Saturday, September 18, 2010

Fan Picture of Rob at Marcus' Gig in London

Rob and @ppompam at Marcus' gig in London (September 18). Tom and Laura Marling were also there.



rdrumm5 said...

Who's Laura Marling?

Golnaz said...

Cute picture!

Laura Marling is a famous English singer. She was spotted in the audience (not with Rob/Tom) She's played gigs with Marcus before, great voice!

Nicole said...

Does anyone know when he has to be in baton rouge because I heard he had to be there in 2 weeks. So is this just a short trip to London.

Nicole said...

Also somebody told me that kristen and tom went to london too since they were done shooting there scenes for OTR. Is there any truth to this.

call_it_golden said...

He's in London? How did he get past the paps?

Anonymous said...
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call_it_golden said...

Dude, Honey, you should PTFO now

Nicole said...

@honey yes there was actually pictures of Rob with Kristen in NOLA.

Anonymous said...


Yes she was hiding behind an invisible cloak at the gig lol and had a double filming her OTR scenes on Thursday. No she wasn't there lol

call_it_golden said...

@Nicole where were these pics of Rob with Kristen in NOLA? None of us saw them...

Nicole said...

@call_it_golden they weren't of their faces but you could see Rob and Kristen in the background because someone took a picture with on of Kristen's friends and with Sam and they said that Rob and Kristen were there together. It was last Saturday in a bar.

Nicole said...

@honey Kristen is said to be done with filming because she is not in the entire movie. She was only suppose to be shooting for about 6 or so weeks.

call_it_golden said...

could you post a link to those pictures then?

Nicole said...

@ call_it_golden yeah let me try to find it.

Nicole said...

@call_it_golden here is the link

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...


Kristen was still shooting last Thursday. She was seen and papped on that day. The girl who claims to have seen her says she saw her in the airport last Wednesday. The story is BS. And you mean the blurry pics that could be anyone in a bar? Aren't these ones from the same person who tried to pass off a kissing manip? And amazingly this person didn't ask them for a proper fanpic unlike Sam who took a fanpic.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see Rob and the girl looks so pretty. I hope he can spend some time with his family in peace without the paparazzi following. He should stop wearing the same hat and shirt so he can blend easier. I wonder if he just flew in for Marcus' show or will he stay the week?

I have heard that Kristen is either going to Mexico or Arizona next. TomStu is not needed until they return to Montreal.

And I must say the Kristen hate by Rob fans today was utterly embarrassing. It makes us all look bad. After hearing what Rob has said about KS/his girlfriend I know that he would be truly ashamed. Why would any Rob fan want to make him sad?

@Honey, you need to stop coming to Rob sites if you don't like him. Your hate is ugly and uncalled for. Worry about yourself.

Nicole said...

@Nicole I was told by an OTR site that Kristen was only shooting for 6 weeks because that's all she was needed for.

Nicole said...

@honey no they weren't from the same person. They were from the girl in the picture with Kristen's friend and in the pic with Sam.

Anonymous said...

@ other Nicole. I have heard that the shoot is off schedule so I'm not sure, Argentina wasn't originally planned.

Nicole said...

@Nicole It is being said that Kristen is done with OTR from some Kristen site. Don't know which one. Oh and a worker at the London airport said she saw Kristen, Rob and Tom arriving. (Just what I was told.)

Anonymous said...

So silly, why are you fighting over such a silly thing, such as Robs PERSONAL LIFE?? I get that you want the man to be happy...I want the man to be happy...But seriously pictures of limbs, and out of focus fuzzy pics come on...I'm happy he is in London...Hope he enjoys some family time...And of course his shadow Mr. Tom lol...

Unknown said...

Kristen must be there because Rob needs her vagina badly ,you know.
It's clean and hypoallergenic, and they have to rehearse those BD sex scene. Summit willing to pay them 25 million to give us all a good hump on screen, so they better work on that. If they stay together or even got married after this Twi shits ends, well good for them.

Robsten Nonsten Peace y'all
We are the Rob

Unknown said...

Kurina you're shitting right?

Nicole said...

This is the cutest thing I have heard.

Some fan said that when she gave Rob a letter for Kristen and asked if he would give it to her she said is eyes widen and he had a smile on his face and said "Yes I will give it to her".

JA said...

looks like a troll convention around here

Nicole said...

@JA I know I may sound really stupid right now but what does a troll convention mean.

♪♫ Yaelfica ♪♫ said...

@nicole (the last one) ppl who like to talk trash about ROB kristen, robsten and so on..u should use a pic IMO so we all would know which nicole we r responding to :)

@JA ITA!!!

Nicole said...

@yaelfica thanks I have never heard that before.

♪♫ Yaelfica ♪♫ said...

@nicole u welcome. nice pic :)

Nicole said...

@yaelfica thanks I just love that pic so much.

♪♫ Yaelfica ♪♫ said...

@nicole u should :) u nicoles come all together and then leave..hehe do u live together or something?? :D

Iluvthemovies said...

Hey what is all this fuss over a pic that shows Rob with a nicely trimmed beard. Stop this arguing you all sound so petty. Yaelfica, JA, Ravenlilly, and one of the Nicoles, nice sentiments. Mamma mia.

Iluvthemovies said...

@Twilightnan, if u are up come Join Me Yaelfica and Ja we are having fun chatting. Hope to see u maybe.

behnaz said...

so nice pic
so nice fan

Nicole said...

Don't worry Nicole with a pic is here! Sigh, love the trimmed face.

JA said...

@nicole, what in the world are you doing up?

Anonymous said...

Nicole, "And I must say the Kristen hate by Rob fans today was utterly embarrassing. It makes us all look bad. After hearing what Rob has said about KS/his girlfriend I know that he would be truly ashamed. Why would any Rob fan want to make him sad?" it does make fans look bad. You know he cares about Kristen a lot through his answers, and his smiles when she's around and how he chooses to spend time with her. So why do his fans hate on her, and wish she wasn't in his life? And on rpattzdaily, on there, it's the worst. His fans wish they will last for only two years. Why wish they only last for a short time? Why wish for a break up? Rob would be hurt if he lost Kristen, and the same for Kristen. So why on earth, do his fans need to wish something like that? It's sick.

Nicole said...

@JA, couldn't sleep and I was reading some fan fiction....I know I'm a dork. No hubby or kid today so I get to finish my fic and sleep!

Ps, to all you hatters, I <3 Robsten!!!

twilightnan said...

@Nicole,you should be resting in your condition..@Iluvthemovies,sorry I couldn't join the group chat last night and reading through the posting last night it was a very busy site!..I like..what did.. @JA called it .."a Troll Convention"..she was spot on,I wish the blog administrators Mandy and Linda has the super natural powers like Edward and can just Zapped them!! hahah..@ Kstewrocks,..take my advise don't go to that site u mentioned you'll be upset by the comments about R/K-most bloggers there are Pro Emelie ,they can't stomach that Rob and Kristen are now lovebirds in real life..hug to u ..have u guess..I'm a Robsten fan..there I've said it..all out in the open now!...hahah,the others will probably kicked me out of our exclusive'Where is Robert Pattinson Group' now!!hugs to all favs:)

Anonymous said...

twilightnan, you know you're one of the nicest I think, here. And one or two of the Nicole's :)
Anyways, yeah I guessed. Well I think they ship Rob with anyone other than Kristen: Ashley; Emilie; Nina; Nikki etc. They are like the nonstens. I don't go there, but I remember what it's like. It's terrible, i thought it would have changed, but it hasn't. It's terrible. I can't call them Rob fans at all, because if you are a Rob fan, you would not wish for him and his current girlfriend to break up: anyone who has lived would no a break up is tough. And Rob wouldn't cope with one until years later. So they wish unhappiness upon him.