Thursday, August 20, 2009

Creepiest Merchandise ever - Edward Cullen Life Size Twilight Silhouette Vinyl Wall Decal

OMG! So creepy

Let everyone know that you are a true Twilighter by giving Edward Cullen a home! Or you can keep him to yourself... put him on the back of your bedroom door so he can be intrigued while you sleep! He'll be keeping an eye out for any roving carnivorous vampires searching for a snack, while reminding you to "Be Safe".



WebbWeaver said...
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WebbWeaver said...

This would be better if it were just a great full length picture of Rob.

Rayodeluna said...

Yep! I agree! That would make my dreams more exciting!

Unknown said...

thats is possibly the creepiest thing anyone has ever made.

Lexi55 said...

Anything to make a buck I guess. Wonder who would buy such a thing??

Samm said...

The word's cute, but the outline? Just when I thought they'd peaked with the merchandise. That is soo creepy - who on earth would buy that!? I could *just* about understand it if it was an actual picture - like the cutouts - but just a blackout?...odd odd odd...they do like to try and squeeze every last drop don't they...

Doktorchik said...

LOL @ this... so ridiculous!

Priso said...

hahaha so funny i loved

Anonymous said...

Lmao that's really funny, creepy but funny. Who would do that?

Unknown said...

I have his cut out in my living room, lifesize pic of him

Atykah Aura said...

wow...that's crazy..^^ but why not..haha..

Unknown said...

I don't get it! D: How can anyone ~be safe~ with a silhouette stalking you while you sleep?!

aSoCalGal said...

I love your caption for this! Creepiest merch ever!!!

aSoCalGal said...

I love your caption for this! Creepiest merch ever!!!

M. Butterfly said...

Oh, God, that is just TOO creepy. A shadow of Eyebrows Cullen to put on your wall so pretend-emoboy can pretend-watch you at night? I'd feel less creeped out having Darth Vader's shadow on my wall. Ew ew ew. *runs off to shower*

Unknown said...

I feel so sorry for RPatz. He has to deal with the crazies and gets blamed for poisoning the minds of our youth, when that's really SMeyer's fault. And now he can watch the crazues sleep... *shudders*

Unknown said...

I don't know, I used to have a cutout of Aragorn the kind that you see in theaters. Freaked my friend out when she went into the basement and saw a scary man standing in the shadows.

Pantslesswrock said...

It's really the "Be Safe" that's the creepiest bit. Otherwise, it could be sort of cool to just randomly have a silhouette on your wall. But the commanding "Be Safe" takes it straight into the creepy level. "BE SAFE, OR ELSE. I'M WATCHING YOU."

halvir said...

I saw one more CREEPY thing An Edward Cullen Shower Curtain:

nickie russell - vinyl fruit said...

It's not creepy to me. I guess I just LOVE anything Twilight :) I would totally get one!!

Unknown said...

im with you i love it! lol i would totally buy that! i luv Edward!