Thursday, July 15, 2010

NEW Pictures from the WFE set today - Rob smokin in a Tux

Source: Pattinsonlife


maaahtwi4ever said...

i'm not a fan of cigarrets but damn he makes it sexy

Zuza said...

I was just about to write this, you know? yea, definitely. it's not healthy, i can say i even find it gross sometimes but, well, he just makes it hot.

papagáj said...


Anonymous said...

Anyone know what scene rob is filming on WFE? Collage Jacob?

Jane said...

Rob is lip licking delicious, even with the cig. Wish he would quit. I hope he keeps the haircut for it suits him perfectly, makes his beautiful face stand out more, if that is possible.

Anonymous said...

Looks gorgeous as usual! Also the pics answer my question about whether he's still filming WFE!

Anonymous said...

Ohh noooo, please, stop smoking! :(( Its kinda sexy but please, quit.

Anonymous said...

Damn him for making a smoke break look sexy...

Unknown said...

Ha, I can pretend he's smoking 'herbals' right?

Cyndi said...

You are killing me! I don't like smoking, but Rob makes it look so darn sexy!!!!

LTavares2011 said...

Rob is incredibly sexy doing whatever he does. He is an intelligent man, sexy, hot, terrific, brilliant, he knows what is the best for himself. I trust on his good sense. He is so natural and zen in these amazing photos. I love them all.

Iluvthemovies said...

ITA with many of you I don't smoke but everyone has their vices and
smoking is Rob's unfortunately. However, I agree he brings back the classic eloguence of smoking a cigarette like Bogart in Casablanca or Paul Henried lighting two cigarettes for Bette Davis and himself in Now, Voyager, plus many other leading men of the day, Errol Flynn, Clark Gable, and Charles Boyer. The classic films I mentioned should not be missed,
he could easily be transported to the twenties like his character in WFE and look incredible slowly
inhaling on his cigarette.
Bringing Sexy back.

Ursula said...

Rob smoking is the sexiest thing ever!

♪♫ Yaelfica ♪♫ said...
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♪♫ Yaelfica ♪♫ said...

nonononono...don't let him get away with it so easily! yes he's god darn hot but it is bad for his health so we should boycott this post by not looking at these pics...who's with me??!!

*cricket coughs...tumble weed rolls by..*

tks a lot u guys...LOL

Lolli said...

Sometimes, pictures of Rob, nearly make me fall over backwards out of my chair - his beauty hits me so hard. This is one of those times. Then, I carefully come back to the computer and weep or nearly weep. Oh God!!

If my true love he were gone
I will surely find no other
Where wild mountain thyme
All around the blooming heather
Will ye go laddie go...........

Gisel said...

We are going to have to invent a new word, because "HOT" It is just not enough...

annacrispeta said...

I hate cigarettes and even though he looks sexy in these pics, I can't help but imagine what he smells like after smoking all day long. Thank goodness I don't have to worry about that, since I don't think I'll be smelling him anytime soon, jeje!

And he cut his fingernails, YEEEEEY!!! He was walking around with them dirty all these past days..

OMG, reading my own post, I sound like a clean freak.. not so, just love him enough to wish him the best.

Cyndi said...

Gisel - I hate the media name RPatz, and from what I have heard him say, he is not a fan either. How about Roblicious? lol KIDDING! Hot, definitely does not do him justice. That movie Summer House - OMG - I was about to die! If that is truly an indication of what to expect in Bel Ami - I will need to bring oxygen with me to the theatre and a cold cloth.

Mrs.Deen said...

I really do think we should sign a petition to him requesting him not to smoke. He talks about dying at 30 and this will do it for him if he does not stop. Enough is enough Rob, it is time you stopped smoking. I am so pissed at this kid. How can a smart, intelligent kid like him continue to do this. He has to stop smoking ...period.

♪♫ Yaelfica ♪♫ said...

@Mrs.deen ITA!!!!

Jane said...

He and Kristen should make a pact and quit smoking if they want to live longer for nothing is as horrible as watching a love one die with lung cancer from heavy smoking. I will sign that petition if we can get one going. I myself, was a smoker for twenty years and quit or I would probably not be here if I had not, so let's try to get him to quit. I see that Nikki Reed has quit and everyone of the cast is cheering her on.

Anonymous said...

1. Rob's mom call him Rpatz (see his interview with Miquita oliver T4)
2. Rob had state, he is in progreess to stop smoking (kristen too)
3. From the first time I saw his pics, He alwyas has a dirty nail LOL
3. Can we love him just the way is he ???

Euzacruza78 said...

Yes the man is sexy but my heart breaks a little every time I see him smoke :'( so gross and unhealthy... but what I wouldn't give to be that cigarette ;) *SIGH* STOP SMOKING ROB!!! just be smokin' hot!

Iluvthemovies said...

Hi Yaelfica,
I do wish he would stop smoking for his own health, but you still can't deny when his long fingers are holding the ciggy he just has a way with it like the classic movies I mentioned in my previous comment.

Hi Mrs.Deen,
He would not stop smoking because there was a petition, in his own words he is not subjected to peer pressure. He will have to quit on his own, I forsee him quitting only perhaps if he starts a family because you don't want to smoke in front of a child and if it is his own I would think he would try at least to stop smoking.

moonriver said...

signing a petition isnt going 2 help. the worst way 2 quit smoking is being pressured and told by others 2 do so. making him c reason may be a good way 2 start.
it would b a pity 2 watch this exceptional beauty of youth shrivel and disappear for a stupid smoking habit.

behnaz said...

oh my god
so niceeeeeeeeeeeee

drabrasil said...

oh my god!
just WOW

he is so sexy..long fingers... the hair, jaw, eyes, mouth, nose...


Gunseli said...

He is mind blowing..Gush...!so hot!

Ash said...

Did anyone else notice his fly is open? GAH! there will be entire fanfics based on this one pic... lip biting, hair, fly open....

bach said...

He has already said a couple of times he's trying to stop smoking. He's young and smart and I'm sure he knows his limits. I noticed that we've only seen pictures of him smoking when he's filming, so this must be a way for him to relax between takes. I don't think it's truly a vice like chain smoking or we would have seen him smoking in all his pictures.

maria_Cy86 said...

i've browsed through the comments a little bit and thank god other people commented on the smocking, I didnt want to be like the party-pooper. i dont wanna be a racist or anything but FOR ME this pictures would look so much better without that cigarette and every pic of Rob holding a cigarette, smocking etc just has a sort of a huge turnoff for me : ( trying to keep my focus on his smile though, that always works

Anonymous said...

Beside the vile smoking did anyone else notice that Mr Pattinson seems to be perhaps snapping is lovely fingers singing and tapping to a little tune? Just saying... One other thing if I were an actress and my co-stars smoked this is where I would have to be a diva cause I would demand they do not smoke before during or after a scene with me. Lol

OCD56 said...

I am so looking forward to seeing Water For Elephants because I read the book and I really liked it. Rob looks so great when he is dressed up like this. I know he was joking about dying at 30 but this really worries me that he said it. I only want the best for Rob (happiness, a great career, and a family). I am an older fan and I hope to be around when he wins an oscar. I love his acting and I think he has a natural acting ability. I was impressed by his amazing acting in Remember Me. I also think he is very witty.

Mrs.Deen said...

Hi lluvthemovies:
I know petition does not help but I feel like we have to do something. Yep that kid has his own mind and no one can force him to do stuff or not to do stuff. I absolutely agree he looks so stylish and classy with that thing in his hand but i hate to see him with cigarette. I am not young myself so protective motherly feelings comes to the forefront. Like someone else said I would love to see him winning an Oscar one day. I loved him in Remember Me more than Twilight. I have never been so protective or proud of anyone that I have not even met. He is such a nice kid.

Iluvthemovies said...

Hi Mrs. Deen,
ITA, I am not a young thing and I agree about protecting him that is why I am so interested to see how he progresses in his career. I feel almost like an agent. As I stated before I don't smoke and I wish he would not either but the more a person tells someone not to do something the more they rebel. I hope as others had stated that he is smoking less and comes to his senses, but until then, he still looks so good with the ciggy, damn, I wish he looked awful with it, but in Remember Me he was so sexy with it dangling from his mouth or holding it in those wonderfully long fingers. I hope he knows we only want the best for him.

Veronica said...

Who in all f*&king he77 has the right to dictate to anyone about how they run their own go^%amned lives? For REAL, who are you people? If he wants to smoke and die at 30, hey man, that's how it goes. Sucks, but how it goes.

It's really offensive and unbelievable, especially considering the demographic that's most freaked-out and vocal about it. I could handle this from a 13-year old, but middle-aged moms? That's a hoot. Guess what, chickies: you don't own him, you're not his mom, and Edwar... oops, I mean ROBERT doesn't owe you jack-crap. Quit your stupid dictatorship over him and enjoy his movies, fantasize about him in the dead of night and LEAVE IT. Give this madness a few more years (or less) and he's gonna quit acting and hide away in some Irish village to get the heck away from his "fans".