Friday, November 30, 2012
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Rob's Interview with Pro7 from the Berlin Premiere
The press junket interview is the same as the PRO7 one posted HERE, but the premiere interview is new.
At 2:00. It's dubbed, but you can hear everything he says.
If the embedded video doesn't work, watch it directly on Youtube
Thanks again to @KStewandRPatz for getting the video :) The original source is Germany only
At 2:00. It's dubbed, but you can hear everything he says.
If the embedded video doesn't work, watch it directly on Youtube
Thanks again to @KStewandRPatz for getting the video :) The original source is Germany only
bd2 berlin promo,
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Cute video of Rob and his sister Victoria at the London Premiere
Great quality and untagged :)
bd2 london promo,
'Cosmopolis' Available On Demand On Dec 18 + Pre-Order the 'Cosmopolis' US DVD/Blu Ray
ETA: From the Official Cosmopolis Facebook - Cosmopolis will also be available On Demand on December 18 (2 weeks before the release of the DVD and Blu Ray)
Also available on iTunes - You can rent Cosmopolis on Walmart too

From TV Guide

From TheHDRoom
Also available on iTunes - You can rent Cosmopolis on Walmart too

From TV Guide

From TheHDRoom
Online retailer Amazon.com has begun taking orders for Cosmopolis on Blu-ray and DVD with a release date of January 1, 2013. New Year's Day falls on a Tuesday, the traditional release date for new home video titles, so please don't think the Cosmopolis release date is a typo.Pre-order the Blu Ray HERE and the DVD HERE.
movie: cosmopolis
David Cronenberg mentions Rob and Cosmopolis in Total Film - January 2013 issue
Were you happy with how Cosmopolis was received?
No, I would've liked it to have made half a billion dollars at the box office! [laughs] The movie was received like an art film, which is to say it did OK in the big cities. Naturally you always want the biggest audience you can get, just as long as it doesn't cause you to compromise your moviemaking.
Why did you cast Robert Pattinson as limo-riding antihero Eric Packer?
Eric is in absolutely every scene, so you need an actor who is interesting and charismatic enough to look at for the entire movie. You want someone who can really come up with surprises and angles, and has a level of stardom that will support the movie. He also had to do a credible New York accent. All of that led me to Rob.
magazine scans,
movie: cosmopolis,
people talking about rob
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Holliday Grainger Talks About Rob And His Fame

Fassbender, Law, Irvine. It almost seems unfair that Holliday has Robert Pattinson on her co-star list, too. She starred with him in 2007’s TV drama, The Bad Mother’s Handbook when she was 18, and in last year’s Bel Ami. ‘He’s really easy going,’ she says of the Twilight heartthrob. ‘And open – amazingly so considering he’s so closely scrutinised. He’s still managed to maintain a sense of self. [On Bel Ami] you couldn’t get to set half the time because there were so many screaming girls. Even at 5am. It was mad. He had to change hotels because there were so many fans outside one he couldn’t get in. I’ve watched him live with that and it would send me insane. There’s no way could I cope with that.’
Read the full article at the source | via
people talking about rob
New Rob Interview with Pro7 - Berlin Press Junket
ETA: Moving the post to the top because we added better quality video, you can hear everything - thanks to @KStewandRPatz
bd2 berlin promo,
movie: breaking dawn - part 2,
movie: twilight,
Rob, Kristen and Taylor Interview with Alicia Malone
ETA: Moving the post to the top because more from Rob's interview added (first video at 1:17 and 2:13)
bd2 la promo,
movie: breaking dawn - part 2,
Monday, November 26, 2012
Rob's Interview on Daybreak
ETA: Moving the post to the top - There's a bit more of Rob's interview in this video and we didn't notice until now. Starts at 2:38, Rob talks about his suit for the LA Premiere.
Thanks to @kstewarmpits for the heads up and @Gossipgyal for the video. The rest of the interview as the same as the one from Daybreak
Daybreak interview
Thanks to @mfoc for the HD video
Thanks to @kstewarmpits for the heads up and @Gossipgyal for the video. The rest of the interview as the same as the one from Daybreak
Daybreak interview
Thanks to @mfoc for the HD video
bd2 london promo,
movie: breaking dawn - part 2,
movie: twilight,
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Friday, November 23, 2012
New 'Breaking Dawn - Part 2' BTS Video + Old Still Now In Better Quality
Posted as a scan here, now in better quality

And a cool behind-the-scenes video of the battle scene
Still | Video Via

And a cool behind-the-scenes video of the battle scene
Still | Video Via
movie stills,
movie: breaking dawn - part 2,
New Picture of Rob and Kristen at Heathrow

Loook who's on my plane!!! robert pattinson and kristen stewart!! OMfG
100%serious we just arrived at the same time they were behind me in the line!
Couldn't get a pic though up close :(
at heathrow going to NY
yeah they are but they have gine up to first class with paul mcartney!! Really wanted a pic might try and get one!!
OMFG I can't believe that!! So excited!!! New york city here I come with robert pattinson and kristen stewart and paul mcartney!!!
Source | Via
fan pictures,
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Rob, Kristen and Taylor Interview with Univision
Q: After a successful 4 years. I imagine your life has changed. How do you feel?
Rob: I feel kind of the same. It's rare to think we're done because we filmed all 5 movies in a period of 2 years. So it felt like we filmed a very long movie.
bd2 la promo,
movie: breaking dawn - part 2,
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Rob's Twitter Chat with Glamour UK - Full transcript and Pictures
Moving the post to the top because added a few of Rob's answers, now longer

UPDATE: A few of Rob's answers, now longer (I'm adding just the ones that are longer than the transcript of the twitterchat)
Transcript of the twitter chat

In Breaking Dawn Part 2, new vampire powers have been introduced, which one do you like the most?
"I like the one which one of the Volturi [Alex] has, which just kills everybody. The fog thing that just kills everyone, that would be kind of fun."
Who was fined the most money for swearing?
"I think I was but Peter was the only one who actually paid, I was like ‘idiot’, she’s just a little kid, she’s just trying to scam us."
Will you read your kids Twilight?
"Depends on if they want to, I don’t believe in reading to kids. You put the book in front of them, if you wanna read, you've got to learn!"
Tell us one characteristic you wish Edward had, and one you’d love to have?
"I would love it if he had a six pack in the movie, and I’d like to carry that out of the movie as well."
If you keep on acting would you like to get a Knighthood some day? Sir Rob?
"I want to be a Lord, I want to be Your Eminence. How do you get that? Your Serene Highness."
Do you pick out what to wear or do you have a stylist?
"I do have a stylist but I pick what I wear. He brings me boxes of stuff, I dress myself."
What’s your favourite scene with Mackenzie?
"There’s a scene when she runs up, oh that might not be MacKenzie, oh wait, I think that’s MacKenzie, she runs up and we’re planning a battle and she jumps up into my arms but they’re not recording sound and so I’m saying all this stuff, saying all this incredibly inappropriate stuff and she always gets really angry at me. It’s really funny because it looks really sweet but..."
If you could swap lives with someone for one day... who would you be?
"A writer for GLAMOUR magazine? Or someone who works at Nandos."
bd2 london promo,
Rob talks about how Twilight changed his life and new projects with 20 Minuten Online

How do you like the Twilight showdown?
When I first read the script I was pretty shocked. The ending with all its fights is rather untypical for Twilight. It’s going to be interesting.
Have you been interested in vampires beforehand?
Actually I’m not a fan of vampires at all, but of course I don’t have anything to object to them, too. Before shooting the first movie I did a lot of research, but I noticed quickly that there were hardly any similarities between Twilight and other vampires. Stephenie Meyer developed her very own imaginations in the books the movies are based on.
In what way has Twilight influenced your life?
Before the movies I didn’t really want to become an actor, but immediately I became famous and got recognized everywhere. After this success I could hardly do any other job, otherwise people would have asked me, what type of job I’d be doing there. Twilight has opened many doors for me and it made me look at my life in a different way.
The fans are looking forward to the highlight of the vampire-saga, but you’re also sad that it’s coming to an end. How are you feeling at this point?
I can relate to them. But right now I’m curious about how my life will continue without Twilight. Up to now I’ve returned from any other project back to Twilight. I’m curious about what my future will bring.
That sounds mysterious. Will you reveal where we’ll be seeing you next?
I’ve committed myself to about ten movies in the next year. Including “The Rover” with Guy Pearce. Then I’ll proceed with “Hold on to Me” where Carey Mulligan will be playing a femme fatale. Furthermore I’ll be playing with Naomi Watts and Jude Law in “Queen of the Desert” and after that I’ll be in “Maps of the Stars”, another movie by David Cronenberg.
Source | Translation - thanks to PattyStewBoneCity
'Cosmopolis' is #2 on Cahiers du Cinéma's Top 10 of 2012

Cahiers du Cinéma is a famous and influential French film magazine. The Playlist even refers to it as "French movie bible".
Every year Cahiers du Cinéma releases a top 10 list with the best films of the year and it's amazing to see 'Cosmopolis' scoring #2. Congrats!
Here's the top 10 of 2012
1. Holy Motors (Leos Carax)From Movieline
2. Cosmopolis (David Cronenberg)
3. Twixt (Francis Ford Coppola)
4. 4:44 Last Day On Earth (Abel Ferrara)
4. In Another Country (Hong Sang-Soo)
4. Take Shelter (Jeff Nichols)
7. Go Go Tales (Abel Ferrara)
8. Tabu (Miguel Gomes)
8. Faust (Alexadre Sokourov)
10. Keep The Lights On (Ira Sachs)
The Google translation of the Cahiers du Cinema December 2012 issue is rough, to say the least, but Stéphane Delorme's editorial (located online here) states, among other agendas of the issue (translated from French: "Rather than commenting on Tops, we prefer to dwell on the failings of contemporary cinema copyright") that Cahier's Top 10 selection "shows that we expect from cinema audacity and heart."
movie: cosmopolis
Rob, Kristen and Taylor Interview with EXTV and Rob's Shout Out to the Troops
And Rob's shout out to the troops
bd2 la promo,
movie: breaking dawn - part 2,
Rob's Interview with Bravo - Berlin Press Junket
Thanks to @melcitron
bd2 berlin promo,
movie: breaking dawn - part 2,
movie: twilight,
Rob's Interview with VIP.de - Berlin Press Junket
Thanks to @melcitron
bd2 berlin promo,
movie: breaking dawn - part 2,
movie: twilight,
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Rob's Webchat with MSN - Full Transcript and Picture
Moving the post up since more was added
ETA: Video added - Youtube or watch at the source | Via
ETA: Video added - Youtube or watch at the source | Via
What will u miss most about the twilight saga now it is over? #msnrob
Rob: I will miss doing live tweeting things.
Lisa Sherman - If you could turn invisible on The Breaking Dawn Premiere Red Carpet what havoc would you cause :)?
Rob: I'd go around pulling down people's pants.
What's the one thing about vampires you would like to have? speed? sight? flawless features?(which you already have!) and why? by the way you are absolutely amazing, i love you and thankyou! ??
Rob: Hmm... I don't know! I'd quite like to have a harder bottom.
Did you think you would be hear today after doing the first Eva twilight? Did you think it would of been as popular and what made you go for the part?
Rob: No I didn't think it would be as popular. But probably Catherine Hardwicke made me want to do it?
Do you feel you are similar to Edward in real life?
Rob: Kind of?
Before the fame did you have a bucket list of sorts? That is an idea of a few of the things you really hoped to do or experience in your life above all others? Can you share some? Any you are still waiting anxiously to accomplish?
Rob: I don't think I had a specific list... but, yes. I want to experience one day as a woman.
Teradactyl - OMG You should SO be in the 50 Shades Of Grey movie! Would you consider doing it!?!? BIG love.
Rob: I am playing that part. I also wrote the book.
Emma - If you had to join a boyband, would you rather join One Direction or Westlife?
Rob: Westlife definitely. They're one of my favourite bands.
How does it feel to be a part of the ‘British invasion’, being one of a few globally adored British stars like Adele, One Direction, Emma Watson…?
Rob: I love how they don't include Daniel Radcliffe in that! It's nice, yeah. I like being English.
What are you doing now as twilight is coming to an end
Rob: I am doing a few more movies next year.
Rob: Can you please start sending me naked pictures? It's never happened... Do it right now. Tweet in #msnrob
(Someone sent a picture of two dogs)
Rob: I like the one that looks like a bull!
Rob: I hope you enjoyed this and please don't send any pictures if you're underage!! PS I won't see them anyway. Thanks!
bd2 london promo,
movie: breaking dawn - part 2,
movie: twilight,
Rob Talks About Future Projects and 'Mission: Blacklist' with Publinews (Guatemala)
Mostly the same we've read and heard him say during this promo, but a couple of new quotes


Edward Cullen, the enigmatic and central figure of The Twilight Saga, was the role that launched Robert Pattinson to success. Something that according to him, doesn’t quite fits into his personality.
Publinews talked to him about critics and future projects.
“I have a weird mental disorder: I only listen the negative part. It doesn’t matter if a lot of people say really good things, I always see it negative.”
Maybe I feel I don’t deserve it yet, that’s why I really want to feel in my head that I do something worthwhile, and fight for a long period of time.
In any case, Pattinson feels uncomfortable with The Twilight Saga’s fame, although it’s a motivation for his career. “This year I’ve sign to a lot of things. I was obsessed in working with people that are qualified as dangerous; I thought it would be thrilling.”
“I think that anyone who has some vision, could try to make really subversive things. I think it will be really interesting to develop these kind of projects within the mainstream, movies that convert the audience in participants and not just consumers.”
This sensitivity is what made him sign into “Mission: Blacklist”, movie that will be shot in Irak next year. “Probably this film will be out of anyone’s comfort zone”
“It’s about a character named “Eric Maddox” who was an army interrogator and almost caught Saddam Hussein all by himself”. “Nobody knows the truth story, which is absolutely incredible, bizzare and hilarante in some aspects.”
Joining to this project, the French visionary director, Jean-Stéphane Sauvaire, who utilized true Liberian soldiers kids in his previous film.
bd2 la promo,
movie: mission: blacklist
Rob's Interview with Ireland AM
Missing the last 10 secs of the interview- He says that he plays music all the time and would love to start doing gigs again.
Thanks to @Gossipgyal and @melcitron
Thanks to @Gossipgyal and @melcitron
bd2 london promo,
movie: breaking dawn - part 2,
New BTS Video from 'Breaking Dawn - Part 2'
Not really spoilery. It just shows them running (it's on the trailer)
Behind-The-Scenes shows the multiple takes of the charge during the Epic Battle
Thanks to @melcitron
Behind-The-Scenes shows the multiple takes of the charge during the Epic Battle
Thanks to @melcitron
movie: breaking dawn - part 2,
Rob's Interview with Movie Juice (Australia Promo)
Thanks to @melcitron
bd2 australia promo,
movie: breaking dawn - part 2,
movie: twilight,
Monday, November 19, 2012
Much Music NML 'Breaking Dawn - Part 2' Special
Youtube or watch at the source
click to view all three parts
Thank you marishi09 for the heads up. | Youtube
click to view all three parts
Thank you marishi09 for the heads up. | Youtube
Rob's Interview with CNN Mexico (Dubbed)
Translation - Highlights of the interview - Thanks to @PamelaPPI
He said he's proud of the movie but right now he doesn't know how to feel about the end, maybe in ten years he can decide how to feel about the end when he watch the collection of DVD. He doesn't understand why people likes those movies.
He will miss Edward he's so familiar to him, is weird to say goodbye to him.
About playing a young dad: He doesn't thinks he's very responsable to be a father. Also he said that some of his friends are already having babies, so maybe he's not too young to be a dad. For him men in general doesn't know how to be a dad, that things just happen.
What he has in common with Edward? He thinks he's very patient like him.
What he learn from Edward? Not be so introspective.
About Dior: Rob said that, if there's something then it will be an announcement.
Source | Thanks to @PamelaPPI
bd2 la promo,
movie: breaking dawn - part 2,
movie: twilight,
Rob's Interview with MTV UK
Or MTV Player
bd2 london promo,
movie: breaking dawn - part 2,
movie: twilight,
Rob, Taylor and Wyck Interview with RTE - London Premiere
Rob's interview at 2:04 - Very short, but says hi to Irish fans
bd2 london promo,
Rob, Kristen and Taylor Interview with ITN from the Berlin Premiere
Rob's interview at 1:17
bd2 berlin promo,
Rob and 'Breaking Dawn - Part 2' Cast Interview with THR
Thanks to @melcitron
bd2 la promo,
movie: twilight,
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Mackenzie Foy Talks About Rob and Kristen with USA Today
LOS ANGELES – As The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2 smashes records worldwide, the spotlight is on its pint-size half-human, half-vampire breakout star, Mackenzie Foy.
Foy, 12, agrees "it's a little weird" how much she looks like her on-screen parents Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart. "Kristen's eyes are green just like mine. And then Rob is kind of goofy. I'm kind of goofy like Rob," she says, curling up today at the Ritz-Carlton in skinny jeans, a plaid shirt and slim navy high-top Converse sneakers.
Ever-vocal Twihards agree, and have assembled Twitter handles like @NessieMackenzie, @MackenzieFarmy and @MissKenzieFoy in her honor. "I've noticed that Mackenzie is a HUGE fan of Converse, just like Kristen," tweeted fan @MissKenzieFoy.
In the new film, Foy's role is expanded from her brief turn in Part 1, playing a young half-bloodsucker who grows rapidly. "One hour she'll be an infant and the next she'll be a toddler," says Foy, whose face was transposed onto younger body doubles through CGI.
Foy had fun on set, from riding a furry mechanical bull (meant to be Jacob the werewolf) to keeping a swear jar for her older stars and donating the proceeds to St. Jude's hospital. "Some of them paid me in advance," she said, laughing. Although Stewart, "did say a couple bad words, I'm not gonna lie," Foy describes Stewart, who guards her character ferociously in the film, as a " best friend-sister-mom all combined."
Plus, she got some cool downtime with the cast. "I heard Kristen play her trumpet," she says, laughing. "Rob got her a trumpet and you could hear in the hotel."
The chatty, friendly young actress recently saw a Starbucks fall pin-drop quiet when she walked in, but sweetly shrugs off all the attention she's receiving. Her friends treat her normally, she says, and the home-schooled actress is still having fun off-screen painting, kicking butt as a junior black belt in tae kwon do, and baking her own birthday cakes, a tradition she loves.
Born and raised just outside of Los Angeles, Foy's parents, a homemaker and truck driver, had no connections to the entertainment industry. Spotted at a dance recital at age 3, Foy soon began booking print jobs modeling, followed by commercials and TV shows. Breaking Dawn -- Part 1 was her first film.
As a parting gift, Foy got to take her character's dragonfly pin with her. "It's pretty special," she says. (She left a few behind, too. Foy estimates she lost five baby teeth over the course of the two-year production.)
Next projects including horror flick The Conjuring opposite Vera Farmiga. But could there could be more to the story of Jacob and Renesmee (as author Stephenie Meyer has teased)? "I think it'd be fun to come back to Renesmee and see what her life is beyond what Part 2 ends with," says Foy. "I think it would just be cool to see where her life takes her."
Source | Via
bd2 la promo,
people talking about rob
New Rob and Kristen Interview and Picture with Bilde (Germany)
New picture with journalist Norbert Körzdörfer

Source | thanks to Chrisze for the translation | Via/Via

The German premiere of the last part of the Twilight saga, "Breaking Dawn (release date: Thursday).
BILD: Are you happy that it's over?
Kristen (22): "I'm happy that the love story is told. I feel liberated and I am free, but I do miss it at the same time. "
BILD: What do you regret?
Robert (26): "There is a price, which you have to pay. You are 24 hours in the job, if you go out in public. "
Kristen: "You're trying to protect your life, but at the same time you also rob your life."
BILD: How do you escape from your fame?
Robert: "Fame is like a prison. But I have family and old friends, who are my real world. "
Kristen: "I have to build steel barriers around me. You get a very different view of life and people. You will be thrown out of your comfort zone, you're apprehensive. But this fear is also a welcome feeling when you grow up, want to explore the world! "
BILD: Your dreams and goals in life?
Robert: "I want to make a lot of films and get better."
Kristen: "I don't know what will happen in a year. I never know what to do before the decision is in front of me! "
He smiles. She yawns. When they look at each other, it clicks in their eyes.
In Berlin, Kristen and Robert went bowling in the evening.
The ball of love rolled.
Source | thanks to Chrisze for the translation | Via/Via
bd2 berlin promo,
movie: breaking dawn - part 2
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