Sunday, June 23, 2013

Pictures of Rob for Dior Now in Better Quality

A few pictures for Dior now in better quality



Iluvthemovies said...

I love the second pic w/the shades, he looks awesome in that picture. I am not to fond of the first pic, he looks like he is out of it. However, I am certain we will have so many delectable pics of Rob in this ad campaign. Thanks RPL for the better quality pics. Hi twilightnan, Haxy, Lisa, no one and nimetbplus all of the RPLifers. Has anyone heard about a party that Rob had last night? I don't follow twitter, however, I have read from IMDB website that he may have had an eclectic guest list for a party he threw for his friend who either produced or directed the movie, Arbritage w/Richard Gere. However, this news is being delivered from Hollywood Life, that I rarely believe, so I have no idea how true or reliable this story is, if anyone has any information, could you let us who are twitterless know if this is true or false. Thank you and good evening.

Unknown said...

oh our sexy Rob, always looking so good I literally counting the days for the fragance release!!

Akim said...

Hi to all the RPLifers..... twilightnan, iluvthemovies, Lisa, nimet and others.....

Guys, I don't know if you guys knew this or not but I read on other Rob fans site that Rob hosted a birthday party for Nick Jarecki or something at Rob's house and there are pics of some guy and girl, I think the guy's name is Todd and he posted them on his twitter, he took pics at the party with Rob's backyard (looked like it) and house as the background. I know this kinda lame but I can't help it not to look at the background of the pics to figure out what Rob's house like.....

Oh God... I am such a stalker....:/ sorry guys.....

Iluvthemovies said...

Hi Haxy,
I read about it too and wondering if it was true about the party because I heard about some of the guests who were there and thought this is amazing, starting with Warren Beatty, EL James, Michelle Rodriguez, Sia amongst the eclectic mix. I hope if true that he had a fabulous time, I do not need pics, but it would be so ironic to see a pic of him and E. L. James.

No one special said...

Hi rplifers, @iluvthemovies yes there were several tweets from some of the attendees. No pics of rob have come to light as far as I can tell. It was said to be a great party and one of the tweets mentioned about how cool rob is ... of course. Lots of people from the industry.

Iluvthemovies said...

Haxy I stand corrected, it does seem this happened, I saw a pic with Jareki and Warren Beatty, Rob you must have had one amazing party, that must have been amazing to speak with Warren about Reds.

Akim said...

Hi iluvthemovies, you know, I am wondering why everyone keeps saying that it must be awkward, or ironic if Rob and EL James got together... Do you mind telling me what is actually going on between them?

twmmy said...

Between them i think there is nothing. she wrote Motu/Fifty, Rob read that on the ff, and I think they had interesting conversation... but i really don't like ELJames's writing style. It's simple, like a teen-something writing.There is nothing literature in that. But it's my opinion.

Akim said...

@twmmy, I read someone's comment that it must be awkward cause EL James write about him. But idk... It is simple, EL J's writing style, but I like the character, Christian Gray, not the erotic part of him but more toward his repression, I like his contradiction, kind of reflection of the world itself, I think that's what makes him interesting......

Akim said...

Correction, maybe not just the world, but also the people or even life itself.

No one special said...

I think, not 100% sure, she said that she didnt want rob to play grey but although I think he would play the part very well based on his performance in cosmopolis im not sure the storyline itself would do that well. Just my opinion though.

Iluvthemovies said...

Hi no one special, that is what I meant when I said ironic, James had mentioned she would not want Robert for the role, however I do not believe he would take the role, too much sex, not enough substance for me personally, others may disagree, and that is fine. We do not have to love everything we read , listen, or watch, just as long as we like Rob (lol).

No one special said...

And we like him a lot ..

Unknown said...

Agree. I read the FSOG books n thought she mightve benefited from another round of editing. My problem wasn't so much the style as the repetition. Also, way too much sex. Im not an fan of erotica, read the books more out of curiosity. But I did love her characters.

Unknown said...

Again, I agree.
It's going to be tough making that movie watchable.
In my mind, the actor that would fit that role best is Jared Leto. He's good looking and the right age. He has a knack for making the oddities of a character shine through. And he has those brighteyes.
But it might be best to go with an unknown for the leads. Anyone too famous will have a fan base to worry about pleasing and that'll effect a performance.

susan said...

I think it's interesting all of these pictures are of New York. I would love to see a campaign with Rob in his native London.

alida_v said...

this ad will kill me! damn... ;)

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for the wonderful book! I finished it a few days ago and cannot get it out of my head. It is pure magic. It was everything I hoped it would be and much more. Thank you so much. You are a great writer...
EL james

Anonymous said...

Kristen Stewart has finally responded to rumors that she's a favorite to play Anastasia Steele.I m excited for the Fifty Shades of Grey movie.I cant wait for releasing date of
The Movie Fifty Shades

Unknown said...

I watch Robert's work it is pretty awesome to see on the screen in 50 Shades Of Grey Movie