This is one of my favourite photo shoot pictures.....They are so adorable and we can sense their chemistry.....Rob looks so gorgeous and to you @dra and @Nicole..
I can't find my favs any more...everbody is busy it seems... Love and hugs to my favs..
@Nicole, yes I would take Edward in MOTU, like Bella however, w/o the pain. A little kinkiness can go a long way. Twmmy left a sight that has continued the story. There r three extra chapters. It is good so far. Take a look at
@Mrs. Deen, it is very simple I promise, and just use my user name from here iluvthemovies and the email address of msn messenger. I hope u can do it. Yaelfica and I would luv to speak with u.
@iluvthemovies. I found that today after I finished! I really didn't think i could get into it but was totally hooked after the first kiss. I could see rob as Edward but just couldn't get the image of Kristen... She just seems to young! Now I'm all about fanfiction!
@Nicole, MOTU started me into fanfiction. I only read fanfics with Edward and Bella as humans. I have lost the vampire and human element of the story. It is addicting this story and I am happy it has gone the way it has because I would have been disappointed in the story if it was truly depraved. It took me a long time to see Robert and Kristen in those roles, before I would see Bradley Cooper and Zooey Deschanel. Now at least I can see Robert after the Another Man photoshoot.
@Iluvthemovies and @Nicole MotU its SO good yeah Im been reading it OH SO GOOD&yeah it take time to see them in that type of characters but I just LOVE them OH SO GOOD :)
@Sarahtwitt1, MOTU is a very good fanfiction, named Master of the Universe about Edward and Bella as humans. You can find it on, Please readit only if you are above 18.
@twmmy, luv the new chapters, u know this is going to have to be about James, the way she left it in first part of the story. So far it is so good. Thank u for the website.
@19Angie84, I am glad u had no problem imagining Rob as Edward, however, recently w/Another Man photoshoot and other photos where I have seen him in suits from Details magazine and premieres it is easier to picture Rob as Edward in the storyline. It is still hard to see Kristen though. However, I was commenting to some of my Favs r there any pics of Rob barefooted because of his character in the storyline. I told them I have gone down a strange path. They laughed with me on wanting to see Rob barefooted. I know it is the perv in me.
@iluvthemovies: Don´t blame yourself for beeing a "perv"! As far as I remember, I have never seen a pic of Rob barefooted..but it would be quite interesting.. :) What do you mean by you "have gone down a strange path"? There´s no need to see Kristen in could see yourself, for example... *naughty laughing* I always tried to see her, but sometimes I failed...
@19Angie84 Thank goodness I do not see me in that role or I may have nightmares. I play the song "Black Black Heart" by David Usher from the Biel video as I read MOTU and I could picture Kristen more than if I had not played the music. I mean about strange path because I constanly need pics to imagine all these things taking place in the story, it just enhances it for me. This is a dark story, but I really think this would make one hot movie that has not been seen for a very long time. If they took all the Twilight references out, I really could see Rob in the role, totally different from anything he has done, probably the closet thing would be Bel-Ami.
@ iluvthemovies: I wouldn´t mind seeing Rob in this role! Maybe I´d be the first in the theatres?! I never had problems to imagine Rob as Edward reading Motu or the twilight books. I think it´s because of all the movies and interviews I saw. I can always see his facial expressions in my mind.
it would totally be a HOT movie. it actually is great love story. I am reading another one now that i really don't like, but will probably finish it. the writing is much less intense and most likely written by someone very young. It is from both Bella and Edwards POV, which i like reading an entire book from Bellas POV and then reading it in another POV.
if you find any of those rob barefoot pics you will have to let me know :)
@Nicole, A couple of my Favs sent me this photo of Rob, it looks like before Twilight. I have to say it is not the feet I was expecting, because he has such a gorgeous face and those fingers extraordiannaire, that u picture feet that would wow me and fit my MOTU Edward. Let me just say I will have to imagine someone else's feet, not that they are bad but when I picture MOTU Edward w/his white shirt and jeans reading the paper and barefoot, those feet do not come to mind.
@twmmy, I was just telling Yaelfica I watching Nadal playing, he to me in the sports world is so hot. I said the only problem w/Rob he has no butt, but Nadal he has a nice shape to his behind. See the things I think about. Jeez.
Maybe we must take Rob to doesn't like sports...I was Federer fan, but this year is not his, and now i'm confused... my 12 years old plays tennis.....hope his outfit will be georgeus. he is now 168 cm tall, lanky, and nice And now i go and put him to bed, tomorow school,work. it's a hard life----to bear a whole day without you, girls..
Oh, and I offered the new chapters of motu, but today was the day i've read tem. Wow, it's ...i have no words. just curious, how will she continue, what will be with the Tanya thing, and yes, he must do something with the James line. It'd be fascinating make a film from this, and Rob would play this Edward....
@twmmy: Thank you so much for that link, which was created especially for me ;-) !!! It looks, as if he feels cold! I´d like to pass him some socks and take him off the pebbles...
so you ladies will be totally jealous but i met Nadal last year at the open. had lunch next to him. my mom and i almost died. he is mega hot...not rob hot, but still high on my list. and he does have a nice butt! Serena on the other hand has the biggest ass i EVER was in back of! that thing seems to have a mind of its own! Wish i was able to take pictures but we were in the players dining room and it was a no no :(
PS. he just needs to cuff his pants up a little then his feet wouldn't look so big! he really has a body just like my funny. well, if my husband was just a little fuller in the shoulders and such :)
@Nicole, u lucky lady. I was telling Yaelfica has muscles in all the right places. Although Rob has that gorgeous face and those fingers, and Yaelfica gets mad with me on this, but he does have some shortcomings. Not many but he has a few. A friend and me want to go to the US Open because we luv tennis and to be in Ashe Staduim would be such a highlight.
@twmmy, hope ur son is tall, he would make a great tennis player. I agree it will be interesting to seed where the MOTU story now takes us too. I am along for the ride so far I have enjoyed it.
@Yaelfica, little minx, u know Rob is fabulous but he just does not have the great behind. HOwever, he does have great hips.
@meleny, so do I, but that does not mean we can't look at other men besides Rob. Rob rules.
@yaelfica and JA, My loyality is true towards Robert y Bebe Shikito. To prove it I have a Twilight tattoo and I purchased the Tonner Bella and Edward dolls that are regally placed in my new Hollywood style office, as they look adoringly at each other. So no more slapping.*lol* I just don't like dirty hair. As u can see in this photoshoot, his hair is luscious and finger licking good. I had a real good time today talking to two of my Favs. U always keep me laughing. I hope I can dream of lemon tree w/Rob under them.*lol*
Hugs to all my other Favs and hope you are having a safe holiday and weekend.
@ Yaelfica,ITA w/u for telling our friend (fav) off...yes, how can she,our Bebe Shikito's behind is just the right's the face that counts ..anyway Nadal doesn't do anything for my blood pressure,Rob ,however is another matter...they can keep Nadal..we'll have more of shall I do the same no hug for Iluvthemovies this time,but hugs to u and the other favs:)
@twilightnan, they have already brutally wounded me and now u. The proper British lady is wounding me to the core. Afer I felt devasted that Andy Murray lost yesterday at the Open, because I thought only of u at the time of his loss. Rob will always have a special place in my heart, I just don't like his diry hair or his butt. Rafael has a nicer butt and when Rob's hair is clean no one can touch it. His hair should be insured from Lloyds of London. I guess I may have to hang my head down in shame and leave the Favs, because no one loves me anymore because I dare speak from my heart. It was nice knowing all of u. Goodbye....
@iluvthemovies u will never, and i repeat NEVER say goodbye to the favs...or u will know what i'm capable of :D
@twilightnan i think we were unfair with little poor "L" so we should give her that hug she deserves ;) coz lets face it she is the queen of the group now that we know about that tattoo....unless @JA @mrs.deen @papagaj, u or i have our entire house looking like a twilight gift shop! lol
Hehe, hug for everybody. @Yaelfica, i'm from the other side of Earth, from Hungary. And i saw Rob in Budapest. But about Rob's butt again....i think he has a very nice one And return to Rafael Nadal. He is as high as me, and same weight. But i'm not as fast as him. and i don't see the tennis-balls only when they are on the floor. And @twiligthnan what a tattoo ? I've only two edwards, one nm and one eclipse. i'd like to buy a twilight edward too, but it's only on ebay...
@twmmy: Yesssss, I have to admit: sexy butt! Not, that I ever assumed something different. Thanx for the pic! I´m still smiling! Greets to Hungary from Germany!
@Iluvthemovies,wow!I'm really touched you're r being very supportive to us Brits,yeah sad about Andy M, tks ,so there is really nothing much I can do if ur a butt person,so I'll just have to delete that particular statement in my memory that u don't like Rob's butt and his hair dirty ok..I don't want to lose the most influential and the corner stone or ..'The Rock' of the famous FAVs':)!!!.otherwise...Yaelfica,Mrs.Deen,papagaj,and JA will never forgive me;) so here and now I want to give u the biggest *HUG* sorry if I upset u! can I not be favs with someone who has a Twilight tattoo..ITA w/Yaelfica you are now the Queen of the Favs,I know how passionate you are about Robert Pattinson..I can't wait to see your version of a Twilight Shrine!..@Twmmy,wow! 2x Edwards tattoo..I'm impressed you must be a Twihard/rob obsessed like me but minus the tattoo..hehehe..HUGS to all the Favs:)
Ok although I have been visting this site for ages i've not got around to commenting before - so feel like i know so many of you already! wanted to say HI to all and introdule myslef. I see @twilightnan is from england are all the other regulars from the US ? I live in london. So excited @Iluvthemovies for the mention of this MOTU! I am relatively new to the twilight series so have just entered that last book and can I say that I am so badly anticipating the withdrawl - WHAT AM I GOING TO DO WHEN the last books finished !!! any suggestions from the pros ? do I start this MOTU... I have also seen all the Rob movies ..(a few times) what is the undeniable chemistry that he exudes - just the best ! anyways look forwards to swapping stories with you all again xx
Hi! @giulia,Warm welcome to you!and I'm glad you have started commenting on this RPL site,and yes I'm from England in Essex...and you're from London..The favs r@ Iluvthemovies,@Mrs.Deen,@JA all 3 are from (USA)@Yaelfica is from Argentina,and papagaj-is from Polland,I think,sorry papagaj, if I got it you know by now we love Rob Pattinson(dandruffs and all)..hehehe.. some are totally obsessed and crazy about him,so if you are the same then,you will find this site terrific because Mandy and Linda are excellent providers and gives us up to dates news about Rob, regarding MOTU,I'm not familiar w/ that you have to ask Iluvthemovies,I'm sure she has the info u need..hugs to all the Favs:)
hey @giulia nice to "meet" u girl! the FAVS r from many places and all the rest of the girls too. it's a nice group to comment with hope to see ur comments more often :D about the MOTU stuff u should ask @iluvthemovies @nicole (with a pic ;)) and @twmmy...they r experts xD
@Giulia, welcome, I know it can be difficult to know when to comment. I was that way for a long time before I commented. However, I am so glad u are. You asked about MOTU. It is really called Master of the Universe and it is a fan fiction story from an author who resides in England. This is not your ordinary fan fiction, it is highly provacative and has BDSM in it. I am not really a fan of that kind of thing, but I kept hearing everyone raving about this story. So I read it and like everyone else I was hooked. It is very adult, it is not the Edward and Bella in Twilight, so if u are not into that sort of thing u may not want to read it. However, the story is very well written and I dare say better written that Stephanie Meyer's books of Twilight. Don't get me wrong I love Twilight, but this is just better written, IMHO. Others may disagree u would have to speak to them. Anyway, if u go to and subscribe, it is free, u will be able to read MOTU. They have YOutube videos on MOTU, u may want to view them first, the one from Biel is exceptional. It will give u a clue on what the story is about. I hope that helps you, but if you are intersted in something lighter, there are so many fanfiction stories on Twilight, that I am certain there is something that will appeal to you. I am so glad u commented and hope to hear more from you.
@Guilia, I forgot u can also view MOTO w/o signing up if u verify your age at You will understand when u read the story what 50 shades means.
to my dearest twilightnan, my heart is filled with flowers and sunshine. I thought u would never forgive me regarding Robert's tush. I just know that he is a mere mortal and as all mortals, he has a few flaws. I do mean few. How can anyone even look at his tush when he has an incredible amount of hair and a face that could light a city. There are no words. Thank you for your forgivness and I am not the Queen, I bow to you, your royal highness. Hugs to you and all the Favs.
Robert Pattinson Life is not affiliated with Robert Pattinson or his management in any way.
There is no copyright infringement intended on this blog. If you are the original owner of any media used and would like it removed, we will be happy to do so, please contact us.
Write to Rob
US Address
Robert Pattinson c/o Endeavor Agency Stephanie Ritz 9601 Wilshire Blvd. Floor 3 Beverly Hills, CA 90210 USA
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oh..they ARE really CUTE together, aren't they...
they are so cute together! can't fake chemistry!
BTW, I just spent the last two days reading MotU. I would take that kind of Edward any day...sigh.
This is one of my favourite photo shoot pictures.....They are so adorable and we can sense their chemistry.....Rob looks so gorgeous and to you @dra and @Nicole..
I can't find my favs any more...everbody is busy it seems... Love and hugs to my favs..
Have a great long weekend everyone.
@Nicole, yes I would take Edward in MOTU, like Bella however, w/o the pain. A little kinkiness can go a long way. Twmmy left a sight that has continued the story. There r three extra chapters. It is good so far. Take a look at
Mrs. Deen Yaelfican and I are on messenger right now. Can u download we would luv to speak with u. let me know if u get this now. it is 6:34 PM now.
@Mrs. Deen, it is very simple I promise, and just use my user name from here iluvthemovies and the email address of msn messenger. I hope u can do it. Yaelfica and I would luv to speak with u.
Iluvthemovies, @Mrs.Deen mine MSN address is
@iluvthemovies. I found that today after I finished! I really didn't think i could get into it but was totally hooked after the first kiss. I could see rob as Edward but just couldn't get the image of Kristen... She just seems to young! Now I'm all about fanfiction!
MOTU started me into fanfiction. I only read fanfics with Edward and Bella as humans. I have lost the vampire and human element of the story. It is addicting this story and I am happy it has gone the way it has because I would have been disappointed in the story if it was truly depraved. It took me a long time to see Robert and Kristen in those roles, before I would see Bradley Cooper and Zooey Deschanel. Now at least I can see Robert after the Another Man photoshoot.
@Iluvthemovies and @Nicole
MotU its SO good yeah Im been reading it
OH SO GOOD&yeah it take time to see them in that type of characters but I just LOVE them
i like these photos :D:D:D
rob more beutiful than kris in these pics
Hi guys,
I love the pics too. Can anybody tell me what motU is?? I'm curious;) tnx
@Sarahtwitt1, MOTU is a very good fanfiction, named Master of the Universe about Edward and Bella as humans. You can find it on, Please readit only if you are above 18.
@twmmy, luv the new chapters, u know this is going to have to be about James, the way she left it in first part of the story. So far it is so good. Thank u for the website.
For me, it was NOT difficult to imagine Rob as Edward... ;-)
I do also think, that James will play a big role in the following chapters...he was left so full of hatred.
Does anybody know about BBBfF?
Are these chapters written in the point of view of Edward by icy?
Are they worth paying for?
@19Angie84, I am glad u had no problem imagining Rob as Edward, however, recently w/Another Man photoshoot and other photos where I have seen him in suits from Details magazine and premieres it is easier to picture Rob as Edward in the storyline. It is still hard to see Kristen though. However, I was commenting to some of my Favs r there any pics of Rob barefooted because of his character in the storyline. I told them I have gone down a strange path. They laughed with me on wanting to see Rob barefooted. I know it is the perv in me.
Don´t blame yourself for beeing a "perv"! As far as I remember, I have never seen a pic of Rob barefooted..but it would be quite interesting.. :)
What do you mean by you "have gone down a strange path"?
There´s no need to see Kristen in could see yourself, for example... *naughty laughing*
I always tried to see her, but sometimes I failed...
Thank goodness I do not see me in that role or I may have nightmares. I play the song "Black Black Heart" by David Usher from the Biel video as I read MOTU and I could picture Kristen more than if I had not played the music. I mean about strange path because I constanly need pics to imagine all these things taking place in the story, it just enhances it for me. This is a dark story, but I really think this would make one hot movie that has not been seen for a very long time. If they took all the Twilight references out, I really could see Rob in the role, totally different from anything he has done, probably the closet thing would be Bel-Ami.
@ iluvthemovies:
I wouldn´t mind seeing Rob in this role! Maybe I´d be the first in the theatres?!
I never had problems to imagine Rob as Edward reading Motu or the twilight books. I think it´s because of all the movies and interviews I saw. I can always see his facial expressions in my mind.
it would totally be a HOT movie. it actually is great love story. I am reading another one now that i really don't like, but will probably finish it. the writing is much less intense and most likely written by someone very young. It is from both Bella and Edwards POV, which i like reading an entire book from Bellas POV and then reading it in another POV.
if you find any of those rob barefoot pics you will have to let me know :)
A couple of my Favs sent me this photo of Rob, it looks like before Twilight. I have to say it is not the feet I was expecting, because he has such a gorgeous face and those fingers extraordiannaire, that u picture feet that would wow me and fit my MOTU Edward. Let me just say I will have to imagine someone else's feet, not that they are bad but when I picture MOTU Edward w/his white shirt and jeans reading the paper and barefoot, those feet do not come to mind.
!!!cry!!! I cannot open it!
Do u have another link?
@19Angie84 try it
And this is another oe but it's a bas quality
one,'s dark around here, my husband watches US open Nadal-Simon, I try to type blind.
@twmmy, I was just telling Yaelfica I watching Nadal playing, he to me in the sports world is so hot. I said the only problem w/Rob he has no butt, but Nadal he has a nice shape to his behind. See the things I think about. Jeez.
Maybe we must take Rob to doesn't like sports...I was Federer fan, but this year is not his, and now i'm confused... my 12 years old plays tennis.....hope his outfit will be georgeus. he is now 168 cm tall, lanky, and nice And now i go and put him to bed, tomorow school,work. it's a hard life----to bear a whole day without you, girls..
Oh, and I offered the new chapters of motu, but today was the day i've read tem. Wow, it's ...i have no words. just curious, how will she continue, what will be with the Tanya thing, and yes, he must do something with the James line. It'd be fascinating make a film from this, and Rob would play this Edward....
@iluvthemovies i love it when u share;)
@twmmy ur kid is gorgeous congrats! were u from brazil? sorry if i'm mistaken
we r happy that u like to post comments here..keep them comming:D
@the other 5 FAVS, u r the best girls! and the ones we don't read often..we miss..@Mrs.Deen @Papagaj
Thank you so much for that link, which was created especially for me ;-) !!!
It looks, as if he feels cold! I´d like to pass him some socks and take him off the pebbles...
so you ladies will be totally jealous but i met Nadal last year at the open. had lunch next to him. my mom and i almost died. he is mega hot...not rob hot, but still high on my list. and he does have a nice butt! Serena on the other hand has the biggest ass i EVER was in back of! that thing seems to have a mind of its own! Wish i was able to take pictures but we were in the players dining room and it was a no no :(
PS. he just needs to cuff his pants up a little then his feet wouldn't look so big! he really has a body just like my funny. well, if my husband was just a little fuller in the shoulders and such :)
@Nicole, u lucky lady. I was telling Yaelfica has muscles in all the right places. Although Rob has that gorgeous face and those fingers, and Yaelfica gets mad with me on this, but he does have some shortcomings. Not many but he has a few. A friend and me want to go to the US Open because we luv tennis and to be in Ashe Staduim would be such a highlight.
@twmmy, hope ur son is tall, he would make a great tennis player. I agree it will be interesting to seed where the MOTU story now takes us too. I am along for the ride so far I have enjoyed it.
@Yaelfica, little minx, u know Rob is fabulous but he just does not have the great behind. HOwever, he does have great hips.
@iluvthemovies ok so now i wont have to slap u for those other comments about ROB tho i'm still hurt by them hugs for u this time :D
ladies... for you viewing pleasure (Nadal)
@Nicole, thank u so much. U should have put unicorn alert for that vid. Awe inspiring on both those bodies. Thanks again.
Nadal is HOT, but Rob is sexy and I prefer him.
@meleny, so do I, but that does not mean we can't look at other men besides Rob. Rob rules.
@yaelfica and JA,
My loyality is true towards Robert y Bebe Shikito. To prove it I have a Twilight tattoo and I purchased the Tonner Bella and Edward dolls that are regally placed in my new Hollywood style office, as they look adoringly at each other. So no more slapping.*lol* I just don't like dirty hair. As u can see in this photoshoot, his hair is luscious and finger licking good. I had a real good time today talking to two of my Favs. U always keep me laughing. I hope I can dream of lemon tree w/Rob under them.*lol*
Hugs to all my other Favs and hope you are having a safe holiday and weekend.
@ Yaelfica,ITA w/u for telling our friend (fav) off...yes, how can she,our Bebe Shikito's behind is just the right's the face that counts ..anyway Nadal doesn't do anything for my blood pressure,Rob ,however is another matter...they can keep Nadal..we'll have more of shall I do the same no hug for Iluvthemovies this time,but hugs to u and the other favs:)
@twilightnan, they have already brutally wounded me and now u. The proper British lady is wounding me to the core. Afer I felt devasted that Andy Murray lost yesterday at the Open, because I thought only of u at the time of his loss. Rob will always have a special place in my heart, I just don't like his diry hair or his butt. Rafael has a nicer butt and when Rob's hair is clean no one can touch it. His hair should be insured from Lloyds of London. I guess I may have to hang my head down in shame and leave the Favs, because no one loves me anymore because I dare speak from my heart. It was nice knowing all of u. Goodbye....
@iluvthemovies u will never, and i repeat NEVER say goodbye to the favs...or u will know what i'm capable of :D
@twilightnan i think we were unfair with little poor "L" so we should give her that hug she deserves ;) coz lets face it she is the queen of the group now that we know about that tattoo....unless @JA @mrs.deen @papagaj, u or i have our entire house looking like a twilight gift shop! lol
luv ya favs, all 5 of u :)
Hehe, hug for everybody. @Yaelfica, i'm from the other side of Earth, from Hungary. And i saw Rob in Budapest. But about Rob's butt again....i think he has a very nice one
And return to Rafael Nadal. He is as high as me, and same weight. But i'm not as fast as him. and i don't see the tennis-balls only when they are on the floor.
And @twiligthnan what a tattoo ? I've only two edwards, one nm and one eclipse. i'd like to buy a twilight edward too, but it's only on ebay...
Yesssss, I have to admit: sexy butt! Not, that I ever assumed something different. Thanx for the pic!
I´m still smiling! Greets to Hungary from Germany!
@Iluvthemovies,wow!I'm really touched you're r being very supportive to us Brits,yeah sad about Andy M, tks ,so there is really nothing much I can do if ur a butt person,so I'll just have to delete that particular statement in my memory that u don't like Rob's butt and his hair dirty ok..I don't want to lose the most influential and the corner stone or ..'The Rock' of the famous FAVs':)!!!.otherwise...Yaelfica,Mrs.Deen,papagaj,and JA will never forgive me;) so here and now I want to give u the biggest *HUG* sorry if I upset u! can I not be favs with someone who has a Twilight tattoo..ITA w/Yaelfica you are now the Queen of the Favs,I know how passionate you are about Robert Pattinson..I can't wait to see your version of a Twilight Shrine!..@Twmmy,wow! 2x Edwards tattoo..I'm impressed you must be a Twihard/rob obsessed like me but minus the tattoo..hehehe..HUGS to all the Favs:)
Ok although I have been visting this site for ages i've not got around to commenting before - so feel like i know so many of you already! wanted to say HI to all and introdule myslef. I see @twilightnan is from england are all the other regulars from the US ? I live in london. So excited @Iluvthemovies for the mention of this MOTU! I am relatively new to the twilight series so have just entered that last book and can I say that I am so badly anticipating the withdrawl - WHAT AM I GOING TO DO WHEN the last books finished !!! any suggestions from the pros ? do I start this MOTU... I have also seen all the Rob movies ..(a few times) what is the undeniable chemistry that he exudes - just the best ! anyways look forwards to swapping stories with you all again xx
Hi! @giulia,Warm welcome to you!and I'm glad you have started commenting on this RPL site,and yes I'm from England in Essex...and you're from London..The favs r@ Iluvthemovies,@Mrs.Deen,@JA all 3 are from (USA)@Yaelfica is from Argentina,and papagaj-is from Polland,I think,sorry papagaj, if I got it you know by now we love Rob Pattinson(dandruffs and all)..hehehe.. some are totally obsessed and crazy about him,so if you are the same then,you will find this site terrific because Mandy and Linda are excellent providers and gives us up to dates news about Rob, regarding MOTU,I'm not familiar w/ that you have to ask Iluvthemovies,I'm sure she has the info u need..hugs to all the Favs:)
hey @giulia nice to "meet" u girl! the FAVS r from many places and all the rest of the girls too. it's a nice group to comment with
hope to see ur comments more often :D
about the MOTU stuff u should ask @iluvthemovies @nicole (with a pic ;)) and @twmmy...they r experts xD
@yaelfica, @iluvthemovies, regarding twmmy's 'butt' pic above, i rest my case.
@JA, I have seen better butts on chimpanzees and apes. No offense to Rob, I still luv all his other features, except butt and now feet.
from de la reina de drama
@Giulia, welcome, I know it can be difficult to know when to comment. I was that way for a long time before I commented. However, I am so glad u are. You asked about MOTU. It is really called Master of the Universe and it is a fan fiction story from an author who resides in England. This is not your ordinary fan fiction, it is highly provacative and has BDSM in it. I am not really a fan of that kind of thing, but I kept hearing everyone raving about this story. So I read it and like everyone else I was hooked. It is very adult, it is not the Edward and Bella in Twilight, so if u are not into that sort of thing u may not want to read it. However, the story is very well written and I dare say better written that Stephanie Meyer's books of Twilight. Don't get me wrong I love Twilight, but this is just better written, IMHO. Others may disagree u would have to speak to them. Anyway, if u go to and subscribe, it is free, u will be able to read MOTU. They have YOutube videos on MOTU, u may want to view them first, the one from Biel is exceptional. It will give u a clue on what the story is about. I hope that helps you, but if you are intersted in something lighter, there are so many fanfiction stories on Twilight, that I am certain there is something that will appeal to you. I am so glad u commented and hope to hear more from you.
@Guilia, I forgot u can also view MOTO w/o signing up if u verify your age at You will understand when u read the story what 50 shades means.
@iluvthemovies, them are fighting words...turn in your card!
@JA, you'll have to catch me first.
No one adores Rob like I do, but I am not blind either.
to my dearest twilightnan, my heart is filled with flowers and sunshine. I thought u would never forgive me regarding Robert's tush. I just know that he is a mere mortal and as all mortals, he has a few flaws. I do mean few. How can anyone even look at his tush when he has an incredible amount of hair and a face that could light a city. There are no words. Thank you for your forgivness and I am not the Queen, I bow to you, your royal highness. Hugs to you and all the Favs.
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