Sunday, August 15, 2010

New Rob and Kristen Picture with fans in Montreal tonight

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Fan Encounter

"It happened august 15 around 8:30pm. Location: Mtl, that's all I'm going to say. They were leaving in a cab with 2 friends, Tom (already in cab) and Sam.

We were so lucky to see them. Still cannot believe it. I asked Kristen if we could take a pic with her and the kids, she said yes, so I asked her if it was ok with Rob too and she didn't mind. Rob was busy taking pic with 2 other fans. So for the minute we waited I told her we loved her, we loved her work and Rob's and told her I was so happy (???) I could have said so many things but I was really shaking inside and my heart was beating so fast. She's so beautiful, delicate (tiny) and nice. Before Rob joigned us, my husband told her it was a dream come true for me and the girls (I guess for him too). And he made sure again it was ok for taking the pic.

Rob joined us, and my husband took the pic. I told Rob I loved his work. And they left. As much as I wanted to be in the middle, I was so happy to see her next to him. To me it was important.

I wanted to say so many things to them but it happens all so fast...and my mind went *blank*.

I'm really happy. I will never forget that day and I think our daughters won't too."

lilih73 via kstewartnews | Fan Encounter: Via | Via


Nicole said...

Awww those kids are so happy! I really don't mind this pic bc if the kids. Maybe it is robs hand placement. I think they are ok with showing their relationship now. Love it!

-C2B. said...

omfg! finally! I've been waiting for tthis since forever! i knoe its not a kissing pic, but jeez i'm so totally blissed out bcuz they are finally together, out in public! ahhhhh!

Unknown said...

That's not his hand on her waist. That's Kristen's hand on her own waist. Look at her elbow sticking out, she just has her hand on her hip. Please stop creating rumors where there are none.

Iluvthemovies said...

Now this is a sweet fan photo and those lucky kids got both Rob and Kristen. Can you just imagine what those kids will tell their children about that photo when they grow up. So very sweet. Rob and Kris seem to be really into the children. I luv it.

Cynnan said...

Yap that's Kristen's hand not Rob. Ladies, have you seen that article about Rob in Glamour mag? Really ticked me off. It's by hollywood insider. You probably have read it?

Iluvthemovies said...

@Cynnan, is that the article from Hollywood Life. I saw that last week about Taylor Launter being hotter than Rob in Hollywood? If that is one you are talking about, yes I have read it. Hollywood is filled with men w/abs and so what will differentiate him from any other person in the film industry. I like Taylor but Rob, will have his own niche and be able to transcend any period of time as well as do accents and dialects and that will set him apart as well.

aSoCalGal said...

How can anyone get that they are into kids from this pic? They look miserable. They aren't smiling in these fan pics vs the smiling pics while they're on set in my opinion because they don't like being stalked for photos...that's my thoughts anyway. Whether or not it's his hand or her hand on her waist I don't think it's too much to deduce that they're dating. There is no other reason for him to be in Montreal while not filming or her going to Budapest to see him when she wasn't filming, because they're a couple. You don't see Taylor visiting her Montreal, lol. I think it's adorable!

Dazzle said...

Rob is there only because Tom is there. Kristen always looks like she can hardly stand to be around Rob. And she dresses like a boy....not feminine in the least. I wonder about her "orientation".

Susie (xlavendermoonx on FF) (999susie on YT) said...

I think they just look tired, not necessarily 'miserable.' idk...
I kinda hope they get some privacy, even when they are out in public.
Poor Kristen, can't even dress comfy w/o someone saying she dresses like a boy. I don't think that's true, the girl looks beautiful at the premieres, etc...

Cyndi said...
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Anonymous said...

Awwh! another pix! and everybody said he was to upset to take pictures with fans hahaha! Rob is the BEST!!! :D

Unknown said...

As annoying as it might be for them, I think it's very gracious of Rob/Kris to take pics with fans. I'm sure they realize that fans are what has placed them at the top of a very tough business. I'm glad to see pics come out that are not pap pics but ecstatic fans. Aw, I love the light scruff on him but will miss that jaw when grizzly Rob makes a come back. Guess he's not shaving until November lol.

♪♫ Yaelfica ♪♫ said...

@mello ITA!! :)

Ang said...

The photo with fans is fantastic. Rob and Kristen hanging out and spending as much time together as possible is soooo sweet. I'm thrilled and happy to see them together trying to have some fun in Montreal. Happy Robsten day everday! : )

neerja said...

nice pic.. ofcourse they both not looking tht happy.. thy mst smile while clicking pics.. for fans these are lifetime pics..:) well Montreal people enjoying ROB and K...

@mello btw why he not goign to shave until November :)

behnaz said...

nice to gether

Unknown said...

@neerja, well he normally lets it all grow out between films, and BD shoots around Nov right?

Nicole said...


Wow. I was going to leave it with just wow, but....
Sorry, ppl make mistakes, you are right it wasn't his hand (i was looking on my phone the first time). But really, create rumors? you need to craw out from under your rock and face the fact that they are together, or at least learn some manors.

twmmy said...

I'm just coriuos. He desevres R+R as you all said. But he has no films in development (watched imdb) beside UC - what seems failed, Kris has two andone in prep, Taylor has two, Tom has one prep, one post prod no development. Just what does it mean ?

Iluvthemovies said...

Hi twmmy, It may mean nothing at all. Rob may take more R & R after filming BD because he has been working back to back movies for two years. He could be losing parts for various reasons, age, popularity (crowd control), salary, or he just does not fit the part. However, he may have not found a decent script, he is very particular. Whatever reasons I hope he is happy while he is resting and/or pursing another film. I would luv to know what happened at Dreamworks, from a photo it looked like he could be possibly doing an animated feature, that would be grand. Have a lovely evening. Hi to my Favs and Hugs to all.

OCD56 said...

I hope that it means he's getting some rest and working on his music! I think he is scheduled to start working on Unbound Captives after making Breaking Dawn.

twmmy said...

Thanks the rapid answer @Iluvthemoves. Yes, it's in my wondering about the dreamworks too. And i made another round on imdb, Johnny Depp has much developments, Reese too. I don't think it's not about salary, maybe he had no find a good script, maybe hadn't offered him, maybe he must go on auditions again? i don't want to lose him, want to see him in so much films. Well, i'm called by RL, go to work. Hugs for everybody!

twmmy said...

Wow, i just backread, and i've made mistakes, spec in your name Iluvthemovies. excuse moi, the other mistakes - i don't mind them you can understand my poor english.

Santina said...

They both looking a little bit overworked... I´m happy for the fans who had the chance to meet them... I also want to be in Montreal :(

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

Kristen always looks sad in pics with Rob. She didn't look sad in the pic taken with TomStu and Garrett. Why is she with Rob if he makes her unhappy?

Cynnan said...

@Honey, I really think she just want some time with Rob. Just the two of them. It must be very frustrating for both of them!

Cynnan said...

@Honey, I really think she just want some time with Rob. Just the two of them. It must be very frustrating for both of them!

Unknown said...

I don't think those aren't Rob's pants. Someone on Robstenation Blog pointed out that Kristen was wearing them when she was with MA.

LK said...

Wow!i see so many lunatics here today.Why is that?
1)That's not Rob's hand on Kristen's waist,that's her own hand.
2)That's not Rob's pants,hers has a patch,his no.

3)I see that Honey comes and posts shit at many blogs.She's a troll who ships Kristen with Garrett or Tom,it depends from the day and she bashes Rob all the time with many bad words.Ignore her,she just wants attention.
4)Dazzle used to post at Robsessed her hatred on Kristen and her comments over her sexuall orientation all the time,but she stopped going there since the girls accepted that Rob and Kristen are together.I'm guessing now she probably posts at,all the psychopaths post there.I'm guessing Dazzle wears heels and make up all day,she dresses like a model and every girl who doesn't do that is gay.The majority of girls Kristen's age dress like that,hell i'm dressing like her and i could be her mother.And i assure you that i'm not into girls,AT ALL.Are you?Maybe you like Kristen and you WISH she was gay!lol

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I think this is sooo funny...I am glad they are finally able to spend some time together but they seem so annoyed and the evil red eyes of the picture just screams "Leave us alone!" hahahaha

Unknown said...

I know....good thing it wasn't a papp on the other side of the camera...They might have exploded with the red dagger

twilightnan said...

@ LK..Totally agree with all your comments!!..I was going to comment as soon as I saw her name-Honey-..but you beat me to it..thank you!..I just love that he is still there spending some times with the love of his life Kristen..why are people worried about Rob having a long break..and concerned that he has no new project lined up,did he not just finished two films back to back..when he was filming Taylor was not doing anything he has only started and to my understanding this is his own productions..I'm sure there will be more and agree w/ Iluvthemovies comment about Rob is very particular about scripts!

Anonymous said...

I agree with LK :)

Anonymous said...

I agree with LK :)

JA said...

SO happy to see them not hiding behind hoodies and hats

twilightnan said...

@ JA,..I agree with you..remember the times when the were running and trying to hide their faces?..well not anymore..and that@ BANANA...asking people to stop creating rumours where there are none=do you mean the rumours.. that Rob and Kristen are now a couple and in love?..well to you that maybe hard to swallow but to a lot of fans they no longer consider this a rumours but a get real!!

Jane said...

They are now the golden couple that will go down in history as one of the greatest love stories. Kristen loves to dress like Rob does. I think they look adorable and I couldn't be happier for them. They may not want their picture taken all of the time, but they never let their fans down.

Iluvthemovies said...

You are so fierce. I luv it. You said it, they are a couple, they don't have to admit to it and it is none of our business, but there is a saying that goes "the proof is in the pudding". I don't need to know details of their personal lives, but when there are photos, there is another saying that goes "actions speak louder than words". Maybe not in this photo but in others the way they look at each other and them being together at different locations speaks volumes. @JA, they don't need hoodies only in airports like LAX where the paparazzi seem to be there in force and get right in their faces. Horrendous. Hugs to my Favs.

JA said...

@twilightnan, yes, the hiding - never fully understood what they or their people were trying accomplish all this time. so funny to me that people still think that they are a not a couple. i knew they were a couple before rob was a blip on my radar. you could always just tell.

@jane, yes, i think that says A LOT, to never deny fans a pic, even when it's probably the last thing they want to be doing. but who knows, maybe they genuinely are so thankful and don't mind one bit. i'd like to believe the latter :)

Anonymous said...

Aww! So Cute But Why are They Upset ? I'm Sure They Are Tired Of Flashes Or Just Want To Be Left Alone And Yes It Looks Like Kristen Is Wearing Rob's Pants Since She Always Looks At His Wardroube !
Your Lucky That You Talked to Them I Always Wanted Too <3

Unknown said...

Summer vacations aren't a bad thing...even for R & K

Iluvthemovies said...

That was a sweet fan encounter. What I liked is that they asked them several times to be certain if it was ok to take the picture. Very polite. Rob and Kristen when not badgered I am willing to say they will not deny a photo or autograph to their fans, especially to the fans in this photo.

@xTeamBella, I read at another site that those pants do belong to her, that she wore them when she was dating Michael. I guess many fans are saying she is wearing Rob's pants and as someone pointed out that Rob is so tall, she would be swimming in them. At least we know she wears his shirts.

Unknown said...

thanks for the clarification.... and for stating it so nicely. I do appreciate it, very much. A miscalculation of facts in my part, because of too much Robstencitement.

joan said...

Please let them have their private moments. It doesn't matter if they are a ouple or just friends as long as they enjoy the time spend togather.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I can understand that they look bored,tired or annoyed with older people asking them for a pic, but hey theses are kids,and they are sensitive so no matter how tired they are they should at least smile for the kids.

I do wish people over 16 would just leave them the hell alone when they are out.

For the record yes I would leave them alone. I may smile and nod if we had eye contact, but that is it.

Like I have said before when they are on the red carpet or on set that's fine for pics and autographs as that is part of the job, but once they leave work it's there time and should be respected.

There seems to be quite a bit of hypocrisy here. Also I think it's a hell of a lot worse for the paps to be taking the pics than the fans, but it seems many of you are more against the fans. Why is that?

Why am I here too as I adore Mr Pattinson. I am very excited about his upcoming non twilight related work, as I think Little Ashes and the Haunted Airman, and Remember Me showed more of his talent. Yes I also like seeing pics of him too, but not when he looks unhappy or annoyed.

twilightnan said...

@Iluvthemovies,sorry I could not get back to u sooner I had to go and look after the two younger grandchildren,my daughter has to help the eldest one w/his school project,I'm back for a short time only,hope to chat w/u more was ur w/end?hope ur grandmama is alright,..anyway,glad u like the comments..I'm just expressing my feelings..poor Rob and Kristen cannot do it themselves so the fans who are the real fans has to stand up on their behalf!...I wish there are some ways these supposed to be fans who make slanderous insinuations about Rob and TomStu's sexuality..You know..insinuating that they are" gay"..these are wicked lies and they should crawl back where they came from!! I just so wished actions can be taken to give these sort of people a form of legal writ suing them for defammation of characters!! I see these types of comments on other sites "supposed to be dedicated for Rob Pattinson" the saying goes with fans like these who needs enemies!!if they hate Rob they should rename their site!!

Iluvthemovies said...

Hi @Ravenlilly, ITA with most of what you have stated. That could be because I grew up in Southern California, and you see stars most of the time at different venues around the valley. I realize in many places around the world fans don't have that esposure to them so of course they will ask for the autograph or photo. I have no problem with that, what I have a problem with are the two fans who wrote things about Rob that were very unflattering to him. As far as smiling for the kids, I am certain they don't care they are grateful just to be in the picture with both of them, now that is a rare.

@twilightnan, I am on my way out, I thought I would stop by before I depart. Those people who say things like that are the people who have deep insecurities about themselves so they need to project on other people what they believe they perceive. It is sheer idocy.
Have fun taking care of your grandchildren, hopefully I will be back in time before you are off to bed and see if anything else exciting has happened on the site about Rob. BTW, Yaelfica and I have spoken on the messenger. We have to get you, Mrs. Deen, and papagaj on board. I still don't get all of it but I am learning and at least we made contact. It is fun.

Unknown said...

is it just me or does she look pregnant?? hhmmm who knows maybe she can play pregnant in breaking dawn for real lol

Dayanara Pattinson said...

wow lucky fans.
I just can dream if I can met Rob..
I hope in my sweet seventeen tommorrow, I can met boy like Rob Patt

Calihi27 said...

Um wow, a lot of negativity here... not going to partake in that. Anyhoo, they are such a cute couple. Lucky fans. Hope they didn't get too bombarded and were able to have a lot of fun that night!