Tracy's report:
These were taken at the Regis and Kelly Show on 11/19/2009. I won tick ets through the Twit ter con test R and K had. The close up pics are when he signed auto graphs dur ing the com mer cial break. I unfor tu nately didn’t get a pic with him. I got close enough to stand near him but it was sooo crazy and he had 2 — 3 body guards on him. Time was also lim ited as he had to go back to tape the 2nd seg ment. Pic or no pic just get ting to stand near him and see him in per son was a thrill of a life time. They do not let you take pics with a flash when film ing so some of the pics are grainy and blurry. I think their light ing also added to the poor qual ity. They taped his seg ment the same day which aired the next day.
Source via Thinking Of Rob
goodness me ,Ihave just signed out and signed in again when I saw this I was about to go to bed for the night ..thanxs for this new posting..lucky you I wish I could see Rob in person omg..I'll probably go into shock!..I'll keep on dreaming one day this will be a dream come true!!hope my fairy god mother is listening!!!
These pics are great. I just wish all shows were cool like Regis and Kelly and let people bring in their cameras. If Oprah would have let us bring it a camera I would have filled up 2 cards worth of pics they would fit 1000 a piece lol
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