Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Rob and Kristen at Montreal airport today

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ETA: A few more

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Setje at Pattinsonlife


JA said...

rob - if looks could kill

Anonymous said...
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Nicole said...

Ooooo the green "cell phone" pants!

Anonymous said...

um shes fine with rob doesnt need to lleave her alone please go get alife

Meeph said...

Sexiest fucking couple in the whole world! oh hey @honey how you doing? You haven't died from lung cancer yet? Karma karma karma... Have a nice day fucktard.

Nicole said...

@Honey well I guess you didn't see the one were she is smiling and Rob was right next to her. Oh and by the way if she did not like Rob then why did she make out with him. Did you not see those pics.

kaz said...

you would look miserable too if you were basically under constant assault at almost point blank range for pap cameras.

yaffa said...
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Iluvthemovies said...

Where is the third wheel? Where is Tom? Now that they are leaving he is not with them. But he was there when the world was alerted to their most private moment. Tom will be legend and they will tell tales of this when we are long gone, how the guy at the elevator witnessed it all. Poor Tom, gotta luv him.

Unknown said...

OMG kristen looks so pretty and she seems happy. robert looks sexy as always love him. love them! hope they have some peace where ever they are going.

JA said...

@Nicole, lol...yes the pants.

everyone please ignore honey. it's prob just a 14-yr old lesbian trying to have some fun.

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

LOL, the pic of just the two of them? Where he's on the right, guitar straight up between them? They are sooooo in step!!!! Head tilt the same, legs aligned the same and feet perfectly in sync.

(And now I feel icky realizing that these are pap'd pix. Damn.)

Roxbury said...

LMAO @ Honey! SRSLY in denial! Wow. Just wow.

Anonymous said...

which airport is this?

Anonymous said...

alert troll !!!! name : HONEY
just Ignore her.
she/he spread her/his BS in all ROB or Robsten site.

Unknown said...

@Nicole, what's 'cell phone' pants? Is there a story?
I love Kristen with the honey blond hair. I'm assuming second set of pics is arrival at LAX?

JLC said...

Ahhh the Airport gauntlet - no way to avoid it - just walk fast, no expression, head down... And then you see once they get to the end of the gauntlet the smiles come back....they are past the paparazzi.

Mandy said...

Dear Honey, I'll just keep deleting your comments. This is a Rob site, go bash him somewhere else

Unknown said...

@Gwen, I feel the same way after seeing that lunatic woman buzzing around Rob flashing her camera. I hate them but I'm weak and my curiosity always win out. So, I never click on the entertainment or pap sites. I always wait for the RPLife to get them. That way I don't give them hits. Well, my way of doing my bit I suppose. :-)

Anonymous said...

It appears Rob finds Kristens slip a bit funny...Lol It's nice they can laugh at that stuff though...

@CrisRK913 said...

If they aren't smiling it's bc there tons of papps yelling/screaming, and you can bet they are asking them about their little almost'private'moment. So yeah i wouldn't show my teeth either just to satisfy those vultures! BTW they are indeed a beautiful/adorable couple! LOVE THEM BOTH!
And i'm surprised that Honyvulture is still alive, i mean, jealous/envious(you get ill) can kill you.

Nice Rob blog!

Jane said...

Well, it can't get any better than this. The happy couple walking together, smiling, enjoying their couple status. Heads are up, no down for they have no reason to hide any longer. Good for you Rob and Kristen, wish I was in your shoes to have this big hunky sexy man.

Jane said...

One more quick note, the last picture shows them smiling at each other, happy, happy, happy.

Anonymous said...

@melo Those are not from LAX, they're from Montreal, they are the accompanying pics for the video below.

Jane said...

Mello...Google Rob Pattinson and the paparrazi in Malibu and read all about the green pants. Love the way rob and kristen are smiling at each other just like always.

Iluvthemovies said...

@Nicole and JA, I just got it, about the cellphone pants, I must be tired, LOL, I gotta keep my pledge, gotta go. Very funny.

Unknown said...

thanks @Jane, um.. poor Rob.

@Antonia, was referring to the pics with black/white shirt. Heard Kristen's off until next week and not part of the Ottawa shoot.

behnaz said...


Iluvthemovies said...

@behnaz, you are the most gentlest soul on this blog. I luv your one or just a couple of word comments. Always right to the point, no controversy or drama. Please stay that way. You are fantastic.

Azlina Ilzdaf said...

I love Robsten. Yes, she did smile in some of the pics...they both looked happy :). But can't blame them for putting on the poker face in front of all those photog.

Is Rob carrying his guitar or the one he bought for Kristen. Kristen said it was the sweetest gift ever. uhuhuhu...

drabrasil said...

gah!! he looks pissed with the paps...!!!!!

I would like to tell him to calm down, ya know?
Like, they are young, beautifulgorgeouscoupleinlove and healthy...
I know that's not easy...but please please just calm down and enjoy life...

drabrasil said...

gah!! he looks pissed with the paps...!!!!!

I would like to tell him to calm down, ya know?
Like, they are young, beautifulgorgeouscoupleinlove and healthy...
I know that's not easy...but please please just calm down and enjoy life...

Nicole said...


a few days ago, some of the girls on here had a discussion about a certain picture that was taken in those pants. lets just say, it might have just been a cell phone but it sure looked like something else. <3

Anonymous said...

i was searching for an article and i came upon this site:
http://www.zimbio. com/Robert+Pattinson/articles/h44Sw0Wel1U/robert+pattinson+kristen+stewart

i was wondering if anyone here knows when the picture with rob wearing a plaid shirt similar with kristen was taken? (6th photo from top)


(i don't know if it's ok to post the link here. if not, you're welcome to delete this comment.)

Helen18 said...
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Helen18 said...

That's Bob Marley on Rob's shirt, right?

Unknown said...

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Ryan said...
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Ryan said...

I was just watching the twilight last night , man the girl is amazing , driving me more crazy when I am looking at the pictures :)

Thank you so much for posting em !
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