Thursday, September 2, 2010

30 Seconds To Mars Bring Robert PATTERSON Into Their Interview

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Iluvthemovies said...

I love Jared when he had dark hair not that blonde stuff. He has the most gorgeous eyes. Rob always plays the shy and silent type, no difference in this interview even w/his standee.

twilightnan said...

Hello!@Iluvthemovies,..not staying long granddaughter has given me her cold..well I don't know who these guys are.. the only one I recognised is that gorgeous cutboard cut out of Rob,..was this supposed to be a funny sketch? to all the Favs:)

JA said...

wow...not a single comedic bone between the 3 of them. at least jared is still hot..minus the hair.

Anonymous said...

@ilovethemovies Hello, I was going to say the exact same thing. I do loved his eyes and dark hair. That blonde looks horrid lol. I watched My So Called Life religiously and was so angry when they took it off...Then I watched the reruns over and over lol. I was so excited when 30 Seconds to Mars came out though, cause I love his voice too!!

Rob would of spiced that clip right up, with his agile sarcasm.

Iluvthemovies said...

@twilightnan, pls get better soon we miss u on messenger. I don't know any of those other group members other than Jared Leto, u have probably seen him in other movies but don't realize it because of that awful hair. Take care sweetie, hugs to u and your husband.

@JA ITA with everything u said, actually the Rob's standee was the hightlight.

@Ravenlilly, it is so sad when these gorgeous men change their looks so completely, like Brad Pitt with that awful beard before he shaved it off, and now this awful haircut and haircolor on Jared, I am not drawn to his eyes because of the awful hair. I have not heard him sing, I will go on YouTube to listen how they sing. Yes Rob would have had a clever comeback line, like he did w/Emma Roberts on the Leno Show.

Hi and hugs to the Favs.

Cyndi said...

Personally, I thought that was hilarious. Secondly, Jared looks good especially with the haircut. I have never been a fan of the bleached hair with dark roots on anyone - but I think it actually works on Jared. Sexy interviewer & interviewee.

Thanks for posting! :)

Jane said...

Are these guys friends of Rob or were they just using his picture for their own comedy?

Jane said...

One more thing, did he say Patterson instead of Pattinson. He could have least gotten his name right.

Anonymous said...

@Jane The one with blonde hair is Jared Letto. If you have ever seen the Panic Room he played Junior(the crazy one with the corn rows). He is also in a band called 30 Seconds to Mars which is why they are on MTV here...No they are not friends of Rob, and here it seems they are poking fun at our Beloved Rob...But it would most likely roll off our beautiful humble man, as he has with Jimmy Fallons skit...Lol Oh, and yes he did call him Patterson...I noticed that right away, as I loathe it when people miss pronounce his last name...This is because I know how it feels lol...

One last thing Jared Letto also played in an amazing movie called Requiem for a Dream. He plays a heroin addict and I think he was amazing in it...If you don't despise the man now lol... :-)

JA said...

Jared Leto will always only be Jordan Catalano to me :)

Jane said...

Thanks RavenLily. I do recognize him for Panic Room, also didn't he play with Lindsay Lohan in the movie about the man that shot one of the Beatles? I am sure Rob is use to people poking fun at him, but I agree with you about people mispronouncing his last name wrong.

Anonymous said...

@Jane Yes, he played Mark David Champman. Another very good movie!!! Not much of a fan of Lindsay Lohan though.