"To me, vampires are sex," says show creator Alan Ball. "I don't get a vampire story about abstinence. I'm 53. I don't care about high school students. I find them irritating and uninformed."
Take that, Twilight fans.
Says Stephen Moyer, who plays a vampire who dates back to the Civil War, "If we go from a base level, vampires create a hole in the neck where there wasn't one before." It's a de-flowering of sorts, he says. "So that's pretty sexy. I think that makes vampires attractive." He laughs a little. "Plus, Robert Pattinson is just hot, right?"
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RIGHT!! hhaha(:
I now wish that Rob had won the role of Bill on True Blood when he auditioned, instead of Steven Moyer - let's face it, we would have seen more of him more often!
i was able to vote again for some reason. that's why i love rob, he could care less about this poll, while Ian tweets about it.
Please, spread the word, he needs every vote he can get !
@JA we r fans of the right kind of vampire ;)
tho...edward 52% down from 57%......so where r the right kind of FANS???
Please, POST about the poll ON ROBSESSED IN THE COMMENT SECTION somewhere. Rob has to win, no way in hell this Ian is hotter than Rob.
Yaelfica,JA,@emma..Hi again..I tried to vote again but won't accept it..is he losing now?..when is this finishing? it's getting really late here in UK ..I'lltry again tomorrow,,hugs to all the FAVS..COME ROB'S FANS WHERE ARE ALL THE TWILIGHT FANS..vote for ROB/EDWARD http@//popwatch.ew.com
@twilightnan and Yaelfica, I tried again and I am unable to vote again. Now they each have 50%. This is going to be a tight race. I hope the other sights are putting this on as well. I tried, at least in my heart I know that Robert is not a narcissitic person to tweet people to vote for him on a silly poll that only is aimed at fans of any of these individuals.
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