hand. lol

melisahhhh said...

how classy kristen hahaha. I feel so bad for Rob, paps are horrible for following him. :(. he needs London without Kristen asap!

@CrisRK913 said...

REALLY?I'm her huge fan and i don't mind when she flip them the bird.NOBODY knows how it's those idiots shouting b.shit at her/him, it must be frustrating, and BTW this is Kristen, that's why K'sfans love her, she is UNIQUE. Sorry but her fans love her, and if she is rude she is rude with the vultures not with her fans!And BTW look at this pic
This is your ex PRESIDENT BUSH, he should think about his acts first. He is the man who leads a NATION.Kristen is a girl trying to live her life.
Agree 100% with CCluvsal. ;)

Mandy said...

If you give the finger, they cant post your picture in magazines in the US.

Mandy said...

And no bashing. This is a friendly site because you're all great on comments.
If you want to bash, please go to some other place

@CrisRK913 said...

Sorry my mistakes, English is not my first language! and my comment was for those who said who are sick of K flipping the bird! I think you should think before saying it.And there are tons of stars who love it 'flip the bird'.

Sorry RPlife's owner! Love your blog!If you think my comment is offensive feel free to delete! It is not my intention to offend your followers!

kaz said...

stars have been known to punch paps. Flipping the bird is a much less aggressive form of protest. If I were in Kris' shoes, I'd probably have to restrain myself from doing worse to these vultures. Just because a person decides to be an actor, doesn't mean they should have to be accepting of the paps. Celebrity does not always equal being stalked by nuisances with cameras. There are plenty of actors and celebrities who seem to get around in their every day lives without being subjected to this kind of thing. Unfortunately, Rob & Kris are flavour of the moment but they couldn't have anticipated this sort of thing when they went into it.

CCluvsau said...

@savanna what does her having an Oscar have to do with it? So does Merly Streep.

Point was...they're older and have been through more.

You can't compare what a 20yo does to what the over 40 crowd in Hollywood is doing.

@kristine, I'm with you 100% on that.

Unknown said...

omg i just read on twitter that us weekley has more robsten kissing pics. it will be relased soon. haha get ready for another robsten epic day ;D

Unknown said...

spelling error lol i mean us weekly or better known as us mag.

Unknown said...

..I'll give my two mid fingers too! Go girl! Paps tend to ask obscene Q. They deserve it!
Whoaa! Its a circus!_and it won't stop there. They will obviuosly follow them to the ends of hell. Its a feeding frenzy...

CCluvsau said...

It must be pure hell for Britney Spears.

loony lovegood said...

@CCluvsau so everytime Sandra Bullock was hounded by the papz after all of that stuff came out about Jesse James cheating on her, she never once gave the finger, and she was hounded by the papz worse the Kristen was in these pics. js.

But whatever, I'm gonna take the high road, I'm done arguing with you.

chet said...

good for that finger kstew, papz deserve it !!!

CCluvsau said...

@Savanna, who's arguing?

You said it yourself, when something happened...KS has been through this for the past 2 years now.

Just think it's very horrible to judge someone based on a picture you see taken 1 minute out of their lives..basically minding their own business trying to do what the rest of us can do easily any day.

But hey that's your opinion.

Anonymous said...

I get that it sucks to have your picture snapped constantly. Honestly though, she is only fueling their fire making them want to do it more. I can imagine what they were saying:Kristen over here,Kristen how long have you and Rob really been dating? Kristen are you pregnant? Kristen are you and Rob planning to marry now that your relationship is out? Kristen did Rob tell you to get off his D*** too? How big is Rob? Does he make you squeal like a pig? Ok well you all get the picture.

One last thing, why is it they share clothe's, planes, hotels, friends, but not the same van?

Unknown said...


...it depends on who's selling and who's not selling. How can you win public symphaty if you flip fingers?

Unknown said...

to divide the paps attention maybe hehe..

JA said...

@ravenlilly, ITA. we can't say...good job on flipping the papz off. then turn around and say...why won't the papz just leave her alone? and your line of questioning is very creative!

Bea said...

Yes - the papz are scum, but really? The hottest couple/stars will be hounded by them. That's just reality. When you're famous -you're FAMOUS! It goes with the territory - otherwise, live a life of a hermit and don't make anymore movies/millions. You can't have the cake and eat it too - like the saying goes. Don't get me wrong, because I'm a HUGH fan of RPattz. So does that mean that they're SO annoyed with us too when the fans go up to them for a pic? Lately, the fan photos showed their sour-puss faces meanwhile the fans are all smiles in the pictures. Hang in there - famous ones - it soon shall pass.

Meeph said...

I am so glad I am not famous. Id give the paps much worse than the finger. Id give them my fist. hehehe I love that little finger! It unnecessary to justify the finger, wouldn't you give the paps the finger if they hounded you like dogs? It's basically giving them the 'Fuck you.' Fuck them! I hate these stinkin' paps!!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
tina tri said...

keep voting for edward for the nxt 48 hours at EW sexy beast final crown at ;


Anonymous said...

@JA Thanks I can only imagine what they would say to get a rise out of her, but she needs to realize that she is falling into their trap. She should put on her IPOD crank it up close her eyes and Rob needs to get up there and lead her and keep her safe from a mental breakdown. Cause those a-holes try to break you down just to make money on that shot.

Also wanted to add, why the heck doesn't he get up there and pull her into his side and protect her from them a-holes. Screw what everyone thinks, she clearly can not handle that crap. There are also other ways around this kind of attention. Taking am flights when the airport is least busy. Taking private flights.Getting out a different way such as being picked up on the runway where no one can get to. Why put yourself through that when they clearly have the status to do otherwise.

CCluvsau said...

FYI...Rob has flipped them off too.

*waits for the exact same things to be said they were said about Kristen*



http://robertpattinsonwho. com/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/rpatt062209-09-full.jpg

Anonymous said...

Sharon, I'm sorry but to complain about Kristen flipping the bird to some smarmy pap who was probably shouting at her, asking personal questions about Rob and taunting her with lewd comments to get a rise out of her while she's trapped in her car, is hypocritical and self-righteous. Because you know darn well that if it was ROB doing the flipping you'd all be fangirling over his fingerporn and panting over how hot he is when he's angry. So get off your highhorse. I'm so sick of the double-standard. Enough.

Iluvthemovies said...

Thanks Mandy for trying to take control it seems like RPL had a volitle situation.

Just my random soapbox here, but Meryl Streep and Sandra Bullock's stardom started in their mid to late twenties and they both never had the scrutiny that Robert and Kristen have, even with Jesse James cheating on Sandra, there was not as much media attention as these two receive on a daily basis. BTW, Meryl Streep is a fabulous actress, but she has never had any drama in her real life so why would paparazzi be following her? Elizabeth Taylor also never had this kind of media on her she is from different period which did not have as many paparazzi going after her and her husbands all the time.

Yes, I wish she had not used her middle finger, but then I put my feet into her slippery tennis shoes and can't even imagine what they both go through just to get out of an airport. The paparazzi are such jackasses on the idiocy that they throw at them trying to get a reaction. I wish everyone could just walk in their shoes for just an hour to see what they have to go through for such a young couple. I give them kudos for lasting as long as they have surrounded by all this nonsense.

They are also gracious that they gave photos to fans when they are trying to have an evening out. Yes the are famous, they go to events and premieres so fans can get an autograph or photo, but to constantly be interrupted when you are trying to be on a date. Think about it would you want someone constantly interrupting your date? Thats right it wouldn't happen because your not famous. Many famous people do not give autographs, Jack Nicholson does not give autographs or photos or interviews. I am off my soapbox now, but jeez just think about what you are saying when you talk about these two, they are still young and are trying to please fans but not giving in to the papz and I support them for that alone.

Iluvthemovies said...

Thanks Mandy for trying to take control it seems like RPL had a volitle situation.

Just my random soapbox here, but Meryl Streep and Sandra Bullock's stardom started in their mid to late twenties and they both never had the scrutiny that Robert and Kristen have, even with Jesse James cheating on Sandra, there was not as much media attention as these two receive on a daily basis. BTW, Meryl Streep is a fabulous actress, but she has never had any drama in her real life so why would paparazzi be following her? Elizabeth Taylor also never had this kind of media on her she is from different period which did not have as many paparazzi going after her and her husbands all the time.

Yes, I wish she had not used her middle finger, but then I put my feet into her slippery tennis shoes and can't even imagine what they both go through just to get out of an airport. The paparazzi are such jackasses on the idiocy that they throw at them trying to get a reaction. I wish everyone could just walk in their shoes for just an hour to see what they have to go through for such a young couple. I give them kudos for lasting as long as they have surrounded by all this nonsense.

They are also gracious that they gave photos to fans when they are trying to have an evening out. Yes the are famous, they go to events and premieres so fans can get an autograph or photo, but to constantly be interrupted when you are trying to be on a date. Think about it would you want someone constantly interrupting your date? Thats right it wouldn't happen because your not famous. Many famous people do not give autographs, Jack Nicholson does not give autographs or photos or interviews. I am off my soapbox now, but jeez just think about what you are saying when you talk about these two, they are still young and are trying to please fans but not giving in to the papz and I support them for that alone.

Anonymous said...

So those of you critcizing Kristen, what do you have to say about this pic of Rob?

Mandy said...

Everyone is allowed to have their own opinions, but I wont tolerate bashing here.

That's enough. Like I said, this is a friendly site, I dont want to delete comments, unless they're from a troll like Honey, but I will if its necessary

Anonymous said...

Kristen kissed Robert and a pap caught them.

They now returned to their mutual home in L.A. aka pap central.

The pap attention is going to get worse. That much is obvious.

Anonymous said...

So now kristen's on the verge of having a mental breakdown?! Really?! That's an awfully presumptuous statement to make for someone we don't even know. And Robert pattinson is not her effin bodyguard, they want that pap shot of him just as they do kristen. None of us know what Kristen or rob can handle. When Kristen shaves her head and starts going after the paps w/ umbrellas then I think is the time to worry. This airport incident was Kristen being Kristen, I don't think it damaged her beyond repair.

caninecologne said...

@ni gusti nyoman, that black/white plaid shirt LOOKS like one that Rob has (as seen in the G4 Twilight interview in '08 as well as the shirt he wore in dec '08 on his way to london with his new short haircut, google it) but it is not the same. her shirt has buttons, his has a zipper.

man, i'm really obsessed if i know this! ha ha.

Anonymous said...

Kristen flipped the bird. So what? Rob does it and so do a lot of other male and female celebrities. Is it only okay for men? Grow up hags, you only make yourself look bitter and petty.

Tonight, somewhere in L.A. Rob and Kristen are relaxing and eating dinner together. They will go to sleep in the same bed and not give a f*ck about what some 'nerdy bloggers' said about them.

I hope Kristen never stops giving the finger. That's one less valuable shot for these vultures. Obviously Rob likes her fingers. See previous post when they were all up in his hair.

Message from Rob: Get off my d!ck

Did that offend your delicate sensibilities? I'm sure as hell it would have it Kristen had of worn the short.

Skidaddle on back to nonsense. Rob doesn't want you as fans. His career is going to be huge. He can get a better class of fans that want him to be happy in his personal and professional life.

Meeph said...

WHAT. IS. THE. BIG. DEAL? She has flipped off the paps a numerous of times!! And then all of a sudden you see her do it for the thousandth time and everyone jumps on her like hyenas! What is going on? Jeez! get a grip peoples, this isn't the first time and it won't be the last. Move on. Sheesh!

Unknown said...

To all the "Rob" fans complaining about Kristen - is that all you can do, complain about her? Wah, wah, wah. So what IF Kristen flipped off the paparazzi? Are you blind, do you see how the paparazzi are treating her? They treat her like animals. They HOUND every little move she makes just to get snapshots of her. The paparazzi have DEFINITELY crossed their boundaries towards respect. Why don't you be in Kristen's shoes for a day and let's see YOU ALL handle the paps. Please, grow up, and THINK about it before you open your mouths full of nonsense.

Thank you to REAL Rob fans who have treated Kristen with respect and do not bash her! I don't think Rob would appreciate his "fans" bashing his girl.

Iluvthemovies said...

@JA, you may be asleep but when you awake, I was looking at one of the photos and the cellphone pants. I am not saying anymore, still trying to keep the pledge, can you tell which photo I am focusing on. Just to try and keep this on a lighter note.

Amy said...

Some of you need to think what the paps were probaly saying to them...especially now that theres been a kissing pic! Its so funny how some people talk crap for her flipping them off but when Rob was being harrassed people were saying how he should have flipped them off!!! makes sense!!! theres probaly a video so like I said THINK about whats being said to her!! Especially in LA...there nothing but A**holes!!

I love both of them!! I hope all this attention doesnt end up breaking them up...they're never going to be able to go anywhere together!

Unknown said...

And P.S., what I've said goes the same thing about Rob himself. He gets hounded by the paps as well and treats him like an animal JUST for snapshots. And yes, he HAS flipped the paps before. Stop making Kristen look BAD. Both Rob and Kristen are NOT bad for doing that. It's the paparazzi who's bad. Actually, it's so SICKENING of them.

RobPattinsonBerlin said...

Great Job Kristen!
I love you! Please don´t change!

you can flipping the bird all the time...here my list:
hypocritical fans

Thank you for make our Rob a happy man! <3

Adini Zeeh said...

why does it matter if kristen flipped the bird? rob's done it before and no one criticizes him. i seem to remember when many women were fangirling over rob's fingers when he did it. it just seems so unfair that every single one of kristen's moves gets scrutinized. she gets hounded by people for the things she says and yet every time rob says something that people should find offensive, they find it endearing and cute. these double standards are so sickening. kristen's young and she's never had this kind of tension in front of her until twilight.

i've heard the things the paps have said to her and honestly, i'm not surprised that she gave them the finger. there's just so much a person can take and really, the past week must have been kind of overwhelming to both of them to have their personal lives on a spotlight like that.

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

She's a grown woman and entitled to flip off anyone who gets in her fucking way. This is AMERICA, right? LOL.

(I'd totes be arrested for violence if anyone flashed cameras in my face---especially after traveling all day.) I say "Go Kristen!" It's way healthier for her to vent than not...

And now I feel like I should apologize to Rob & Kristen for even viewing these pap'd pix. Can't even imagine what it must feel like, being so hunted---frankly, it looks awful.

Anonymous said...

Id like to apologize in advance for all of those who sincerely find it rude that Kristen flipped the papz. I respect your opinion, but i feel otherwise.

Now for the hyenas... drop this double standard of yours because it is getting very ridiculous at this point. Get your head out of Roberto Land, and bring it back to planet Earth. The only reason you crazies are giving Kristen shit is because she is the only one that gets to straddle his sparkly peen, while you stare at him through pictures over the internet. If Rob were to do what she did, you would be praising Lord Jesus Christ while starting a Conga line in honor of getting finger porn. So please vultures, drop the double standard and get used to KStew because it seems Robs not leaving her side anytime soon.

FYI... I remember once upon a time when Rob flipped off a FAN. Where were the insults then?

Unknown said...

Boy, this is a judgmental group! Those of you complaining about Kristen giving the paps the finger...are you kidding me? This is such a non issue and only a hater would whine about it. You obviously do not have any idea what it's like to constantly have people in your face with a camera. I've worked for a celebrity and I can assure you it's not fun to have paps constantly invading your space all the time. It gets old real fast. I think Rob and Kristen handle the barrage of media better than most celebrities. You guys can sit in your rooms and type your negative comments without worrying about your safety or your privacy being invaded. So until you've walked in Kristen's shoes...shut up! I suggest you stop criticizing Kristen and be more supportive. She and Rob need fans who are positive and want the best for them...not negative people who have an unrealistic opinion about something they KNOW NOTHING ABOUT!

Iluvthemovies said...

@krystalmejia24, you go girl. I luv your description of Kristen straddling his sparkly peen. ITA with what you said. I may not like women and men (no double standard here) giving the middle finger all the time but no one knows why someone may do that until they are put in their position. Have a lovely evening.

Unknown said...

@RobPattinsonBerlin agreed!!
i can see bunch of kstew haters here moaning their concerns for her middle finger.. and when rob does... these people will always congratulate him... funny much? imagine urself in her position.. she work hard, she been shoved by cameras in her face all the time oh and yeah.. she got haters.. i even heard some sent death threats to her becuz she dates rob...

Anonymous said...

To flip or not to flip the bird. I don't blame her at all. It might not be 'classy' but you have all seen the pap videos etc. Imagine this in action. I have seen it. I live in LA. It's truly annoying not to mention frightening. Look at how many shots they got here. Other stars have lost it - Sean Penn! I think flipping them off is the LEAST she can do. She has spoken out about how much she hates the paps attention and I think this was the #1 reason she didn't want to be with Rob in the first place. Until Rob got there, there were very few pap or fan photos. This is the price she is willing to pay. So please flip away!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for providing the photo with Rob flipping the bird. I forgot about that! But he's still smiling and adorable! Only Rob can pull off the middle finger with a genuine smile!

behnaz said...


Unknown said...

Who wants a fucking peace treaty?? Its always Rob's fans vs Kristen's fans. OMFG! There's more ugliness in this world than that flipping of a finger. Can we just stop bickering for a moment and just focus on what's really going on? LOVE rules! Just put up your feet, sip your fave wine and enjoy the moment...(^.^) That's Jella asking you to sheet your claws... PEACE!

Iluvthemovies said...

@Favs, I am going to bed, you missed all the drama, which is just as well. JA was around at first and then she was off to bed. I hope Mandy and Linda have pictures maybe from some of the movies both are and were filming or maybe we could discuss which designers should design Bella's wedding gown and Edward's tuxedo. Whom would we like to see them perform in a movie with or anything like that. Any nonsense with no more pictures for a while of Rob and Kristen together, just until things settle down IMHO. BTW, it is 11:51 PM PST and EW has Edward at 52% winning at this time over Ian's 48%. I hope you are all having lovely dreams.

Hugs to my favs.

neerja said...

hi all
just got time to look all the pics carefully on the big screen of my laptop.. till now i saw pics on my handset.. well came to know all the big big story coz of this little finger.. poor girl she mst be toooo frustrated to do so. No one wants to be bad to others until they harming thr privacy tooooo mch.. rather why this papz doing all these stuffs coz we here at our home enjoying to peep into thr privacy given by papz... so thy earning this way.. and we are promoting these papz to do so ..

any ways noticed that she holding rob's cap in her fingers... i think they share there wardrobe :)

very sweet couple indeed..

Love to them...

Anonymous said...

Will you yapping do gooders please give it a rest..you go on and on about Kristen giving the finger but really tell me what has it got to do with you..I'll tell you absolutely NOTHING..If Rob has a problem with it.. it im sure he'll tell her..if Rob has a problem with it then he doesnt have to be in her company..thats right people..he chooses to be in HER company..she doesnt "make" him do anything..if she did ..well that would make him a pussy..do you think Robs a pussy..NO?..I didnt think so and I highly doubt Kristen does...crude yes..but I'm trying to make a point..have you gotten it yet..no?..well one more time..Rob is where and who he wants to be with..let him decide if Kristen fliping the paps off botheres him..apparently it doesnt because we see where he's at..by his choice..ok..now kindly stfu about the finger flip..it pointless to harp on it because it doesnt matter if your tired of it..its not your finger..or your GF/BF's finger!

Jane said...

Only one thing sticks in my head and it was something asked to Rob. "Rob would you want to go back to your old life?" "No, I wouldn't because it was too boring."
What would we talk about if we all shut up? What could we possibly talk about that wouldn't drive us all crazy if there were no pap or fan pictures?

Anonymous said...

I see quite a few whiners ... about KS flipping the finger, god, what the hell is wrong with these ppl ... obviously they have a issue with KS being with RP.
Seriously, ladies, do yourself a favor, stop doing this, it's just so embarrassing and showed us how desperate you are.

Unknown said...


You come on here to insult RPLife and commenters by calling them nerdy bloggers? How dare you.

You have no idea who the hell you're talking to plus calling us hags is very insulting. If you hate Rob's fans then why the hell are you commenting on a Rob blog and attacking RPLife? You have no right to come here and tell some fans who are obviously both R/K supporters or nice fans that Rob doesn't want them as fans.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I can't believe some of Rob fans, after the kissing images came out, said they wouldn't be his fans.
I don't think he really wants fans either way who invade in his personal life. But I don't think he'd be too impressed with fans who hate on his girlfriend, or friend whatever you all think she is to him.

It's the equivalent of saying "I hate Clare Pattinson"...That's his mother, he cares about his family. Or to say you hate his sister Lizzy or Victoria, and to insult either of them. Or to say you hate his best friend or Sam Bradley, and to insult them too. And then the worst, to say what you plan to do with Kristen (or whoever out of Rob's friends and family) in the form of sickening violence.

I don't think he'd really appreciate those fans at all. I don't think he'd want them as his fans so much.

So if you're going to stop being fans of his because he dates Kristen, goodbye then.

I also find it strange too, why his fans, well the ones who don't support Rob and Kristen as a pair...Why they wish for a break up? Break ups are horrible aren't they? Heartbreaking if you lose someone that way, someone who you probably thought you could marry someday and grow old with. As daft as that sounds, isn't that one of his aims? He talks about love and about his parents being in love from a young age and still being together. I'm guessing he's that kind of guy.
Whoever he is with, why wish for him to be heartbroken?
Are you sure that's what can make you a fan, hoping he ends up hurt in life?

I'm a fan, and I don't wish any harm or misery in his or Kristen's life. Shouldn't every fan be like that?

Anonymous said...


If a video came out similar to that with Kristen, instead of the "I hate paparazzi", and "poor Kristen"...Rob fans the ones who have a problem with her flipping the bird, would say "get used to it, it's your life Kristen".
There's so much double standards when it comes to these two. If she slips the bird, downright she should get used to it. If Rob does it, comments respecting his anger, and saying how hot he looks will come out. Or smoking, if Kristen smokes, it's unladylike. If Rob smokes, he's hot...

Can you please stop with the obvious double standard? If Rob flips the bird, he's either as the ones who say Kristen should get used to it, he should get used to it. Then the ones who respect why she does that, can be the same with Rob. But I bet half, if Rob came out now swearing, the ones who have commented saying she needs to get used to it, will say it's hot that Rob's doing that, or he's respectable.

The obvious double standards I find are sickening.

Where's the benefit in complaining though? Rob's in her company as we speak, I'm sure. I'm sure he has no problem with Kristen sticking her finger up. If he does, for sure, he knows where the door is. But I'm sure he wouldn't kick up a fuss over something so immature.
Neither like paparazzi. Neither smile and bounce around paparazzi.
Why should Rob be okay to dislike the paparazzi, and Kristen can't be okay to dislike them?

+ Honey, aren't you one who goes on pattinsonintoxication and hates on Rob, and ships Kristen with Tom, Garret, Taylor...
On the elevator? Erm well Kristen's got a bag, Rob's got a bag. They are heavy bags. I'm sure there's not enough space to stand by each other. They were standing by each other in the airport, walking. So where's your comment on that piece of info? O_o

Azlina Ilzdaf said...

OMG! I just love Kristen! She is just being herself no matter how much attention she is getting. Same like rob. Love them both.

Anonymous said...

Hi i have read that somewhere and i think a lot of you will now understand why Kris gives the paps the finger:

It's because U.S. periodicals can't print photos that show the middle finger. She's not trying to be badass. She's making her face unprintable by tabs.

As a proud fan of Kristen, i'm going to ignore the bullshit said about her and concentrate on being a positive fan to her AND Rob :)

Anonymous said...
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LK said...

Well,i'm sure that if all of you who are judging Kristen were in her shoes and listening to grown up guys and women(paps)yelling:"are you fucking Rob Pattinson","are you drug addict","were you cheating on your bf","are you shagging Taylor","are you lesbian""are you drunk" and getting photos of some private moments,like kissing your bf and the yelling "will you kiss him again",i'm sure you'd deal them with class!*enters sarcasm*

Rob's t-shirt"get off my dick"i guess was full of class,too!

LK said...
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Nicole said...

I just want to know how kristen gets in those pants. those things are tight!

Hope they are enjoying their time together. and about her flipping off the photogs, i say you go girl!

Unknown said...

I wonder why they're in LA? To be honest I wish they had gone to London instead. The paps in LA are very stalkerish and now they'll probably be worse after those kissing pics. Poor Rob and Kristen. I hope they get some peace but I'm not getting my hopes up if they're in LA.

Anonymous said...

If you HATE paps, you MOST read this, it's amazing


Kai El said...

Flipping the bird or not, you're still our Gal, Kris.
Keep doing your best jobs, movies and Rob. :)

maritime canuk said...

I realize its a royal pain to have cameras in your face all the time however when they stop trying to get her pic she'll have a whole other problem. So Kristen "just smile and wave they'll never know what you are really thinking"
The papz in Canada were much less pushy Kristen was actually smiling at them in Montreal Airport.

JA said...

@iluvthemovies, are you saying there's ANOTHER one?? hehe! going to look, will report back later on my findings.

the bird - everyone has their own opinion, we all have to agree to disagree. personally, i don't know how celebs keep as cool as they do. i wouldn't be able to do it. i'd probably be in jail by now. rob's composure in malibu was incredible. i admire him so much for that...because i wouldn't have had that composure.

JA said...
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JA said...

@iluvthemovies, #10 from the top (not including 1st pic)?

back to the bird...most people don't have a problem with her flipping the bird. the problem is that she's giving them a reaction. what they really want is for her to start swinging...but they'll take a bird if they can get it. and they'll try to get a bigger reaction next time. who cares that it's not publishable in magazines. it's publishable online.

Anonymous said...

Oh good Honey's back. Seriously she gets kicked off every Board having to do with rob. Fuck off and die pathetic bitch. Kristen does not want you, nor do I think Kristen fans want you.
Anyway back to the pics, we're just seeing the stills none of us know what they were actually saying to her. Why is her flipping the bird such an issue? She's done it before and she'll do it again. No one here is her mother. As has been said before there are other celebs who actually give them the soundbite that the savages and stalkers crave for.
K&R by comparision are saints.

Mandy said...

Don't reply to Honey. She's a troll, I'll just keep deleting her comments

Jane said...

Hey, let's start this day out with Rob's got on the green pants and you know what we are looking for there. I bet they are happy to have a whole week to themselves without having to shoot a movie. I guess they will stay at Kristen's house since their love nest is up for sale. Wonder if we will get to see Bel Ami before WFE? I think we have all worn out the airplane saga, so let's talk about something else. I would like not to get heartburn today.

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

As has been said, we don't know what crap they were shouting at her.... "at finger time."

What I like is, she's still wearing that simple gold band on her left middle finger. :-))))


Mrs.Deen said...

Wow, wow...gone for 12+ hours and all hell broke loose.

lluvthemovies, I am with you..nothing else to say. As long as Rob is happy and they are happy together nothing else matters. We never know what our reactons will be when things come at you, so I will never be judgemental.

Can we just be fans, great fans, support them and enjoy their movies and be there for them.

Thank yoy Mandy..you are as always the best.

Love to my favs...

twmmy said...

And if I weren't of Rob's fan, or even for anybody's fan. To show your middle finger is an unpolite move in every case. And even I'd showed it to anybody it would be an unpolite thing too. So if you would be defined as an intelligent, well trained person....then do not show your middle finger up! Never.

Iluvthemovies said...

@JA, you won't believe this but it is true, I don't remember which picture it was. There was so much drama, last night, I think I just focused on pictures of Rob and his cellphone pants. Pretty pathetic. However, I had to laugh at someone yesterday who gave a very funny visual of Kristen stradling Rob. You'll have to go through the comments, you'll know which one. I will be out most of the day. So to my Favs have a good one and @yaelfica, I am glad you missed the drama, I only want happy thoughts from you about Rob.
@Mrs. Deen as always a class act all the way. @twilightnan have a happy time with your grandchildren.

Hugs to all.

FJ_SA said...

Please help Rob winning this one



Anonymous said...

Good for her!!!
You know why she did it?
20seconds before of that picture there was a pap yelling to Rob AND Kristen to get a different job ('cause BOTH of them looked REALLY annoyed by the crazyness soround them in that moment) So, if I were her I would do the same!
Why they have to get a different job 'cause they don't like papz? BEING AN ACTOR shouldn't have to mean being A CELEBRITY. And both of them JUST WANNA LIVE THEIR LIVES, and do what they love to do. PERIOD.


FJ_SA said...

I really dont see a problm with her giving the middlefinger.... these papz are in the face.I cant help but to think of the death of Diana. Seeing how they had to quickly get into that van and speed off...so unnecessary. just for a pic. Why should they take 100pics and in all the same message came across. They dont smile, they together, they wont smile, they together..they did not smile and will never if the papz are so rude. Come-one give these kidz a rest. there are lots of other celebrities that wants the papz to take pics of them. Go look for them!

Feather said...

Everyone complaining about Kristen giving the finger to the paps...did you know a pap was on the plane with them? The pap bought a ticket in Montreal for the sole purpose of stalking them on the plane. I'm impressed that Rob and Kristen do nothing more than give the hell hounds the finger. If it was me, I'd probably be in jail right now. Those of you who think Kristen's birdy wasn't "classy" or in "good taste"...are you two years old or just morons?

Anonymous said...

You come on here to insult RPLife and commenters by calling them nerdy bloggers? How dare you.

@Kat I am a Rob fan, probably way before you. He used the nerdy blogger line in EW Eclipse issue and I was quoting him. You know the issue where he stood up for his girlfriend. Get a clue.

There are still videos everywhere talking about Rob's breakdown and him lashing out at the paparazzi, and he wasn't. I defended him then and I will do the same for Kristen. Rob is a big guy. He feels safe trying to reason with the camera stalkers. Kristen is a tiny girl. She gives her finger from a far. Leave her alone.

As I said, some of the bitters make all Rob fans look like crazy stalker females with no lives. You do him no favors. If he read this blog he would be on his girlfriend's side like he always is. At the end of the day, Rob is Kristen's biggest fan.

Anonymous said...

Kristen giving Rob the finger. He doesn't look offended to me. I guess he's not a stick in the mud like some of you.


JA said...

are there 2 nicoles? i think so. nerdy blogger = perez hilton and the likes. that's what he was referring to. blogger - one that writes a blog.

JA said...

kristen giving rob the finger is always cute :)

OCD56 said...

I think it is so f**king funny when Kristen gives the papz the finger! Don't we remember the discussion about her being violated by the papz. I would give up seeing them in the pictures just to know that Rob and Kristen were not hounded by the f**king papz.

OCD56 said...

I'm sorry about using these curse words. But as my favorite comedian Craig Ferguson would say sometimes it is necessary to use these words to get your point across.

tina tri said...

I saw the video on the arrival at LAX. KS said to the paps : get a job you assholes! with Rob besides her. And she gave them the finger in the car. I absolutely agree with her. They are hounded like animals.

twilightnan said...

Hi! to all my favs!..wow I'm glad I was no where near a computer when this thing about Kristen exploded..giving the paparazzis the middle finger rude sign!!..well in my opinion ..this was 'bloody' fantastic!..under those hounding paps,she was probably tempted to do other things and that rude sign is better than taking actions that might have ended her in trouble w/ the law..good on you Kristen..I admire your self control..enjoy your well deserved break with Rob..I'm really happy you two are together in real life..best news ever in 2010 IMHO:)))

ganne said...

Hi everyone I have been following this site for a few months, and have to say that I really enjoy your comments. I look forward to reading them everyday. I'am in total agreement about the paps, although I do love seeing the photos, which makes me feel a little guilty. I voted on ew site 4 times on different computers, and have been asking everyone to vote for Rob. I would hate to see him lose because of people who for some strange reason hate him.

Iluvthemovies said...

@GeorgeAnne, Welcome, please comment more oftn, the more the merrier. ITA with the guilt part of viewing those photos. We all have different opinions on it but for the most part I do believe most of respect others opinions just as long as we admire Rob. We look forward to hearing from you more. Take care,