Robert Pattinson from Twilight. He’s English…and he’s young!
Richard Branson is the founder of the Virgin Group and companies such as Virgin Atlantic, Virgin America, Virgin Mobile and Virgin Active. He maintains a blog at www.virgin.com/richard-branson/blog. You can follow him on Twitter at twitter.com/richardbranson
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OMG...someone write the script now, just make sure it is not Melissa Rosenberg. I think Rob would be Absolutely incredible in this role.
I totally agree with u there @Iluvthemovies..Rob would be perfect in this role..the rise to power!!Arise Sir Richard Branson!!
@FAVS hope ur new dream comes true :D
Rob is young, English ...and HANDSOME Sir Richard!
If Rob does play him in a movie, then expect a naked Rob scene skiing in a resort somewhere in Switzerland:)) This is really perfect for Rob!
What a great idea for Rob! I'd love to see him in this role!
Oh yeh..Rob would be great playing Sir Richard....@lluvthemovies I really hope someone writes a script....
Love to all, especially my favs...
Love and hugs
Morning all - I could totally see Rob playing Sir Richard Branson, simular facial bone structure - I also agree with you @Iluvthemovies about Melissa - I wonder which important parts of his life she would leave out.
Off to work now - hope you all have a good day.
No wonder his so successful. He is very clever and he's got un eye for things and he can get the beat of the times.
He does also own an island in The British Virgin Islands...Am I wrong?? ....:))I found this: http://www.twifans.com/profiles/blogs/robert-pattinson-is-the-most-1
@sabina, yes you are right..he own an island..I saw the entire island and his house there on the TV ...He bought it so cheap years ago and now it costs like crazy. He was taking us through the island and the house..
Wish Rob could play him...
Love to my favs..
@sabina, thanks for the link...those were cute!
That would be a great movie for Rob - but I would see anything he is in...
Sabina - Thank you for that link, very cute, very funny and quite true!!
@sabina tks for the link!!! sooo funny!! this is like what i do in twitter!! it has a name...i don't remember which is it...to make someone sound like a GOD? it is so much fun to come up with this kind of things..:D
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