Monday, August 16, 2010

Rob and Kristen together in Montreal - HQ and Untagged

HQ and Untagged: Setje at Pattinsonlife


♪♫ Yaelfica ♪♫ said...

O M G... ok...lets wait for the 200 comment mark here then...haha

JA said...

holy crap! ok, paps suck, but this is so great to see!

JA said...

@yaelfica, O M G is right!! this makes me want to scream like a 14-yr old!

vivicore said...

Wha, Robert kisses Kristen :)

Nicole said...

LOVE that they can be young and in LOVE!

Heard that they spent a small fortune to buy this pic. I bet the photographer can now send his kids to Harvard with out a problem.

I do feel guilty for looking but i can't stop :) Sorry!

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

What's showing around her upper arm, please? Does she have a semi-permanent tat for "On The Road" or something?

dc said...

Looks more like Kristen kisses Rob...Wahoo

Nicole said...

@aunt ameilia's attic...

i was thinking the same thing...what the heck is on her arm? but this was shot a very very very high ISO from a distance, so it could just be a bag she is holding or something like that. Without a clearer shot, we wont know. Unless someone knows if she does have a tattoo for the roll.

Anonymous said...

and I hope papz and huntingFAN stop hunting and stalking them...after these Pics spread all around the world

Unknown said...

OMG!!!! They are really going for it! Its about F*time!!:))

Unknown said...

oh mein gott!!!!!
this is so cool
i've been waiting for this like ... i don't know
yeah its so wow

♪♫ Yaelfica ♪♫ said...

@JA ITA!!!!!!!

neerja said...

Oye oye oye... Atlast thy got the pic tht they waited for.... Y this pic so hazzy any ways now speculations stopped.. ROB deeply in love with K and came here to meet her not TOM...

Carlie said...

I feel so guilty for looking at that picture...but I can't stop smiling and jumping around...God...Robsten IS true! IS IS IS IS true!!!!!

neerja said...

Oye oye oye... Atlast thy got the pic tht they waited for.... Y this pic so hazzy any ways now speculations stopped.. ROB deeply in love with K and came here to meet her not TOM...

♪♫ Yaelfica ♪♫ said...

TWITTER is over capacity!!!! LOL LOL LOL LOL

JA said...

@yaelfica, if this doesn't make him trend, i don't know what will.

neerja said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I love that they're in love and that its TRUE but I hate that papz invade their privacy so much...yay for RobSten though :)

Shiri said...

i am so hhappy truth is o u t they are so iittt.yoohooo

Nicole said...


a little photography 101 - I am a photographer myself.

As i mentioned above, your film speed or your ISO (i know they were shot in digital, but the same concept still works with digital cameras) can be adjusted based on your lighting environment. There hotel pics are little less hazzy bc there is more light then the kissing pics in the parking garage. The Papz had to use a higher film speed probably something in the 3000+ or so to get the shot from a distance. The higher the film speed the more grain or the word you used hazy, will be in the photo. They where obviously shot from a distance, so the flash wouldn't have done anything.

LK said...

Maybe they decided to do that,just to leave them alone.

JA said...

is that poor tomstu in the background?

Anonymous said...

I knew I knew I knew ROBSTEN is true... ROBSTEN romance is true!!!! So today the prayer has been answered no more doubts ever!! Good luck with u too... i love u both.. *kiss* *kiss*

Gisel said...

But Maybe, he is in Montreal visiting Tom ¬_¬.

jajajajajjajaaja, ROBSTEN !!! :D

they look sooo god together ;)

Caroline said...

Sooooo happy!!!!!
Oh my, they totally match...hahaha...

JA said...

@gisel, oh no, he's not even in montreal...he went to London ;)

Unknown said...

It looks like an outdoor pic so I was going to say that they must have known the possibility of getting snapped was high. But if as @nicole pointed out it must have been really dark (pic is grainy), they might have thought it was safe to sneak in a private moment and got caught. I feel very bad for them if that's the case.

Cyndi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nicole said...

@JA you are being sarcastic right?

SmittenWithRob said...

I just pissed myself. no joke

SmittenWithRob said...

I'm ecstatic for their love. I'm sad that it's been intruded upon :( But at the same time I can't looks away and I hate myself for it. But I can't help it: YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY for them!

astra_89 said...

Hey everyone! I am really happy know..I have know it before that's why it is not SO surprising maybe obvious even. Is this tatto on her hand????

JA said...

@Nicole, i think that's his stand-in, having an affair with kstew. just kidding! yes, ha, total sarcasm! hence the wink ;)

Nicole said...

@JA ok I was just making sure.

reshma said...

finally some people can sleep peacefully tonight....... the so called mystery comes to an end

PS: want scream like teen and say to my friends told u so :D

Unknown said...

yes, you're totally right about the picture. OMG! I'm sooo satisfied!:))))!!

Unknown said...

now, you're giving them(the haters) an idea. Just kidding:):)

JA said...

@mujhiko, i know, ha! they're prob. analyzing his jaw line and saying that it doesn't look like rob's.

Melania said...

oh god, are the most beautiful in the world. I'm so happy, I hope you have better picture quality, this is great!


Unknown said...

OME!!!!So happy for them!!!:D I think they are somewhat ready to let the world know about them, otherwise Rob wouldn't make the trip to Montreal & wouldn't risk the PDA. Since we are all happy & satisfied now, let's give them the privacy they deserve. I hope there will be no more papz photos...but I doubt the papz would happy for them!!

Iluvthemovies said...

@Carlie, ITA, I feel like a Voyuer, but I am excited to see actual PDA. I never thought I would see it with these two, but some Papz is getting rich as we speak and this will be circulated all around the globe. @yaelfica, Bebe Shikito seems very into the other bebe. Oh la la. @The Favs I guess this what they call paydirt. I will talk to you ladies later.

♪♫ Yaelfica ♪♫ said...

ROBSTEN worldwide tending topic in TWITTER!! yay!!!!!!

@iluvthemovies LOL yeah!! finally for u guys!! i'm just excited coz that means ROB will be all everybody is talking about!!

Mandy said...

They are really in Love <3

LK said...

I'm sure R/K will be thrilled with all this squeeeing over a very private and intimate moment.And of course will be terribly happy that a jerk with long lashes took their photo and became rich.

By the way,i haven't seen the pics and i won't.I had no doubt that they were together over a year now,so i don't want some kissing pics to confirm this to me.

Iluvthemovies said...

Really quick, I feel sorry for TomStu because he has to witness all this. He is probably saying to himself, I need a girl or hurry it up so we can go drinking or something along those lines. Poor Tom, he is the third man left out. If he wasn't already famous for being friends w/Rob now his presence will be known world wide because he is in the shot. Ha Ha

Hugs to all.

papagáj said...

I'm not looking,i'm not looking.....
I don't even...

sorry but

OMG this is BEYOND WORDS!!!!!
and the rest is history;D

XX TO FAVS are you all still sane?
I'm not...;)))


behnaz said...

nice nice nice

♪♫ Yaelfica ♪♫ said...

hahaha @papagaj i'm just waiting for the others FAVS reaction!! this will be ROBSTEN's reaction post hehe

@iluvthemovies and to think that every fan of twilight wanted TOMSTU for EDWARD can u believe that??? destiny is a jokester! XD

Sara said...

IDK~ Pictures can be taken the wrong way ALL the time, they can be minipulated as well, please dont believe everything you read or see unless it was in person! People are chomping at the bit in order to out thease two HUMAN beings, it is a shame, what if that was you? I get the hole 'They are famous and open to the world' but I disagree, yes they should get used to people (fans) wanting pics and auto's of them, but when it comes to this walking in a parking garage, eating dinner, being on a date with someone- they should be respected and left the hell alone. I also am not a fan of the combined names thing, they are Kristen and Robert, or Angie and Brad, come on people! I just take great offence to ALL MEDIA- (take everything with a grain of salt)- they feed the frenzy, and hurt people in the process- We live in a world were two actors Maybe kissing leads news, rather then the economy falling apart, people dying all over the world and where you live? That to me is just NOT good!! Just my two and half cents...

twilightnan said...

"AT LONG LAST.".KISSIN ROBSTEN"!!!IT'S BEEN A LONG TIME COMING!!..Yeah! feel like saying..up yours haters!!I'm very happy..@ JA,.like u the pics makes me want to scream like a 14 yrs old @Yaelfica,@Nicole,@Iluvthemovies,@Mrs.Deen,@papagaj..How about that..What a way to start the week!! JA and Gisel,lovin your sarcasm.. so funny carry on ladies !and to..@ Reshma totally agree with your comments..:)big hugs and kisses all around..everyone is happy:)

Elena said...

WOW!! with this notice and pictures... a BOOM!

twilightnan said...

@ papagaj,..OMG!!OMG!!OMG!!I'm in hysterics here..hahah!!just read your reaction to the pics..I can just imagine you slowly taking a look..and then wham!! it hit you and as you said's beyond words...long live ROB AND KRISTEN:)WE LOVE NOW WE CAN LEAVE YOU IN PEACE ENJOY YOUR HOLIDAY:)

Jane said...

I just got back from lunch and these pictures hit me. FINALLY!!!
And, I wouldn't doubt if they didn't know the paps were around. They don't care anymore, I am sure it is a relief to finally let the world know. What a sexy couple. Poor Tom didn't know what to do with himself. Now, we are going to have to find something else to talk about. I guess the next thing, wonder if Kristen is pregnant? That should give us months and months of comments. I am sitting her smiling like an idiot.

astra_89 said...

She changed her clothe?

♪♫ Yaelfica ♪♫ said...

hey @twilightnan!! i knew u'd freak out!! and ur comment: "up y**** haters!!" hahahaha.. church was..when?...yesterday was it?? XD XD XD

twilightnan said...

@Sara,.alright your points of view taken,let me see..what you're really saying is.. these pics of ROB and Kristen are fakes!that's your view and nobody can change that...I believe the people who come on this site are adult so I'm sure are capable to make their own decisions as to what they can or not believe..and I'm also sure no need to lecture about politics or what is going on around the world!!enough said on my I have to get a very large's raining..;)

Iluvthemovies said...

Hi my Favs, stopped by really quickly before I leave again. @twilightnan, where is that gentle, sweet, demure, woman that we came to know and love. She has left the building. You are a champion now of all things Rob. LOL...@Yaelfica, twilightnan, papagaj, and Mrs. Deen, I feel guilty for liking these photos when it is such a private moment. I am a lapsed Catholic, but I think I need to go to a dark room and flog myself like Paul Bettany did in The DaVinci Code, because I can't get the smile off my face. Shame on me. See you later ladies. Hugs to all.

Nicole said...

Just looking back again...I love the one where he is resting his hand on her back, so cute.

they remind me of when my hubby and i were in college. we would only get to see each other once a month for a weekend. We couldn't keep our hands off each other. Love showing the Love!

@twilightnan- i know! what a great Monday. I am also so excited over the W4E pics below. That movie is going to ROCK!

aurora said...

kristen sure is a lucky girl! I wonder what made them give up hiding their relationship, probably just got sick of it... them being together is something that I've known all along, though. I mean why wouldn't they be together: they obviously have a lot of chemistry, they have fun together and they are just very similar people - they are the most perfect couple ever! But I do hope that the paparazzi would give rob and kristen some privacy 'cause they really don't give them any. I think that it's nonody's business to see them kissing - if they kiss on the red carpet then it's completely different; they choose to be seen...whatever...

♪♫ Yaelfica ♪♫ said...

@twilightnan i mean this is a ROBERT PATTINSON SITE so we come here to talk about ROB and only ROB...sometime we can include some other subject about the world and all but that will be our decision right??? ;)

@iluvthemovies i love that u finally "wear" an icon! hehe love it!!!

kisses to my favs!

Jane said...

Cracks me up to see Tom studying the wall when Kristen and Rob start kissing. He is so cute. Well, I think this is one pap picture we all were waiting to see. I don't feel guilty, I feel happy.

chet said...

just wow!!!! finally they got tired of hiding it!! good for them

JA said...! sara isn't saying they are fake, she's saying that rob is probably just trying to lick some bbq sauce off her cheek. totally innocent.

Unknown said...

I feel sooooo jealous! I did not think I would have felt this way!

twilightnan said...

HI FAVS!look,I'm still smiling:):):):)hahah..@Iluthemovies,..that was my altered devilish ego..;)..listen..I bet you can hear my hysteric laughters across america!!I may need a dark room my self ,as u said to be forgiven for looking at these pics..see u later FAVS:) hugs to all ..definitely a beautiful dream tonight:)

papagáj said...

doesn't work...

*waving from the floor level*
I thought I'd never live to see THAT...but it happened.

LOL @Iluvthemovies
lapsed Catholic hahaha just like me right now:P
We'll all go to hell for this
I can tell You so

from tommorow i'll be off for 3 days( country trip )I already started to miss YOU so frigin much;)))

catch up on thursday
BYE for now:-)

drabrasil said...

LUCKY LUCKY Kristen!!!!!!Please please hold him and kiss him and f*ck him A LOT!!! please?
oh my god..
I know they were a couple, a long time already..but seeing these pics...not only these, but the ones from the last year till now...
I just cannot stop smiling..

twilightnan said...

@papagaj..have a great time..we shall miss you..look--:( safe..see u on thursday:),hugs and kisses fom all the FAVS!!:)

♪♫ Yaelfica ♪♫ said...

:(@papagaj we will miss u a LOT!!! please come by as soon as u can..have an awesome time..
luv ya favest!! ;D

Jane said...

Wonder if Kristen is leaving for Argentina and Rob for London?

Anonymous said...

I swear it's like a curse! We can never get a clear pic of them kissing....but then again these pics make it obvious. Well, I guess I'm happy for those that needed these pics so desperatly, and for those that still are in denial, poor people. Rob looks so hot in that pose ;) you know the about-to-be-kissed-pose LOL Ok, not funny, back to RL....

Anonymous said...

He can do better. That is just my opinion so calm down those of you who like KStew and now want to attack. It's just true, he is hotter then her.

As long as he is happy. I'm sure now the "wedding rumors" are going to start.

meleny said...

Ahhhhhahhhhhahhhhhhh :) :D :P
@LK,@Aurora ITA!!
I'm very happy with these pics!! I know that they're being together for so long.. but seeing them kissing ahhh it's very nice!
Thank you RPL like always, you are the best!

JLC said...

For me, these are the first photos that really confirm the affection between them. I would still bet they will try to keep the PDA private. It is a big enough pain to deal with family and friends asking about your relationships - imagine dealing with the fans, paps and media...poor babies!

JLC said...

Jane - You are right the pregnancy rumors will start up again, then of course the breakup and cheating rumors and the gay rumors will pop up now and again....

Cynnan said...

Hey, who cares about rumors? We've known all along the truth,haven't we? Rob and Kristen, more power to them.

joan said...

Pls stop clicking on such pixs... the very thing why all the pap won't leave him alone.Inading his R&R in any shape, form or manner. No privacy at all. Pls stop putting them under the mircoscope.

JLC said...

Cynnan - we do know the truth. The rumors are so stupid and every actor gets the same stupid list of rumors thrown at them by the press. Anything to make money, right?

JA said...

@joan, sorry, ain't happening. you can choose to take the high road but the majority of us are going to look at every pic that the lovely ladies at this site provide for us.

Gunseli said...

Kristen kisses Rob! I totally hate her!

Ursula said...

All i can say is that this paparazzi guy banked with these pics!!! LOL

Come on guys, only 81 comments, I was expecting more like 500! ;)

Sara said...

@JA, yea that is what I really meant, thanks for clearing that up on my behalf :)@twilightnan No I am NOT saying they are fake, what I was trying to say was this world of multi media can do A LOT!! And the rag mags, evil pond scum paps, even worse gossip t.v shows have truned our world into something, just a little bit ugly. I said before If they are together, that is great- good for them, but it is also NON of my concern if they are, and I feel things will just get worse from here for them, when either is caught walking/ talking/ hugging or touching someone else, it will be splashed all over and stories made up, it will only hurt them, and others involved, I think it was better when they didnt have ANYTHING! It was also not me trying to lecture anyone, just stated fact, and my POV on what thease pics are trying to represent. No offence was to be made, I am a open person I do not look down on anyone, was NOT putting anyone down for what they feel or think, about Rob or Kristen, Twilight, and anything to do with it, you feel and see what you want- and I will do the same, no harm no foul, I happen to LOVE a good debate! ;) I am a HUGE fan of Rob, and Kristen- but not just for Twilight stuff, They along with the most of the other cast members are very talented young people, and I was drawn into them, buy the sencere nature of this cast of Human beings! I say 'Human Beings' bc I dont see them as who they play, but that they are just another Human walking this world, hopfully doing something they love!

Gisel said...

I think we should stop calling the city "Montreal". From now, the city is called "ROBSTEN CITY" ! ;)

♪♫ Yaelfica ♪♫ said...

HAPPY ROBSTEN week to ALL, specially my asleep and absent FAVS luv yall...


JA said...

@Sara, i was being sarcastic again. i meant to say that it's ridiculous to even think there's anything remotely platonic about their relationship. totally innocent? ummm no.

Iluvthemovies said...

@Sara, if it makes you feel any better, just out of curiosity I have searched the net for the main entertainment television shows: Entertainment Tonight, Access Hollywood, Extra, Reelz Channel, E Online, People Magazine, Entertainment Weekly, TV Guide Channel, TMZ,,, Showbiz Tonight, Star, US Weekly, and National Enquirer, they are not carrying these photos. I would like to think they are taking the higher ground, but something is fishy and I am wondering why these mainstream sites that carried Robert and Kristen holding hands in Paris, are not carrying these photos, which would be the icing on the cake. I am now going on Summit's website to see if anything is cooking over there, because this is sure bizarre. This would be more popular than the two of them holding hands and yet it is no where to be found, other than some blogs and celebuzz. I am just curious and if anybody knows anything, please let us know. I can't believe E Online does not have this, they have more useless information on Kristen and Rob and now that there is actual validation, they are not showing it. I wonder if this photo was taken illegally? You know the photographer was hiding that is why the photo is so grainy It is baffling me. Does anyone have any clues?

JA said...

@iluvthemovies didn't it take them until the next day to 'report' on rob visiting kristen in montreal? is there any circumstance where a photo would be taken illegally? or maybe they're just waiting for better quality pics :)

Nicole said...

I don't know the rules but maybe they sold it exclusively to that one site? And that site can then sell to the rest? I found it funny too that it wasn't on e news today.

I think Montreal should be named Robstenreal!

Iluvthemovies said...

@JA, as I recall once those Paris pictures hit they were all over it. However, I just saw that The Awful Truth through E Online mentions it but do not show the photos. I only found that because I went on IMDB that is how I found that. I will watch a couple of the entertainment shows tonight and see if there is any mentionof it. The photo looks like it was taken at a garage because it looks like Tom is pressing an elevator button, was it a private garage? I don't know, I am just curious that way.

vbfb19 said...

Ok so i have to ask. Am I the only one who is a little sceptical.

So here is there reason why the guy in the kissing pic is most definitely Rob but the girl i am not so sure is Kstew firstly the girl in the picture has her hair in a high and tight pony tail and in the other pictures which you can tell are definitely kstew her hair is low and loose. also in the definite kstew pictures she is wearing a black shirt the girl in the kiss photos looks like she is wearing a balck vest with a white shirt underneath and she also looks like she has a tattoo on her bicep.

Until i see a better picture or a picture supporting the fact that kstew changed her hair and clothes i am going to be sceptical.

JA said...

@iluvthemovies, a total guess is that it's the hotel parking garage.

Sara said...

@JA, Yes I am well aware you were being Snarky, I was attemptng to do the same, I was Joking. I know they could have been macking on each other. And licking BBQ sause is not any good four play, too strong of a flavor, the point is you want to 'taste' your partner skin as well! Always go with something sweet! ;-) LOL @lluvthemovies~ That is very interesting, I am sure summit's team is pissing themselves, coming up with a retraction of some sort, All about the money baby, they all probs had to sign a dicloser saying they would "appear single" until franchise is over and they have milked the shit out of it!

JA said...

@sara, ok,'s hard to "read" sarcasm online most of the time.

Sara said...

@vbfb19~ I am totes with you, happy for them if it is true, but well I am a 'Needs Hard Proof" kinda gal, and the jury FOR ME is still debating! Will wait and see what happens, I feel a storm coming on though, series is almost over and that my dears is when all the "GOODS" come out!

JA said...

@vbfb19, i think it's just a case of the pics being taken at different times during the evening...rob's not wearing his hat.

Sara said...

@JA, I know right! I will always spell it out when someone thinks I am being pissy, not funnyish! All Loves!!

drabrasil said...

oh please... the whole picture is not good, it's without light and we can see clearly it' Kristen..why you even try to deny?
the ponytail...Kristen had one...and the clothes were dark...
oh Jesus..please stop, just stop to create a big fuss..

drabrasil said...

i meant.. do you want a better pic for real proof? did you see the pics from OTR set? no? please go and see them..see Robert's need kissing..oh my gosh.

Anonymous said...

Am I #100? I know this is a Rob site but hope it is ok to comment on Robsten. I didn't need this proof which to me is indisputable despite the graininess of the images (I think one or two people are still skeptical about Kristen being the girl??). To me they have been a couple for quite a while now. They seem to spend all their off time together - case in point Rob rushing off to Montreal as soon as WFE and TCA awards were over.

Rob has not been seen with or linked with any woman since the Twi craze began right (except ones of dubious nature like that Erika person at Cannes) except Kristen. So if this is NOT Kristen who in the world could it be?

Again my apologies I know this is foremost a Rob site but since someone else is questioning the validity of Kristen's identity here I'm just bringing it up.

JA said...

@Twi, of course it's ok to comment on robsten...have you read the rest of the posts? lol! we (those know they're together) got our proof long ago. this proof is for everyone else. we're just get excited at any pic of them together.

Anonymous said...

@JA, Oh good I wasn't sure I know sometimes people get mad when the focus is off Rob and more on Robsten. Totally with you they have been together for a while so for me this 'proof' was not necessary.

Although having these paps take the grainy shot is so invasive, I can't deny it didn't brighten my day! I can't imagine the stress of NOT showing PDA to someone I love which is what they seem to have pulled off for a while (x. paris hand holding and recent Rob nuzzling Kristen photo in Montreal).

First I'm a Rob fan and as his fan the man absolutely lights up around her so she must be keeping him happy! Happy Rob makes me happy :)

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jenn said...

Of course anyone with a brain has known this for ages! It is so obvious how he feels about her! In my opinion, though, these pics make me sad! They can't have a private moment without someone making a profit from it. Also, the whole idea of making them appear to stay single while the movies are filmed is just dumb if it's true. We all love a good love story, right? So, how would the films lose money if the two stars are really in love off screen as well? I'm just wondering what jackhole dreamed up such ignorance, making them hide out? All this does is make stuff like this happen, where the tabloids are making money off of someone's life. It's just nutty! I hope they have plenty of time to be together and ignore the paps!

Anonymous said...

4 last pics, Kristen seem left Rob behind standing alone. MAybe they're realize there a pap take their pic ??
I dunno, I keep telling myself to not over analysis base on several pics LOL. I hope people who call themselves as FANS stop hunting/stalking them, I read some twit report, several people had camped outside their hotel :(( are they fans or papz ???

Iluvthemovies said...

Hi @Twi, welcome to our happy place. Oh yes we speak glowingly of Kristen and Rob as a couple. We know it is not our business and we only want the best for them whether they stay together or not, but we do mostly focus on Rob, but Kristen is part of his world (I am hearing the Little Mermaid song). At times there is drama but we do try to keep it at a minimum, people can disagree and if you disagree we wish that people would not use derogatory remarks to others if they do not agree with their opinion. We are trying to be a site that is a bit different from other sites. Mandy and Linda provides us with stories and photos pretty quickly. We are grateful to them for all that they provide us on all things Rob. We for the most part are a very happy and good humored crowd wanting the best for Robert. So Welcome.

@Yaelfica, we are over 100 comments, I hope when you return to the site there will be more. Have happy dreams tonight, little minx.

@My Favs, you are probably all sleeping, except for perhaps Mrs. Deen. I have not seen her on the site today, I wonder if she knows what she is missing. Papagaj have a lovely trip see you back on Thursday. Hugs to all.

Mrs.Deen said...

Hi @lluvthemovies, are we all doing the happy dance today...what a beautiful sight. As we always say we feel guilty to watch this photos but what the heck I am so happy to see them together and happy any day, especially Rob. I am positive they don't have a clue someone saw them. They should not care anyway, it is ok to be in love, we are all here for you darlings...But i know they would not have done that if they knew. I feel bad in a way as usual.

Love and kisses to my favs, yaelfica, twilightnan, lluvthemovies, papgaj..

Love you all

Iluvthemovies said...

@Mrs. Deen, I was just going to shut off my computer and checked my emails and saw you commented. ITA with everything you said, I've already flogged myself, but I can't get this smile off my face. I know they did not know that photograher was there or the photo would not be so grainy. Well we probably won't be seeing any of that any time soon, which is just as well for their sanity. Have a lovely evening. Hugs to you.

behnaz said...

were them in montreal?

Mrs.Deen said...

I think you might have already gone to bed by now @lluvthemovies...Yep I have the same feeling about it..may be this will be the last time we will see them showing affection and that is perfectly fine....I am genuinly happy for them and hope everyone now will leave them alone. For those people who wanted evidence as pictures they got it....let us support them but leave them alone so they can have a private life like the rest of us...

Good night everyone..

robfan said...

EW Vote to crown the champion!!
please vote!! he's losing!! "open for 96 hours only" rd-cullen-twilight/

Anonymous said...

@iluvthemovies, thanks for the welcome! I usually lurk. You ladies are pretty positive with very little drama. If there is a negative comment it is removed pretty fast! This site is awesome because it has the most current Rob news so quickly thanks to Mandy and Linda! It's strange that these pictures are not on Robsessed or other sites yet. I agree it is terrible to be such a voyeur and if this is it for them for PDA than I'm still happy - and happier if the paps did not stalk them anymore for the money shot(I know it's hypocritical cuz I can't help but see these). It looks like they are really comfortable with each other and in love and we should leave them alone!

Dayanara Pattinson said...

kristen so agresif..
and why rob hand look relax and no hugg kristen back?

Dayanara Pattinson said...

and @neerja, thanks for your welcome
you very nice people..

Azlina Ilzdaf said...

@Dayanara Pattinson - Rob is holding a bag. That's y he didn't hug her with both hands.

@Aunt Amelia's Attic - if you look closely...nothing is's actually her sleeves (she is wearing a balck tee) and that thing looks like her arm (cream color) is just effect from the cam. I think the papz took the pic from inside his car. :)

ouh btw, I am sooooo happy when i see this pics. I was jumping up and down like a little kid who just got candy. LOL

Dayanara Pattinson said...

OMG I not see, cause I'm so happy now...
and for Tom, can you do something?
you like a kid in that wall

tina tri said...

ok lets focus at edward he is at 34%, start voting for the nxt 3 days its the final crown at EW,that stupid magazine;

Azlina Ilzdaf said...

@Dayanara Pattinson - do something for Tom? I'm too far to do anything for him. I look like a kid? ahahaha....I am 30 my dear. A twimom. uhuhu....I might hv to change the pic then. :D

Dayanara Pattinson said...

@iena amoi I mean not you like a kid but Tom, Im sorry
I'm sorry can you forgive me? cause I'm still 16 years old

Azlina Ilzdaf said...

btw, they are not in private garage. They just got of from a cab.

"The photographer who snapped the shots tells Celebuzz exclusively they were taken.

"around (Boulevard) St. Laurent ... They left their hotel around 8:15, and they hopped in a van taxi and they kind of just got out ... and during that 25 seconds, they were just making out and Tom Sturridge was standing there just looking ... I've been chasing Twilight for the last year-and-a-half. I've been waiting for this shot for a long time."

Azlina Ilzdaf said...

@Dayanara Pattinson - need to appologize. non offense taken. :D. He does look like kid doesn't he? ahahah

GiGi said...

Ya, I think this proves they're together for sure. But it still is all suspicious. Why did they get into the van then suddenly hop out and do a makeout session? Seems like this was planned. It will be interesting to see what the coming days and months bring.....stay tuned!

Azlina Ilzdaf said...

@LovesRob - ahaha..I guess we hv to be there to know what actually happened. I think the pap was following and got there a bit later after they arrive and got out from the cab. Who knew what robsten was talking or doing before that that made them PDA like that. But i guess sometimes people in love just don't think too much...they just do. ahahaha

Santina said...

Wow... so happy for them... I hope they will have more time for themselfs from now... cutes couple ever ^^

Anonymous said...

I feel bad for Rob. He lost some fans because he wants to be happy and in a relationship. Kristen's fans were happy and she gained some. I guess we know who is more mature.

The reason Rob is not hugging Kristen is because he is clearly holding a big shopping bag, like a good boyfriend. Those fan pictures of she and him with the kids should have been obvious to anyone with half a brain that they are together. They both looked like they just shagged and stumbled out to dinner.

Not only that, but who else does Rob ever visit. He could be anywhere in the world and he's following Kristen. She visited him in Budapest as confirmed by Ricci. They have been all over the world together. They live together in L.A.

People that need more proof are not real Rob fans. Rob wouldn't want people who put down his girlfriend or are too stupid to see that he is in love. No man stares at a woman and gets all up in her face if he's not feeling her. In every premiere, talk show, and in private, Rob is staring at Kristen like she's a diamond.

Also, he auditioned for Twilight because he wanted to work with Kristen. She told C.H.that she wanted him for Edward. Summit didn't originally believe he could play the part. People protested. If Kristen hadn't of chosen him out of the others, this site wouldn't exist. Rob would have quit acting. He's said it himself. You should be thanking Kristen and C.H.

Maybe some of the bitters and jealous fools will find happiness of their own one day. I doubt it though.

Anonymous said...

yeah they kiss each other :) sooo cute!

but rob doenst touch kristen, he carries the shoppingbags. GENTLEMAN!

Unknown said...

Oh my God!!! So sweet! I'm so happy, so happy for them.

Anonymous said...

when i first saw this post more than 12 hours ago, i think my heart skipped a beat or two. i wasn't able to post a comment then because i couldn't concentrate on anything else. i was just too happy, giddy, ecstatic. this was my last thought before i went to sleep and the first one when i woke up.

same with most people here, i feel like jumping up and down like a kid and i still can't wipe this goofy grin off my face. :D

so happy that they are happy.

ITA... :)

Azlina Ilzdaf said...

@Nicole - "In every premiere, talk show, and in private, Rob is staring at Kristen like she's a diamond." is absolutely correct. Even I felt the love when I look at the way he looks at her. And she does the same too. :)

I just love them both! They are the loveliest couple ever! In their own lovable quirky way. ahahaha

Azlina Ilzdaf said...

@ichiromiyata - I had that grin few times now and the one from yesterday just got bigger today. ahahah :))

19Angie84 said...

Hey! What do you think? Will Rob and Kris make an announcement or at least a statement concerning these pictures?

Does anyone know how long Kristen will continue filming in Montreal?

Thanx, and have a nice day! ;-)

Nani-PattinsonWorld said...

Muchas gracias por subir las fotos !

neerja said...

@ iena amoi thanks for the link.. good coverage thr...:)
@Nicole thanks for the news :) i wasn't aware about the story how Rob got the movie twilight :) new rob fan :P thanks for upgrading my knowledge
@iluvthemovies oh my my your profile pic :) u started dreaming seriously abt thr future :)

and now again i had a closer look of the pic (which i had done a number of times :P) and saw that rob is holding a shopping bag.. my my such a loving person :) he is taking so mch care of her as a loving husband .. K is enjoying all that love of ROB :) and my god she is literally pushing ROB on wall .. she going crazy for him :)

twilightnan said...

Hi!to all u can see I'm awake now,13:45 pm London time..and it's drizzling w/rain..I can see everyone has been busy,..@Mrs.Deen..nice to read from u,..and yes,Doing the Happy Dance..all day yesterday and again today..@Iluvthemovies..any updates from ur Mainstream sites re this new pics?..hope to catch up w/u'ved been busy as well..keep it up..are u sure you're not a Brit?you have a wicked sense of humour..hahahah..@Nicole,..loved that" Diamond bit "comment..Ita w/u on the 'particular'Rob and Kristen know the Stumble and the S----ed,..and my fav Yaelfica,*,Happy Robsten *Week as well!!I know@ papagaj is away I'll save her Hugs until her returns on thursday..Bye all Hugs all around:)Yeah still looking at the pics..sorry..guys..can't help it..I can't stop smiling..look..:)))

khush said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
khush said...

love u ♥ ROBSTEN... from my soul foeverrrr....♥ ♥ ♥

khush said...

love u ♥ ROBSTEN... from my soul foeverrrr....♥ ♥ ♥

Azlina Ilzdaf said...

@neerja - u are most welcome! Ouh and rob make out for like 3 hours with kristen during audition and fall of the bed coz he was too passionate. LOL..I would love to see that. Kstew immediately knew he was the one to play edward and told CH that she can't do it without Rob. Now i bet she can't live without him. :D

* I am still smiling and starring at the pics :))) *

Jane said...

Kristen was a diamond in the rough and under Rob's love, she is starting to shine.

twilight fan obsession said...

OMG!!! I can´t believe this! I was waiting for this photos for a long time!! Thanks for publish this!!

Does anybody know when Kristen going to Argentina?? Please, if you know tell me:

Iluvthemovies said...

Hi My Favs, I just got up and made coffee. I think I will need an IV to inject it into my system.

@twilightnan, you know how Yaelfica has nicknamed Rob, Bebe Shikito, I am nicknaming you Fierce Goddess Warrior (FGW for the abbreviated form), protector of all things Robert Pattinson. As always your comments are sweet, protective and to the point.

@Jane, I respect your opinion but I disagree. It is Kristen's brillance in her performances that drew Robert to her many faceted roles with academy award and emmy winners. She is in Montreal filming a movie that has more academy award winners and nominated producers working on the film. It is her brilliance that shines in his eyes and smile.

@Neerja, thank you I am glad you like the photo it is actually in tribute to some of the fan fic I read were Edward and Bella are human. I love a few of those stories and this picture reminds me of the stories.

I did check around and found through reading some of E Online's Awful Truth board (Yuck), that those photos are pricy and many are not posting them because of the invasive nature they were taken. So I do respect those that do not post it but I also respect Linda and Mandy showing them, different strokes for different folks.

BTW, I logged onto Yahoo, and Rob is the #1 Trending on the internet. I also have voted for Rob and he was still at 47% . Talk to you all later.

JA said...

@twilightnan, i'm a quarter brit. does that count? you're prob. saying,!

JA said...

@iluvthemovies, and may already know, but celebuzz apparently owns the rights to these photos. that's why we're not seeing them on every media outlet. other sites have removed them, so if you want to save them, be quick, not sure how long they'll last here.

twilightnan said...

Hi! my FAVS, we are again..are we all still smiling??..still in elated mood ?..@ JA..have u ever drank a cup of tea?,ever eaten fish and chips?,ever cooked a sunday roast dinner?likes indian curries?..stand in queues?,would not mind wet ,cold damp weather during winter times?...If your answers to most of the questions are yes,then I would definitely considered u as a brit even you're only a quarter..u are probably saying.."bloody hell"opps..sorry about that..I mean.. omg!. what on earth is she on about! take care see u later I need to stop to have my dinner.:)

Iluvthemovies said...

@JA, you are a far better detective than I am. Thanks for the info, I did notice took the pictures down. they did not post the pictures because of the invasiveness of the photos. I will not save any of these photos because they are so grainy. I do luv the one with Rob's hand on Kristen's shoulder, very protective.

@twilightnan, can I be considered a Brit if it was done by injection (wink, wink)? Luv ya,

Talk to u later.

JA said...

@twilightnan...yes yes yes no yes yes and HELL YES...because that's where i'd find edward.

♪♫ Yaelfica ♪♫ said...

oh shoots...i'm part german and italian!!can i convert or something???? hahaha
luv yall

SmittenWithRob said...

Whether these pics are taken down or not they're gonna make me happy for the rest of the week xD

twilightnan said...

Goodness Gracious!!The other bloggers are probably saying...What on earth is going on?..Rob if he by chance would logged on this site ,he would probably laughed his head three are cracking me up..laughing in hysterics dear JA..since you've answered yes to most of the'll have no problem going thru immigration and then to some scenic places in London ;where u may see a glimpse of Rob..@ Iluvthemovies..yeah we can easily arrange that but by intravenous infusions..don't worry my son in law works at the cardio unit..and Yaelfica..what a combination german and Italian who is fluent in ..what 3x need for u to convert'll have no problems living's bitterly freezing cold in the winter months though!..but it's Rob's home It will be great:)Hugs to all:)and I'm sorry Rob and Kristen I can't help looking at your's so sweet to see two people in love in a wonderful embrace..good wishes to ROB and Kristen:)))hugs to all favs.."FGW"

♪♫ Yaelfica ♪♫ said...

@iluvthemovies loving ur signature! hehe
and cold is all i wish town is the hottest in Argentina: 56°celsius = 132.8°fahrenheit last summer.. a couple of months i wont need ROB to melt if u know what i mean ;)

kisses FGW!!

Sara said...

I would just like to say that anyone who would consider me NOT a "TRUE" fan of Roberts, just bc I would like to see better pics, or will hold out until they come out, is just being petty and rude. I reserve the right to think, feel, or say whatever I like~ But also do so without putting other opinion's down in the process. I have thought they could be together since they started to travel everywhere together without a Professional reason to. Just bc I dont jump up and down, or anything like that does not, NOT make me a fan of Robert Pattinson, Because I am a HUGE FREAKING FAN of BOTH Robert and Kristen, and hell the WHOLE TWI CAST!!! I am a nice person and would never be inconsiderate to anyone for how they feel or think, So please do us all a favor and Dont judge those you DONT know! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

*waves* hi guys! I just came back from a week of vacation,and my robsten friends called me to see the pics!
i am so incredibly happy i can't even describe it!
i was waiting for this for over a year! Life is so great now! :D

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Calihi27 said...

Hate that its an invasive papz pic. But squee, they are just so cute together! Totally adorable couple. I love that they make each other happy. Sweeeet! :)

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