Friday, July 30, 2010

A few pictures of Rob arriving in Nashville yesterday

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Anonymous said...

he looks so tired poor rob

behnaz said...

so tired lovely man

Unknown said...

Was indeed the first I thought. He looks really tired

SmittenWithRob said...

I know he wasn't psyched to see the photogs there

Jane said...

He flew all the way across the states and now shooting at 7:00 this morning. I would be tired too. I wonder if Reese will take him to see her family in Nashville. She is very close to her family and I am sure they would love to meet Rob. I hope he likes the South for he is just four hours away from me.

Anonymous said...

Yes, very exhausted. He surely needs a nice quiet break before BD begins filming.

My wish for Mr Pattinson after WFE is to be able to go to a remote location where the warm night breeze flows through his open window. As the sun rises the drapes automatically close so he can stay asleep. Just let him rest for a few days. Then maybe a nice massage a rest in the jacuzzi and a few of his favorite beers, and a good book or scripts as long as it doesn't stress him out.Then in the evening he can build a fire on the beach and sit and take in the serenity of the ocean and play his guitar. No one to answer to no one to worry about making them happy. Just Rob and peacefulness. That is my wish for Rob.He deserves this more than we know. No phone calls about work for at least two weeks. And if any pictures were to surface of him and his peace I will hunt down that filthy pap and tie him up and subjecting him to flasshes going off in his face for hours.!!

twilightnan said...

Rob wearing his fav cap(LB)..and still no Dean in sight..hi to my fav

twilightnan said...

@ RavenLilly..ita w/u..what a wonderful description..remote location..warm night breeze flows through his open windows..ocean..serenity..his favourite beers and guitar...ahhh..enough to make anyone fall asleep..u can just imagine Rob relaxing on a hammock strumming his guitar on a place like this would be paradise..excellent it! P.S...I also like ur comments about what ur going to do with the paparazzi..go girl! I'm sure lots would join u!!

Unknown said...

I love your descriptions above for Rob's vacation time. I would add only that he have his friends available when he wants them, including his favorite woman, be that KS or whoever, who would be very good to him. I'm guessing that he'll take some time to read new scripts to find the film he wants to do after BD or Unbound Captives.

papagáj said...

@Raven Lilly

Couldn't said it better
You rockin chica!!!

♪♫ Yaelfica ♪♫ said...

hey @twilightnan!!

oh i can't stay long but i had to say that i also miss dean!!! where is he...this two look kindda scary don't u think? hehe well better this way i guess..

i'll com back later to read my favs' comments
hola @iluvthemovies!! gracias por tu hermoso comentario de anoche y tienes que contarme mas!!

i'll tranlate later for my dearest @twilightnan


twilightnan said...

@ Yaelfica..ahh thank u my friend..loving ur comments even though I haven't got a clue what it means..I like the gracias and hermoso to u later hope I can stay awake..went over to my sister in law for lunch today ..yummy !barbecues,home made blueberry muffins,strong cheddar cheese..I bet Rob's mouth is watering if he is reading this brings back a little memories of dear England ..kisses to u as well + Iluvthemovies and Mrs.Deen xxx

Jane said...

maybe Reese will take him to her family in Nashville for a good ole' Southern meal so he can see how good chicken and biscuits really are. These fans in the news seem to be really nice, not wanting to cause him any grief, just want to catch a glimpse of him. Gonna be a long dry spell after WFE wraps until BD. Remember last time we were so hungry for a current picture of Rob, everyone was chopping at the bit and then all of a sudden there he was.

♪♫ Yaelfica ♪♫ said...

ohhhh shoots!! i got home so late!! it's 1:20 am here actually..and i have to wake up at 7 tomorrow for work!!
but i had to come and read all ur comments and specially translate for twilightnan as promised..

hello @iluvthemovies!! tks for last night's lovely comments and u have to tell me more!!

iluvthemovies wants me to write most of my comments in spanish so she can practice hers a bit ;)

don't worry twilightnan i'll always write for u too ;) i've just realized u must have an awesome british accent as well right?? i so want to hear it someday!!

love u girls!!!hope to "read" u tomorrow ;D

GO powerpuff robgirls!!! (if u don't get the joke go to: ET Canada: Kevin Zeger’s Challenge for Rob) hehe