It’s 1955 and Life magazine photographer Dennis Stock has convinced a young James Dean to take a road trip from Los Angeles to New York to Dean’s hometown of Fairmont, Indiana, so Stock can photograph Dean in the environments that “affected and shaped the unique character” of Dean, the photographer said in an interview describing their adventure.
However, that fateful trip, where Stock shot Dean’s famous Times Square photo, is the subject of a new film directed by Dutch director Anton Corbijn. Starring Dane DeHaan as Dean and Robert Pattinson as Stock, the film, called Life, is currently shooting in freezing Ontario, Canada, which is doubling for Indiana.
In the shot, the two young actors are heading from the train station to Dean’s childhood home. Corbijn is happy with the film’s progress thus far. When we spoke to the director he had been shooting for eight days and was already pleased with the connections formed between the two men. More importantly, they’ve each sparked to their disparate roles.
“Rob has an intensity that I think Dennis would have. When I see Rob, I see an inner turmoil that is great for the role,” he said. “And Dane is really interesting. He has a beautiful face, but it’s a hard face to grasp. It’s hard to see how Dane reads sometimes, and the same thing goes for James Dean.”
We love Rob and Dane in this still! Click for the HQ scan.

Thanks to @clairelaluna for the heads up and @joyllove for emailing us the HQ scan. | source
*screaming*OMG!! totally unexpected!! :o it already looks so fabulous :D
Dane's face as beautiful :). For me his face is rather babyface and in a way funny, but beautiful.
great Still. Thank you
Nice to see EW take an interest. Hopefully those who do not know DeHaan or think Rob can act, will hopefully take an interest or at least a peek at this movie.
I know Rob's fans will fill as many seats as possible, more than one time also.
Dane is cute and Rob is handsome. So looking forward to this movie.
@Jane, your avi is absolutely adorable.
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