Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Rob and fans in Lubbock

Some taken inside the bar, under the cut. Not as nice as the two above. Some clear pictures of Tom and Sam

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Tom laughing in the pic inside the car :)

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cutiestar said...

Rob is On The Road to New Orleans. Isn't this just the cutest thing ever? I hope he has a safe trip and lots of fun with Kristen when he gets there.

WickedBrownEyes said...

he's just 3 hours away from me. Damn!

call_it_golden said...

he's in lubbock, TEXAS?! that's like, 3 hours away from me!!! so close yet so far away

twmmy said...

His beard is shorter. Good. I don't like grizzly Rob.

call_it_golden said...

Could you imagine being at the bar and in walks Rob? I just...would freak out. I'd be like, "what the hell is he doing in Texas?"

WickedBrownEyes said...

I'd freak out, in my own quiet way and probably just stare. I don't think I'd have the guts to approach him. haha

twmmy said...

Oh i can imagine that... i see him and the next second my legs twisted and fall down on my face. i always fall dawn when i'm in exposed situation,

twatty said...

I think I will faint when I see him and so I will surely lose my chance to have photo with him lol

Anonymous said...

Anyone consider that maybe Rob stopped in Lubbock for a really good reason? Lubbock was the birthplace of Buddy Holly one of America's premiere founders of rock'n'roll. Maybe he stopped there to see what Buddy Holly's birthplace looked like; sort of a pilgrimage to classic rock.

Anonymous said...

Love the beard. It shows he is relaxed. Good to see he is having a good time. Some are speculating he is road-tripping to go see KStew. Hope he is having a good time

Iluvthemovies said...

My only hope is that these fan encounters are being tweeted and shown after he has had some hours put between them and when he has left the location of the fan encounters. It is good that he out and about w/no papz to follow his every move.

drabrasil said...

cute huh...
oh ok!!!not only cute

behnaz said...

tnx so much

giulia said...

looking really relaxed in the second shot - so nice to see !!

Anonymous said...

Wish he would head down to the Houston area! Wow.. Road trip Rob, on the road to visit his lady love. Sweet!

Anonymous said...

I agree Iluvthemovies.

Excellent, a road trip!! I am glad that he is getting the opportunity to see more of our southwest/southern states. I hope he got to see the Grand Canyon. So a safe guess that he was actually in Santa Fe, NM. If so I hope him and his friends got to check out the Georgia O'Keeffe museum! She is my absolute favorite Artist, and if Rob and co. did...then I am completely jealous. lol

Anonymous said...

de verdad, tenéis una obsesión con que Rob vaya a a New Orleans a ver a Kristen.... sabemos que son pareja, que más queréis saber? por qué controláis si Rob va a los rodajes de Kristen? por el amor de dios que son dos chicos normales! opinais y habláis de ellos como si los conocieráis de toda la vida y por muchos que admiremos sus trabajos, no tenemos ningún derecho a hablar de sus vidas privadas. que hagan lo que quieran que lo importante es que hagan buenas películas y no si Rob va aquí o allá a ver a su novia. me gustaría que todo el mundo se creyera con derecho a opinar sobre vuestras relaciones, se os quitarían las ganas de hablar de la de los demás. que Rob vaya dónde quiera y que sean felices, lo demás me da excatamente igual.. como si Kristen va a China y Rob va detrás o al contrario. que hagan lo que quieran que son sus vidas y nosotros no tenemos por qué meternos. van a acabar hasta las narices de los fans...

Nicole said...

i love scruffy rob...sigh. wish i had a month off to travel around the southern US and see the sites. He probably went to Flagstaff, they have some great local beer and i am sure he blended in with the locals there.

JLC said...

Nice he is taking a road trip - he is finally getting to see some of the country. I wonder if he will go to Austin Texas...they are known for having quite a music scene - it is referred to as the 'live music capital of the world'. I wonder who is traveling with him? (Tom Sturridge no doubt, but anyone else?)

WickedBrownEyes said...

I believe I spy Sam Bradley. Across from Rob, in the fourth pic, holding a ciggy.

Unknown said...

ahhh..... loooooove can really move mountains around....errr Robert Pattinson around. I hope Jella is enjoying the RT, too. (^.^)

Jane said...

I love that Rob and his mates are on a road trip. This is his first chance to travel the US and he looks like he is having a ball. I think it is great he gets out amoung his fans. Kristen, he is heading your way girl.

Anonymous said...

This is so beautiful to see!!! ITA with Iluvthemovies. Hopefully people will wait till they leave before they publish the encounter online...Just be glad you were in the same vicinity as him, and let him have some fun and be his age...Love it...Can't wait to see where they go next...I'm thinking Waco...But I'm terrible at guessing lol...Cheers to Rob and his friends...Enjoy, and BE SAFE!!!

Sara said...

Ok right here is the "something" that I just love about him, he does not NEED to dress to "The Nines" and go to up-scale resturants, he is a pub boy, down home jeans and a t-shirt, holding a beer and a cig(although I dont do the cig part anymore) That is me! he just is SOOOO freaking Human and "Normal" and it warms the heart to know that out of all the Celeb Biz, thier are Still Super famed, Super HOT Actors, who are REAL people. Tell me how many Super famed celebs u see out with mates having a road trip? I just love it so freaking much! :)

Barbara Fenwick said...

So it is true. I think that is the cutest thing ever, the most romantic. He is on his way to Kris, so cute. I have missed seeing Robsten so much and just want them to be together and happy.

Nicole said...

My cuz goes to Texas tech there and she said word spread like wildfire that he was in town. She said she will be on the lookout tonight but I'm sure he has moved on by now!

♪♫ Yaelfica ♪♫ said...

@sara ITA!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Forgive me but I am in an overly romantic mood. This is one of the sweetest things ever. Many mean things have been written this week about Rob being clingy, a cheater, and a drunk. I'm so happy that he has shrugged it off and is going to visit his girlfriend. It is even more fun because the Britpack gets to take a trip around the South. Most people from other countries only go to California and New York. This is much better to get the flavor of America.

I hope people here will not spew hate when Rob reaches Kristen. I for one will be happy to see his gorgeous smile. He only smiles really big when she is by his side. Maybe he will look for a house in Louisiana since filming begins in Baton Rouge soon. Bill Condon and Melissa Rosenberg are already there working on the script.I hope Rob writes some music with Sam. Louisiana is a very bluesy place and should be full of inspiration. Remember to keep it classy Rob fans.

Nicole said...

@Nicole ITA, if a man was driving across the country to see me I would just melt! He really is a romantic.

twilightnan said...

@Nicole,ITA w/u...this is one of the sweetest thing ever...he could have taken the easy way and flown to where Kristen is..how romantic..*sigh*..it seems everyone is so enthralled by this road trip and excited to see the end of the trip when Rob and Kristen are together again..omg..love it:)...hugs to all the favs!!:)

Anonymous said...

What's the fun in flying though, when you can get in a car with the best friends in the world, drive fast down desert highways, dive bar hop, see new sights, perhaps spend the night in the desert by a fire with guitars in hand, dance naked and free, just being in the moment...Oh the possibilities, and this is all so inspiring...Taking me right out of my writers block...I just love this...So happy for this man right now...

Nicole said...

@Raven... Naked! you had to go there! HA!

meleny said...

It's very nice to see him again.. having fun with his best friends,I'm very happy for him :) Thanks for the pics.

JA said...

cute to see him with pitchers of beer in front of him. he blends in well..sort of :)