Friday, July 30, 2010

New Picture From the Eclipse After Party

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Nicole said...

Hummm. Prob just the way the photo was taken.

Anonymous said...

This looks a little fake.

Maggie said...

It looks like he is just looking over her shoulder at something but the angle the pic is taken at makes him seem a like he is about to kiss her neck.

leelee68 said...

Stop being haters, it looks real & very cute!

Anonymous said...

I am very good with photoshop, and this is an extremely horrible job... Lol :-p

Unknown said...

this is so fake lol

Caroline said...

Oh people...fake?!Please, you don't have to agree that they are a couple but fake, photoshop?!Can we just be happy to see a beautiful picture?!

Anonymous said...

is not fake am a robsten's believer so this mot affect me they look good lol

Unknown said...

He is so into her....a very sweet pic!

twilightnan said...

@ DeAnna..totally agree..very sweet pic!!I love it..anymore??

Unknown said...

It's not fake... if it was fake, there would be different pictures of them making these poses... There are no pictures of rob leaning in that way and there are no pictures of kristen at that exact angle... this photo is much too fuzzy to be a manip, so I am guessing it's real... Get over it, it's a cute pic!!

JA said...

depth perception is deceiving..his mouth is prob a good 6" from her neck

Unknown said...

@JA, dept perception my ass! Can you get a good six inches if their bodies are almost perfectly align to each other, and with the angle of Rob's head.... Also take note of Rob's right hand at Kristen's back.. Well, let's accept it, Rob's a nuzzler... Its a very dreamy picture actually:)

twilightnan said...

@ mujhiko-mujhiko..lovin when you said..Rob is a nuzzler..and definitely ita w/u..this is a very dreamy heart and imagination going you can guess..I'm so in love with them two..well I better not actually put their names down,just in case I upset anybody...Rob you are so dreamy safe!!