Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Robert Pattinson Life is closing. Thank you for everything.

This is a really emotional entry, but necessary as in a way to thank all the 15600 followers on twitter and the people that visit the blog daily. I'm sorry for typos.

Robert Pattinson Life is closing.

I, Mandy, didn't start this blog. It was created in 2008 by Michelle and in April (or May, I can't even remember) she invited me to help. That day I also started modding the livejournal community Pattinsonlife. Real life happened and Michelle eventually left. I decided to keep posting on RPLife.

I love this blog, I invested so much into it. I gave up a lot to keep it always updated. I tried my best to post what was important. Typing this entry right now is harder than I ever thought it would be.

If you are reading this, we probably have something in common. We are all here for Robert Pattinson. What happened didn't really damaged the site. Entries are still here. Yeah a lot of pictures are gone, but I can always repost them with time. The problem is that, to me, it was the tip of the iceberg. I try to stay away from drama in this fandom, but I see what is happening. All the hate, the fights, it shouldn't be like this.

That livejournal account was deleted because someone reported a few pictures (I don't know which pictures, since everything was deleted) and I really can't understand why. I'm sure everyone enjoyed them when they were posted, but the hate around here made a person, that probably saved the photo, file a complaint. When something that it was supposed to be fun starts being the reason I'm stressing all the time, I guess it's time to stop;

It has been a wonderful jorney. When I created the twitter account to link the blog to readers I never thought I'd get such a great response. To all affiliates, THANK YOU. To all followers and readers, THANK YOU. To everyone that supported the blog, THANK YOU. To all the friends I made during this time, THANK YOU.

There's so much we can be excited for. Breaking Dawn filming, the Eclipse DVD and commentary, Bel Ami, Water For Elephants and all the projects in Rob's future. The fact that I'm not posting anymore, doesn't mean I'll stay away. I'll be lurking and waiting to fangirl to all those things.

The entries in the blog will still be online, I wont delete them. They'll work as an archive for the posts that were lost in Pattinsonlife. I'm also leaving my place as a moderator there but the community will keep going with all the other great mods - A heads up, the reason the community is private is to keep the kind of people that did this to the lj account away. If you're not new to livejournal, you'll be accepted.

Once again and for the last time, THANK YOU


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rdrumm5 said...

NO NO NO!!!! You can't, this is my favorite site. I come on here daily. Your like my god. Please?

30 said...

Sad Sad Sad.

I hope the fu*k nuts are happy. Did ya get what all wanted?? Disgusting. THEY are the one's that need to be kicked out of this fandom!

Anonymous said...

This just sucks. You are the best blog out there that isn't biased or full of dillusions. I hope those evil people get their comeuppance.

And I hope you'll approve me to get into pattinsonlife. I've been trying forever and I've been on lj for over 2 years.

Anonymous said...

Wow, OMG! is so terrible what has happened. Have enjoyed reading blog immensely and I'm in shock it's now over. Thank you so much for keeping us all up to date with happenings and accompanying pics. This is so not right but I agree, the fighting and catting has got to stop, it's ugly and damaging as we can see with such a wonderful blog coming to an end. Thank you so much for all your hard work, it has been appreciated by me and so many others. Good luck and see you on twitter :)


piebeary27 said...

OMG!!! I'm SO SAD!!! This was my #1 site that I went to daily! I'm So sorry you had to deal with the hate. That is SO lame, immature, and unnecessary. I loved how up-to-date, in-the-know, and how positive your site was. To that hater- you're a loser. Thank you SO much for your blog. I can't say how SAD I am!!! :(

arkascha said...

This is very sad........ :-((((( and I´m really sorry! You always had a lot of information!!! Wish you the best!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
LoCullen said...

OMG!!!! It really hurt to read this... i mean i know it hard sometimes but please don't go!!! I personally think this is one of the BEST RobPat related sites i've ever found!!!!

But I also understand all the heavy stuff some people give to this kind of sites... i feel deeply sorry to know this and i hope maybe later maybe next month or so... you decide to change your mind about it.

And I'd like to say THANK YOU!!!!! for all the amazing thing u gave us and still u will give, love ya... even i've never met you... u have a special place in my <3 ...
:'( Z

mina27 said...

Please Mandy don't go!

Anonymous said...

I am not a "fan" of Rob (more a Jackson chick) but I have visited your site for as long as I've been a part of the fandom. I then went by Spank Ransom and worked with Twilightheaded.

The fandom (or fandumb as Spank would say) has a lot of good people and just enough bad apples to leave a sour taste in the mouth of anyone who stays too long.

I wish you well in your future endeavors and hope you find what I found when I shed myself of the obligatory duties of blogging re: Twilight.

Real life is a helluva lot more fun, more rewarding and more important. And if you kick back in real life with the REAL people you found on this journey you will be all the better for it.

Good luck.

Laura (the artist formerly known as Spank)

*Layla*Crepusculera* said...

So Sad...Please, don't go! :(

debbi said...

I've never really commented before, but visited your blog daily. This is/was the best blog on the web for news on Rob and his projects. Hands down. I'm honestly incredibly sad that you're shutting down but completely understand your reasons for doing so. This fandom and the drama it generates is becoming tedious and sad. You said it best, it shouldn't be like this. Please know that your work was enjoyed and more importantly, appreciated by a lot of people, myself especially. Best of luck to you and thank you.

RobStenation said...

Luv you Mandy! I still don't know what to say. I still can't believe this is happening. It's an effing nightmare. Hope you'll still keep in touch. I appreciate all the effort you put in here. This is the BEST Rob blog around and it will be hard without you in the fandom. Most of all your friendship bb. I will miss our funny DMs. Good luck! Saying I will miss you is such an understatement. You leaving is such a big void, no one can ever fill.

Love you so much hun,

bonniebbbluee said...

I loved this site. I am confused about who reported your site or pictures...?

Impossible is nothing said...

I'm really sorry! :(

Thank you for all your hard work! I enjoyed this blog! Kept coming here for news and new pictures!


wishing you all the best!!!

Gisel said...


Gigi said...

I'm so sad and so sorry ...I know this must be hard for you we all know how hard you have worked pls could you not re consider this ...I love this site and would not like to see it off ..I just don't know what else to say I'm so sad ...pls change your mind we love you and stand with you and behind you ...

andrea said...

OMG NOOO, :'( this is the best blog of robert... it sucks, i hope those people are happy now.

I wish you the best! and i want you to know tha you're one of the best bloggers i know!

andrea said...

OMG NOOO, :'( this is the best blog of robert... it sucks, i hope those people are happy now.

I wish you the best! and i want you to know tha you're one of the best bloggers i know!

andrea said...

OMG NOOO, :'( this is the best blog of robert... it sucks, i hope those people are happy now.

I wish you the best! and i want you to know tha you're one of the best bloggers i know!

andrea said...

OMG NOOO, :'( this is the best blog of robert... it sucks, i hope those people are happy now.

I wish you the best! and i want you to know tha you're one of the best bloggers i know!

robsten love 4 ever said...

omg...no no plz i love this blog plz don't go :(

papagáj said...


dear God

Unknown said...

No no, don't go! This is my 'go to' site for Rob exactly because it's the most drama-free of the fan sites. You're so quick with updates, and you let us drool without judgment. I know you must do what's best, but just know I REALLY appreciated your blog and will truly miss it!

Hopefully there's another option and you'll reconsider.

debbie nerissa threet said...

I can't believe this :'((( You are the one that keeps me updated on everything! Your blog is the most amazing I've ever seen :'( Omg, I don't know where to go now!

RobPattinsonBerlin said...

Dear Mandy thank you so much for the wonderful last 2 Years!
I´ll miss you! Please, come back soon. From Berlin with love

jaybunzy0 said...

it's sad to see you go! i definitely enjoyed your site as im sure many others did. good luck in the future!

Anonymous said...

Omg :O this is...shocking. I have been comming here everyday now for so long! I'm a huge fan of Rob, and this is the only fan site of him I ever visit. You always give out information sooo fast! This will always be the number one robsite for me, so sad to see it end, but I guess you have to :( Thx for a good site, it's going to be so weird not comming here tomorrow. I guess I gotta find another one now :/

Lattecoug said...

Oh no! This is terrible news!!

I love your blog and visit several times a day. You're reliable, timely and have the fastest loading pictures. It's incredible and much appreciated.

I've noticed a little drama in some of the comments, but nothing at all like I've seen on other sites. That's another reason I come here. I'm so sorry this incident has driven you away. It's unfair to you and to those of us who love your site.

God, this is a black week. First UoEM is taken down, and now this. Would you reconsider your decision? If not, please know that you will be sorely missed!

Maria in CT said...

OH NO!!! I can't believe it! Mandy, I'm so sorry. I honestly don't know what happened, I usually stay away from comments on all blogs and sites because there is so much hatred there.

I visit a very select few sites every single day and have for over a year now. My Rob addiction started in March of 2009. I don't remember exactly when I discovered RP Life, but I LOVE THIS SITE!!! It is the FIRST Rob site I visit every day. I have a pattern and I visit the same ones every single day.

It makes me crazy when the haters ruin something good. This site is a treasure to all true Rob fans. The look of it, the information, the beautiful photos - oh my gosh, I can't believe it won't continue.

Please don't let the bastards and bitches get you down!

~ Maria

daylyne said...

I'm so sad!

I will feel very lack of daily postings and his dedication to the site.

This is the best fan-site dedicated to Rob, thank you for all these years of updates and news.

Much love and best wishes to you. THANK YOU! <3

*Stands up and claps a lot*

papagáj said...


I'm sorry Mandy but i'm still too shocked to write something clever

unpetitpeu said...

This really breaks my heart. Your blog has been nothing but wonderful, respectful and loving. You were always there when something new happened, and have always treated everything and everyone with nothing but respect. No drama and no hate was ever here. You have put so much work and personal time and love to this blog, which is really remarkable! I will not say a word for those who did that, as they don't deserve to be mentioned in this post. This is a THANK YOU for all your work, a THANK YOU for your loving way,a THANK YOU for never hating, a THANK YOU for bringing all of us together,a THANK YOU for respecting the boy we all love, a THANK YOU for being there for the fandom. I am sure it was tiresome, but also so much fun! I am sure that you will finally get some days without stress and anxiety for the posts:) Love and Hugs,
unpetitpeu (professional lurker)

H2B said...

I've been a victim of the haters in this fandom as well. I wish every evil they have done onto others back onto them.

I hate to see them win & that's what's happening if you leave. You're letting evil take over & that isn't fair nor should it happen. Please reconsider & stay with us.

Letty said...

It's so sad :'(
Don't Go Please,don't let all this fucking haters win...
You make an awesome job here, you have more lovers than haters, if you leave, everybody will be inconsolable...

We will miss you so much...

Thank you for all,and please stay :'(


Gina said...

I lurk here all the time but never posted :( What are we gonna do now? This was my only Rob source :( How can I become a member of Pattinson Life? What is livejournal?

so sad! Please don't go!

Anonymous said...

We love you Mandy :")

Unknown said...

OMG!!!NOOOO!!!I am so sad.its disgasting!!!Your blog is great and one of the best.I am from Ukraine and i have my own fansite of Robert Pattinson and i often translate your information to my site.It is very sad and i really understand you couse i had the same problem in the past.I hope you wont close this great blog and i wish you luck and all the best.Thank you for all your hard work!
P.S.sorry for my english)))

mina27 said...

Mandy, please don't give up the blog. Don't let those haters get to you.
Still in tears.

googlefdp said...

This is such a sad thing to hear. Unfortunately there are haters everywhere, as long as you're doing something good and being sucessful with it.=/
I'm really sad to hear you're closing, it was part of my daily habits coming over here to check the news.
I wish you all the best and hope that you come back one day!

Amitolane said...

I was here since Michelle was around.(good times! especially the Maul Tours!).. remembered when you took over and now you're going.. I am sorry for all the stress and trouble you had to go through to bring us news/pics of Rob.
Karma will get those who are responsible.

I wish you ALL THE BEST and TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF. I know how hectic it can be to run a website.

So let it all go now. You're free! :)

Unknown said...


I'm sorry for everything that happen to you, I'm really sad :-(

Diane said...

When the people who thrive on hate and turmoil win, we all lose - including Rob. Thanks for all you've done.

Unknown said...

Mandy, I never comment on postings but I visit daily (when I'm bored, multiple times daily) because you're the only fansite I follow. Yes, there are times when I cruise over to the Twilight sites, but yours is the only Rob site I read. Your info is accurate, fangirly, fun, and the pics are plentiful.

I certainly understand and respect your reasons for ending the blog, but I wish you'd reconsider. Or if you must end it, is there a fansite with as much integrity -- that still has the same amazing and up-to-date information that you can guide us to?

Good luck in all you do. It's just terrible that someone would report you like that. They're not representative of the majority of fans and it's a shame they're so petty.

Take care,

Ana73 said...

You did a fabulous job while you ran the site and good luck to you and your future :) and i agree something that was fun should stay fun, too bad there is drama.

Unknown said...

Thx for all of your hard work and devotion. I followed you on Twitter and check this site daily. I'm so sorry you had to deal with haters. I wish you well.

Amitolane said...

And THANK YOU MANDY! Bless you for all the joys, the gasps of pleasure, the screams - all good stuff you gave us through the pictures, videos and news! Good things will happen to you when you least expect it. It might not be what you want but good things are on their way to you!


Lizzie said...

No, you can´t so this!!! I will SO miss you. You´re the best, the first and....simply the first site I´look at in the morning, the last in the night. I hate those people who did it to you.

So, sad...

Sasnhi said...

first the robsessed tumblr and now you, I still can't believe it. Why the best sites have to close?
Well good luck Mandy on everything!
I'll miss you, really :'(

Melania said...

Please, don't! I love this blog so much :( please, I'll help you if you want but PLEASE don't.. :( You can't do this to your followers..

♪♫ Yaelfica ♪♫ said...

i don't fully understand what happened and i don't know if there's something i can do. i also don't know where will i go, coz this is the only site i visit everyday since i got ROBSESSED last year :´(
i hope u reaconsider and if u don't do know i appeciate all the effort u made to keep this site as it was. it is the BEST site EVER.

i'm sad and forsaken...:´(


Anonymous said...

WOW This suck !! I've been coming here for IDK how long. You actually inspired me to start my own blog bout Rob.
Idk why ppl insist on all the drama!
It just spoil it for the other fans!

Thanks for all the great news and pic's , I'll miss coming here.

All of the best for the future! :)

Anonymous said...

I just want to say that you will be missed. This was one of the few fandom related blogs that I still read. The same thing that is happening to you is happening in the fanfiction writing community where UoEM and some other stories were taken down. There is just so much hate and grown women acting like complete idiots. I'm sure you did nothing wrong.

A fandom is supposed to be something that is fun to help you get through real life. When that thing that was once fun becomes nothing but stress, we want to bail. I wish you would stay, but I understand your reasons for leaving.

I do want to say that pettiness, bitterness, hate, and bullying may win for a day, but it always loses in the end. I wouldn't want to be these people when all this hate comes back on them.

I love Rob, but there is a group of his "fans" who think they own him. They do a disservice to him. I hope that their hate and bitterness does not tarnish his future career. I am sure that if he read some of the things they write or say, he would be ashamed and angry.

“Hate is too great a burden to bear. It injures the hater more than it injures the hated.”-Coretta Scott King

Anonymous said...

this is so very sad to hear :(

this was my favorite blog not only because it's always up to date with the latest news but also because it's the 'lightest' blog and it was easy to read from iphones/ipods etc. I have no idea where I'm going to check my Rob news from now on :( so sorry you had this happen to you. it's sad that thousands of fans have to pay for an asshole's doing :|

Anonymous said...

this is so very sad to hear :(

this was my favorite blog not only because it's always up to date with the latest news but also because it's the 'lightest' blog and it was easy to read from iphones/ipods etc. I have no idea where I'm going to check my Rob news from now on :( so sorry you had this happen to you. it's sad that thousands of fans have to pay for an asshole's doing :|

Anonymous said...

this is so very sad to hear :(

this was my favorite blog not only because it's always up to date with the latest news but also because it's the 'lightest' blog and it was easy to read from iphones/ipods etc. I have no idea where I'm going to check my Rob news from now on :( so sorry you had this happen to you. it's sad that thousands of fans have to pay for an asshole's doing :|

Gina said...

Someone please explain me what this is? ginamessina86@gmail.com

Please what is Pattinson Life?

LovetheLips said...

Hi Mandy,

I've never posted a comment before, but I visit your site daily (often several times a day) and am SO sad to read you're packing it in. Your Rob info is practically up to the minute and unbiased. I will miss your blog so very much!

I cannot stand the negative drama in this fandom and for that reason I don't have a twitter account. Some of my friends that are on twitter often enlighten me to the crazy shit that goes down and it makes me sick...just as it makes me sick to know that these shit disturbers call themselves Rob's "fans" and seem to take some kind of twisted pleasure in sticking it to Rob's true fans.

I understand your decision to step away from such toxicity. But it's sad, nonetheless. Thank you for all your hard work and all the love you put into your blog.

Good luck!

annacrispeta said...

Please DONT leave us!!! I dont comment a lot but I come daily at least once, and this is my RobHome, please dont leave us homeless!

I have at least 5 gb of images Ive downloaded from here and other Rob/Twilight sites, and am more than willing to send them to you, or upload them, or whatever you need. WE WILL HELP YOU build this back, make it better,please think about it and we´ll work TOGETHER, dont let the little people win!

Thesabstar1 said...

So sad to see you go. I've had your site on my Bookmarks bar for some time - it has always been my first port of call for RP news & pics. Thank you so much for the time and effort you put into this blog for all us fans... I'm so sorry you've been driven away in this cruel manner.

Anonymous said...

It's sad when a few jerks try and bring you down! Love the site and it will be missed... GOOD LUCK!

Kelly said...

I come here to read every day.. and my heart is just broken for you.

I'm not an original here, so I am not a part of your LJ group... though from the moment I found you I tried to join. I do understand your caution in letting members in.

There are so many things about this fandom that are great, so many things.

You will be missed!

Opsable said...

This is a sad day. I love your blog, you've been doing such a valuable work and so selflessly. I can't believe all this hate and drama. You don't deserve it. I'm so sorry, the fandom will never be the same without you. Thank you so much for everything.

Unknown said...

love what you've done , sorry to see you go . and sorry that someone has hurt you , i can tell how upset you are and im sorry . ive checked for your rob updates daily . good luck to you

JA said...

:( no other site compares imho. what will we do. need time to regroup!!

Anonymous said...

You are one of the best site, your blog is the best for everything about robert, this is a sad news and a sad story, but i understand why you want stop the blog ! i just want to say Thank you for everything you do !!!!

Iluvthemovies said...

Mandy, all of the above have expressed my feelings and yet all I know is a deep sadness fills me because I met a wonderful group of people online when I needed it. You filled my life with some brightness because I was going through some heavy things in my life. I can't even express how much I will miss this site and all the wonderful things u provided us in relation to Rob and the comments from mostly a great group of women and maybe some men from around the world. Jeez, tears are about to fall, I need to go but I want to tell u how much I have enjoyed your blog, it was the best, I have lurked on other sites but this one was the one I enjoyed the most. I am so disappointed that there are people who can be so spiteful that they do things like that to discredit a site for no reason but hate. I wish u the best and my deep felt thanks for all you have provided and shared with us. Best wishes on all you do. Again thank you, it does not seem enough but it is all I can offer. To my Favs my final hugs to u on RPL, this site was the best. Good luck, Mandy.

amfipolos said...

It's not the first time I've seen something like this happen in fandom-sphere, and sad doesn't even begin to describe it. I guess people with absolutely no lives but with extensive hate over anyone who's happy, creative and devoted have won once again...
I agree with you, you have to do what you have to do when you feel you don't want to put up with the shit anymore. Thank you for all you've done, you know you rock!

queen of the slipstream said...

bb you can't leave you simply can't , PL will never be the same anymore if you aren't there
I'm so sad :(

Unknown said...

I'm really sorry to read this thing. I love your blog and I follow it every day.
Thank you for everything you did for us Robsessed

twmmy said...

I don't, I can't believe it !!! My heart aches. Who is that ? Who is envy for you ? You only gave us.You gave for us Rob-news, Rob-pics, and a lovely community, with lovely fans. I just don't understand it. This site was in my daily routine. Now, where should I go? Please don't give up, let move to another place.We help you to build up the new blog, we folow you, whereever you go. I'm so sad.

Jasmine said...

Hey Mandy!

Im from Switzerland and this site is always my number 1 source!

This is sad but I want to thank you!

Take care!

Unknown said...

This is so sad. I just have to say THANK YOU for everything! This was one of my fav sites and though, i didnt commented, I came here almost every day. It is so sad to see u go :(

Unknown said...

Thanks for all you've posted though! We understand you have to do what's good for you. Thanks again and good luck!

Anonymous said...

it's sad that things like this have to happen. i will sorely miss this site. i'm not a very vocal robert pattinson fan and i mostly just lurk and don't comment much at the site, but i love this site and i will miss the excitement i feel everytime there's a new post on the site. :(

reading all the tweets and comments about this issue on different sites will make anyone see how big the community supporting this site is. you will really feel the love, and sadness and regret. it's made me tear up. :'(

thank you very much, mandy. for all the great photos. for all the posts. for giving me my daily rob fix. and now i might suffer from withdrawal symptoms.

i'm still hoping you'll reconsider your decision but if not, we understand.

you're the greatest, mandy! we love you!

Unknown said...

I have to say...I'm really going to miss coming to this site. I visited it daily, it was a great place to get info and pics without having to deal with all the nonsense that comes with it. You will be severely missed.

Engen said...

This is so sad! :(
I really enjoyed reading this blog. So now I'm so angry at the people who reported it!!!

Aeren said...

I.m Cryinng Now, I.m a mother a wife, A Rob Fan and I cant understand all this madness.. Think about your followers, affiliates, I Love you...ah Bad day

CullenGal09 said...

Hi Mandy. My name is Beth, I'm 38 from TN, and like several of the commentors that I've read here, I'm a regular lurker, but usually don't comment. I have to now though. I am deeply shocked, saddened and downright depressed to hear you're closing the site. This site has been a haven of beautiful pics and relevant and great info. on Rob and his projects. The fact that such hatred and petty nonsense has caused you to resort to this upsets me greatly, but I also understand totally. I am aware of the drama for sure, and whether it be over pics, as has been a big issue for I don't know why, or the whole Robsten/Nonsten thing, and all the hate mongering regarding Kristin, which I find absolutely rediculous and downright psychotic actually. As if it's anyone's business who Rob does or doesn't date! Geez. So immature. The point is, I feel your distress and pain over all this. As a true fan, it sickens and angers me that "people" like this who have the audacity to call themselves fans, make something like this site which is for the fans' enjoyment,a place of drama, pettiness, and sophomoric behavior. Truly pathetic. I am so sorry you fell you must do this-this site is wonderful, a definitive if no THE definitive Rob fan site. I implore you to reconsider, but will so understand if you don't. This site will be sorely missed, and so will you. Thanks for all the great work, and hard work too on this site and for all the great info. and pics. They'll never be forgotten.

twmmy said...

And now I saved the site on my hard-drve to remember you .Thank you very much for your hard work for us. It's too hard to say good-bye.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
michi said...

mandy thanks for all the work you have done in RPL! This blog is really a place full of passion, respect and fairness. I hope you can rethink it and you'll find the right incentives to live again RobertPattinsonLife. We follow all over the world and from Italy I say thank you, thank you for everything. I hope you'll change your mind and in the meantime - ciao - and see you soon ... (I wish could express myself better in English ... sorry .. but do not give up mandy. do not win the stupidity that runs on the network...) ,)

Unknown said...

Today is a sad day. I'm so sorry but I understand you. You are supposed to be here for fun and not suffering. Take care bb, and thanks for the time you've spent doing this for us all.

Aliwen Regalos Decorativos said...

this is sad!! i´m from Argentina and your site is the first thing i read in the mornig!! you update all Rob news really quicky. GoD, i´m going to miss you a lot!!!! :(

papagáj said...

What happened is the highest form of human depravity and rudeness. I loathe them. They are not worthy to call them human beings. This is what feeds them is our grief and anger, and note that even they do not deserve, so we must remain strong, maybe in another community. If you have time,Please dear Mandy leave us any suggestions where we should go.You kept this blog alive and did great work I want you to know that this page has a special significance for me, I found it at the beginning of 2009, the best source of information about Rob across the Web so far!!! Every day I started the day with a check this site always accurate,clear and update . Here I met a fantastic group of people who are very respectful of other opinions and without hatred. Their emotional and thoughtful comments were invaluable. I will miss this, but I understand your priorities.

We support You Mandy


Anonymous said...


I really wanna cry and I don't know what I'll do without RP Life, but I understant your decidion. I'm so so so sorry.

Those bitches... just no words.

THANK YOU for being my fav Rob source for over a year. YOU ARE THE BEST.

gothbutterfly said...

I'm so sry for what all happened...this is a wonderful site, and I completely understand your position...just know that you are loved and will be missed...good luck in all you do

JA said...

I'm not new to livejournal but have never been able to join.

if anyone has any opinions about a good alternative to RPL, please post. i think everyone would appreciate it. I'm personally interesting in finding a similar blog. i'm not particularly interested in sites with with all the extras, i.e. polls, etc.

Anonymous said...

mandy, omg wtf is happening? I come home after being away 3 weeks and this is happening and I am so confused D:
and god am I sad...this can't be real?!?! you made my day, basically everyday with your posts at PL, with your witty comments and with your presence in the community and thank god lately in my flist at LJ.
mandy bb, ILY
I wanted to make your lj header this weekend and now I feel like getting drunk instead :( please add me to your flist again - I miss you already :( this shitty day can't get any worse I swear...

The emotion has a voice said...

I visited it daily from Italy...

I will missing you Mandy :_(
please...stay here!

itsyblue said...

It is so sad that something that started out to show love to Rob and brought so many people together, one person or group of people can destroy it.

I am sure Rob would be very disappointed, this is exactly what he meant when he said "little nerds that hide behind their blogs" when they were dissing Kristen.

This site has always be fair and relible news of Rob and it breaks my heart that someone is able to destroy that.

Good luck to you, we will miss you.

itsyblue said...

It is so sad that something that started out to show love to Rob and brought so many people together, one person or group of people can destroy it.

I am sure Rob would be very disappointed, this is exactly what he meant when he said "little nerds that hide behind their blogs" when they were dissing Kristen.

This site has always be fair and relible news of Rob and it breaks my heart that someone is able to destroy that.

Good luck to you, we will miss you.

ThisCullen said...

Hello PLEASE keep this site going! Shutting it down for a couple negative losers doesn't make sense! There are seas of loving followers that enjoy and appreciate this site daily - like me! Please reconsider... Come back!

Maria Mel said...

No, please, no, please no!

str8_2_hell said...

Shame, this is definitely my no 1 blog to go to.

Sorry you had to deal with such drama.

Good luck and thank you for all your hard work, it was so fun to be able to read up to date info.


Aliwen Regalos Decorativos said...

what happened?? someboby please explain me the reason this blog is closing???

twilightnan said...

The Robert Pattinson Life=September 28,2010..closing down!!!!The saddest news I received today..I'm shocked and deeply saddened that you are closing the site down..I have been following this site for nearly a year and the only site that i joined as a regular blogger..this is like my home ,I met a group of wonderful people "The Favs "and I thank you for giving us the site to share our love for ROBERT PATTINSON..this the site where I experience the most wonderful feelings when you posted the pics of Rob and Kristen Kiss in Montreal I was so happy and I thank u so much for that was a priceless feelings..I'm so sad ..thank you Mandy and Linda and like @Iluthemovies I want to give my Favs a final Hugs on RPL site..Goodbye..to Iluvthemovieas ,@Yaelfica,@Mrs.Deen,@Ja ,@papagaj :(..Mandy and Linda all the best and goodluck in the future!!

DreamerKind said...


Best wishes! Really enjoyed your excellent writing and all you did to make this a great place. You will be missed and not forgotten.

Unknown said...

Oh, please NOOOO! Your site is the BEST out there on Rob & I view it several times a day to get my "fix" of Rob! :(. I'm sure it takes a lot of work, I've often wondered how long it takes u to do this but could you consider just maybe cutting back & keeping this up in some form? I didn't understand your explanation about what happened with the deletion of photos? I'm confused...
Well, if you decide to go, thank you for the few months I've been able to enjoy this site! It's been awesome :). And I too would like to be approved to the pattonsonlife...if you can do that, at least I'd have that.
Wishing u all the best...
Peace & Blessings ~

jh said...

This is a great loss. I don't think I've ever commented here but this is the first site I always check for up-to-the-minute news about Rob. I am going to miss you :-(

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I don't understand how this could happen, or what lead to it...

It's disgusting, and frankly scary as shit that haters have this much power...

This will be a huge void..

Aliwen Regalos Decorativos said...

i don´t know to much about blogs but if i did, i would love to carry on your work, ´cause this page is one of the most enjoyable, fun and fantastic place to read and get to know people that love Rob like me!!! all the support and love for you Mandy!!!

Anonymous said...

Mandy I hate that this is happening. I'm really sad that you've made this decision. Robert Pattinson Australia have loved been affiliated with RPLife and Pattinsonlife - I miss the old days and agree totally - the bitchiness and nastiness that is apparent in this fandom is absolutely ridiculous. It's SHOULD be all about sharing and celebrating Rob's brilliance - but that would be a perfect world right. Tis truly a sad day.
Love Maria, Michelle & Vertigo

Lanette said...

Its so sad that you have to do this, but as a fellow blogger I do understand where you are coming from. I wish you luck in everything you do. xoxoxo

Maria Mel said...


papagáj said...

@Ja and everyone i hope it helps a little







Nicole said...

oh Mandy, so sad. I wake up from my nap and find this...its killing me. you were the only site i found that i liked. I am not a regular person stalker, but i am a rob fan and really enjoyed your blog and all your articles. you really knew how to weed out the crap!

To all the regular commenters on RPL, let me know where you are going and I will try to follow. Not just the Favs, but you know who you are!

Hope to talk to you all again soon.


Zuza said...

What????!!! oh god, this is the sadest information i've got for a long time.

Jane said...

This blog was the very first one that I went to over two years ago. I enjoyed the people that commented every day. This was the first stop I made each day to check out Rob. I will really miss it for you always had the latest news. Sorry it is closing down. Hate to mark it off my list.

Anonymous said...

I just found out about what happened in RPLife and then I read your post and I'm so incredibly sad. I don't post very much on LJ but I do check in at RPLife everyday to see the latest on Rob's life and career. I've always loved it there and it's one of my favorite places to visit on the net....and you're one of the main reasons for that.

We've never spoken but I could always tell through your comments and posts what a truly kind-hearted fun and genuine person you truly are and my heart hurts with the news you're leaving. I wish you weren't and I'm sorry now that I never got to know you better. I truly believe you are the kind of fan that would make Rob proud.

Good luck to you and you will truly be missed. There are no words to express just how much.

Sending huge hugs your way~

dorym said...

That mean spirited person is asking for trouble from the universe for putting out such a negative and dishonorable energy which has caused unhappiness for so many fans.
I have so enjoyed your site, it is the best by far of any I've seen.
Good luck in all that you do, love to you and much thanks for all of your hard work.
I will miss your great reportage each day and all of the wonderful pictures.

Anonymous said...

pls dn't go. stay. come bck

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

No No No Please dont! :( i like your blog very much.... will miss u

Anonymous said...

We'll miss you, asta la vista ! :'(

Dkelly said...

I just found this site this past weekend and I am so sad to see it go!

Barbara Fenwick said...

I hope the haters are satisfied. This is a very sad day for fans of Robert Pattinson. This is supposed to be fun, and we should have no interest in his personal life. I am not sure why fans think they have any right to have an opinion on Rob's personal life--it is nobody's business, except Rob's. Come on people (haters) let us get our act together, and go back to having fun.

Maria Mel said...


Unknown said...

I'm shocked!!! So sad to hear that. Did you know that this site is my default in my computer so when I open it I will see it every single day. I just can't believe that someone do that to you but could you please don't give up.

Carlie said...

Oh my god. There are no words. Mandy, thank you so much for your hard work. It was a pleasure to enter this blog every single day. I don't quite get what had happened, but whetever it was, it apparantely offended you a lot. Thank you again. You and your blog will be missed, belive me.
@papagáj Thank you for the links :)

@Nicole I enjoyed reading your comments on this blog a lot) I hope you feel great and I wish you to have a smooth pregnancy and easy delivery of your baby!)

dina said...

Oh please don't do that. It's such a pity for the hate to win always. Mandy you are going to be terribly missed. Thank you for this amazing ride, the happy moments,the endless drooling. Love you.

Sunshine89 said...

Noo,please dont do this!!I also visit this site every day!! I dont know what i`ll do...and i cant really understand why are you doing this?
And..thank you for your good work,you are amazing! you are really goind to be missed..think about it twice :(

Sunshine89 said...

Noo,please dont do this!!I also visit this site every day!! I dont know what i`ll do...and i cant really understand why are you doing this?
And..thank you for your good work,you are amazing! you are really goind to be missed..think about it twice :(

snupe said...

I have never commented on this blog before but I come here daily for info and updates about Rob. I don't want a lot of chit-chat or drama or non-Rob related stuff to wade through so this blog has been perfect for me. It's updated regularly and always seems to be on top of things with the latest news, photos, videos etc.

I don't really participate in the message boards or the online fandom but I do like keeping up with Rob's career.

I greatly appreciate all your efforts over the past year since I found you. You'll be missed very much. Not sure where I'll find my Rob news now but hopefully somebody will try to fill the void.

So sorry that the actions of a few (not exactly sure what happened) have led to this decision.

Best wishes to you......

Robin said...

I don't know what happened but this makes me very sad. I have checked this site every day for a long time now and I will miss it.

jessegirl said...

I've lurked here for a long time and, like many here, have found your site to be the best for the news, photos, and so on. This is truly sad.
I don't quite understand how this happened but it's terrible.
So sorry.

Anonymous said...

Oh no! This sucks.

I hate it when the fandom turns on itself. The sad part of it is, it is probably some loser with too much time on her(or his) hands and too much self importance. Makes me wonder if this loser has any friends that aren't make believe.

Ah well, again. I'm so sorry. I love this place and our shared love and admiration for Robert Pattinson. And if there is any way for you to be convinced to change your mind...well, I would love you forever.

Thanks again. Peace out.

Jala said...

I've never posted a comment here before, but I come almost every day and sometimes several times in a day to drink from the well of Robnectar that this site is and quench my Robthirst. It is indeed a tragedy that you have been brought to this when you have been doing such a nice and valuable service for Rob's fans. 'Tis a sad day indeed.

This is the best Rob site there is. It's simple to access and always up to date and full of treasures. I shall miss it dearly.

I wish you well, Mandy, for the future. Know that you have many who appreciate and love you for what you have been doing here.

It's a sad, sad day when the haters win these shallow victories.

Daniela said...

This is a tragedy... Please don't go... you're my number 1... please don't do this... please Mandy... please...

Anonymous said...

This was my favorite blog to come to on a daily basis, most days, I came multiple times to get my dose of Rob. I'm so sorry that you have to leave and if you ever change your mind, we will be right back with open arms!

Kristirn said...

I have never commented before but I like a lot of others mentioned would come here every day to get my Rob fix. Sometimes more than once and more than twice lol...this is the most awesome site and you always kept us excited and updated about our favorite guy. Thank you so much for that Mandy...Good luck and I hope I will get to go to the other sites mentioned and be apart of those as well!

Le Mux said...

Oh my good!!! Thank you so much for all the fantastic post. I used to be connected daily in your blog but i have never made a comentary. I'll really miss your coments. Send you a big hug from Barcelona!!! Thank you!!!

Le Mux said...

Oh my good!!! Thank you so much for all the fantastic post. I used to be connected daily in your blog but i have never made a comentary. I'll really miss your coments. Send you a big hug from Barcelona!!! Thank you!!!

Le Mux said...

Oh my good!!! Thank you so much for all the fantastic post. I used to be connected daily in your blog but i have never made a comentary. I'll really miss your coments. Send you a big hug from Barcelona!!! Thank you!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't visit there very often, but it really sucks to see how mean some people can be, because of jealousy.
It hurts to see that all the efforts and energy you put into something you like, turn out to dust.
So, head up high and fuck the bitches (because only girls can be that mean...)

Unknown said...

Hi, i'm brasilian and my english isn;t good to post comment, but i have to say that today i'm very, very sad when i know that this blog is closing. this is one that i usually read for know news about Rob and i want to thanks you, Mandy, for your job on this blog. i'm really sorry for this (close) happen and thank you so much for the days and night that you post news about Rob. thanks!

Anonymous said...

So, I've only been to your site a handful of times, but every experience was enjoyable, and it was clear how much you truly love this site and how real of a fan you are. I am saddened by the news that the site is closing, especially under such negative circumstances. There's a lot I can say about those people and the situation they created, but I'd rather end your time and dedication on a positive note and say that, no matter what, know you were appreciated and will be missed!

chet said...

please... please ... please don´t go ahhh it´s so sad to read this... but i guess the decision has been made... thank you so much for all the information you share with us!!!

goodbye and god luck!!!

Noelia L. A. said...

I can't believe this is happening, I feel so sorry. I don't use to leave comments but I check this blog like 10 times a day, 'coz Mandy is doing a great work, and I'm so thankful for this, because with this blog I kept updated and always with respect, and being carful to not offend noone and being clear about if some new was true or only a rumor.

It's a really bad new for me, so I encourage you to do what it's best for you if u feel u're not being respected, but I would love that u would think it twice and please keep on doing this site a place where fans and, the most important, FRIENDS meet everyday.

Unknown said...

This is incredibly sad. I love this site. It is the only site that I found to be truly respectful to Rob. I visit this site everyday and found it to be the most up to date. It's gonna be missed.

Danae said...

oohh! i'm so sorry!
is the best blog of Robert!
regards from Spain!

caninecologne said...

Thanks for all of your hard work on this blog for the past few years! this was one of the first Rob Pattinson blogs I found and kept going back to. I will miss it but I wish you all the best. Life is too short and too precious to be stressed out by haters. Take care and again, wish you the best.

Elena said...

can not close, is the best on the Net Web RPattz really what I say I have searched a lot. your work is excellent and quality .. you can not do this to the fans what we do? please do not give up, best fight! fans support you and you are faithful

Sunflower said...

PLEASE DON'T GO!!! WE will miss you sooo much. This is the best site EVER!!! Please sleep in your decision and think it through carefully. AGAIN THIS IS THE BEST SITE EVER!!!

I hope you think it through but if you must go...I wish you all the best of luck.

P.S. Please don’t go :( :( :(

Anonymous said...

I'm very sad to hear this. We have so few Rob dedicated sites that are drama free, this was one. I truly hope you will reconsider and remain our oasis of respectful Rob news/reporting.

Thanks for all you've done for Rob and his fans. You kept it classy and will be greatly missed. =(

JA said...


145 posts and counting...we didn't even care this much when you posted pics of robsten sort of kissing. that should tell you something. Maybe you could reconsider? Take a week off..or two. even a month. we'll wait. All of the other rob blogs are the Ed Westwick of rob blogs. You are the best. I refuse to say 'were' the best. It may seem silly to you, but this place brought us all a little bit of happiness during the day. And on most days, a LOT of happiness! That's quite a power you hold!

Maybe you’ll miss it? Maybe you’ll see the void in the fandom and won’t be able to stand it :) But we all hate for you to leave because of one ugly and bitter person. And I hate to see you give this person that much power. But if you heart just isn’t in it anymore, that’s acceptable.

For myself, I will check back here periodically. Maybe you’ll change your mind. But if you don’t, at least don’t leave us homeless. Give us some direction of a site that’s comparable to this one. it's silly, but there’s a little bit of mourning going on in rob-world tonight :(

WickedBrownEyes said...

What?! No! This is my go to site for all Rob news and pics! I'd comment occasionally but not all the time. Like a lot of people I avoided the drama. This is so sad, I'm going to miss this site so much. Thank You, for all your hard work and dedication for keeping us up to date on everything that focuses on Rob as an actor, artist, and just what a beautiful person he is inside and out!

Unknown said...

I am really sorry to hear that, this has been a great site for RP info and I know a lot of hard work has gone into it. I am sorry that the haters have gotten to you, but I thank you for all the work you have done.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting news of Rob all the time and I wish you were not closing down. It is a great site. :((

lizs said...

I have no words. I feel so lost and I already missed your site.
I really hope you will reconsider and stay. Please Mandy...


Great post and I totally agree with you.

Aryel1 said...

I loved this site. I'm so sad. Thank you for all beautiful pics and great info.

Aryel1 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nicole said...

@JA, Dito to everything you said.

I wish i had the resources to keep this blog update, really i don't know how she got the information she did. I see the info on other sites, but this site is always first.

Sad hearts <3

Daniela said...

Please Mandy... YOU ARE THE BEST... Robert Pattinson Life is the best... Don't forget that somebody thought you were Rob or his assistant... please, don't go!!

Anonymous said...

I'm very sad. I can't even imagine how hard this is to you, Mandy.
THAK YOU for everything!
I completly understand how you feel about all this stress... Peace and love!


Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!

Carol said...

I just horrified that something like this could happen. I thought all fans had the same thing in mind.....enjoy everything Twilight. I am really at a loss for words..I loved RPLife. It was an awesome site. It's just a shame that there is so much hate that people get hurt. Not only were the girls from the site affected, but all of us fans are too. What goes around comes around and that's all we can hope for at this point. RPLife...thanks for all you've given us.

Anonymous said...

This is SO sad!! This IS the very BEST RobP site on the web! THE place to go for info., updates, pics. Like others, I visit the site multiple times daily. No other site online compares to this one. Thank you so much for all of the work and dedication you've devoted to the site to keep all of us so informed and up to date. You have to just block out the hatred who thrive on thinking and saying thongs because they're deluded into thinking Rob is going to meet them and instantly fall for them. Don't let the fools get to ya! THANKS!!!!

Anonymous said...

This is truly heartbreaking news. I can't tell you how sorry I am that there are individuals who are so eager to ruin something wonderful.

I hope you will stay with pattinsonlife. If I read this correctly, you will still be there.

You've done a wonderful job with this blog, Mandy. Please understand how grateful we all are for the work you did here.

Unknown said...

MANDY, the WHOLE WORLD is not ready to let you go. Hopefully our mutual love for Rob will give you the strenght to try some more .... PLEASE, STAY... We love you..

You have an army of followers. If we could help to fix whatever is needed to be fixed, well, we're here to help. Just give the word..

Unknown said...

I completely agree with JA. Please, take a break, but don't let go completely..

Please, stay Mandy, please..

Georgie said...

I'm sorry that this has happened to you and I join many others in saying that I don't understand how people can be so petty and disruptive. I'm one of your twitter followers and enjoyed getting my Rob fix from you "hot off the press" - you did a great job and your dedication to Rob will not go unnoticed by us all.

Jeanette said...

This is a terrible thing to have happened to you and I seriously sad to see you go.

carolamex said...

sooooo, sooooo sad!

Anonymous said...

This is such a sad day. I love his blog, it's the first site I always visit when I am on my computer. You had the best and most up to date info always and the first too before everyone else. I'm really sorry someone went behind your back and did this too you and caused you stress. I believe in karma and that loser will get what's coming to them. Wish you the best of luck.

melo said...

I don't think I can say it any more eloquently than everyone else. I did want to let you know what a joy and a privilege it was to come to your site everyday. No one brought us the Rob news like you did. With taste, class, and bipartisanship that surpasses every other Rob blog out there.

I will miss you and Rob more than you know. I don't think I can bear to go to any other site. It just won't be the same.

With much love and gratitude.

Anonymous said...

I cant believe this!!
Ive been following this blog like everday, its the best blog, who are these haters who cant just let people be?
I never commented before but have been on daily, its like a ritual
omg seriously this SUCKS, I hate the drama fandom world can bring, such a waste. This was best site ever for everything Rob.
Hope you continue in some form somewhere else.
Wish you didnt have to go but I think i can understand the drama giving you stress and stuff
All the best

Mrs.Deen said...

Hi Mandy:

I am not sure I understand anything technological other than the fact that you are closing this site down. I am literally stunned about this. This is the only site I write comments on and I have friends, my favs...I am saddened about the news. This was an escape for me and this was my favourite site. It is because of you Mandy that we came to this site..you were wonderful in posting news related to Rob so fast and this was a clean site. I dont' know what else to say other than God Bless you darling on your new ventures and hope and pray we could hear from you one way or another through another site may be.....

I want to say bye to @lluvthemovies, @yaelfica, @twilightnan, @ papagaj...How am I going to chat with all of you...I am going to miss this site so much and miss you all..

Love you all and love and hugs to my favs...I have this feeling we are all going to come together again one way or another...Mandy, can we do anything to make you stay at all and keepthis site open.

annacrispeta said...

"Blogger JA said...


145 posts and counting...we didn't even care this much when you posted pics of robsten sort of kissing. that should tell you something. Maybe you could reconsider? Take a week off..or two. even a month. we'll wait. All of the other rob blogs are the Ed Westwick of rob blogs. You are the best. I refuse to say 'were' the best. It may seem silly to you, but this place brought us all a little bit of happiness during the day. And on most days, a LOT of happiness! That's quite a power you hold!

Maybe you’ll miss it? Maybe you’ll see the void in the fandom and won’t be able to stand it :) But we all hate for you to leave because of one ugly and bitter person. And I hate to see you give this person that much power. But if you heart just isn’t in it anymore, that’s acceptable.

For myself, I will check back here periodically. Maybe you’ll change your mind. But if you don’t, at least don’t leave us homeless. Give us some direction of a site that’s comparable to this one. it's silly, but there’s a little bit of mourning going on in rob-world tonight :("

I totally agree with JA, please reconsider, or take your time and know you can always come back.. You should think about the HAPPINESS you bring daily to many people around the world. I´m from Colombia (South America) and have felt at home here for almost two years. Please don't take that away from us because of some bitter someone who isn't deserving of your attention.
I repeat the offer I made earlier: WE WILL HELP YOU, tell us what you need and let's show ´em that the fandom heart is goood, that we can work together and let our TRUE SPIRIT shine through: we are not petty, bitter, envious or shallow. WE CARE. So let us help you. Just tell us what you need!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, this is crazy. I am sorry that you have been brought to this point. As a spouse to someone that has had a fan site of some sorts, this is not the first time I have seen the likes of this. You will be missed. I visited and read on here often. I got tears in my eyes. I wish you nothing but the best and I hope to chat with you still on twitter.

Lins said...

I'm really confused over what is happening. This is so sad. I love this blog so much. It's the 1st site I go to whenever I log into my computer. You're my daily dose of Rob! *sobs*

Please don't go....=(

Unknown said...

I can't believe you're leaving :( It's so sad... I used to read this blog everyday and you're right, that's because we all love one thing: Rob. I don't know what i'm gonna do now :( i'm gonna miss this blog, i love it. Than you for everything, and i wish you the best.

♪♫ Yaelfica ♪♫ said...

@Mrs.Deen, @papagaj and to all wonderful ROB FANS

we will still be commning here in case Mandy changes her mind but our group and some other friends have decided to visit, in the meantime (hopefully), the next site i'll give the link for:


it is a nice site and we hope drama free as this one, tho that is our job too right?
hope to see my RPL family there and by that i mean all of u, except for 2 trolls, u know who they r hehe :D

hugs to all

Anonymous said...

does this mean since I'm new to live journal I can't read your blog?

Anonymous said...

I'm so heartbroken about this. I truly can't believe someone has that much hate and resentment in her heart to do this to such a nice person. I'm so sorry that this happen to you.

I thank you for all the time, effort, dedication and passion you've invested in PL and this blog. I appreciate it more than I can put into words.

To say that I'll miss you is an understatement. This is a sad day in the fandom. I wish you the best because you deserve it and I hope I still see you around.

olejp said...

I do not understand what has happened, I miss out on alot, as I have little or no understanding of twitter, blogs etc. But I have enjoyed you web site very much over the past year. It is the first site I go to for news and no bull. Will miss your postings and ability to just report happenings without the associated drama!

Do what is best for you!!!!!

Thanks for all your hard work.

Ursula said...

so sad to hear that you are closing the blog, this was the first site I opened every morning right after my email :)

Thanks for all the updates and pictures and news and sorry to hear that you had to close the blog on this sour note.

Best of luck to you

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear that you are leaving. This is the first site that I check out every morning for new info. What I liked about is your information was new and unbiased. I will miss seeing the updates.

All the best to you.

Anonymous said...

Don't know what is "Live Journal" but after what can happen there, to Pattinsonlife/you, shouldn't all leave it (and come to this blog)...
This is the only place which allows fans to see some of the unique Robert Pattinson stuff from private Pattinsonlife sources. Thanks!
So this blog loss takes a high percent in Rob's fandom, and wider... *grieving*

Mrs.Deen said...

@yaelfica, thank you very much for the link ...atleast I know I will be able to chat with my favs ..But I still hope Mandy changes her mind and I will be on this site every day. I still think Mandy should not leave but stay on and face any challenges and we will be here for her..

Love to my favs...

tina tri said...

pls don close the blog, this is the best Rob blog ever. Don't let the haters intimidate you, if you do, then you lose and they win. Don't let the haters have a home in any Rob blogs, if we united against them, they will decease.

Anonymous said...

I'm just heartbroken.

I don't completely understand what happened, as it seems I'm always happily unaware of any drama in the fandom, but I'm so sorry a couple of classless morons have ruined this for you. We're not all like that!

RPL has always been my favourite Rob site. It's very difficult to find a good, unbiased, up to the minute, fresh and easy to read, Rob news site, and you had everything. I'll miss it so much. I'll join in the chorus of "Please don't go!"

I'm hopeful and have my fingers crossed that after a little break you'll come back to us.

Thank you SO much for all of your hard work and dedication. We really, really appreciate it and will miss the site like crazy!

Such a sad, sad day! :*(

Anonymous said...

Mandy, I do hope you reconsider. Perhaps make it private. This is the only site I pay attention to, and comment on. I have been following the site since Michelle, and I was upset that she was giving it up. I was so excited when you stepped in and saved the site. You have done an amazing job of keeping all us Hopelessly Devoted Rob fans well informed. It's a shame that some people have to take something so special and spit all over it. I don't know what happened, but what goes around comes around. I enjoyed this site the most due to the other fans who were respectful, of each other, and pretty much kept the drama away...I do hope you find away to keep it going, I have no where else to go... xo

Twilola said...

This is such sad news we have all received today. I am relatively new to this tight knit circle and it was RPLife that got me hooked the first moment I visited this site. It was here that I got to meet new friends and read drama free, positive and rational comments most especially from the "favs" who loved anything to do with Rob and who treated Rob (and Kristen) with respect.

Thank you Mandy, for the countless minutes, the boundless energy and for sharing your love for Rob with us. Good luck always in your future ventures and may our paths cross again in the days to come.


Jaime said...

I have never commented on this site before. I usually just lurk several times a day. I am so sad that you are ending this blog. It was by far my favorite. This was the first Rob site I started visiting, and you ALWAYS had the best info. I am really going to miss fangirling on this site. I am sorry for the haters. I have actually not really paid attention to whatever is going on with the haters. I didn't realize it was so bad. I will miss you!!

Naughty HisBella said...

NO! I rarely comment on the blogs and I don't think I have ever commented on here. This was the site that spawned my obsession with Rob. I saw Twilight and googled the next day and this was the first site that came up. This is the first site I go to every morning just to see if there is anything new. This site is always insightful, and quick with news on our man. I'm so sad to see all the things that are happening. If we're all true fans, why can't we just love our Rob and Twilight and keep the bulls*&t out of it? I appreciate all your hardwork Mandy in keeping this blog running. I would love it if you continued, but understand. Godspeed to you and I'll keep checking in just to see if you change your mind. Thanks to all who have given links to other blogs. I'm not sure what I'll do now. Thanks so much Mandy!

ERY said...


este sitio es padrisimo y completo.. se les extrañara mucho y muchas gracias por su tiempo ... ojala pronto vuelvan :)

Jessica Lutz said...

I\m sad
Totally my fave Rob Blog

Anonymous said...

I COME TO THIS WEBSITE EVERYDAY! When I saw this I thought "is this a joke?" because this is the BEST Rob website!! Please don't do this, I have no idea what happend but please don't go :( Mandy reconsider please. If you need help with the website there are dozens who would help. I was counting on this website so much this coming two years! Without it I will feel that I am missing something. This is such a good website! THE BEST *sigh* Thank you for all the posts, truly thank you. I feel like crying. *deep breath* I will truly miss Robert Pattinson Life......

Anonymous said...

I COME TO THIS WEBSITE EVERYDAY! When I saw this I thought "is this a joke?" because this is the BEST Rob website!! Please don't do this, I have no idea what happend but please don't go :( Mandy reconsider please. If you need help with the website there are dozens who would help. I was counting on this website so much this coming two years! Without it I will feel that I am missing something. This is such a good website! THE BEST *sigh* Thank you for all the posts, truly thank you. I feel like crying. *deep breath* I will truly miss Robert Pattinson Life......

Twi-Me? said...

Damn damn damn. You'll be sorely missed. I come here every single stupid day to get my fix. Sheesh.

Good luck to you and thanks for ALL the good stuff!!

Anne Kimball said...

I am so, so sorry to hear this and I am so sorry to see you have left lj. I loved your posts and comments there and I will miss all of your awesome and hysterical input.
You were an awesome mod and ran a fantastic site.

BeeBzz said...

Hi, This is one of the blogs I go to everyday and best so far. I've never commented on your blog before.

I really feel sad and sorry on what had happened. You always keep us posted on any news on our BB. Thank you so much for your hard work and dedication. Really appreciate it. Please reconsider, Mandy. Definitely will miss RPL and you.

Last but not least, wishing you all the best, Mandy.

Anonymous said...

Reconsider please. I imagine that it is etremely hard and time consuming to run a website, but please reconsider. I know it is hurtful and frustrating to lose 2 years worth of pics/ect., but we can get through this, please. *insert pleading face here* God, it is going to be hard not able to go to this website, "old habits die hard".

lilian from Hong Kong said...

I have never written anything here. But I always visit RPL. Thank you so much for your effort to provide me such abundant and fast information about rob. It is really hard to find a rob's website that respect kristen. I feel really bad every time the haters say sth offensive about kristen. I honestly love kristen more at the beginning. But as I love rob too, I visit your website. Because of you, Kristen and Rob are now equally important to me. My fan life will have a huge difference from now on. Lost...

Aliwen Regalos Decorativos said...

anything you need just ask, I don´t want you to give up your dream, your hard work because a couple of selfish people!! they aren´t Rob fans!! we are!! maybe it´s selfish from my side ask you to stay, but it´s the way I fell right now!! just sad, heartbroken... Is going to be hard no to check your site every day!! :(

Anonymous said...

WOW, I really can't believe that someone would sabotage this site like that. Granted I never really made public comments, but I was here every day, just like so many other enjoying all the great information you always seemed to have the scoop on first. I am so sad for you and the fandom that this had to turn so ugly. Whomever did this should really be ashamed of themselves. It didn't need to be that hard and I'm sorry that others made it that way for you. I really don't know what I'll do without you! Thanks for everything and I am really sorry it had to end this way. XOXOXO!

TheRugbymom said...

Thanks for all your efforts. So sorry this happened.

Unknown said...

I don't understand..there will be no more updates on Rob on this site anymore? I come here everyday!! I don't normally comment but I love your site! I'm going to miss this site and all your postings Mandy. Thank you for all your hard work - I'm sure it took a lot of effort and time - wonder how you did it in the first place. Good luck and hope you come back with another site of Rob if not this one. Let us know - I'll definitely be a regular!

JLC said...

First - Mandy, you have done such an amazing job with this site it far exceeds any of the others. You always seemed to be a step ahead of anyone else. I cannot thank you enough for all your hard work, it provided a lot of enjoyment to a very diverse group of people who all just happen to be fans of Robs.

It literally feels like a friend has died. That sounds so melodramatic, but, it is how it feels...I am heartsick over this.

The haters are like terrorists, they are such pathetic, miserable people. Their only focus is to take joy from others because they are too empty as humans to feel joy themselves.

Like many others, I hope after a little time away, you change your mind and continue the great work you do here. I will keep checking.

To the "Favs", I am going to miss all your wonderful commentary. I wish everyone the best.

OCD56 said...

Thank you Mandy for all the work you have been doing for us. This has always been my favorite Rob site. I wish you much luck in the future. I will miss coming here. I also get very upset when I read hateful comments. We will miss you!

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