Saturday, September 18, 2010

New/Old Interview from the Eclipse Press Junket

Most of the same questions, but a few new ones, like what how does he see himself ten years from now and how he defines Edward: rebel, hopeless romantic or stalker.

And a video from the Premiere, nothing new, he just looked really good that day.

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drabrasil said... of his fav line from all books was the one towards the end of first Twilight when Bella says that he cannot leave her, never, and Edward says 'where else I would be'' (or something like that..)..
I love this line...seriously..very romantic.
Oh boy, I miss you...and Kristen to.

twilightnan said...

@dra,..ita with u ,I believe it was Rob who came up with that line.."where else would I be"..aww so Romantic,you can just imagine Rob saying that to Kristen! ..hugs to all the favs..Iluvthemovies,Yaelfica,Mrs.Deen,Ja,and papagaj:)

Iluvthemovies said...

In Twilight Robert was just as I imagined Edward to be, except I wish there had been a bit more humor like in the book. Melissa in her interview, just angers me because as you heard her say I luv writing for Jacob. Duh...The book is about the romance between Edward and Bella, not Jacob. This is the one constant in this series that truly disturbs me. I don't think Edward and Bella were written as they should have been and I only hope that in BD she portrays them correctly.

Anonymous said...

Watching this, I just had a sudden urge to watch old Rob interviews on youtube. I miss him. I just can't wait for water for elefhants to come out. More rob interviews! :D God I love this guy...

SmittenWithRob said...

ITA w/ @iluvthemovies. Melissa R. seriously frustrates me. I'm praying that the input from Bill Condon will offset her bad writing and produce some GOOD material...

ROB!! I didn't realize how much I missed him until I saw these vidz. I want more interviews!! April is so very far away :(

twilightnan said...

Hi! @Iluvthemovies,ITA w/u,as u said,humour was lacking in the film,melissa seems to forget that the story was about Edward and Bella's love story..she seems more pro-jacob than our Edward,I have just finished reading BD again don't know how many times and reading Twilight great to read and imagine the relationship between the two..the interactions between them when they were on the meadow was electric,and I hope as well that Melissa would portray Edward and Bella as they were written in the books..well hopefully there will be no more of this Team business!

twilightnan said...

oh I love him in interviews,he is so devine I can listen to him all day..when asked what would u like to do ten yrs from now,"I would love to have a dog" sweet..Hi,hugs to all my favs..papagaj still missing,missing papagaj..hope ur ok:)

Iluvthemovies said...

Hi @twilightnan, thank u for your kind words, I am blushing. Yes u know me too well. I would question Melissa as to her emasculation of our poor Edward. I would also question that with Stephanie in BD, but lets not go there. Lets stick with Melissa. The three books are filled with powerful images of Edward and yet she focuses on Jacob on the last two movies, which by the way is understandable because he is a main part of the story. Jacob is a catalyst to Bella and Edward's love and devotion but he still is background fluff. Did Jacob become important once he developed a 6-pac? Is this when Melissa thought he was so intregal in the movies? This is a Romeo and Juliet story in a paranormal setting. Jacob is like Mercutio in Shakespeare play, he did not overtake Romeo's love and devotion and utlimately death for Juliet. He died like Jacob should have died. That way we have sympathy for Jacob, because he loved this woman but sacrificed his life for her. Due to the fact that Edward is a Vampire and it is pretty hard to kill him off, Edward then becomes an Austin/Bronte type hero. He is filled with that brooding mystique and his humor shows through once he meets Bella and her awkwardness. It is a great story, that is why millions have read it over and over again. It is not Jacob's story it is a love story between two people that really should not have a relationship to begin with and the struggles to preserve their love is a beautiful thing to behold. Ok I have ranted enough, I could start again on BD, but I won't because most of the people on this blog know how I feel about that. Bill Condon, please do justice to our Edward, he is after all the 4th romantic figure in fictional history. I don't see Jacob on that list.

behnaz said...


♪♫ Yaelfica ♪♫ said...

@iluvthemovies rant away!!! i'll back u up my friend!! hehe

love to my other favs @twilightnan, @mrs.deen @papagaj....and @JA where r u girl???

JLC said...

Wow, 8 days since there has been a Rob sighting. He really IS getting good at staying under the radar. Miss seeing new photos of him and really appreciate that there is always something new/old being posted on this sight.

MsRobThomPattzable said...

@dra ITA. But I think the line was "where else am I gonna go?"

tina tri said...

don't expect MR tp be any better, its CH who bought out themagic despite the bad script that even RP/KS didn't want to say the lines