I don't believe these tweets are "spoilerish" but read at your own risk

OMFG @Twilight Saga #Eclipse was so freaking good!!! Blew Twilight & New Moon out the water!!! It was AMAZING!!
It was the best movie yet by far! Awesome fight scenes!!! They pretty much put everything in!! Win!!!
It was about 2 hrs but they fit everything in and it felt much longer. You're gonna love it!!
there was a lot of Edward & Bella. They didn't miss a thing you're gonna be blown away for sure.
YES!!! The leg hitch was in the movie!!! Suuuch a hott scene!!! :-D
was ther some humor in it? :) <~ Yes lots you're gonna laugh out loud!!! :-)
Just saw Eclipse!! Almost didn't get in and I was about to cry. But then Julie saved us. :) AMAZING movie. That's ALL I'm saying.
There were a lot of stuff that wasn't finished, and one time the wolves were animated. It was hilarious.
And I couldn't fully appreciate Rob's close ups because jaw was freaking huge. Everyone's was. They have a lot to edit
OH MY GOD!!!! Eclipse was absolutely AMAZING. Better then both New Moon & Twilight! Holyy crappp =O
omg tonight was seriously UNREAL. they showed us a version that isn't even final yet! the movie was REALLY good, Edward was adorable :)
Just watched Eclipse, it was incredible.
Eclipse was amazing!! Can't wait to see the final version!!
Best movie yet :D
Sweet dreams and leg hitches to all!
I knew David Slade could pull this off, I can hardly wait. June is to far away. I want to get me some Edward and Bella leg hitch.
i hope it 's the best in the series so far... But i am sure that David Slade did an amazing job... I can't wait!!! :D 55 more days...!!!!
i love the "leg hitch" comments!! lol.. and i thought i was the only one who had find that part really hot in the book..thankfully i was wrong... i can hardly wait...
I was so glad to hear that the Twilight fans loved the movie. I was worried that the fight scenes would be the main focus of the movie. Even though Breaking Dawn is my favorite book, I love the Edward and Bella scenes in Ecilpse.
I can't wait to see the movie. I hope to get tickets to the midnight showing. I will also go to see it again with some friends and family the next day.
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