Sunday, July 25, 2010

Rob and Steph go to the movies

*There's another set of pictures, later that day, of Rob talking to the paps. We decided to skip those.
That being said, the pictures on this post happened a few hours before that, but they're still pap pictures. Don't click on this post if you don't like them or don't want to see them.

Robert Pattinson leaves the cinema in Malibu after seeing the film Salt. July 24, 2010

HQ - untagged


HQ - tagged - via Popsugar

*Stephanie Ritz is Rob's agent.



Unknown said...

ohhh so curious, what he was hiding there?? hehehe

behnaz said...

nice film
have agood time rob

Kus Cukru said...

Who is this girl? :)

twilightnan said...

Hi to @ Iluvthemovies,@ Yaelfica,Mrs Deen..I'm back thank u so much for ur support,family is slowly getting back to normal..missed u all!and Rob of is nice to see him going to relax to see a movie with his agent stephanie ..has he finished wfe yet? and where is Kristen?..has she started filming her next movie? a lot of catching to do..I'm so glad to be back..hug and kisses to u all..much love xxx

drabrasil said...


He still filming in LA ..Kristen is in Canada preparing for ON THE ROAD
and did you see he talking with the paparazzi? I would like to know what he is saying..gah!!!
should be like BACK OFF!

Nani-PattinsonWorld said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
twilightnan said...

wow! it would be intersting to know what Rob said to the paparazzi..first time I've noticed him approaching the paparazzi..he is normally just looking head down..poor Rob not really relaxing having those paparazzi swarming around him..luv him in this cap and!!@ dra thank u so much for the info re Rob and Kristen..and yeah ITA with u re paparazzi but nothing will stop them to get the them Rob means =$$$$ lots !! take care u all

Hotty said...

I wonder what he was saying to him too. And whats up with Rob waring soo much clothes in LA lol. Maybe LA is not as hot as I thought lol. But whats so funny is that he said it frustrates him that he doesnt tan hmm could it be that your waring too much clothes all the time Rob LOL.

papagáj said...

I've heard that he was reaaaaaaly upset and asked cops for inter but they didnt help so it was making him more OH SHIZ

Gossip girl said...

who are the other two girls ?

keilovesrpattz said...

poor bb.. :(

Anonymous said...

Well he is out with his agent, and sorry to say but most agents don't go out with their clients. She's not married, plus if you look closely to all the pictures of Stephanie with Rob(i.e Eclipse Premiere) look at the way she looks at him. So just wait for the headlines people. Rob is most likely trying to protect her from the slander that will hit soon. "Kristen Stewart In Cat Fight with Robert Pattinsons Agent." Just punch the bastards out it's ok we will understand Mr. Pattinson. You will get a little slap on the wrist and be on your way. On a happier note it is great to see that he has a good relationship with his agent.

Anonymous said...

Mr Pap man looks a wee bit nervous as Rob approaches him. Rather funny. I just want to slap all those assholes though. I would of ripped the camera from his hands. Sorry to say Mr. Pattinson but these animals have no conscious. No matter what you say to them, they won't go away. Dimwitted f@$%ers!!!!

tedgirl said...

Taking photo of Rob is enough tho intrusive but to follow him home SUCKS !!!!!!!!!To hell with Papps .. they should be hanged and feel what it's like to be harassed.

The fans should harass those assholes when seen around with Rob. Like what the fans did at the set of WFE.

Jane said...

Rob holding his hands up to the paps like, "What's up man,that I can't go to a movie without one of you taking my picture. Give me your camera and let me take yours."
It looks like the girl with the long black hair gave him the bag and he took it. Wonder how he liked Salt. I haven't seen it yet for I went to see Eclipse again and it had been replaced by Salt so I got mad and left.

JA said...

read this trying to look for the pap pics..membership is "closed" for pattinsonlife? really? obnoxious. anyway....

Robert spent the day in Malibu, going to theaters and to a house party, when leaving the house Robert got really upset seen photographers waiting outside for his picture to follow him home, Robert went to Venice after leaving Malibu where he stopped twice asking to the photographers to leave him alone, Robert came out of the car confronted the photographers and talked to them explaining they wouldn't find out where he lives, Robert asked the cops for help but they didn't help making Robert even more upset, both times Robert stopped his car he spent at least 45 minutes waiting at the local to see if the photographers would leave.

Unknown said...

poor Rob... Those papps should be shanghaid! They are fucking animals! Maybe, they are asking obscene questions, again! Do you still wonder why he and Kristen hate tweeter?

Jane said...

That's who I really blame...Twitter..for the paps know exactly where he is when someone twitters them, probably for money. Rob is just going to have to life with it like Leo did, until someone else comes along more famous than him. I am just as guilty as the rest for I am blowing up these pictures, drooling over Rob with the rest of you. Can't help myself.

♪♫ Yaelfica ♪♫ said...

hi!! @twilightnan!!
ur comming back is the best news after watching this pics and reading what paps did and always do to sad really...
i hope he doesn't loose it onw day...
twilightnan great to "read" from u again ;D

Iluvthemovies said...

Hi and welcome back @Twilightnan, I have missed you. My best wishes to you and your family and hope things are returning back to normal, if there is such a thing as normal.

I don't know what to say about these pictures, they actually made me nauseated and I will only look at them once and not again. That is my personal feeling. I have no problem with the site posting them and others wanting to save some of the shots because he is devastingly gorgeous in these photos even when he looks upset with the papz but I only need to view them once. I like seeing the happy Rob and I only like seeing him angry in movies not in RL.

Twilightnan, so happy you are back.

Take care,

Anonymous said...

I think a lot of men hate him, and cops are men.
If no one wants to help him, fans could have done, if he had asked : he has waited for un hour in his car ! Imagine tons of fans coming to protect him from paparazzi ! Just their number would be enough !
If paparazzi know where he is, fans could know too and come to protect him, even if he doesn't ask.
Do you think it possible ?
Sorry for my english

Anonymous said...

I feel so sorry for Rob

JA said...

@fanderob, i think you're right. this is where twitter could help him. as crazy as it sounds, if he asked for help, i'm sure fans would come to his rescue.

Kiva said...

What is wrong with you for posting these pics? I can't imagine how bad the ones are you DIDN'T post. Obviously the paps are harrasing him and he is unhappy.

call_it_golden said...

Could you post a link to the ones you didn't post? I mean, I'd like to see what I'm missing...

JA said...

@call_it_golden - google robert pattinson and look a the news within the past 24 hours and you'll find some pics. i worry about paps following him when he's driving. he's got the driving experience of a 16 yr old.

Iluvthemovies said...

I had to say one more thing, it is making my blood boil. If it is true that the police did not assist him in evading the Papz, I feel very ashamed of my state and county. With as much scandal as we have had with the LAPD (Los Angeles Police Department) you would think some goodwill could have been spent on trying to help Rob out. However, I don't know if it is true so I don't want to say what I am feeling because if Rob did not ask for their assistance I don't want to call them names. I wish they would pass stricter laws in California against the Paparrazi because they have caused minor car accidents and invasion of privacy, especially with the celebrity stalker situation, if the Papzs followed him home and they took pictures, a celebrity stalker would easily find where Rob lived. ITA with @Jane about Twitter, anyone can just say, hey I see him and he is at this location. They are just as bad as the Papz, that is why I don't have twitter it is such an invasion of privacy. I am sorry for the rant but I was born in raised in the San Fernado Valley in Los Angeles County and I have met and have seen celebrities and I have not once asked for an autograph, take a picture with me because I respected their privacy. I don't care if you are fan, you need to put yourself in their shoes, especially when they have been working from 8 to over 12 hour days and just need some relaxation to enjoy real life. I do believe if there is another death due to the interference of the paparrazi you will see federal legislation go into effect if it occurs in the US. They need the film industry because just like other industries it is being outsourced and you want to try and keep the money in the country and spread the wealth. I apologize for the long rant but I want to express that I feel this way for any celebrity not just Robert. You don't see Betty White being bombasted with Papz all over the place, maybe he should call her up and ask for her advice, she is a wise woman. Enough said, over and out.

♪♫ Yaelfica ♪♫ said...

everyone who criticized kristen for "it's like being raped" comments should look at this...
SAD so SAD...
it's papz material of rob last night.. be warned if u don't watch this kind of stuff

Layna said...

I agree with you @iluvthemovies. I even feel bad asking for pics or anything at events! I mean at an event I know they're "working" but I still feel bad because of how they're basically in a fish bowl and how they're treated out in public by the papz. I really wish they would make some kinda of laws now to prevent anyone from getting hurt.

Mrs.Deen said...

Welcome back Twilightnan, hope you and your family are doing ok....lluvthemovies and yaelfica, I have not commented on anything recently and hope both of you are ok too...

I live in the SFvalley in LA and only thing Rob has to do is call me and I can pick him up and take him to whereever he wants to go and i will give a dose of their own medicine to those Paps...Rob is my baby and I am ready to protect him.....and I don't want him driving when Paps are around. That is not safe. Bottomline I don't want him fighting with paps, we will fight for him so his reputation will be clean...I know he is tryig to think everything is normal with him by not having his body guard with him, but honey give it some more time meanwhile take Dean with you or as I mentioned call me, I promise I will not scream when I see you but I will make sure you are safe and sound and I will absolutely feed you fresh Indian food if you care to come with me to my little hut....My husband will fix you drinks and I will give you food(sorry i don't drink), what do you the way you can call your friends and kristen too so you will have company other than just us. I promise you will feel at home and you can make my home your home away from home...and if you feel like you don't want to go anywhere I have an extra room you can sleep in.....I consider you as my son I never had or my little brother whom I lost, you are a mixture of both to me so take a chance and come home.

I have to stop now....

Love you all and have a great rest of the week...

♪♫ Yaelfica ♪♫ said...

that's the link..sorry

typical80s said...

Hate it that you posted these. We should not encourage the paps taking these pictures... He looks really annoyed and rightfully so...

chet said...

just live the poor guy alone.... God those people (papz) are the worse... i hate them...

i will be ok if I don´t see any pictures of him, it´s enough with the ones of premiers and events where he is ok with this situation but he can´t even walk down the street because there is always omeone waiting for him.

twilightnan said...

Hi @ Mrs Deen.. thank I've said to Yaelfica and Iluvthemovies it's great to be back..have missed u all and Rob! and now back to his very horrendous day with the paps..I've seen photos of him still out in darkness trying to get away ,I hope he did managed to do so safely !where is Dean?? please don't go out without your bodyguards next time ..don't give us poor old fans flipping heart attacks..I want to leave you a note like the one u left Bella in Twilight..BE SAFE!! much love to u allxxx

Layna said...

Now that I'm reading everyone's comments I had an idea that I wish would work. We know Twitter is the bane of his existence cuz people give his location away which is awesome btw *insert mass sarcasm here* but I wish a large group of people could coordinate and give false but believable locations and try to ward off these assholes we call paparazzi.

JA said...

the paps never needed twitter to know celeb's whereabouts. they've got people all over the place. they have airline people on their payroll to let them know when certain celebs are flying. rob just needs to hire fans. we'll hold off the paps so that he can get away :) the WFE set soldiers need to organize. :)

♪♫ Yaelfica ♪♫ said...

ITA @JA wef soldiers kinda fans is what we need coz they would get in the way of the shots and that will make lousy photographs for papz don't u think??..i wish that would actually happen...

Iluvthemovies said...

@Mrs. Deen, you are a sweetheart to have Rob come stay with you, I am certain all of us on this site would do the same. You are so sweet. We also missed you as well.

@JA and Jane, ITA, living in the valley I would gladly step into those Papz eyeline and if they touched me I would slap a lawsuit on them as fast as you can say Paparazzi. I have encountered those money grubbing beings and we actually did get in one of their faces and it is interesting to note that they try to avoid the public so the stars they are trying to capture on film or pictures is unaware so they can take their money making snapshot. Sign me up and Rob should know or at least Stephanie not to go to Malibu to the movies if you don't want to be photographed.

@Twilightnan, he should have Dean around him until the Twilight Saga is completely done filming.

papagáj said...

I wanna be member of that Robarmy so badly...I wanna live in Valley in that case.

JA said...

the army could just make a human chain around the paps cars, so that rob could drive away. then spend the rest of the time putting their hands over the lenses. it's fun to think of those scenarios :) although they'd prob. run them over in order to be able to follow rob home. There's nothing Dean can do...the paps are perfectly within the law..unfortunately. if i were being hounded like that, i'd carry around spray paint. although he'd get sued for destroying property. there's nothing he can do. only WE can help him. :)

Anonymous said...

Rob :(

Mrs.Deen said...

I just came across something about Rob being in car accident...Do you know whether it is true...I think it might be made up but not sure...It just says he bumbed into a Kia parked next to his car as he was trying to leave his friends house.. I should not read these things but when they mentioned car accident I was a little concerned.....

Kimmie44 said...

He wasn't in a car accident. He backed to another car when leaving a house party in Malibu. It's all on x-17 website. I watched the video and wished that I didn't. I have never seen him so helpless before. He wanted to go home so bad, but didn't want to be followed. Damn Paps...How many pics do they actually need. Ridiculous.

I read he went to see Inception. Oh well, I think the two girls were fans giving him a gift. That was sweet. He handled everything well, I wouldn't have. Sad video...

Jane said...

a friend of mine called and told me to google x17online and watch the video there of Rob. I did, but could only watch it once for crying. God, I wanted to be there and curse everyone of the paps out. A girl came up to his car and talked to him and I think they left him alone after that. I felt so sorry for him.

Mrs.Deen said...

Kimmiw, wow I just watched it on X17 and I feel horrible. My heart is heavy, how can they do this to him ...even someone there was saying he is such a nice guy....I should not have watched it...poor baby he is trying so hard to hide from them where he lives. What a nightmare. He was literally begging. I can't believe I have tears in my eyes watching it, him feeling so helpless.

You know I thought he might have gone to watch Inception not salt because I know he is a Leo fan and I know it is a good movie..

Take care everyone and Rob, please don't go anywhere alone honey, really what are you thinking...just go with someone but not alone. As i said earlier, I can be your driver on weekends, I am free and I will take you around in my own car...I am not kidding I am serious....I will protect you like a Mama bear. I hate seeing you sad.

I think I am done being on the computer for the day, I am so pissed seeing that video....

Good night everyone...

Iluvthemovies said...

@Mrs Deen you are such a wonderful person and I know that you do mean it.

I wanted to let you know of several websites that might help us in our plight against paparazzi if anyone is interested:

This at least give us some information and how we can help change this abomination of cutthroat filming and picture taking of our favorite celibrities. Those who went on the X17 website are brave, I will not do it because it would break my heart to see Rob that helpless. However, it gives me the strength to really try to do something about the problem and hope we can meet some kind of happy compromise. Good night to all and have a lovely evening.

twilightnan said...

hi u all I've seen the video in another site- robert pattinson daily(rpattz)click on comments re-this incident and u see where to click on to see the you tube video to avoid giving more hits to the paps's heartbreaking to see rob being harassed like this talking and pleading raised voice,no swearing,no aggressive body language,he was just talking in a normal manner to the paps.. he was saying..what else do u want..u have already taken hundreds of photos,asking the paps why are u started at day time and went on until it was dark it looks like he was on his own (he must have split from his agent who was w/ him at the beginning) his old vintage car--bloody thing wouldn't start when rob tried to drive away..saw him talking to to cops(w/ their car lights flashing but I don't think they did anything to help..Rob please get another car with tinted windows and a better nippy engine so u can instantly ZOOMmmmmmmmmmmm AWAY from the dreadful paparazzi!God you have an amazing inner self control!!anyone else would already be ranting and swearing blue murders if they were in the same situations like u but you were a gentleman..a very very wonderful person..god bless you!!and come back to England for a well deserve rest..and lastly thank u to that girl who looked like she tried to help rob?..he even managed to smile ..u can hear the paps saying how nice rob was...if this is their views then respect rob as person!!

Jane said...

Does anyone know what the blonde girl said to him when she came up to his car that night as he was being harrassed by the paps? At one time she had him smiling. then she said something else while he was biting his thumb. She seemed to calm him down. Wonder if hie dad talked him into getting a vintage car since he used to sell them?

JA said...

One should be able to get them for stalking. it would be stalking if *I* followed him around like that. why isn't it stalking for them?

JA said...

gossipcop's report on the incident:

dont speak said...

This time I have had enough
Every time I feel your touch, I'm broken
Shattered all the pieces of part
Never thought I'd fall so hard
Putting back together my heart, I'm broken

Just gonna stand there
And watch me burn
Just gonna stand there
And hear me cry

Hold on
We can make it through the fire
And you know
If you should ever call my name

You and me
I can see us dying...are we?

Amy said...

To anyone who saw the video of Rob being HARASSED by the Paparazzi and wants to help…Please go to & sign this petition…also go to to see how we can help!!

Anonymous said...

Every comment is not enough and you've already posted a lot..but..
..I saw the vid just today and i would say my stomach is closed and my blood is boiling. I feel so sorry for Rob.
I mean, i practise yoga but if I were at his place i wolud have totally loose my nerves!!
And the police!They didn't help him at all.It's shameful.

His very reasonable speech was just to say how ridiculous and silly they looked..After a hundred photos they hadn't enough and still didin't even looked him in the face, they stayed behind the camera..How can i say..
'So vile and replusive..!'

And what about his reaction?
He was so polite, indeed.

Hold on Rob, sooner or later those vampires (cause they 're the real ones) will get annoyed with you
- you're too normal-
And probably start chasing for some drug-addicted celebrity and pass over..hopefully.

You're so down to earth and we love you for this reason.:-)
Hold on!

PS A petition should be right..Don't watch paps photos or vid anymore

Anonymous said...

Sorry for my bad english..:-)
But you caught the sense..
Good evening to everyone, love this blog.

meleny said...

I'm so sad, poor Rob, he doesn't deserve this, I realy hate the paps, what a stupid people!!! why they have to do this to him??? I almost cry when I watched the video, it's no fear! and I hope the people that are outside and twiter about him STOP do in it, leave him along "please".
It will be good if after finished with WFE he takes some vacation, come back home, to bad we're not going to see him but, he deserves after these. I love you Rob and I'm with you always.

Iluvthemovies said...

Your English expressed how most of us feel, well said.