Sunday, January 16, 2011

Rob at Golden Globes Rehearsal

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Questions to Rob

@goldenglobes @msrobsessed : #ask Robert Pattinson how he was as a teenager!
"Average, boring, and a loser!" #ask us more! #GoldenGlobes
@goldenglobes: @therapycase1279 : #ask Robert Pattinson if he is starstruck by anyone there.
"Robert De Niro" #ask us more! #GoldenGlobes

Source via AxGracex and @goldenglobes |


Anonymous said...

OMG the poor thing looks horrible...You all do realize he is ill right...

twilightnan said...

@Ravenlilly,..he doesn't looked horrible,.he looks tired,well ,with that kind of hectic schedule ..who wouldn't be tired..I think he has got a cold,.don't expect him to look perfect 24/7..give Rob a break,..with a little rest and a bit of pampering..I'm sure he will be just fine and would look AS FABULOUS and AS HANDSOME AS ALWAYS in TUX!!

Anonymous said...

Ouch, no need to attack...I do not expect that of Rob...I have a blog too and here is one of my posts from earlier:I can't believe I am going to say this. but I hope Rob stays in instead of going to the Golden Globes...Has no one else noticed that the poor babe is ill...He is sneezing and coughing is many of these pics...He may be young, but all this back and fourth flying within hours is not healthy...I absolutely ADORE Rob and I would much rather him be healthy and continue to make amazing films, than see him for five minutes at the Globes, and then end up in the hospital with pneumonia...Love ya Rob please be well... Ok, so I know our beloved will push through like a trooper here is the info on the Globes...

I have silly captions under his pics and I am VERY PROTECTIVE over the man as many of us are...I am a mother and my momma bear instincts are shining through is all...I love seeing Rob but awards shows are a bit silly to me, and not worth risking his heath over...But the powers that be have Rob in contracts and use his star power to promote...


Anonymous said...

Agreed!! Get better Rob. I didn't know you were sick, but if you are, here's hoping you feel better soon.