Friday, September 10, 2010

And another fan picture from Houston

You can find all the other fan pictures from that night here

ETA: One more thanks to crimevocabulary at Pattinsonlife

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I Dream of Rob said...

Aww she adores him! And who doesn't!? Thanks for sharing this. I think when I meet him I'll have the same puppy love look!

Unknown said...

ITA! I love this girl.

Pinkpixiechick said...

"Ohh Rob..." *dreamy sigh*

"Yeah, baby, I know..."

ROFL. Love them both..haha

drabrasil said...



but I bet I would have the same face if it was I there..

drabrasil said...

ohhhh..I am drunk! gahhhhhhhh

I love Rob`s face here...

dina said...

Her adoration is beyond awesomeness, I heart you baby;)))

Loisada said...

What an open book she is! And Dina... we miss your loveliness over at the "uh uh" other site!!

Loisada said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

guys, check this out:'twilight'-vampire's-lubbock-appearance-attracts-female-fans-after-midnight

The comments are quite funny. BTW, who's Kirk Cameron?LOL!

GiGi said...

Wow...he looks like sh*t! Hey, I love Rob....but he looks really drunk and just bad. I hope he gets his act together. This isn't the only time he's been drunk like this, it is many times. I think the boy may have a slight drinking problem, ya think?

Kristin said...

He looks really tired. :(
I feel bad for him.

JA said...

@LovesRob, yeah, the problem is called 24-itis

Hotty said...

Its something how a beard makes him look like hes gained weight lol. Thats a magical beard lol j/k.

maaahtwi4ever said...

@lovesrob i dont think so, he acts just like a normal man is his age
@kristin if i were you i wouldnt feel bad for him, he is probably tired because he is having so much fun with Tom and Sam, in pubs, singing etc they are in a roadtrip!!!

Anonymous said...

@Kristin No not tired, just really inebriated...LOL

Have another round Rob you deserve it!!! Please be safe though... :-)

So after this long trip will he sleep when he gets to that final destination, or will he be raring to go...It is New Orleans after all, home of Jazz and partying...Lol...What do you think ladies will he shave for his good "friend" or will he continue to keep the save it for later food storage... ;-) In my opinion I would love to see that lovely face of his, but hey whatever makes him happy!!!

maaahtwi4ever said...

@lovesrob i dont think so, he acts just like a normal man is his age
@kristin if i were you i wouldnt feel bad for him, he is probably tired because he is having so much fun with Tom and Sam, in pubs, singing etc they are in a roadtrip!!!

Nadine said...


The boy is 24. Hanging out with friends and having some beer is not the same like "having a drinking problem". Jesus!

Show me one guy who doesn't enjoy his spare time this way.

JA said...

@mujhiko, that article was a little disturbing in a few ways. and funny, but mostly disturbing.

Anonymous said...

I think it's so funny how American's seem to think that when someone is photographed a lot drunk then they have a drinking problem.

Rob is British, us British peeps can go out every night and get slobbered, and it's normal to do this, and we can still get up at 6am the next day to go to work! And if we don't want to drink anymore, in general normal young people like Rob, we don't need to go to rehab to do this. I find it weird how American magazines say how some stars need to go to rehab. No, they need to come to England and they'll be accepted here!

Sure, maybe later his liver might protest...but for now he's having fun.

Jane said...

Rob has not had very much time off in two years. He deserves to let loose with his boys. Yeah, he drinks, probably since he was old enough to go into pubs. The English are notorious for that. He will start back to work soon enough on a strict regime, so let him cut loose, be happy for him getting to do what he is doing.

Hotty said...

@ menshee
just because alcoholism in britian is the norm doesnt take away from the fact that that symbolizes a drinking problem. If your going out everynight getting sloberred your obviously an alcoholic. There is many other ways to have fun but if this is your main/only source of having fun every night it sounds like there is some dependency there thats shows addiction/a problem. Im just stating facts.

Anonymous said...


You are only an alcoholic if you can't stop and it's affecting other areas of your life.

Carlie said...

I mostly agree with the comments above, Rob really seems to drink more and more, he once said he can't leave without beer. And he smokes as well. He definetely does not lead a healthy life even if he eats healthy food sometimes. I think he'd better try to stop it while it's not too late. I'm worried about his future, really. I would never want my son to drink so much and smoke like chimney))) But I still love him!)) Love is irrational!))

jaycee12 said...

Well said menshee - Leave the poor bloke alone, he is only doing what most young people do in Britain when they're on holiday, having a drink and a laugh with his mates without causing trouble, he does not need to go to a AA meeting or see a shrink, stop analysing everything he does, I'm just pleased that he's looking relaxed.

jaycee12 said...

Well said menshee - Leave the poor bloke alone, he is only doing what most young people do in Britain when they're on holiday, having a drink and a laugh with his mates without causing trouble, he does not need to go to a AA meeting or see a shrink, stop analysing everything he does, I'm just pleased that he's looking relaxed.

Unknown said...

I can't believe some people are complaining about his drinking. The man is on a well deserved vacation. Most people I know who are on a vacation including myself have a good old time going out to bars & drinking. The man is on a road trip. He looks exhausted from lack of sleep. We should be so lucky that he so niceley agree's to take pics with his fans. Obviously he's not hung up about his looks so why should we. He can't look like a million bucks every minute of the day. Get over it people!

WickedBrownEyes said...

She is one smitten kitten in that first pic. Lucky girl! I would have been looking at him the same way.

Well said!

JA said...

@hotty, drinking every night does not make you an alcoholic. a lush maybe.

Hotty said...

If anybody thinks I was talking about Rob in my last comment, I wasnt. I was just replying to menshee comment about alcoholism not Rob. However I feel he may have a bit of a drinking problem and smoking problem but hes grown so thats his business. All I care about is his movies, and how he treats his fans, well his health also lol to a certain degree because I want him around doing movies for a long time :)

Hotty said...

@ JA
drinking everynight getting slobbered does make you an alcoholic. Sorry lol.

jaycee12 said...

Hotty you must have such boring holidays - I drink every night when I'm on holiday and then I go back to work where I don't drink every night just like Rob - On another note I think he looks great and rugged with his beard, he's still the same person inside - he's doing what a lot of men do over here when they're not working, not shaving and dressing down.

dina said...

First picture.
Rob:OMG mouth please smile, please please you have to smile. There that's it see you can do it.

@Lois, missed you much Lois my Lois but difficult to find my where abouts. It feels as if all my friends had moved neighborhood while I was away.LOL I read you tho my friend...

twmmy said...

Mr. Pattinson, what are you doing with your image? Are you consciously destroying it? If you ever read the sentiments of your unbiased followers. They say : you can be that homeless garbageman whom everybody avoiding on the streets....
My opinion is - if you want to be like this, please keep deny your name if asked, and don't make photos like these. And it's hard to say for me, that your friends look way better than you on thats. Though they are on the same trip as you...Just they don't drink/smoke as you or they sleep more than you.

aurora said...

Hah he looks like he's been drinking a lot!:D i hope he's having fun!!

twilightnan said...

Rob looks like he is ready for bye byes...he probably needs more than a week to recover from this wonderful escapade*Road Trip*to New Orleans...he is just being a normal 24 yrs old English lad enjoying his holiday w/his is unfortunate he is the most lusted young man in the world so everything he does is magnified ,analysed,scrutinised,criticised..well,I don't drink and I don't smoke so I would prefer if he can cut down on his smoking..maybe he should look at Michael Douglas as an example...but at the end We All still LOVE him..despite his weaknesses!!!@Twmmy..Rob is not working..he is on holiday,and on a road trip..Rob would be back to his glorious devastatingly handsome self as Edward Cullen during filming and promotional tour for the next Twilight saga Breaking be a real fan and accept him as he is now warts and all nobody is perfect 24/7!

Hotty said...

I have very fun holidays, I dont need to drink to have fun or depend on drinks to have fun. Its soo great remembering all the fun things you did the day before than throwing up and waking up with a hang over and a headache from over drinking. Sorry that I have a fun/ full life being sober and you dont.

Iluvthemovies said...

@Hotty, well said.

♪♫ Yaelfica ♪♫ said...

ROB looks totally wasted. i'm sorry to say it but still true..

@DANTE hi dear!! how r u today? hope to catch u on hell this weekend

@mrsn.deen i've seen some of ur comments here and there, how r u hun??? missed ya too!

@papagaj hope u r doing ok. miss ur sweet comments darling.

love the hair and beard tho :)

Carlie said...

@Hotty You're 100% right! ITA w/you!!

♪♫ Yaelfica ♪♫ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
CCluvsau said...

He DOES look wasted. Whether he is or isn't doesn't matter. He LOOKS like it.

We have no idea what he does every night, so to say he's an alcoholic is stretching it much.

And I don't like the comments I see on blogs about "You Americans think...." blah blah and use the excuse "He's British" or "How we do in England..." Point is, our boy is in the US right now and things that look cool over there may not look cool here. He left England because CLEARLY his career wasn't taking off there. We also like out stars to have a good image and I hate that photos only pop us AFTER he's been drinking. I wish he'd turn a few photos down and say "How about an autograph instead" so the 'wasted' and 'alcoholic' comments wouldn't even be an issue.

Sorry, I rambled. I ♥ Rob.

Iluvthemovies said...

@CCluvsau, very well said.

Jane said...

Maybe Rob will read all of these comments and see what we really think of him which will make him quit drinking and think?

Anonymous said...

Ladies calm down now...Yes, we are all able to voice our own opinions, but I believe Rob is going to be just fine...As said above, he is British, and that is what Brits do, also Rob has been working like a mad man for two years...He totally deserves this break...He is not out alone, and he seems to be really enjoying his much needed time off...Think about collage fraternities and what goes on there...Then they become Doctors, or lawyers...It's ok...Maybe we need to worry more if Rob starts showing up for work late and incoherent...But for now this young beautiful 24yr old man is releasing all the stresses he has been under for the past two years...It's ok ladies I think our Mr. Pattinson will be just fine... :-) Love to all...

WickedBrownEyes said...

I just hope Rob had tons of fun and created great memories with his best buddies. I love Rob. I love his beard. And hope he liked Texas enough to want to come back.

Hotty said...

@ Carlie & lluvthemovies
Thank you :)

@ CCluvsau
that was very well said :) However if he did turn down some photos and just give autographs during that time I think somebody would probably be mad at that and post angry comments maybe saying he thinks he was to good to take a photo with me type stuff. Poor Robert couldnt win for losing I think :(

twilightnan said...

@CCluvsau..I love your comments..ITA w/what u said about wishing he would turn down a few photos and just offer to sign autographs instead..hope his image will not be affected so much after this escapade...the same as u I love Rob and only wishing him the best!!

CCluvsau said...

@Hotty that could happen but I truly doubt ppl would say that with his friendly demeanor and still offering an autograph. Especially when they see he's just out w/ friends trying to enjoy a vacation.

There are so many worse celebs who take fame to the head and COMPLETELY ignore their fans. No autographs or pics.

twilightnan said...

@RavenLilly,..thank you for that wonderful reassuring calm the nerves..I for one is getting worried even though I understands british culture as I live in England,it is very worrying to read some of the comments,like everybody,I do care for Rob's safety and well to all and hugs to the favs:)

Anonymous said...

OH for God's sake people, he's on vacation, he's british and JEESH give the man a break. Why is everything he does run through all kinds of analysis? How would you like it if everything YOU ever did was lived out in front of the camera for the whole world to see? Rob works hard and I say let him PLAY hard. He can't sit in a freaking hotel the rest of his days hiding from the world. LET HIM HAVE A LIFE without condemnation and know that he's good to his fans, a wonderful person inside and knows when to party and when NOT to party. Can't we give him a little credit for THAT? I love the man. You guys love the man, but just let him be Rob. Unless he takes pictures naked, wearing a purple condom and doing cocaine off of the tits of Paris Hilton, I will always love and respect him. At least he wore a condom. JOKE. Come on...laugh, that was funny. Rob is smart and I believe he knows when to party and when NOT to party and unless he's in a hotel room, he seems to ALWAYS be around people who look out for him. Like you all don't go out and drink....come on.....

BE YOURSELF ROB HONEY. Joke em if they can't take a f***. ;) Life's too short and you only live once. Just take someone along with you and you'll be fine.

Anonymous said...

OH for God's sake people, he's on vacation, he's british and JEESH give the man a break. Why is everything he does run through all kinds of analysis? How would you like it if everything YOU ever did was lived out in front of the camera for the whole world to see? Rob works hard and I say let him PLAY hard. He can't sit in a freaking hotel the rest of his days hiding from the world. LET HIM HAVE A LIFE without condemnation and know that he's good to his fans, a wonderful person inside and knows when to party and when NOT to party. Can't we give him a little credit for THAT? I love the man. You guys love the man, but just let him be Rob. Unless he takes pictures naked, wearing a purple condom and doing cocaine off of the tits of Paris Hilton, I will always love and respect him. At least he wore a condom. JOKE. Come on...laugh, that was funny. Rob is smart and I believe he knows when to party and when NOT to party and unless he's in a hotel room, he seems to ALWAYS be around people who look out for him. Like you all don't go out and drink....come on.....

BE YOURSELF ROB HONEY. Joke em if they can't take a f***. ;) Life's too short and you only live once. Just take someone along with you and you'll be fine.

Anonymous said...

I realized that I generalized, that all Brits drink...I don't like to stereotype...I hope I didn't offend anyone, as I wasn't trying to say brits are all alcoholics...I don't think that...

Much love xoxo

Anonymous said...

@PullMyDaisy ITA!!!! Love it hun!!!

Naked, purple condom, cocaine, Paris Hiltons Boobies....ROTFLMAO!!!!!!


Alex said...

I want to share my thoughts about Rob and Beer.

Don’t I wish he completely stop drinking and smoking and eat Salads & drink only water?
I seriously DO.

But I don’t think he has a drinking problem. He doesn’t go to film set drunk or I haven’t heard him pass out in restaurants.

Drinking is a problem if you can’t stay away from it on daily basis. But I don’t think he has that issue when he is working.

Who wouldn’t have some alcohol when out on weekends or doing a road trip like this? Every man does that. When we go on trip with my male friends they have beer every day...Day & night. But they don’t have a drinking problem.

You know girls ...tiredness & few beers can give this LOOK to anybody. (We don’t even know how many beer he consumed)

In summary
Boys/men from any country drink alcohol instead of orange juice or water every day when they are ON THE ROAD TRIP or out. That’s my own experience. ROB IS FINE.


PS: Mags and Blog nerds will make it a big deal just to get some attention. BEARD, BEER, ROBSTEN, MARRIAGE, PREGNANCY, JEALOUSY, BREAKING or the other every day on Magazine and Internet. FED up?

Jane said...

His image, nothing is going to happen to his image. My God, look at Charlie Sheen, falling down drunk in the street, almost killed his wife and he still goes back to making 1.5million per episode. Rob don't even have an image yet. That's it, what started out to be a fun road trip for Rob that we could talk about has turned into a damn sermon.

Iluvthemovies said...

@PullMyDaisy, ROFL with the viusal on the purple condom. I think I would rather have him do that than see all these pics. But you know what, to each his own. I don't care anymore, he is a big boy and only time well tell how is career goes and what he will put into it. He is a sweet guy. I only want the best for him and everyone will have an opinion and see things differently. So I am throwing in the towel and say Que Sera Sera, what will be will be.

Anonymous said...

The man was on a ROAD TRIP and going out with buddies in evening, plus having drinks. OF COURSE he's going to not look like he just stepped out of a photo shoot! hahaha Long road trips are a killer. I'm sure K is taking care of him now though.

Alex said...

Let me Quote ROB...

"In England if you want to look rough, you go out and get really drunk and come in looking really hungover, but if you do that in America, its like, ‘Have you got a drinking problem?”

"I kind of wish people didn’t know who I am, that I could just lie, say I’m a speechwriter for Obama. This is what I said before Twilight. And then Obama came along and picked up all these young writers. I found out this guy, Jon Favreau — who’s not the actor Jon Favreau — is writing for him. And I was like, ‘Wow, I wonder if the people who thought I was bullshitting at the time are like, ‘Oh my god. That guy! That kid who was drunk in some bar actually wrote the health care bill!’"

Unknown said...

I don't want to stir anything, but can we just present a united front? Discussing alcoholism is just making it worst, for everyone and for Robert. At least he fulfilled one of his wishes. To go on the road do a gig and get drunk.. He even bought out the whole bar so that he can enjoy it in peace.. Let him be.

meleny said...

@Ravenlilly ITA w/you.

XDios ya dejen de criticarlo! es joven y tiene derecho a divertirse, no es un alcoholico!
Rspetenlo y aceptenlo como es.

Rob have fun!!!
I love you!
I really love the first pic.

twmmy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
behnaz said...

what was she looking for??

Sierra said...

that first pic is funny. but her eyes are pretty..Rob needs some sleep or he'z either waisted. good guy that rob though..

Nadine said...

This whole discussion is ridiculous.
He's a young man who's having some beer. Get over it.