Friday, June 25, 2010

And a new pic of Rob... eating chicken. Oh.

After doing so many of these, Robert Pattinson really seemed relaxed last night. He ran back and forth on the carpet greeting as many fans as possible, and at the afterparty he sat with Kristen as he chowed down on chicken wings and sipped a Stella Artois beer.



Golnaz said...

Lol. And theres Kristen right next to him

Golnaz said...
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Jo said...

He's human, he eats.

Anonymous said...

i am literally laughing now...but i love you rob,i love you & k stew

SmittenWithRob said...

@Jo, you said it best

Gunseli said...

Hey Rob, nevermind the chicken. Just eat me :))

SmittenWithRob said...

@ Gunseli, you literally stole my thoughts. That's one lucky chicken ;)

Gunseli said...

@ SmittenWithRob, it would be perfect being in his fingers! As you said 'what a lucky chicken'! :))

RavenLilly said...

Honestly these are the kind of pictures I feel are just to personal. He's eating for gods sake. Do you like when someone is watching you eat let alone taking pictures of you. Whatever he does while walking the red carpet or in photo shoots is fair game, but when he or any celebrity is doing otherwise, it's just rude. So if Rob's eating chicken walking down the red carpet then hell snap away at least he knows what he is getting himself into.

papagáj said...

i agree with @RavenLilly
i feel that it's too intrusive perspective

twilightnan said...

This should be a private moment for Rob,and people should respect this,others don't care..ITA with @ RavenLilly..taking a picture of Rob while he is eating is rude..the only thing I like about this picture is seeing Rob and Kristen sitting together..LOVE THEM TWO TOGETHER hopefully as a couple in real life!1

behnaz said...

oh pouvre rob
yes he is a human and need to eat

♪♫ Yaelfica ♪♫ said...

@ravenlilly @papagaj @twilightnan

Iluvthemovies said...

I agree that photos like this are to personal. I know I would never want someone taking a picture of me while I was eating, why should it be any different for a celebrity, this is a place where they are to feel comfortable and able to relax. It is too instrusive. I don't care about their private life, I enjoyed them posing on the Red Carpet that was sufficient for me.

Jane said...

I really think Rob could care less with this picture of him eating. Everyone liked the picture of him eating corn and lobster. I think it is sweet seeing him chowing down on chicken wings and beer with Kristen beside him, makes him as human as the rest of us. Hope he didn't stay to late since he had to be on set by five in the morning.

Sarah said...


Gee, it's nice to know he eats.

What are people thinking when they take these pictures?

Anonymous said...

but @jane He was pose for mag when eating corn and lobster.

yeah disrespectful pic

meleny said...

I think that picture it's not rigth, I never would like to some one take a picture of me eating, the only thing that I like it's to see that they were sitting together.

Anonymous said...

hahahaha I never thought I would ever see a pic like this! *keeps on laughing*

twilightnan said...

I know he is human after all and needs to eat,but I,would have preferred to see Rob reclining back on his chair with perhaps his arm around Kristen's shoulder and holding his beer with the other hand..well that's the image I preferred...sensible woman our Kristen she,brought along a change of clothes for them!!