Full translation under the scans

Full Scans
Translation thanks to @catrux
Q: You were against commercials, but you define this Dior ad 'an anti-commercial'. Why?
A: The product appears only in the last frame, for one. Also, they gave us creative freedom: Romain actually made a micro-film out of it.Q: Was it the right moment to do a commercial?
A:I wouldn't have done it during the Twilight days, but after two more "intimate" movies, a commercial is good for visibility. In this business, you have to be good at handling your persona.Q: Do you feel the pressure of taking decisions?
A: People think since you're famous you have a team taking care your career. But a lot of us don't have one, and it's really difficult.Q: Why did you choose the "author movies" path?
A: I've always liked that kind of movie, and after Cosmopolis, they've finally started offering me those roles. I'm starting to have a clear view of my career and I'm more demanding. Of course, waiting for the right role, there's risk of going in stand-by..Q:You look pretty busy.
A:Yes, but with indie movies you have no certainties. At the moment, for instance, I should start an Herzog movie.Q: Queen of the Desert, and you'll be T.E.Lawrence. An icon.
A:It will be very different from the original 'Lawrence of Arabia', I think much closer to the real character. Locations should be crazy: a canyon in the Jordan desert, where no one's ever shot before, but Herzog knows the King and we should make it.Q: Jude Law, who was a Dior face before you, said: "When you're at the top, you have all the attention you need, but you would do without it. After a couple years, they ask you about the new guy and who's eleven years old!".
A: He's right! A few days ago, I met a guy who introduced himself as "the new me". What's wrong with people? What does it mean "the new me"? If you don't have a successful movie once every 2 years, you're done. You don't even have time to learn.Q: Have you learnt to handle fame?
A: Fame is a fight to survive! Some people can't take it and freak out, but I can understand that. With paps hiding everywhere, it's really difficult to meet new people and have new experiences.Q: Do you spend time with friends?
A: When I got to the US, for Twilight, I only knew people who gave me a ride since I couldn't drive. They're my oldest friends.Q: Do you feel at home in America now?
A: I've been living here for a while now, I like California because it's chill, there's something deeply serene in the air. LA is very different now: lots of peole from all over the world live here now.Q: What do you like doing in your free time?
A: I'll disappoint you, but 9/10 times I just lay on the sofa, reading scripts or browsing IMBD in development section. Then I email my agent, asking him what does he think about it.Q: What's something you can do in LA?
A: Surf. But I suck.Q: In the Dior ad, you drive an old BMW on a beach. Do you like cars?
A: Yes, old cars: I have a very beautiful Shelby, but it's always under maintenance. My favourite is a 1956 Merceds, the Gullwing Spider. 3 million dollar car. I think it's best to wait..Q: What about your relationship with clothes?
A: Here's a story: I'd bought a new pair of shoes, someone told me they looked ugly. And I just stood there, dumbstruck, before going out on stage in front of 6 thousand people. I thought I'd gotten over such things, but just a small hint and I find myself nervous about it, like the first time.
That picture is stunning. Very artistic. Bravo!
Good article over alk. Rob seems very focused.
When people tell me my shoes are ugly,I never care. I'll wear them every time I see that person.
The ugly shoes comment probably came from Kristen before they went out on stage. Keeping it real!
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