Sunday, September 19, 2010

more pictures from London

Fan encounters from both pictures added :) Thanks Lynne and kaz_53 in the comments.

From Lynne

Hi I'm Lynne I'm the lady in the pink check shirt with smiley Rob. Here's an account of our encounter with Rob.I'm still on an adrenaline high. Rob was so lovely in person, very softly spoken and polite. He asked me my name when he gave us an autograph too. I told him it was lovely to see him back in the Uk and that we had missed him. I asked him how long he was staying in London and he told me (but I won't post for his privacy) I told him about the Facebook Group I am an admin of "Robert Pattinson...It's always been him" and about a welcome home gift the admins had sent him. He said he hadn't received it and asked me where I'd sent it and I told him to his Agents in London. He laughed and said Oh. I said I was really looking forward to Bel Ami coming out and wondered when it would be released....he said "I too", like he was wondering when it was going to be as well. Later that evening he was outside having a cigarette and I was outside too, a couple of other fans were getting pics so I asked if he wouldn't mind me having a pic and he was happy to oblige, he said "sure". I told him about a Ren & Stimpy tshirt we sent him as part of his welcome home gift and and he laughed. I said you must get really fed up of people asking you for pics and that I was sorry to ask and said he didn't mind, it was okay and he meant it. When we went back in to the church for the rest of the gig I was at the back buying a Marcus Foster CD then the gig started and someone had pinched our seats so we stood at the back and Rob, TomStu and Marcus Foster stood literally right in front of us I could have touched him without even stretching. His hair is growing back nicely and his beard is really quite long now. He looked as if he'd lost a little weight but still looked gorgeous. As he walked away after about 1/2 hour to go outside for a cigarette, a fan letter to Kristen fell out of his pocket. He didn't see it fall so I picked it up and touched his arm to get his attention to give it back to him. I said "you dropped this"....he didn't hear me because the music was loud so he said "sorry?" so I had to get up close to say it to him again. I passed him the letter and he said "thanks". When we left later he was outside having a chat and a beer with his buddies, so we just walked past and had to go home. I'm still on cloud 9, this is the stuff dreams are made of, in fact this was better than the dreams I've had!! What a night, one I'll never forget.

The only thing he did ask was us not to take a pic of him inside the gig, he did not want to bring attention to himself. He was happy to have his pic taken with me outside when there were very few people out there. He is such a down to earth, normal person it was so strange. I have been a massive Rob fan for so long now, I live breathe, eat, dream everything Rob. I am a happily married mum of 4 kids but love this man and his work so much. He is a total phenomenon and I am so happy to have had this opportunity with him that I could only have ever dreamed about. I did briefly see him at the Remember Me premiere in London earlier this year as I had a ticket to see the movie and walk the red carpet but never "connected" with him, so this was just out of this world. I did want to stroke his beard I must admit, he seemed to do it alot. You could see the pure joy on his face when his buddy Marcus Foster was on stage doing his part of the gig, I could tell he was so happy to be there watching him. And I heard him laugh out loud just as we were leaving, it was like oxygen to me....I love to hear it. I'm not sure when I'm going to regain proper use of my legs, they still feel like jelly over 12 hours later!

From kaz_53

thats me in the second photo he was so lovely and kind and wow girls he is everything you think he would be and more xx

we were at the concert when an hour in he walks in i couldnt believe it my heart went after a few mins we asked for his autograph and he said sure he asked my name and signed it we told him we had sent him a present from our facebook page robert pattinson..its always been him ,and he said he hadnt recieved it yet ,then when we was out side he came out for a cig and a couple of girls asked for photos ,so we asked if we could have one and he said sure ,i said to him im sorry to ask i bet you get sick of people asking you for this and he said its fine and your welcome ,and then we stood about a foot away from him for about 20 min while he watched the gig with his friends and a beer in his hand every one there was really good with him and mostly left him alone when he was inside and he seemed really chilled wow what a night x

source:1 & 2 via pattinsonlife


♪♫ Yaelfica ♪♫ said...

oh god i missed him..and i love him more everyday!!

Kaz said...

thats me in the second photo he was so lovely and kind and wow girls he is everything you think he would be and more xx

♪♫ Yaelfica ♪♫ said...

@kaz_53 PLZ!! tell us how he smells!!!!!!!!!!!! plz!!

JA said...

@kaz_53, lucky you!!! did you get a good sniff? hehe

Iluvthemovies said...

@JA and Yaelfica, do u need to smell Rob's eau de Cologne, Beer and Strawberries. It is the latest craze.

Anonymous said...

@kaz_53 We are not begging (LOL), but would you mind sharing what happend in those mins.(or secs)that you met him. :) Also, you are sooo lucky, I'm jealous, the good jealous, of course.

Kaz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kaz said...

we were at the concert when an hour in he walks in i couldnt believe it my heart went after a few mins we asked for his autograph and he said sure he asked my name and signed it we told him we had sent him a present from our facebook page robert pattinson..its always been him ,and he said he hadnt recieved it yet ,then when we was out side he came out for a cig and a couple of girls asked for photos ,so we asked if we could have one and he said sure ,i said to him im sorry to ask i bet you get sick of people asking you for this and he said its fine and your welcome ,and then we stood about a foot away from him for about 20 min while he watched the gig with his friends and a beer in his hand every one there was really good with him and mostly left him alone when he was inside and he seemed really chilled wow what a night x

twmmy said...

thx kaz_53, you are a lucky lady, i'm jelaouous. well, just a little...i have no chance to meet him such near.

drabrasil said...

kaz_53 , LUCKY girl...

drabrasil said...

oh..I forgot to mention..the smile in the first photo..*sigh* I miss it so much!!!
and I love him no matter what, but I missing also the clean shave face , beautiful boy!!!! I cannot see the jaw line..*sigh*

drabrasil said... again!
ha!! It's early morning here in Brasil and I was wondering about the shirt,did you notice the collar ?
like someone always tugging there... let the imagination run wild *sigh*

twilightnan said...

Hi!to my's only a quick visit ,it's 11:30am London our Rob is back in! he is still looking so good with that beard,and love his smile,I've read the comments on last night thread,and shocked by some of the comments of "haters"..I know it is a free world and people are entitled to express their opinions but some comments should not be allowed to be published on this a Robert Pattinson site some views were so disgusting!!these Trolls should be screened and not be allowed to publish their comments..thanks to Kaz-53 for ur feed back of ur wonderful encounter w/our idol Rob..oh,you're so lucky..I knew he would come to visit his family he is a good lad our Rob and of course I am also a fan of Kristen and cannot wait to see pics of them together!!soon they will be together for 6 months filming..Hugs to all my favs! :)

Sierra said...

it is soooooooo funny to see the girls go krazi over him. I saw a girl cry because she got to take a picture with him, haha.

i mean don't get me wrong, I love rob he's a very sweethearted guy and i hope he doesn't ever change that.

but i'm a bigger fan of Kristen, have been since we were 15 (same age as her).

but glad to know he's safe and having fun, just stop with the cancer sticks dude lol jk jk

Unknown said...

Sierra why are you here if you're not even a fan of Rob? Yeah you love him thats why you just mocked him.

jaycee12 said...

Gr8 to see Rob back in London, hope he enjoys his time here visiting with his family and that the paps and fans don't hassle him too much - I'm stil loving the rugged look.
Love reading all the messages especially from twilightnan and Iluvthemovies.

behnaz said...

icant see them

jaycee12 said...

Sorry behnaz I meant from previous days - I'm always little bit doppy on Sundays.

Anonymous said...

@Kaz_53 Thank you so much for sharing your meeting with the lovely Mr.Pattinson...He seems so sweetly humble...Happy to hear people gave him his space for the most part...

Unknown said...

@Kaz_53 thank you soooo much 4 sharing your encounter with Rob! You're one lucky lady! Now did you get a good sniff of that unique Eu de Pattinson?~^.^~

Lynne said...

Hi I'm Lynne I'm the lady in the pink check shirt with smiley Rob. Here's an account of our encounter with Rob.I'm still on an adrenaline high. Rob was so lovely in person, very softly spoken and polite. He asked me my name when he gave us an autograph too. I told him it was lovely to see him back in the Uk and that we had missed him. I asked him how long he was staying in London and he told me (but I won't post for his privacy) I told him about the Facebook Group I am an admin of "Robert Pattinson...It's always been him" and about a welcome home gift the admins had sent him. He said he hadn't received it and asked me where I'd sent it and I told him to his Agents in London. He laughed and said Oh. I said I was really looking forward to Bel Ami coming out and wondered when it would be released....he said "I too", like he was wondering when it was going to be as well. Later that evening he was outside having a cigarette and I was outside too, a couple of other fans were getting pics so I asked if he wouldn't mind me having a pic and he was happy to oblige, he said "sure". I told him about a Ren & Stimpy tshirt we sent him as part of his welcome home gift and and he laughed. I said you must get really fed up of people asking you for pics and that I was sorry to ask and said he didn't mind, it was okay and he meant it. When we went back in to the church for the rest of the gig I was at the back buying a Marcus Foster CD then the gig started and someone had pinched our seats so we stood at the back and Rob, TomStu and Marcus Foster stood literally right in front of us I could have touched him without even stretching. His hair is growing back nicely and his beard is really quite long now. He looked as if he'd lost a little weight but still looked gorgeous. As he walked away after about 1/2 hour to go outside for a cigarette, a fan letter to Kristen fell out of his pocket. He didn't see it fall so I picked it up and touched his arm to get his attention to give it back to him. I said "you dropped this"....he didn't hear me because the music was loud so he said "sorry?" so I had to get up close to say it to him again. I passed him the letter and he said "thanks". When we left later he was outside having a chat and a beer with his buddies, so we just walked past and had to go home. I'm still on cloud 9, this is the stuff dreams are made of, in fact this was better than the dreams I've had!! What a night, one I'll never forget.

Lynne said...

The only thing he did ask was us not to take a pic of him inside the gig, he did not want to bring attention to himself. He was happy to have his pic taken with me outside when there were very few people out there. He is such a down to earth, normal person it was so strange. I have been a massive Rob fan for so long now, I live breathe, eat, dream everything Rob. I am a happily married mum of 4 kids but love this man and his work so much. He is a total phenomenon and I am so happy to have had this opportunity with him that I could only have ever dreamed about. I did briefly see him at the Remember Me premiere in London earlier this year as I had a ticket to see the movie and walk the red carpet but never "connected" with him, so this was just out of this world. I did want to stroke his beard I must admit, he seemed to do it alot. You could see the pure joy on his face when his buddy Marcus Foster was on stage doing his part of the gig, I could tell he was so happy to be there watching him. And I heard him laugh out loud just as we were leaving, it was like oxygen to me....I love to hear it. I'm not sure when I'm going to regain proper use of my legs, they still feel like jelly over 12 hours later!

Sene4ka said...

Hey, kaz_53! Thank you so much for your comments! It's important for those who couldn't have been at the concert. Or even in London ))) I'm so glad that I can translate the comments into Russian and post on my page about Rob ) Thank you! You're very lucky!!! Cheers

twilightnan said...

@Lynne,thank you so much for that account of ur fantastic encounter with Rob..just want to ask u what is Rob tshirt size since you send him a welcome it medium or large? thanking you in anticipation:) hugs to u and all my favs!!I also live in England in essex and hoping to go and see BD Premiere,I'm happily married and a grandma to 3 young grandchildren but I'm a fan of Rob and anything Twilight!!

TwiRK_ said...

@Lynne Thanks for sharing your encounter with us all. Its so nice to hear that he doesn't seem bothered by the fans. He seems like such a lovely man and not corrupted by any of this fame. Just a normal joe that is beyond sexy, that millions swoon over. So glad you shared and so happy for you!!
I'm a Twilight mom myself and I'm so happy I found your group now on FB, because it always has been Rob, lol. Well except our hubs:)

dina said...

@Lynn Thank you so much for sharing your story. One lucky girl you are. He never fails us right? He is as we think he will be and even more. Never ever have I read something bad about Rob froma fun and It's been only him for almost three years now. We have picked the right guy aren't we? Good for us all.

dina said...

how can I join the group?

papagáj said...

first i'd like to Thank You for sharing,you proved that so many fans are respectful and do not want bother him too much in his private time and don't spread information about his stay plans. Yo are classy .

Oh smiling and rested Roberad made my day.
oh god,gig had to be wonderful especially if it had a place in the church where the acoustics are shocking ... and Laura Marling in the audience...why i dont live in England @Twilightnan how i envy you my dear :D last night I listened to Goodbye England ... it sounds nostalgic and she has beautiful clear voice, I would recommend for autumnal evenings...

Don't ask how much i missed this site and all dearest Favs... words do not do me justice. No later than a week ago I returned from the session to my portfolio, but unfortunately my sleepless nights and lack of motor coordination (read my two left feet), ended by the fact that I fell into a pool and a got solid cold, well at least that you do not hear me coughing terribly;)

When i recover( soon i hope) maybe i should think about create " I Heart beard tee " and never take it off in that case...oh and don't forget to do some research in nearest flea market ...maybe i would have enough luck to find this GOMD fabulous rare shirt...never say never...

special kisses and hugs to @twilightnan@Yaelfica@Iluvthemovies@Mrs.Deen@JA@Nicole

Sene4ka said...

Lynne, thank you so much for your message! It's so great you both have shared it with all of us! With fans all over the world!!! Thank you!!! You're the best! And very lucky!!! )

Iluvthemovies said...

@Papagaj, we missed u, I hope you
feel better soon. I hope all went well with all your designing. So glad u are back commenting. We hope u never have to leave for that long a period again, we miss ur insightful commentary. I luv the idea of your t-shirt. I would be the first to purchase it,if u sold it.

Some of us Favs last night were in a giddy mood, but I want to say thank you for sharing your story. I don't think that will ever change, Rob's well bred manners toward his fans. I am certain he has limits as you expressed but as long as fans respect that, I am certain he will continue to allow autographs and pics. Thanks again.

@my favs that are probably still sleeping and @twilightnan, Mrs. Deen, and Yey Papagaj, hugs to all.

jaycee12 said...

OMG I only live 20 miles from London so near but yet so far, my heart was thumping while reading kaz and lynnes comments,what a truly nice man he is - thank you you've made my day -

Lynne said...

I still haven't slept 36 hours later. I'm Lynne, the smiley Rob pic lady. I can't believe this pic is all over the net, and I still can't believe I had the luck to have such a great encounter with such an awesome man. He is as gorgeous in person as we see him on screen, just down to earth and normal though, no pretences or hey I'm a big star about him one bit. It just makes me love him more. I don't ever want to lose this feeling today, it's just THE BEST experience. Even having 4 kids is on a similar level, just different in those "days you'll never forget" pile.

LHBabe said...

Lynne - wow, what can I say! How lucky are you!!! I fully appreciate he wants to keep his plans for the UK under wraps, but could you tell me if I have time to write a quick letter to him? I have been meaning to do it but my husband broke his ankle and I have been soooo busy since then!
Thanks :~)

jaycee12 said...

Lynne if ever I'm lucky enough to spot Rob I will do exactly the same as you - I will look at his face not at the camera - you look so happy.

Nicole said...

Lynn! i am so in love with you! HA! great photo and great story. you are a class act and i am sure rob appreciates your love!

Howdy all! miss everyone!

Mrs.Deen said...

I am so happy he is home with his family. @ Lynn and @kaz_53, just want to say thank you to both of you for sharing your encounter, what an encounter it is...nop we are not jealous are we team?..ok I lied we are jealous but are happy for both of you and we love to hear over and over when people say he is such a down to earth no nonsense sweet heart. Eventhough we know it, as his fans we love it when we hear from so many different people.

@papagaj, as @lluvthemovies said we missed you...hope you are back to your normal schedule..welcome back darling..

@dina, you asked how you can join the group, nothing major to it as long as you are a Rob fan you are in this team....This site is for Rob fans and that is all the requirement you need to be here ...welcome to the team if you are a Rob fan.

@yaelfica, I hope you get the answer to your he smells...I am sure it is musk , beer and cig...@lluvthemovies, you might be right ..may be I should add strawberries or roses to it..

@twilgihtnan, my wish for you is to meet Rob before he comes back and when you do you better give @yaelfica and @JA answer to their of us are slightly interested too...

Love and hugs to everyone especially to all my favs (@lluvthemovies, @yaelfia, @twilightnan, @papagaj)...I really do love you all very much....

@Lynne i hope you will get some sleep..but believe me we understand your feeling......

so many of us here have never been a fan of anyone like this...for me he is like a son and I am so proud of him for staying true to himself and not changing.....

Love you all

JA said...

@lynne, another thanks for sharing your story. it's always great to see fan pics, but to have a story to go with it is extra special for us all! :)

Jade said...

Oh. Look at that lovely man. *sigh*

♪♫ Yaelfica ♪♫ said...

@kaz_53 and @Lynne TKS soooooo much!!! u r wonderful ladies and the best kind of FANS, exactly what ROB deserves..:D

i'm sooooo happy all my FAVS got to comment today..i miss u @papagaj!! hope u can come more often like u used to, but i completely understand.

@mrs.deen u r the sweetest!! and ITA with u!:D

i cried all thru the story of the encounter like a little kid...oh well i LOVE ROB more than i say...:)

Anonymous said...

Awesome Ladies. =) I am tickled you guys ran into him, and got to chat some, get a picture. He seems like an easy-going, good natured fella, who is cool with hanging out with his fans. He is a doll, and I am sure he is humbled, appreciative, and flattered by your admiration. He comes from good stock, good kin. I am glad to see him home surrounded by friends, family, and fans who truly love him, just for him.

Bless you both. x

twilightnan said...

@papagaj..waving ..from top of tower of London...Welcome back!!papagaj!!!we missed is so great to have u back commenting again.It seems all the favs are here,I'm not sure if ur aware that our gorgeous Rob has been MIA(missing in action)for a long time since last sighting in New to have a very clear fan pics of Rob in London made everyone ecstatic or even blogging crazy..and darn it I missed it all as I was asleep and did not have time to go near the computer until 11:30 Sunday am..again so happy ur back,..@Mrs.Deen..thank u so much for ur way or another I hope to see Rob and Kristen in either the LOndon Premiere or the LA..the Favs are going to pitched the largest tent when BD premiered in LA on Nov 2011...hope to see u..Hello to my other favs @Iluvthemovies,@Yaelfica @JA..hugs to all:)+ also Hi to @jaycee..I'm glad to read from u as well...and to Lynne and Kaz-53..thank u so much ,ur wonderful encounter with Rob in London made a lot of anxious fans relieved and happy to see Rob back at home with his family and friends without any paparazzis stalking/taking pics of his everymoves..lovely to see him smiling in a fan pic:)

JLC said...

Lynne - thank you so much for sharing with us the details of your Rob encounter. What a wonderful memory you will have to remember all your life...

anani said...

so does anybody know if he met kristen in NOLA and where she is now?

Lynne said...

Ladies thanks for all your lovely comments and support. I finally got some sleep but all I could do was replay the whole evening over and over in my head, I didn't want to forget a thing. It all seems so surreal right now but I do realise how lucky I was. That kind of thing doesn't normally happen to me but I was so happy to be in the right place at the right time. Rob will always be no.1 for me and I am so looking forward to seeing how his movie career progresses. I am sure he is destined for much bigger things. It's good that he was able to spend the evening with his friends pretty much unaffected and without being surrounded by the paparazzi. I've seen first hand a paparazzi "attack" on Rob after the Remember Me premiere when he was at the Ivy private members club. The paps are total animals, they don't care what it takes to get the picture they want and they just make up a story around the worst pic they can find of him. They blinded poor Rob with their flashes and surrounded him. I do hope he enjoys his time back home with his family before he starts the extensive filming for Breaking Dawn. Then he has all the promos and hopefully premieres for Bel Ami and Water for Elephants. So he's going to have a busy year ahead. I can't wait to see his new movies and I will there at the premieres to support him and no doubt swoon when I see him!
Anyway, back to reality and getting kids off to school but just in case anyone wants to have a link for our facebook page Robert Pattinson..."It's always been him" I mentioned above the link is:!/group.php?gid=119177618129750&ref=ts

meleny said...

I'm sooo Haapppy to see him again :) Thank you very much to Kaz_53 and Lynne for sharing with us your wonderful experince...and those beautiful pic, I love the first one, I'm very happy for you too. Rob is lovely and sweet (es un amor) I love him!

♪♫ Yaelfica ♪♫ said...

@LynneEdmunds TKS!! u r so sweet. would u plz tell me if your group has a twitter acc?? i have huge problems with FB. thank you so much in advance :D

MesmerizedbyRob said...

Thank you so very much,kaz_53 and Lynne for sharing your wonderful Rob encounters. I am incredibly jealous of you both, but am very happy at the same time. :-) Thank you for putting a smile on my face. When Rob is happy I am happy. He melts my heart. I only hope that I get the chance of a lifetime to meet him someday. I just love everything about him. He is amazing. :-) Thanks for sharing!!
This is my first post, but not new to the site. I visit everyday. :-)