It’s a big day for Twihards. First Maggie Grace signs on to play Irina. Now EW.com has learned that little 9-year old Mackenzie Foy is inches away from signing on to play Renesmee, Edward and Bella’s vampire/human love child that’s a central role in the final installment of The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn.
It’s not yet clear how the diminutive actress, who’s appeared in one episode each of television shows FlashForward and ‘Til Death, will portray the character who ages a full 17 years in only seven. Sources have suggested that director Bill Condon will employ similar digital effects to those used by David Fincher in The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, where Foy’s face would be digitally transferred onto the face of a younger child. It’s also probable that the studio will hire a younger child in some capacity, too.
Summit Entertainment is remaining mum on the issue. But to see Foy’s angelic face, which could very well be the offspring of Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart, check out her website.
EW | Mackenzie's picture
No. I never thought they would ruin this also b/c unless they plan to dye her hair and put on contact lenses (which would be cruel) she is just not the girl. Keep looking Summit.
Did I misread Breaking Dawn? Renesmee ages 17 YEARS? Pretty little girl, but this seems really wrong. I do not recall Bella and Edward being married 7 years in the book either.
Ok Favs - you are my source of all Twilight knowledge - what is the verdict?
I checked out her website - she really is a stunningly beautiful child - she just seems too old for the role...
@JLC, I am a bit biased but this is actually making me sick to my stomach. No she was only about 3 to 5 yrs old when the book ends, she is not a full-grown woman, but I can see why they are going to do it so Jacob does not look like a pedo. It is a shame that aspect of the book has to be brought up at all but again I am biased, JA and twilightnan would be your best bet on what they think of this girl and about her growing to be 17yrs of age because they luv BD.
renesme definitely doesn't get to age 17...or 9 for that matter. Maybe melissa/bill are taking some creative license and will be giving us a look into the future?
i never like the movies to stray far from the books, but it's a perfect setup for books down the road from renesme's point of view.
this is the 2nd rumored actress to in this age group, so there must be something going on with an older renesme.
I can see a future clip at the end of the movie with her. i really don't see her coming out of Bella this size. I bet their will be 2 or 3 actors playing Renesme in the movies. She is super cute tho!
I'm sure she's a great actress but IMHO she neither resembles Edward or Bella, nor is young enough. Unless make-up artists really try their best and completely transform her.
Although, I remember the time when many twilight fans were against Rob to play Edward...and now look at us, we're all crazy about him lol :)
@nicole...lol..as if the birth scene won't be 'scary' enough. yes, there has to be several actors playing the part. especially if EW is right and we'll see a 17-yr old version of her.
personally, i think she looks like edward...not so much bella. but that's what i'd be going for if i were in charge.
@lluvthemovies,I really hope they dont' screw up ..but this is a rumour right...Renesme is supposed to be much younger..Even at the end they carried her as a little baby who is may be weeks old but looks like months old...Everything happened in few weeks...They should be finding someone a two year old who is very smart and ofcourse few month old babies (babies born in different months) to show her growth. I read BD few times and I don't remember Renesmee looking like 9 year old...
The girl is beautiful don't get me wrong..she is perfect looking but give me a break Renesme is not this big even at the end....So I am going to take this as a rumour until Summit confirms.
I hope this movie makes Rob and Kristen want a baby...sorry just had to say it :)
i hope it's so goood loke another
in "Interview with a Vampire" the book, Claudia is 5...Claudia is like 11 in the movie and it is still creepy...so i think they r changing some thing...IMO
Mackenzie Foy has been confirmed...in case anyone missed it.
@JA I heard that too. As i said earlier she is beautiful and perfect looking as Bella's and Edward's Kid...She looks like Edward and usually girls look like their dad majority of them any way. I have only one concern about this, her age...I never thought Renesmee was that old in the book unless they are making changes to the story....Other than that she is a cutie...
Love to all and I am going to miss so many of you from this site...
привет))))кто из вас всех шарит говорить и читать ну про писать я уже не пишу)))))на русском)))))
@Alex Эх, мы шарим)) Только уже, по большому счету, приходить на этот сайт нет смысла. Менди, очевидно, передумывать не собирается, и блог останется закрытым(((
класс!!!!а почему бу закрывать его????
Очевидно, кто-то скачал в их блоге в livejournal фотографии, которые были защищены авторским правом, и распространил их. Об этом узнали и закрыли их страницу, удалив все. Это обидело Менди, которая столько времени и сил тратила на пополнение новостями этого блога, который, к слову, быстрей всех получал свежие новости. Вот мы до сих пор страдаем и просим ее передумать. Но, пока от нее больше не слышали ни слова(( Такие пироги...
i don't agree mackenzie foy shouldn't be renesmee she jus't doesn't have the looks 2 be a vampire but u can't change that i wanted 2 be renesmee i addithion but they chose mackenzie
She is a very pretty girl ... actually, I did a test to be Renesmee .. they said they liked me, I was well on the test but honestly, the chances of getting to be Renesmee were low. I was sad .... but of course I could understand! I came so close to know Rob, Kris and Taylor !!!:(
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