We'll use this post for all pictures, videos and tweets about the show.
The show will air on Monday (8:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on Fox.
- Choice Movie Actor: Drama - Robert Pattinson, “Remember Me”
- Choice Summer Movie Star: Male - Robert Pattinson, “The Twilight Saga: Eclipse”
- Choice Movie: Liplock - Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart, “The Twilight Saga: New Moon”
- Choice Movie: Chemistry - Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson, “The Twilight Saga: New Moon”
- Choice Movie: Fantasy - “The Twilight Saga: New Moon”
- Choice Summer Movie - “The Twilight Saga: Eclipse”
- Most Fanatic Fans - “Twilight” Cast



@taryder: Just interviewed Matt Lanter (yum) joked he's scared to run into Rob, confessed he read Twilight and watched films before Vampires Suck
@popsugar: Katerina Graham of Vampire Diaries just told us she's Team Jacob! Why? She said: "It might have something to do with the abs!" #teenchoice
@popsugar: Rob didn't walk the carpet, sadly, but we will be sure to share some secrets from the show. It's about to start! #teenchoice
@tkayyyy: He's here! Blue shirt! Looking hot and shy!
@CHRIS_Daughtry: Omg! I just touched Robert Pattinson
@emilygee5: Robert Pattinson has arrived! Wearing blue plaid dress shirt with jeans. :)
@TSandraTeenT: BLUE SHIRT! Sitting next Ashley!
@taryder: Omg taylor lautner won choice hottie over robert pattinson!
@taryder: Rob doesn't look too upset. His hair looks like its growing back too! Big woosh going on. He's laughing with Ashley Greene
@taryder: Rob's looking like we all feel: bored. Shows that aren't taped live are looong
@TSandraTeenT: haha it's so boring here.. Rob looks like he tries to sleepxD
@taryder: Jimmy Fallon presenting choice movie actor drama to... Robert Pattinson! Jimmy presented in rob is bothered voice
@taryder "Its great to win something outside of Twilight" - Rob accepting his teen choice award
@taryder: Oops...may have just saw what the teleprompter has up next for choice movie actor fantsy, and let's say it wasn't Rob.
@taryder: Taylor beats rob for choice male actor fantasy... He's cleaning up shop
@taryder: New moon and eclipse won a LOT of awards that weren't aired, entire cast went up at the end to say thanks
Source: Untagged Pictures: Pattinsonlife
Twitipics: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
no ROB!!!!!! stayed up for nothing!!!! I hope we can enjoy him at the award ceremony xxx
I was disappointed also. I watched the whole thing and no Rob but we did get to see Ashley.
rob must want to be nice and let some others get some attention for once :)
I think Rob honestly doesn't care that he didn't win or he's relieved LOL
Just hope the show cuts to him OFTEN like the MTV awards did. There's no other reason to watch otherwise. This is his last official appearance before he goes on vacation for 2 months right??
I bet Rob is bored. My friend wants to add 2 reasons why Rob is bored one is that he wishes kristen was there or the other is that he wishes that he was in montreal with kristen.
@ mello well I don't thin Rob has any other appearances the rest of the year. He starts BD in November.
Yeah, Rob drought about to hit. I wanna see a shot of Rob and Betty White before show is over ;-)
Unless there are pics of him shooting BD like there was for eclipse.
Look at Ashley's left hand (ring finger)
I am ecstatic that Rob won for Remember Me and that Jimmy Fallon presented him with the award. I am so excited to see it tomorrow.
To my Favs: I am so sorry I was not here for all your banter in previous posts. @Yaelfica I hope you had a wonderful holiday. @Twilightnan, you are just as naughty as Yaelfica, I love it. Hugs to all.
That's the award that will be important to Rob, the one for RM. I am sure he will be glad to get the teens off his back. Taylor is one of them, naturally the teens would vote for him. Rob is now a man and belongs to us women.
@ koolerdrumm I saw that too. I wonder if her boyfriend gave it to her or if she is just wearing a ring on that finger.
Lol! Rob looks a little awkward and slumped over. What's da matter bb? And is that a necklace I see? What do you think ladies?
I couldn't agree with you more. I am certain Rob appreciates the teens but lets face it his recent movies have all been with bonifide women of various ages. So here is to the women and hope to see Rob in more of those roles suited for a man, a manly man.
@ SayNoBSplease that's is what people are saying on twitter.
which part? The awkward/slumped or the necklace?
I am glad that finally Taylor won the best hottie and not Rob, because Rob as a prize for best drama actor is more substantial and satisfying, I'm sure we'll see more of next year.
i really don't like this award show and a part of ne didn't want rob to attent. I do think is nice that he won for RM (i really think that the fans kind of only voted for that one, i'm a bad fan, i didn't vote; i'm sooo over the teen stuff and rob just doesn't really need this, he doesn't need mtv, teen crap awards, he needs important awardsm that i'm sure his future non twilight projects will bring)
let the dog keep his insignificant awards, the teen choice awards are just lame!!
rob does look bored as hell, as much as i hate saying it, kris does make the boy happy.
@SayNoBSplease Yes he is wearing a necklace.
@Lexi C. yes I would agree that Kristen makes Rob very happy
Taylor and Justin Bieber are teens so I am certain that is why they are cleaning up. Rob is not a teen and the movies he has filmed outside the Twilight series or outside of Remember Me are R rated for anyone to be accompanied by an adult if you are under 17, so in a way I am not disappointed he is not winning the Twilight awards, I want him to be known for his future projects with more adult themes. Either way you gotta admire him.
He said that one day it would come to an end with the teenagers and I hope he is relieved, not sad that he is not longer that popular with the teens. He dosen't need them anyway, for he has plenty of women who still worship him and looking forward to seeing the two movies he just made, Bel Ami and WFE. He is on his way as a serious actor. Taylor can bask in the teens for another year.
Look is in the back top right corner. Is that you nick?
http://i714.photobucket.com/albums/ww142/celyssa_15/dnddjd.jpg?t=1281325324 lovee this pic of him xD
ladies so true he is beyond a teen now so happy he won for remember me...... love the movie
Teen Choice Awards are commercial awards and do not truly reflect public opinion - which is why Taylor is winning over Rob. Taylor does not ever outsell Rob in anything. It is a marketing ploy.
Oh please stop bashing Taylor. Your going on about this BS about Rob winning Remember Me is all that matters are you serious ?
Don't give me that B.S Rob is Edward too people.
It's disrespectful that people discredit Twilight ? For what ?
Rob wouldn't be anything without like it or not.
This was Taylor's movie and I know he's not the best of actors but I'm glad he won.
We should be happy for him. Because it must be hard knowing that most of the Twilight fanbase loves Edward more or Rob in this instance.
I agree! Good for Taylor! Wahh, Rob didn't win an award, but took home like 549847 other ones. COME ON. I love Rob a lot, too, but really? Taylor did a great job in the last two movies! And look at the body transformation! That's enough to win an award by itself..
I admire Taylor, I did not dis on Taylor, but stated that he won because it was voted mostly by teens even though I heard many adults lied about their age to vote, but Taylor is a great guy and I am happy he won but I am happier because Rob won for Remember Me and though Twilight set his film career into the stratesphere it is also a curse because that may be all he is remembered for so I think most of us on this site that is dedicated to Rob are happy that he won for Remember me instead of Twilight. I really did not see any bashing of Taylor maybe for the exception of one posting, but even that was mild, so I respectfully disagree that we were bashing Taylor, this site is dedicated to Rob not Taylor, of course we are going to be pro Rob.
Even more Rob pics!Just keep hitting refresh...
For me the best for Rob is, HE WIN Choice Movie Actor Drama ... I dont mind Tater win all over on twilight movies.
and chemistry and liplock...the other dont bother me. Let tater win something this year. Rob has win everything from National Awards (?) and MTV movie award (MTV he won all, and tater just smile...)
and for this award Iam not vote as crazy as I did for MTV.
I want to give a quick shout out to Katy Perry dressed in that get up with Rob, they look cute and quirky. I want to see what she does in that get-up.
ok for all you Rob's Fan some news from India.... In today's newspaper "Times of India" it reads :
Pattinson Under Pressure... Robert Pattinson is reportedly on the verge of a mental breakdown due to the constant spotlight on his personal life. Robert is struggling to deal with being one of the world's biggest stars. His co-star Kristen Stewart, whom he is constantly linked with, is sad to be worried about him, a magazine reported. "Kristen's absolutely frantic about Rob. She's never known him to get so upset. He's gone from obscurity to being one of the biggest star of the planet, and the pressure he is under is unbelievable. She's trying to keep his spirits up but she's worried that he needs more support than he lets on," a source said.
Meanwhile, the duo is considering to quit Hollywood to focus on their relationship. "They are considering changing their lives so that they can concentrate on their relationship and get away from stardom. Kristen has suggested they try theater work and indie films. They are both incredibly talented actors and very well thought of in the industry." the source added.
Kristen... I miss you and I miss Robsten too!
@My Favs,
I wanted to point this one specific picture out of all them above because I just start giggling because I am wondering what is he laughing at onstage, he is so adorable. Here is a link to it, it is easier instead of trying to say which pic it is up above:
BTW, I think he is going European I see he is not wearing any socks with his shoes. What a great night that must of been I am certain he was so tired from all the traveling and back to back movies of course he looked a little bored, can you blame the guy. I am going to bed, I hope you have sweet dreams of our boy winning for Remember Me plus his other awards. Hugs to all, PS: Mrs. Deen, I hope all is well with you, we miss you.
To My Favs, disregard the link, I am so tired, it is the very first photo, duh...What do you think? I just keep giggling every time I see, it. Priceless.
dear Neerja that news was debunked by gossip cop some days ago,not that it needed any attention, it is so ridiculous that i do not why people bother to read it.
thanks lala for you giving attention on this news... rather i wasnt happy hearing this type of news about rob.. he is such a handsome and talented actor that we want to see more work of him..
very nice nice
Thanks for all the pics and the video! He looks very Hot like allways, I love his smile :)I'm very happy for all the awards he won, specialy RMB award.. congratulations Rob and I hope you have a wonderful vacations!
Can anyone list which awards Rob DIDN'T win?
@ JA..1-is male actor-fantasy(taylor-for NM)2-is male hottie-(taylor)..I don't know the others..Hi@ Iluvthemovies...what a wonderful news to get up to today..our favourite male MEGA SUPERSTAR,winning the best actor award for drama..Remember Me!!what an achievement..so Taylor won the teen male Hottie ,good for him..he is a teenager after all so it's as we more mature fans expected..this is a teen choice award after all..plus Rob was hardly in NM..I just want to emphasised that IMHO..Rob has always been and always will be .. THE LEAD ACTOR in the twilight saga..it is the story about a vampire falling in love w/ a mortal girl after all.. sorry about repeating this ..Anyway..Taylor will get his chance to be the lead in his future films and I wish him success for that but, in my opinion he is never THE LEAD in twilight saga..it is about EDWARD AND BELLA (period)!!...Rob looks amazing in that blue shirt..it's very impressive ..he stands out in the crowds in a positive way..he is a couple of miles ahead in styles department..good grief!there's.a couple of werewolves behind Rob who could not disguised their boredom!!!hehehe..and why is Nicki Reed looking so sad?? and ASHLEY looking fab w/ a suspect type of RING to match !!..hello to the rest of my"favs"..chat to u all later!kiss and lots of hugs as usual xxx
@twilightnan, thanks! there were prob. even more 12 yr olds voting than teenagers, so i can see why taylor would win hottie. those young ones think rob is weird looking or old looking, hehe.
@ JA..yeah,you're right..it is weird for the young ones to think Rob is old looking..it seem not so long ago they were all screaming and in tears because of Rob..never mind they can have Taylor and ..what's his name..justin..we can have Rob all to ourselves..hehehe..perhaps we can persuade their mom to cut their allowance and not to allow them to vote on line..we have to make sure all Rob's (older)female fans support him in future I'm sure there's legions like us out there!!
@twilightnan, i always find that the emotionally mature 12-yr olds love edward. i joke that it's the shallow ones that love jacob. listen to their list of qualities for jacob/taylor and they're ALL physical, ha! they're so finicky, they'll be over jacob/taylor by next year.
@twilightnan and JA,
Just wait until Justin Bieber stars in a movie, can we say bye bye bye to Taylor. I still think that Taylor is a nice kid, emphasis on kid, a well muscled kid, but still a kid.
@ilovthemovies, yes, a nice kid :) bieber's 15 min isn't up yet?? i do hope it's only 15 min.
Unfortunately, I don't think it is nearly up yet. The way the music industry talks about him, now he has a memoir coming out, and I believe a documentary, he is appearing on CSI this coming season, no unforutnately I don't see his rise to fame dwindling away very soon, but at least we have Rob and the wonderful thing about Rob is that he crosses all age groups. I don't know many adult women who think Beiber is anything special except the Khardashians. I could be wrong.
Great updates guys! I don't really care what he wins/don't win. We all know the TCA is a popularity/PR thing. Anyway, looks like Rob/Kris/Taylor all got 4 wins. What I don't like is the show pimping Taylor out to make it like he was the big winner of the night, getting him up on stage so many times, while Rob's wins were lumped into one. Or maybe Rob asked for that..who knows.
@mellow i didn't know they lumped him into one. so he only goes up once?? true, the TCAs are hardly important. but i always like to see rob win whatever he's in competition for :) it's probably a good idea for them to pimp the actual teenager, rather than the 24-yr old who wants to get away from that image as much as possible.
@JA, I know what you mean. I want to see Rob win whatever he's up for too, even these baby awards. Even though he's trying to break out of his teen image, his teen base is important as they gave him his start and probably industry heads still like to see that his momentum is still strong. It still surprised me that he's not 'Choice Hottie' LOL. Who are they kidding??
@mello ummm yeah, him not winning choice hottie is mind boggling. but the young ones LOVE taylor. and they'll sit on that computer and vote for him 1000x. and i have to admit, i didn't vote at all. i draw the line at lying about my age to vote at the TCAs. well not really, i don't draw any line. it really came down to being too lazy to make the effort. but never again! ha!
Hi! ladies.@ JA,AND @mello..Yeah,..it's really shocking and unbelievable Rob not winning teen choice Hottie award!!..are we really out numbered by the young ones or a lot of us were too lazy to vote..oh! well the young ones have more time to be glued infront of the pc..but poor us has lots of other grown up things to do(good excuse)..but as u said @ JA never again!! we have learned our lesson from now on it will be..VOTE...VOTE..VOTE..for Rob as much as we can!!---@ Iluvthemovies..Bloody hell mate...ooppps..sorry I swore...I mean..good God!!! u must be really tired to your eyeballs last night u were confused..yeah,seen the pic ur that made u giggle..it's either his jeans was caught on something or his flies were undone!hahaha!! now that would be something that would" tickle" Yaelfica!!hugs to u all+ mrs.deen!
What picture are you talking about the one I mentioned for TCA or the Biel video? BTW, someone else brought that to our attention, if you are speaking about the Biel Video. Oh yes Yaelfica would love that specific moment in the video I am certain.
@Iluvthemovies I'm talking about the pic on TCA..looking at it again..in the pic prior to this shot it looks like something got caught on his jeans..but in the pic were talking about he looks like he was trying to pull his zipper up..I have not seen the Biel video yet !u made me curious now..
good god!! i swear i read all 62 comments b4 mine!! what an awesome fan i am ;)
@my favs..i can't believe u never voted for ROB at tca's...shame on u...ROB's bible states very clearly: u shall lie about ur age anytime is needed for our GOD to win whatever "baby" (acording @mello ;)) award HE is nominated for!!...u r all going straight to bieber-hell!! hahaha
@JA please join us more often!! love ur comments!! @mello idem
@neerja.dhar tks for the news. hope they aren't true
back to my FAVS again..i just wanna see ROB sitting there. that's all i want... and i love taylor so i'm glad for him.. and i also agree with u about ROB being for more mature audiences..we r all OK with that fo sho!! ;)
tks to mention me in several of ur comments that makes my day really!! luv yall!!!
Hello to one of my FAVS..Yaelfica..oh I'm very impressed..all 62 wow! must feel like ur running a marathon..hahaha..you..are truly a Rob's fan--atic!!RPL..should give u a medal!!I'm going to copy u..BLUE .i now my favourite colour as well!..thanks for ur response about Nikki..so u agree..she looked sad in most of the pics..hope ur wrong about her still hankering about her old feelings w/Rob..anyway..just to say..love the first pic ..oh god that smile is too gorgeous!!talk to u later ..hugs to all my favs!!
@yaelfica, thanks! i will! especially since we're coming up on a draught. :( i will need rob support.
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