Tuesday, September 22, 2009

TMZ: Robert Pattinson asexual?

Oh TMZ...


Anonymous said...

she really is an idiot. I saw that last night but couldn't find a clip to post!

Lexi55 said...

I think she was halfway kidding....no one seemed to take her serious at TMZ. And if he is asexual...so what.

Unknown said...

She needs to shut her yap and get a real job.

Bubación said...

Dear, you have problems.
He´s very sexual, is Mr HOTtinson.

Unknown said...

POOR Rob!! Damned if you do, damned if you don't... The poor boy was saying repeatedly that he was looking for a girlfriend before the madness started. He also mentioned that he does NOT want to ruin a girl's life (how thoughtful of him) and that he knows all these young teens and PRE-teens are looking up to him. What does this silly woman expect: that he gets caught with a prostitute, like Hugh Grant? HOW RIDICULOUS can some people be!!

Anonymous said...

what a stupid b****. Seriously give the guy a break. Can he have a little privacy? I guess not

Anonymous said...

Oh God, what the hell is wrong with this b****?
So what? Even if he was, then thats noun of her business.

skylarfinn said...

HAHA that girl never liked Rob. Well that's her choice. :) I like how Harvey was kinda defending him though. lol AND they never mentioned Kristen! Come on they're a showbiz/gossip "company", so they should know at least that they're being linked together. That's weird.

starfire09 said...

I think the whole thing was just TMZ's attempt to create some controversy. Judging by the amount of comments here and over on the RP blog, I'd say it worked.

There are so many things that prove Rob isn't asexual and btw the practicing definition of that as applied to today's society is someone that is not interested in sex and as I said we have so much evidence that Rob is very definitely interested in straight type of sex. One example among many is where an ex girlfriend said he was a terrific lover, great in bed.
The other was that time someone actually heard him say to a woman he was trying to pick up:

“If I could, I’d have a — on the inside of my elbow so I could lick it all day long.”

Whether it was a woman's body part he was referring to or a man's, in any case it would definitely prove he is NOT asexual or disinterested in sex wouldn't you agree?

Emma613 said...

All I can say is I am lmao at the very thought that he is asexual.....