Add Charlie Bewley to the list of Twilight stars who thinks Breaking Dawn should—and will—be made into two movies.
"The book is so heavy in terms of what happens and all the events," Bewley, who plays Volturi vampire Demetri, tells me from the set of a movie he's been filming in Moscow. "I think it's inevitable."
In fact, Bewley says, the first cut of New Moon was significantly longer than the two-hour version released in theaters…
"They had like a three-hour cut of the movie that didn't make it," Bewley tells me. "It had to get cut down—even though I'm sure everyone would have loved to have seen a three-hour New Moon."
When asked about the fascination surrounding Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart's off-camera relationship, Bewley insists he doesn't understand the obsession.
"I have a way of answering the question," he says. "It's like, ‘What did Rob say when you asked what I had for breakfast this morning?' Number one, he doesn't know, and number two, he doesn't give a f--k.
"That's kind of the same way I feel about Rob and Kristen," he continues. "I think they're great and both really cool, but I don't care if they're together or not."
As for Bewley's own romantic life, the 29-year-old Brit admits, "I'm not dating anyone. I feel like an asexual right now. It's kind of depressing. If you've got any hot chicks, throw them my way."
But it's not like he isn't getting attention from females these days. A Twi fan recently sent him a link on Twitter to a photo of her getting a tattoo of his face on her thigh. "What do I say to her?" Bewley asks. "Thank you very much? Look forward to seeing you? I don't know what to say."
lmao that's awesome and he's not the only one, cuz I really don't either.
That's the attitude everyone should take, I don't understand people's fixation with celebrity couples in general, I don't see what the draw is, how does it change the perspective they have of an actor, to know who they are dating/sleeping with...?
I remember a few weeks ago when the pictures of Kristen and Rob at some airport were posted the post had like a ridiculous amount of comments of people discussing/arguing about it, it was almost funny, almost is the key word though because some of the comments were outright psycho!
@ursula u r so right!!! i remember that time..i tried to read all the comments but it was so dreadful..by the way there were 96 comments!!! and only in this blog..
@Ursula I completely agree with you...I dont give f#ck who Rob is dating as long as he's happy.@ Yaelfica at robosessepattinso.com blog there were more than 400 comments on the subject!!
HOLY COW!!! 400 comments!?!?! That's insane!
Sometimes there are so many other posts worth discussing that barely get any traffic at all :(
I became a fan of Rob when I saw 'Twilight'..I don't even like watching any horror or vampire movies in the past..but when I saw him..hmm ..this guy is somebody special!the object of his desire was Kstew as 'Bella' ..their on screen chemistry was wonderful to watch and became intrigued and fascinated if the two are also an item in real life..I'm proud to be known as a fan of these two talented actors ,.. if there is a ..'fairy tale' ending for them at the end of the twilight saga..I'll be very happy indeed but if is not then life goes on..I will be sad but I don't think I'be jumping off the cliff!!..at the end of the day the most important thing is that Rob is happy!and at present time he seems to be when he's with Kristen ..in my opinion!
@Twilightnan I agree with you, I love to see them together, and if Robert is happy and happy to.
People are always drawn to secrets. If Rob and Kristen had come out as a couple after Twilight, there would not have been all this controversy about their love life, so instead of keeping it low key and dating openly, by hiding and not saying anything, they just made it mushroom into an atomic bomb cloud.
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