Monday, May 17, 2010

Very cute picture of Rob, Kristen and Taylor in USA Today



Anonymous said...

Oh, I want that pic! HQ pleaseeeeeee!

drabrasil said...


Robert was all around Kristen during oprah also... they are soooo cute!!

Ursula said...

I love this picture to pieces!!

Unknown said...

he only has eyes for kristen.
lucky bitch

chet said...

great picture, taylor not his best picture, kris y rob look great!!

Unknown said...

Aww, that's adorable! Love that they seem so much more comfortable together now.

Unknown said...

Damn it! Just kiss her !!!!!

behnaz said...


Jane said...

Rob seems to be 100% out about Kristen. Now, she just needs to loosen up more. Poor Tay, I think he feels like a third wheel.