With "Eclipse" more than a month from hitting theaters, Twilighters have been clamoring for clues about what to expect from the third installment in the vampire saga. While those details may be scarce, a new "bookazine" from the editors of Us Weekly promises some behind-the scenes scoop guaranteed to please Twi-hards.
In "The Sexy Stars of Twilight: Eclipse," on newsstands May 28, some of the "Eclipse" castmembers opened up about what it was like on the movie's set. The special issue also includes tons of pictures and posters, as well as factoids about the cast and the production.
For instance, cast newcomer Bryce Dallas Howard, who takes over as vampire Victoria, admitted she was initially concerned about joining the already close-knit cast, but found them incredibly welcoming.
"It was something I deeply considered and discussed with many people, because it is a very big deal," Howard says in the book. To her relief, she discovered "Rob [Pattinson] and Taylor [Lautner] are such great guys. I love those boys! And Kristen [Stewart] was like, 'Where's your baby? I want to meet him.' "
But rather than KStew, it seems Nikki Reed turned out to be the on-set babysitter. "She's like a second mom!" Howard remarks. "The other day [my baby] said, 'I miss Nikki.' I was like, 'Honey, I miss Nikki too!' "
"We're such a close family," Kellan Lutz added.
Reed also dished about what it's really like to chill with her co-stars.
"Ok, P-Fatch [Peter Facinelli] is definitely the jokester and prankster. And he's very much a father figure — safe and comforting," Reed said. "Jackson [Rathbone] is the most artsy, creative and, I think, the most talented. Liz Reaser is the most well-read. Kellan and Ashley are very similar: They're both very driven people, and they both like to go out a lot. A lot of the partying happens around them. [Pattinson] has the best heart."
the best heart!, yeah
Wow!!you're on the ball and really love this site this was not here few minutes ago, I'am very impressed!! I'was just about to log off for the night but I've decided to have another peek ..so Bryce /Victoria think our Rob,has the best heart..we totally agree with her 100%...this is why he is where he is today..this is ..karma....anyway night,night..God Bless!!
So true;)
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