Friday, September 10, 2010

Two More Pictures from Houston - Rob and the guitar he was playing!

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From Erica:

"i meant to post THIS pic with my Takamine guitar. It's just nice...i guess for a cell phone."

"Hey, that was MY GUITAR he was playin'! He's super laid back and cool, you guys need to give him an eff load of credit for that."

Source | thanks to crimevocabulary at Pattinsonlife


Calihi27 said...

He is SO Effin awesome. It is Impossible not to love him!

Anonymous said...

Amen Erika. You tell em.... Rob's a sweetheart and deserves a break. Read my comment in the post before. Not that it matters. Look how good he is to the fans. I say let him be Rob. He's beautiful. Party on Rob. You know when to party and when to work and enough analyzing his every move people. JEESH. Like you all have never partied......and at 24? Come on....let him be. He's beautiful inside and out. Drinking or not, he always is good to people.....let him be Rob.

Jane said...

Ga, look how happy he looks playing her guitar. He sure made some fans for life.

Anonymous said...

The first shot of him with the guitar is beautiful

Anonymous said...

That was very kind of her...Like she would of told him no...Hehe... I agreE Jane so EFFIN BEAUTIFUL!!

Anonymous said...

Jane, that's exactly what I was going to add. There's his JOY. Playing music and it shows in his face. He's practically hugging that guitar. God I love him. I'm a musician, I know what it is to release some joy/energy playing music. His soul is there. That smile is priceless and I'm SO HAPPY HE IS HAPPY! God I love him..

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
WickedBrownEyes said...

Sigh. To have been in that room hearing him play sweet music...
That small smile on his lips, holding that guitar, I think I just died a little and fell and little harder for this man. Gah!

CCluvsau said...

The first pic is so precious.

It should be blown up and sent to him so he can see the look on his own face.

Alex said...

I can see how much le LOVES the Guitar. Look at His beautiful smile. Does he flirt with his GUITAR. LOL

Yes ERICA we love Rob and we give more Credits for him for being himself like this.

We are happy for him. He is a GOOD guy. We all know that don't we?

PS: I am planning to see Remember Me on this weekend and learn to love life & family.Cant wait for Bel ami & WFE

twilightnan said...

AMEN to @Calihi27 and PullMyDaisy..and Jane..He looks happy with the guitar..thank you Erika for the pics ..I agree Rob is beautiful inside and out:)love him now I can go to sleep:)

Iluvthemovies said...

You know he should go back to music that is where his soul lies. When I hear him sing it is such a soulful wail. You can tell that is what he truly loves.

Jane said...

Eclipse released again for the weekend. Gotta go see it one more time.

Alex said...

Quoting ROBERT PATTINSON....just to understand him more.

"Being an English guy, you get a lot more breaks. You’re allowed to look a little worse. It’s that thing about English teeth."

"It’s (music) the thing that makes you more naked, more than acting. You can’t blame anyone if you make it bad, you can’t blame any screenwriter, or director. There you are, with your soul."

"Music fascinates me, I love it. It’s my passion. And I think I could’ve been very happy with being close to a piano and make a living out of it"


Alex said...

This is why he is so nice to everybody he meets. Dont you wanna respect him even more?

You guys can ignore me if I bother you with my comments...BUT YOU CANT IGNORE ROB and these WoRDS FROM HIS HEART.

Quoting Rob:

“Do I believe in a soul? Yeah. I mean, I think…yeah definitely. I mean, I always agreed—I can’t remember what—who—said it, but you know, a soul and a heaven must exist because good people aren’t rewarded enough on earth. Which like, I always liked that idea and the existence of a soul, if that makes sense.”

“I believe in Karma. I believe it exists and whatever you do in your everyday life makes the person that you are. What you give in life comes back to you. I’m convinced of that, so I’m sure that every day you have to be a good person and treat everyone with respect. We’re all connected.”

This is why I never doubt HIM.


Alex said...

That 1st picture is the best sofar.

Its SOOO Powerful. I cant stop staring at it.

Thank you for sharing that with us. The photo made my day.We can name this photo...ummmmmm

"A man and His soul"

drabrasil said...

truly beautiful....

Iluvthemovies said...

@Alex, What r u talking about. I think we all agree that Rob is a very decent and loving human being. I don't understand what u are trying to convey. Please explain without all the quotes, so we all understand what it is u are trying to comment on about Rob. He is a fine musician who plays guitar and piano and I think we all admire his ability at music.

♪♫ Yaelfica ♪♫ said...

i didn't recognize u there for a sec LUCIFER? tho the comment made me noticed u hehe ;)

Iluvthemovies said...

Lucifer here, it has been a bad day, so I suppose my comments reflect it. YOu know I adore Bebe Shikito, even if he is a bad boy. I still luv his ways, not necessarily his face recently but I don luv his ways. Going down under. Adios amiga.

meleny said...

Nice! He's so beautiful, I love you Rob!

♪♫ Yaelfica ♪♫ said...

dear hell buddy: i never doubted of ur love for our bebe shikito...tho the flames burn hotter for u today it seems...don't missunderstand me ur real highness u r still la reina del drama as well :D

Alex said...

Iluvthemovies said...

I am little dissapointed when fans make comments on his apprearance lately and his drinking...on internet sites. I am trying to quoting him and get them to understand the real man behind his good looking face.

His words are soo deep and meaningful. Thats how I started loving him.

My message is :

I trust him for doing the right thing.So I dont have a negetive attitude towards him.

I dont understand how come his own fans have some negetive ideas about him. If you check internet blogs and some comments you will understand where I am coming from/getting at.

If you really love & understad him you dont have a problem with him drinking a little bit and not being clean shaved etc in his down time.

Do I make sense?

PS: Yes we all know he loves music.????

Iluvthemovies said...

Thank you for the clarification. I am not negative on Rob the person. He has a good heart and I believe a gentle soul. I believe most of the people on this blog adore Rob. We just have different ways of wanting the best for him. I don't begrudge him having fun. I see it one way and you see it another. It does not mean I don't want Rob to have fun. I do want that for him. So that is it. I hope we all can put this aside. I just want the best for that man and being a fan does not necessarily mean you have to agree with everything he does, some people would call that an enabler. I am not saying he is an alcoholic either. He does drink alot but so do lots of people. We must remember he probably is going through a lot and he will be starting soon on a film most of us will want to see. As the great Rodney King said "Can't we all just get along"

♪♫ Yaelfica ♪♫ said...

dear reina del drama: not what i expected at all...tho i'm with u on ur devilish as in ur softiests comments..rule on! xD

♪♫ Yaelfica ♪♫ said...

one of my hell bffs ask me what i think about this whole dilemma and i have only 2 words: "sponge bob"...and i don't mean water...hehe JK!! this is between lucifer and myself plz...

scarlet isabella said...

That is an amazing photo, a beautiful pic of a beautiful man, he's so yummy, I want some ;-P

Unknown said...

this is an awesome pic! he looks sooooo happy.. oh I wish I could have been there :)

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

God I love that first picture!!! It would be perfect for an album cover...How about, Rob Pattinson and Friends...Bar Room Tales Across the South...Oh, how lovely that would be...

twmmy said...

Wow, yes. we don't need to agree in everything. I don't like beards, i like long-hair-men. I like hear guitar-playing, not so much solo violin. I don't like drunken men, I like hobos. I don't like cigarette,but i like to see pictures abot Humphrey Bogart, Robert Pattinson with cigarette.I like take auto-tours, i made a 6000 km tour in this summer round Europe, and i don't like pictures about me when i'm tired, fuzzy, angry. And don't like pictures about Rob in this journey.

twmmy said...

And i've forgotten i like Rob's voice. Please Rob make an audoi-book , please do WFE.

behnaz said...

so so so beutiful:X:X::X:

behnaz said...

so so so beutiful:X:X::X:

Anonymous said...

Shhh...Our beautiful Mr. Pattinson is sleeping(or perhaps not)Three days of silence...While ya'll sit on the edge of your seats biting your fingernails, drinking your 20th pot of coffee awaiting to see...Just the thought of a three day and counting bedroom lock down...Tick Toc Tick Toc...When he comes out of the man cave will he be clean shaven or will some one have scruff burns all over their body...Hmm we will have to wait and see...Until next time, cheers to all...xoxo

LK said...

He looks so peaceful in the first pic.

twilightnan said...

@RavenLilly, have got a very lustful imagination and I'm lovin it, no fresh sighting so far,have they reach their destination yet?..cheers to u as well:)..and hugs to all the Favs:)

Iluvthemovies said...

You know what I would like to see rather than these photos, are photos of Rob in Remember Me, because today is the anniverary of 9/11 in the USA. As a US citizen I remember that day and I also remember how moved about Robert's performance as Tyler Hawkins in Remember Me. RPL could u post some pics or something like that, I think it is a fitting tribute of that day and of that small gem of a movie that Robert did a fabulous job portraying a character represented as one of over 3000 people who lost their lives that day. Thank you.

Iluvthemovies said...

To My Messenger Favs,
I want to know if I receive no response within 24 hours on our photos I wanted to know if u want to join Yahoo Messenger. Let me know, take a look and see if u would like that. I am still awaiting to know why we are not there anymore. I did not want to do this through hotmail. Hugs to my favs.

Unknown said...

LOL! I'm not into biting nails, but definitely I'm into coffee! I'm in my 30th cup, already! LOL!

twilightnan said...

@mujhiko-mujhiko..LOL,so you're in your 30th cup of coffee..don't worry by the time your in 50th cup of coffee waiting for any sightings or news of Rob,you'll probably be biting your nails by then after the excitement of this Road Trip..hehehe:)

Jane said...

Well, Rob has disappeared again. He must be with his lady love in bed for the weekend. Lucky girl.

twilightnan said...

@Iluvthemovies,Hi what happened to our group?..tried to access just now but unable to do so,I'll be on here for a bit longer ..and just to say my thoughts are with u today September 11...hugs to all the favs:)

twilightnan said...

@Jane, thoughts exactly ;)...well after a long separation can you blame them??

dina said...

@Jane reading your comment just thought about "beds are burning" one of my favorite songs.

Anonymous said...

@mujhiko-mujhiko Lol, Yes, I don't drink coffee or bite my nails...I just like the suspense lol...I loved the whole road trip ordeal it was refreshing to see...Tom had to be back on set for On The Road so there was no doubt that New Orleans was where they would end up...Rob just, well he gets to have fun...Lots of fun... ;-)

JA said...

@iluvthemovies...i'm not following you, is something wrong w/ messenger? i'm not at home.

great photo of rob and guitar! so many comments. i'm off to drunk every night during my vacation back in February. hmmm, and July too. better make that rehab instead. will try to catch up later. ;)

giulia said...

oh my goodness, made my night! He looks truly happy here. So nice to see. Think this trip has been a much needed break for him - what is his destination again ? OMG he is going to have to shave soon and he's going to look so different, cant wait to see the pics when he does. Love u Rob! would absolutely love to see him play the guitar in the flesh ..

Nicole said...

come out, come out, where ever you are..... : )

JA said...

@nicole, are you looking for rob? :)

twmmy said...

@JA, no-no @Nicole looking afterus. Just kidding. There is a children song Snaily,Snaly come out...(in a rush translation) Let's sing : Robert, Robert come out.....

Nicole said...

@ja, just on this site. New Orleans is a little far from from Washington DC! But who knows he can be long gone by now. Or on his way north! Ha!

twmmy said...

Have you seen this ?
New Tour Dates!
September 2, 2010

We're pleased to announce that Sam Bradley will be supporting Brooke Fraser on her 2010 North American tour!

11/9/2010 - HOUSTON TX - House of Blues (Bronze Peacock)
11/10/2010 - AUSTIN TX - The Parish Room
11/12/2010 - DALLAS TX - House of Blues Dallas
11/13/2010 - BIRMINGHAM, AL - WorkPlay Theater
11/14/2010 - NASHVILLE, TN - The Belcourt Theatre
11/15/2010 - ATLANTA, GA - Variety Playhouse
11/17/2010 - VIENNA, VA - Jammin' Java Music Club
11/18/2010 - WASHINGTON DC - DC9
11/19/2010 - NEW YORK, NY - Highline Ballroom
11/20/2010 - BOSTON, MA - Cafe 939 (Berklee College of Music)

Unknown said...

Is Tom filming in new orleans. Kristen have been there for a long time, so why havent he been there. And someone wrote that she was finish filming in new orleans next week.

RobPattinsonBerlin said...

I hope, Rob has a great time!
Love u Rob <3

Iluvthemovies said...

Thanks for postingSam opening for Brooke Fraser. I think it should be Brooke opening for Sam, but that could be because I am biased.
Thanks for the dates.