Saturday, August 29, 2009

Rob out for dinner last night

And because she looks cute, Ashley. And the rest of the cast



annabella said...

where is Kristine???

Unknown said...

Great pix! Could it be the 'nice' Summit studio honchos decided to let Rob out to be seen, because of the rumors that he was dead, or something? In any case... good for us! Thanks!

Federico Zarco said...

Nice pictures.

Unknown said...

They were probably shooting scenes with the Cullen family only, so Kristen was not on set that day. Or not at that time... Who cares about HER?!?

Anonymous said...

I was wondering about Kristen too - those people obviously did not come from the set (no one looks like that normally) and I guess there are quite a few fans who appreciate Kristen as an actress as well. Lovely to see Rob though - cheers!

Lexi55 said...

Not seeing KS mug for a change is a breath of fresh air. Good pics of everyone.

Anonymous said...

Who is the girl in the white with Ashley? I don't recognize her.

Lexi55 said...

The woman in white is Billy Burke's wife.

Lexi55 said...

I wonder how the media is going to try and spin this story since KS is not in the pictures.

Hotty said...

Look how Robs movie mother is all bent down in the car. If anybody should be doing that it should be Rob. Aint nobody thinking about her.

starfire09 said...

Aww... I'm SO sad Kristen wasn't there!


♪♫ Yaelfica ♪♫ said...

out with mom and dad robby?? hehe peter looks so protective of rob sometimes...thats nice i guess