Wednesday, June 19, 2013

New HQ/Untagged Pictures of Rob Driving in LA - June 18th

Outside the Chateau Marmont - June 18, 2013


debbie nerissa threet said...

Early morning, June 19.

Mandy said...

It's 3AM in LA right now and those pics have been up for over 2 hours, so not early morning

Leili Santos said...


debbie nerissa threet said...

Have been up where?

Anonymous said...

always nice to see him :)Thanks for sharing. Love you girls from RPLife. Thank you for all the pics and infos. Without this blog I'm lost :)
have a nice day.

debbie nerissa threet said...

And if they've been up for over two hours, that's after 12am. Ijs.

No one special said...

@debbie saw them on your fp.

He not look happy, hope its just a papz face.

debbie nerissa threet said...

Sorry RPL, just chiming in. @No one special me too.

Delle1 said...

Well at least he hasn't been drinking!!!

Just Georgia said...

Could the paps getting any closer? So dangerous taking photos while he's driving. It makes me sad.

debbie nerissa threet said...

All over the place.

Unknown said...

I'm glad he wasn't drinking. I get nervous when i hear he is at the Chateau so much. It has a bad reputation and a lot of bad influences hang out there.

twmmy said...

I've just looked up the CM page. I really don't know where you get your infos that the hotel is a bad place. Yes there is a bar, but it has bungalows too, where he can live. I think he don't want to go his house, because the papz are waiting for him. and i assume, somebody told the papz, he lives there again, as like before. and he had no trouble than, and he was younger. I think he had sown his wild oats yet.
But OK, I found a history of that place... interesting really. and there were wild things. Buh.

Anonymous said...

Oh Rob, your going to lose hair wearing that stupid baseball hat like that. Just wait and see.

Selina said...

Hi Handsome. He doesn't look thrilled to see the paps

Unknown said...


Chateau Marmont is infamous in Hollywood. A lot of drug related stories. Lindsey Lohan moved in there when she was 16 and had a lot of her dangerous years there. Lots of Hollywood people hang there, not necessarily a bad crowd and maybe it's been cleaned up a lot in recent years, but i guess i still see it as place where a lot of famewhores try and get into. Maybe Soho House is just as bad. I'm just going by what i've heard over the years. I'm happy he will be working soon.

msmixalot said...

It blows my mind that some of you know Rob personally & where there to know if he was drinking or not. Amazing. He's human and young, he could have been drinking & driving, deal with it!

And for as much as Rob truly loathes & hates the paps why on earth does he still have his window down to listen to the garbage they say?

Not getting a good vibe from this. He needs out of LA for a while, surprised he isn't back in London for some time off.

twmmy said...

@Emma, thanks, as I wrote in my last sentence I 've found a site about the history of CM. But I think ROb has no problem with drinking and other things. Only with us... :)

Unknown said...

lol at so many "fans" suddenly being so concerned over him because of 10 pics of him driving a car. jfc, if you think he's some trainwreck addict find someone else to be a fan of.

And btw, tons of people hang at the CM. People like Jennifer Aniston, Gosling, Rooney Mara, Jennifer Lawrence, Jeremy Renner, and on and on. It's one of the most popular celeb hangouts in L.A.

SoCalTwiNurse said...

Paps are so close cuz he's coming out the driveway... the paps just wait there getting pics of the celebs. I've been there...& yes the CM is infamous but still a ton of celebs hang out there!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Unknown, just bc Rob is at CM it doesn't necessarily mean that he's partying all the time and so what if he does, he's a young man who is recently single enjoying life. Or well whatever aspect he can in privacy. Maybe Rob is staying at CM for now who knows. I'm just glad that he okay bc them damn paps can make driving dangerous and that makes me really uncomfortable looking at these pics. Someone obviously must've tipped the leaches off to Rob's whereabouts. Wankers. Anyway I'm really looking forward to Rob getting back to work!!! MTTS is coming up soon!!!!! I cannot wait for him and David to work together again!!

Jess said...

LOL people making asses of themselves. Save your judgement cloaked in faux concern. He's a grown ass man who knows how to run his own life and make his own decisions about where he hangs out and with whom.

As always, can't thank you girls enough for all the hard work you do on this blog. Wouldn't go anywhere else.

Eliz said...

Rob like all who go to CM are aware that its just one of the pap hangouts and if they go there, their going to be photographed, so I'm sure he was prepared for them. As Rob has said in the past he knows where to go if he doesn't want to be papped and he is an adult and free to go where he wants.

twilightnan said...

@Unknown and @Jess...I totally agree with both of you!...Thank God for your sensible comments!..this is only a quick visit..just to see Rob's new pics and to say Hi to all the RPLifers!!...Thank you to all the hard working RPLife Mods...I have been following this blogsite since Autumn 2009--The Best Robert Pattinson fansite IMO:)...I think I'll have my favourite 'Mango Shakes on the top deck....Hey,..Lisa..I've got a drink and a Sun lounger reserved for you;)

Akim said...

@jesse and @unknown, totally agree with you guys. If Rob wanna go to CM or other infamous places doesn't always mean that he partys or gets drunk all night long... He's an adult who's, I'm sure, mature enough to decide how and where to spend his time and I believe he can drive alright.

*waves* to twilightnan, iluvthemovies, LisaCT, nimet and my other RPLifer friends.....

susan said...

Does it look like something was thrown at his car? The front windshield has a big white blog on the front. Are the papz that obnoxious?

twilightnan said...

Hi Haxy..*Wavingbackatyou*...great to catch up with you it's nearly 10pm here in England so I'll be heading to my bed soon...and ..ITA with your comments as well...great to see him..he looks good and I bet he is a competent driver now:-D...goodnight/day to the rest of the RPLifers...Iluvthemovies,Lisa,nimet,vana,Jela.....@susan...I think those white marks on Rob's car windshield looks like birds pooh !! could happen to anyones Car lol!!..I bet there would be a long line of us fans willing to wash his car free of charge lol!!

Eliz said...

Twilightnan, Rob has said in the past he drives rentals a Camry and Corolla, it looks like the one I've seen him driving in the past.

Boo said...

I know he's busy and I know he has money doesn't really think about tinting windows? Just saying.

Joan said...

About the drinking: I think some may be blowing their concern out of proportion, but well, I just wanted to mention that you also got to take into consideration the cultural differences. Drinking is just part of British social culture just as much as tea is. Hehe! It's just the way it is. There's no reason to overthink.

Unknown said...

I read this written about Chateau Marmont by a fan on another fansite ......I thought it would clear a lot of misconceptions about CM . so i thought i'd share it with you all ........." There is a misperception in this screwball fandom about the CM. I wrote about it over on GC the other day and sure why not, I'll repeat myself. It's not some 'seedy drinking/drugging dive' as I've heard it characterized. Yes, some shit has certainly gone down within it's walls over the years (same as in the legendary Beverly Hills Hotel) but this place is a very classy, high end, four star, Hollywood landmark hotel. An architectural wonder really, built right into the hillside. It's absolutely gorgeous. And yes, it certainly is a hang for Young Hollywood, but everyone in the business frequents that famous patio restaurant. It's kinda like the Plaza in NY (before that twat Trump got his hands on it). The CM is a throwback to another era. To classic Hollywood (might be one of the reasons Rob likes it). From Los Angeles to Las Vegas to New York to Washington DC to London to Sydney, I've stayed in some pretty swank hotels in my life and The Chateau Marmont is hands down, the most beautiful and old world elegant I've ever stayed in and it is without question, my very favorite."

debbie nerissa threet said...

@Joan once again I agree. With his drinking, I've always thought: HES BRITISH. And <3 to that.

No one special said...

Being british myself I can tell you that drinking in pubs and having a chat about life is part of our culture: young and old alike. When we have a sunny day (infrequent) our beer gardens are full of people and laughter. Its not all about getting sozzled.

LisaCT said...

Good morning twilightnan, Haxy, nimet, mayfair20, iluvthemovies and all RPLifers...

@twilightnan...sorry I'm late...I've been so busy lately, work, end of school year for my little one. But thanks for reserving my spot on deck and having my drink ready **takes a sip**...ah...just yummy. Such a beautiful day :-)

Just a quick visit to peek at the pics for Rob (looking good) and say hi to everyone.

Have a good day all!

twilightnan said...

Good afternoon and Hi to all RPLifers ,Iluvthemovies,Lisa,Haxy,nimet,vana,Jela & others that Imissed....Lisa..I understand RL is very demanding when you have young kids...I've got 3 grandkids..the younger ones go to nursery school..the eldest is 12 is in senior know I'll always reserved a spot for's seems we are not running full steam ahead to our current destination we just have to sit back and relax..I'm staying put:)..*sips* fresh glass of Mango shakes...I'm so glad you're on board with me;-D...have a nice Friday everyone...looking forward to more gorgeous pics of ROB!!!

twilightnan said...

@Eliz aka TEB4E....I remember his interview when he was at Jay Leno show....Rob said he drives a Camry(Toyota) when he was feeling "Sporty" lol! adorable the quotes he comes out with are priceless:)...@No one special....about Rob and drinks...ITA..I should know...I'm married to a Wonderful English man lol!

LisaCT said...

@twilightnan... yes my little one is keeping me busy...but wouldn't trade it for anything! I know you enjoy those little grand kiddies of yours. They're such a blessing.

Yes...seems our cruise has slowed a bit...but I think just minor engine trouble that will be fixed soon and it will be full steam ahead in no in the meantime I will sit here with you and enjoy the company...and the drinks ;-)

Good night all. Have a fabulous weekend all.

vana said...

Hi twilightnan and everyone, didn't comment busy with work. Don't blame Rob looking mad but I hope he can just drive his car not taking any notice of those damn pappz. Easier said than done, we have no idea how bad they must be. We have some idea but living it as he does isn't anywhere close to what we feel. I heard he had a meeting there. Anywat, love Rob always.

DOLCE said...

i lovee that second picture

Unknown said...

It's funny how everyone is all jumping on "what was he doing?" I couldn't take my eyes off the bird shit all over his windows.
He must've parked under a tree.

cullensgypsy said...

You know what I love about all these comments and all this concern for Rob. He has someone taking care of him and her name is Kristen. There is no way they are not together. You don't just give up a passionate and soulful love these two have shared who love hard, fight hard and probably fuck hard. They are soul mates and I love them for it. This fandom is so out of control and truthfully if they want to be together than so be it. Let them lives their lives the way they see fit...with each other. Let them be happy with each other.