Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Video of Rob and Kristen at Trudeau Airport in Montreal

Source: Cybermelli


Kus Cukru said...

poor kristen :(

Bruna Mendes said...

where they are going?

Anonymous said...

Don't say poor Kristen. She slipped. The floors were slippery and she got RIGHT BACK UP.

If she hurt herself then ok, then I'd see everyone making it into a big deal; but come on, she is just fine. She brushed it off, it's not the end of the world.

JLC said...

Was that Sam running paparazzi interference for Rob? Nice!! Kristen did a cute recovery from the slip.

JA said...

she fell AGAIN..in a video going out to the world..i think a 'poor kristen' is in order.

WickedBrownEyes said...

@JLC that's John, Kristen's assistant/bodyguard (or something like that). Someone correct me if I'm wrong. lol

annacrispeta said...

Is this a pap or a fan video? Anyone?

annacrispeta said...

And @BrunaGomez, in another blog they say they are headed for Ottawa, to continue filmingo On The Road

meleny said...

Where are they going? vacations finally?

beanie said...

Robfans we need your help!!
Entertainment Weekly has a poll of sexiest beast. Rob is in the final round against Ian Somerhalder. He was winning but Ian gets many votes at the moment from Robhaters.
You can vote as much as you want during 72hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nicole said...

I say poor kristen too! I would be totally embarrassed if i slipped and it was seen all over the internet.

Hope they are having fun!


JLC said...

WickedBrownEyes - Thanks for answering my question - love the name "WickedBrownEyes" by the way. I thought it was nice of him to do that for Rob.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Ok, that's twice we have seen the girl take a tumble in the public eye... At the MTV Awards I said damn heels, but now...Is this karma? Is she clearly just a Bella? Since she recovered unscathed LMAO! Would be good for AFV! See, yesterday my sons and I were jumping into a lake from a dock, and I said to them: 'No running the wood is extremely slippery.' Then wouldn't you know it I fell on my ass into the water just walking. Haha. Oh and yeah it's on video. Also good to know Montral keeps their airports nice and shiny clean...

Anonymous said...

Poor Kristen slipping over like that.Anyone notice the enthusiastic guy with the push chair.He rushes towards them when he realises who they are.Lol

Unknown said...

Wow! They're moving around Montreal pretty freely without a lot of paps. It must feel good to them. Even tho' we've gotten quite a few fan pics, they aren't being mobbed as they are in LA & other places. I'm happy for them. Seeing them spending time together daily is fun. It seems to establish that they're def a couple as we all tho't; all these pics just makes it so real. I hope they're having a great time. Thx for posting this vid.

Nicole said...


There is a site online that has his reaction. So funny! and i love that you called it a push chair!

♪♫ Yaelfica ♪♫ said...

@ravenlilly "i fell on my a**" aahahahaha i want to see that vid too! ;)

@liddlex4 he is called "stroller dad" ahhahaha he is already famous on twitter:


bach said...

hey mod, can you please post the EW poll in your awesome blog? Robward needs votes :-)


Jane said...

Anyone know if they are flying to London? I really don't see the difference if this is a pap video or a fan video, still put it on the internet. I am going to not worry about either one. I just want to see what my favorite couple are up to. Does that sound selfish, okay, I'm selfish.

Iluvthemovies said...

@Jane, no it is not selfish, it is honest and real. We would all like to take the higher ground, yet here we are watching vids and photos of intimate and private moments. However, I do on most occassions find it fascinating and I can't turn away.

I feel bad for Kristen as well, anyone who falls or slips in front of a crowd of people and many of them taking photos and videos of the event is going to be a bit embarrased but she handled it w/class. No melodramatics, just got right back up. I loved her bodyguard trying to block the papz trying to get a photo of Rob's face. They are like mosquitos always there and you keep trying to swat them away. I am glad they are making sweet music together since they have their guitars, they must be jamming together as well as any other extracurricular activities. lol

I will try to vote for Rob again and see if it lets me this time.

Meeph said...

Is it bad that I laughed when Kristen slipped? I'm sorry—I couldn't help it! hehehe But man, she was up in seconds—very impressive! Rob was probably having a panic attack and had to be restrained from running to her rescue. Where is the Robsten machine going next? Hawaii, The Bahamas... London? Mwahaha all the glorious choices. They needed a vacation!! Also, is it bad that I keep rewinding the video over and over again to watch the part where she trips *giggles*... no disrespect, I love kstew!

♪♫ Yaelfica ♪♫ said...

@iluvthemovies actually that's pretty much what "paparazzi" means: buzzing insects...perfect name i say...

well i'm off

kisses and huge hugs to all my FAVS!! and to the new FAV @JA welcome girl!!

CUT ♥♥♥♥♥ (had to add a new heart for JA) am i cute or what?? LOL

JA said...

Edward is at 51% now :) we're so silly, haha!

@meephwest i laughed too...it's endearing. when *I* fall, i'm the first one to laugh. so embarassed for her, but when you're not hurt, and only embarassed, you have to laugh.

JA said...

@yaelfica, thanks! :)

yaffa said...
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Unknown said...

@JA haha! I like your humour. Its kinda like adding fresher and lighter approach even to the most serious of topics.

I saw the vid too... Well, remember Kristen's interview in Elle(UK)? That's exactly what she meant. Neither the speculation nor the picking of bits stops after their admission, but it somehow fueled the insatiable needs of the world for everything Robert and Kristen__AND I can say that the feeding frenzy has just started.

__AND with all the series of OMG! and OMFG! that I spewed over this 80 hours of excitement and craziness, I'm not too ashame to admit that I'm whole lot part of this feeding frenzy:):) oh! I really love them to be together forever! (^.^)

JA said...

@mujhiko, thanks :) we have to be have fun with all of this. no one is trying to murder the pope here.

Jenn said...

I love the guy waving his arms to keep that woman from taking pics! LOL! It's too bad SHE didn't slip when she was trying to run Rob down! THAT would have made me laugh! :P*

LK said...

I'd like to kick that woman's ass really bad.She had almost put her camera in Rob's face.