Sunday, August 22, 2010

Some Cute Gifs of Rob at the Teen Choice Awards 2010

Thanks to Mediocrechick at Pattinsonlife


behnaz said...

lovely man


Anonymous said...

Gaah! He's so adorable


twilightnan said...

God,.. he was gorgeous!.. in that blue shirt !:))Hi! to all favs and hugs to u all.:))

rdrumm5 said...

I feel kinda bad for Nikki. Look at her in the back, she looks like she doesn't belong or doesn't want to be there.

GT said...

What was up with Nikki Reeed? She didn't smile at all.

♪♫ Yaelfica ♪♫ said...

@behnaz i always forget to say HI to you. love that u r always here too :)

Iluvthemovies said...

@Mandy and Linda thanks for providing the gifs, they are absolutely entertaining.

ITA about Nikki, no one is offering their hand or arm to help her up the stairs. You don't even see Kristen with her anymore, I wonder if they are still friends. Poor Pitiful Nikki.

Is it wrong for me to say I want to see Robert in a movie w/Jimmy Fallon? I would luv Rob to do a comedy. I think Jimmy and him would have great comedy chemistry onscreen.

twilightnan said...

Hi favs! I have commented about Nikki when the TCA pics were first published,I said she looked so sad and not smiling,it is more evident now looking at this gifs,hopefully whatever feelings she had for Rob at the beginning is already buried and gone forever..this is just my is sad I mean look at the other cast members happy and elated,,especially Rob!!

Anonymous said...

I must really an amazing blog an impressive one.Gifs