Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Rob Spotted Last Night Going to Canada?

This is the same person that spotted Kristen a month ago. Her message about Kristen was correct, so this can be true too.

Screencap of when she spotted Kristen


JA said...

love it!!

Nicole said...

ohh this is VERY exciting news. LOVE it!

Layna said...

If so, I'd like to know how he got out of LAX unseen? Did they smuggle him in with the luggage?

Anonymous said...
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Nicole said...

i think they get around unseen much more then we think. im sure LAX has its ways too. We would have daily pics of him out and about more if the paps saw him every time he went for coffee, etc.

and boo on you Honey!! HA!

Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

montreal is only a 1/2 hour away from me , anyone know any more info??? why is he traveling there i wonder ? i would love to meet him

Lexi C. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jane said...

Isn't this blog a love Rob Pattinson blog, then need to get off and get on a blog for Tom. We will all appreciate it.

Lexi C. said...

honey, girl, you need to chill...

first, tomstu is ok, but hotter than rob, he just ain't, sorry.

second, if you don't like rob, what are you doing here?

Unknown said...

Dear friends he went to Montreal because Kristen is there for shooting On the Road movie

twilightnan said...

@ Honey,if you're a real Rob fan you wouldn't put an outrageous comment like that..I was tempted to use a different word to describe your comment but I don't want to upset my friends on this site..For someone who wants to be know as Honey,you're comments has a very foul/bitter effects on other people!anyway that's IMHO..I don't know how the others feel !Good grief woman !@ Honey ..I've just read ur other deserved WHATEVER YOU WISHED TO HAPPEN TO ANY INDIVIDUAL..AND i SAY RIGHT NOW!!

♪♫ Yaelfica ♪♫ said...

oh please ladies just ignore that username..she/he must be laughing at the attention she/he's getting here as obviously she/he doesn't get anywhere else so don't mind a fly buzzing around ;)

twilightnan said...

@ yaelfica..sorry about that u know me I get carried away when it is anything to do w/ Rob..and you're right it is best to ignore HE/SHE..or hope somebody swat him/her.!

robsten love 4 ever said...

agree with you ♪ Yaelfica ♪ bat any way that is good news and hope we see pic of him and Kristen there

cutiestar said...

Kristen flew out of Burbank when she went to Canada. So, I take it Rob did too. I think people forget or maybe don't know that there are a lot of airports in and around Los Angeles. You have of coursed LAX, Burbank Bob Hope Airport, Ontario Airport, Long Beach Airport, Orange County John Wayne Airport, Van Nuys (mostly private planes), Palm Springs Airport, Santa Barbara Airport, and of course if you really don't want to be detected, you can drive the 3-4 hours to Vegas and catch a flight from there. So, there are many ways to go undetected in and out of Los Angeles if you really don't want to be seen.

♪♫ Yaelfica ♪♫ said...

tks @farah but u know what? i wish we don't get to see many pics of them coz that will mean a LOT of stalkarazzi around them and we don't want that do we? ;) well..just a teeny tiny one ok? hehe

♪♫ Yaelfica ♪♫ said...

tks for the info @cutiestar i don't know squad about those kind of things so it's really helpful :)

twilightnan said...

@ Yaelfica. .totally agree,but as u said..just a teeny tiny pics of them together..for our daily fix and sanity!hehehe..Hugs and Kisses to all the FAVS!!

♪♫ Yaelfica ♪♫ said...

tks for the kisses @twilightnan!! i kept the ones meant for me..oh ok i stole some from the other favs too ;)

i'm so glad @mrs.deen stopped by last night!! at least she gets to read all of our comments about her and know we MISSED her a lot!
i'll be here a lot longer i have to watch all the vids @iluvthemovies said we's sucha hard work!! hehe

drabrasil said...

good for him that he can now meet her whenever/wherever he want . LUCKY KRISTEN!

I understand this girl works at airport..for sure ...based on her comments about Kristen appearance at airport taking a flight from Canada airways.
I would like to see pics from Robert and Kristen ...yes, I would, but that ones taken by fans, not by paps.

SmittenWithRob said...

Huge shocker! lol
Hope they have happy times (and we get a teeny tiny itsy bitsy pic of them that's not from the stalkerazzi) :)

♪♫ Yaelfica ♪♫ said...

i'm still watching BIEL's vids of ROB and i think i will need ROB-hab after this ROB-fix i'm getting..tho no one can ever get ROBerdose coz there's never enough of this man...oouuk i'll stop favs get me right??:\

Moist said...

Sorry ladies you have it wrong Rob is on his way to London watch and see. You are going to look like fools very shortly xx

twilightnan said...

Oh, a little those children you were trying to get to sleep and kept opening their eyes and won't go to sleep! ,I need to send some more HUGS AND KISSES..chatting about videos,have u seen Robsten we can't hide from love any longer or the Robsten Anywhere these are good and u can see these in u tube..I hope it's true he is away from them horrible paps and starting to have a well deserved break...with Kristen of course...keeping everything cross!!Mrs.Deen,Iluvthemovies..hope to chat w/ u later ...@ dra..ITA we all are..I'm really excited for them!!

Anonymous said...

Ladies, this site is the only Rob site I use because it has pretty much always been the least gossipy and rumor free site. Let's just enjoy the beautiful pics and vids Mandy is kind enough to post for us. I appreciate her for doing so. I adore Mr Pattinson, and I hope nothing but the best for him. I think it is rather silly and childish to be arguing over who he may or may not be dating. Let's all wish him well and hopefully whatever or wherever he is he is getting some much deserved R&R. He still looked absolutely exhausted and very out of place at the TCA. It's silly to speculate on someones personal life whom you do not know. Put yourself in his shoes. How would you like false rumors and unkind things said about you and the ones you love and care about.

Lets just be happy for the beautiful and talented Mr Pattinson, and try to be patient as he rests before BD. :-)

JA said...

@Moist, we're previously normal women lusting after a 24-yr old. the fool ship sailed long ago. if he's on his way to london, that's even better news! but we won't feel like fools. i personally would like to believe ms nicole natalie andrade.

JA said...

@RavenLilly, who's arguing...we all know he's dating kstew, duh ;) and the silly ship...sailed.

twilightnan said...

@ moist..well you're a dampener..and the devil in wonder Rob ,hate your username!!

Jane said...

Try to be patient RavenLily....That ain't gonna happen. You know it and I know it. We are too robsessed. I thought he looked absolutely like Rob at the TCA, hot, hot, hot. You don't get very exhausted when you are 24...remember? I know we all have to have our Rob fix every day.

♪♫ Yaelfica ♪♫ said...

hahahahhaha @twilightnan!! i was about to say that thing of th username!! lol

@JA the ships it! lol

Nicole said...

Raven- as I agree with you in the fact that he needs his rest, bla bla bla... Us girls won't stop thinking about him in that way. It's why most of these sites are created. I am sure you had a smile on your face just like the rest of us when you read this post! Just keep smiling and enjoy the moment!

Lisa said...

Ummm did you all see this account and she was there not getting it from a friend of a friend she checked him in!!! I think he is on his way home;)

♪♫ Yaelfica ♪♫ said...

and the bitter ship sailed too. hehe ;)

i love that @nicole got her grip now.. she used to be feisty! jk!!! ;D

Moist said...

Oh No I am still here pissing myself laughing

Lisa said...

And we are not bitter just happy Rob is going home for much needed R & R!!!

♪♫ Yaelfica ♪♫ said...

@olivia if u r talking about my previous wasn't meant for u..sorry it's for my friends here in this site..nothing to do with u

JA said...

so he's been seen leaving for both montreal AND london? now that's talent. and to see his son?? lol!

BendyWendy said...

I heard he flew from John Wayne to avoid paps, direct flight to London

Nicole said...

@ yaelfica, I can't tell if that is a a good thing or bad thing :)

@ moist, go away, thanks!

Anonymous said...

I have been in PR for the music industry for 15yrs. It is a highly stressful industry. I'm sure it is not much different in the Acting industry. I know to most of you it is all glam and wonderful. I assure you it is not.There is so much you don't see. Most of what you do see is coordinated and falsified. Do you know how simple it is to make a picture look exactly the way you want it. Do you know how money hungry people can manipulate things to their advantage. They don't care who get's hurt in the process as long as they get the most for their buck. The demands put on your shoulders are unbelievable. Rob is no average 24yr old, and even though he may be able to have anything and everything done for him doesn't mean he is invincible. I have seen many 20, 30, something year old's burn out. They do get tired, and they do get stressed, especially when the weight of the world is on their shoulders.

I just have personal experience in this and I am very passionate about it. I have seen people rise up so quickly and fall even faster. Of course I adore Mr Pattionson. But I also respect him.

♪♫ Yaelfica ♪♫ said...

i totally respect @ravenlilly's point of view and opinion

so can we just get along and wait and see?..IMO nobody is finding this speculation funny anymore

well to be honest i find it boring..just saying..

ohhh my favs where r u???

twilightnan said...

Hello @ Iluvthemovies..r u back from ur errands yet??..ur missing the fun..I'll be going to my happy place soon so if I don't read from u goodnight/day until tomorrow..Dreamy hugs to u all!!..Yaelfica..I'm still here..and I agree w/ u about respecting other peoples opinions and as you said it's getting boring and may I add getting out of best way is to ignore as u suggested earlier..tks for that lullaby..snoring my head off now..hahaha!extra dreamy hugs for u tonight..lets get the other FAVS jealous..hahaha!

Mrs.Deen said...

Hi to my favs..

Interesting comments...nothing to say except that I love this site more than any other because everyone who comes here are Rob fans and we respect each other very much. I dont' think we need anyone who is not his fan on this site..period.

On another note..I told you on one of the old threads that he was going to meet Kristen and then go to London...Good for Them.. Tom is their protector and supporter so back off whoever is talking about Tom and Kristen...No need of that Gossip making here....If you really want to know what friendship is you should look at Rob and his friends...They have been friends for years and years let us not ruin beautiful relationships.

When I saw tom with Kristen I knew Rob was going to be there sooner than later. I am so happy for them .....hope they get a break and can hang out without anyone noticing....They deserve to be together and happy....and left alone...

Love and hugs to all of my know who you are...

Mrs.Deen said...

Hi to my favs..

Interesting comments...nothing to say except that I love this site more than any other because everyone who comes here are Rob fans and we respect each other very much. I dont' think we need anyone who is not his fan on this site..period.

On another note..I told you on one of the old threads that he was going to meet Kristen and then go to London...Good for Them.. Tom is their protector and supporter so back off whoever is talking about Tom and Kristen...No need of that Gossip making here....If you really want to know what friendship is you should look at Rob and his friends...They have been friends for years and years let us not ruin beautiful relationships.

When I saw tom with Kristen I knew Rob was going to be there sooner than later. I am so happy for them .....hope they get a break and can hang out without anyone noticing....They deserve to be together and happy....and left alone...

Love and hugs to all of my know who you are...

Iluvthemovies said...

I am gone for a couple of hours and all hell breaks loose. Wow...Can I just say to the woman or girl who leaked out this information through Twitter, shame on you. Now if Robert is going to Montreal or London Papz will be swarming those general areas to see if they can spot him or them.

@Ravenlilly I do respect your opinion and know that Robert needs his rest. I hope you understand we do admire Robert and only wish him the best, we get a litte silly but that is what these sites are all about, a community of people gathered around to share the same interest and our interest is in this lovely 24 year old man/boy.

@yaelfica,twilighnan, JA, papagaj, and Mrs. Deen so I do believe we all need rehab when it involves Robert. I am becoming pervy, trying to locate body parts that I never cared about before. I luv his fingers, those fingers and tongue, Gene Simmons still has the best tongue, but second is Robert. See how sick I am. It is disgusting. I have a whole playlist of Robsten videos, I think I am up to 51 that I really like from YouTube. Also voting is still open on the Best Quote from Remember Me Poll at ToR. I also heard and I checked it myself Robert is now leading Taylor for Sexy Beat at EW. Ok my chicadees, I am off again and will return later tonight, but I had to stop by and get my fix and see what was happening. Gosh see what happens when your away for just a bit. Hugs to all.

Nicole said...

I find it funny the the "respect eachothers opinions" part, bc I don't feel my opinion is respected much. But, really it doesn't matter to me personally.

Just to put my opinion out there... As an actor, you get what you are paid for. Yes pap pics are annoying and really un called for but it's their job. You can't tell me that any of you who claim to not "like" pap pics have never looked at a gossip magazine while at a Dr.s office, or standing in line at a grocery store, or even checked out If you haven't then more power to you, but I'm just being honest on who I am. Some of you even said earlier in this post that you would mind seeing just one photo...

I understand that this "ship has sailed" probably a million times over the last few years on this site, but I don't read every comment on every article.

I have been participating more bc I feel like this could be a fun thing. Maybe I was wrong.

I will respect others opinions ad long as mine is respected too. <3. Can't we all just be friends! (except for the haters they can just go away)
*getting off my soap box*

twilightnan said...

Hello! Mrs.Deen..I was just about to log off ,then suddenly read ur comments..I can't just go and not to chat to u even briefly..well said about how we love this site and as to why we are all here's because we love ROBERT PATTINSON!anyway I have to leave u as it is getting safe and until tomorrow ..hugs to u allxxx

♪♫ Yaelfica ♪♫ said...

yupi!!!!*jumping up and down like a little kid*
al my favs at the same time!!! what more can i ask?? did i sumoned u guys?? is it wishful-thinking working for me now?? hehe

@iluvthemovies @twilightnan @mrs.deen!!! so happy to read from u!! and @papagaj where r u girl? ;)

i'm watching the vids u recommended iluvthemovies they r HAWT!!!! hehe great job that BIEL chick..she catures BEBE SHIKITO better than any other fan IMO...
@twilightnan don't go to sleep yet pretty please *sad childlike eyes* ;)

Iluvthemovies said...

I respect your opinion and I think this is where RPL is a little different than other sites, it is rare that we become so outraged by others who do not share our opinion. I believe we share our admiration for Rob, I mean there may be some tweens on this site but it appears to me each day we have women over 20 and maybe a man here and there on this site to express our joy and admiration of Rob. However, this is where I disagree, we are living in an age where information is passed on at an alarming rate and people's rights are being trampled on and I have never seen a rule book for actors that state these paparazzi photo and video fiends need to invade every little space of a person's private life. When there are fan events or premiers, or even locations that strictly cater to celebrities, like Chateau Marmont Pappz will be there and if you are there you will be photographed. I have picked up a gossip magazine at a doctor's office because that was all there was to read, but you know what now I take a book to read because after a certain age you just don't read those rags unless your life is not all you want it to be and rely on those magazines to get you out of the blues IMHO. Talk about soap boxes, I think I did the Ultra Detergent soap box. With all that said, it is good to know that we have another Robert fan. Have a great rest of the day.

Nicole said...

Thanks iluvthemovies. I feel more loved now :). Ha! I respect the fact that you don't rely on trashy mags. Wish I had that will power!
I am with you on the news traveling fast. That's why I'm not a huge twitter fan. At least fb you can keep some things private. It's a crazy world out there and I'm just happy Rob is in it.
Happy that we can be "rob" friends!
I am bringing my W4E book with me to the dr tomorrow! Ha! (but if it's a long wIt I might stray to a people mag if need be) :)

twilightnan said..., how can I go to sleep when I know ur upset ..please don't be..I love reading ur comments we are now becoming like a family it's wonderful to share one's obsession with others u know would understand without battling an eyelid to think you're crazy..because they have the same weakness or obsession that of a young 24 yrs old deliciously handsome man* Robert Pattinson* I 'm off to bed and sending u the biggest hug for tonight..I'm sure the rest of the FAVS wouldn't mind.!!

Iluvthemovies said...

I am glad we can be friends. I loved the book it is much better than those magazines. I guess this would be a gossip magazine, but I do pick-up a People magazine every now and then, especially when someone I truly admire passes away or something that catches my fancy. So I am not so pure at heart but I do give it my best shot. Enjoy the book.

Nicole said...

@twilightnan and Iluvthemovies, thanks for the love. It's not a huge deal, but it's good to know that everyone sees where I am coming from.

Have a wonderful night and hugs back.

lostB said...

Well, well, well, what do we have here? He went to Montreal Or did he go to London? Decisions decisions... Oh how I love drama. I have read some of these comments and now I think I should give my opinion. Lets start out with a question.

Is PR all that commonly used?

If so, how can you trust ANY relationships in hollywood? I am actually VERY interested in this... A lot of people use PR as an excuse for rob and kristen's relationship. Are those people just in denial or do they actually believe it? I am not at all knowledgeable on the subject of PR but I'm starting to think it is just made up to give people the sense of security that Rob COULD be single. Of course, I KNOW PR is real in hollywood but I just don't think it ads up in Rob and kristen's relationship. Rob and Kristen don't seem to really like or have the Hollywood ways, so why would they subject themselves to PR? Are they being forced? I wish people would think rationally... Does it TRULY make sense? Why do they hide so much? Why don't they give an actual answer to the dating question? Is it reverse psychology?

Can we not just accept what we are given? Rob and Kristen LOOK and SEEM to be in a relationship. Pictures speak louder than words—I truly believe that. No matter how much people think Hollywood is pushing them together, THEY are the only ones who will know the truth. Accept it. It is time to move on. I am tired of hearing people trying to reason their being together. Ignorance is bliss... but not real.

Nicole said...

@saynobsplease, All very good questions. IMO, i think they are together and made the choice not to talk about their relationship. I think Kristen said once that talking about relationships cheapen them, or something like that.

On the other hand, PR could have a lot to do with it. The never ending question of are they/arn't they keeps us (and i use the term us loosely) guessing/reading/googleing etc.

Personally, i think the tabloids wouldn't bother them as much if they came out and said yes, we are in a relationship, but that will probably never happen.

all very good points.

Meeph said...

Fuck you Honey... There, you got the response you wanted, now go fuck with some other website, dipshit. Karma is a bitch. YOU will be the one who will die of lung cancer.

Mandy said...

Hey Honey, guess what? Want to hate Rob, go hate somewhere else! I'm banning your ip. And if you show up again, I'll just delete your comments AGAIN and ban you AGAIN.


JA said...

well crap, now i feel bad for reading 3 US Weekly's while getting a pedicure tonight.

JA said...

@nicole i like your comments :)

Iluvthemovies said...

I agree that it seems to me that Rob and Kristen are a couple and they need no PR especially in today's Hollywood, they are not under the old Studio system.

@NIcole, however, even if they did tell us they were a couple it would not stop the paparazzi from trying to obtain pics of them in some form of PDA. Look at Brad and Angelina, they are still to this day surrounded by paparazzi, so affirming a relationship is no guarantee of them (papz) stopping from getting the shot that could give them thousands of dollars.

Bless you, I am all for freedom of speech, but I don't understand why people have the need to disrupt blogs that are aimed at a specific interest. I have never gone to a movie's website or general website and talk so disparaging against the movie or actor if I did not like them. It makes no sense, but maybe that is how some people get their self-worth. Pretty sad. I just want you know I may not always agree what Rob does or what movie he is in but I do really admire this guy.

Don't listen to us, most of the time I never follow my own advice. Read what you want to read and certainly do not feel crappy about it. BTW, I think we are corrupting Yaelfica and she has admitted it does not appear to be a cellphone in Robert's trousers in Biel's video. We've come a long way baby.

To my Favs, sweet dreams. Hugs to all.

♪♫ Yaelfica ♪♫ said...

@iluvthemovies ROFL!

i do not admit anything of that sort ;) tho i will say that the cellphone theory has gone to the trash can..haha so i'm open to suggestions...anyone care to guess what the former "cellphone" is?? LOL

KISSES TO MY 4 FAVS!! i may not be here tomorrow all day so will miss u a lot..

Nicole said...

@JA, my 90 year old Nana buys all the gossip rags and sends them to my house after reading them! Its not just us! HA! Hope you had a nice pedicure, i'm way overdue for one myself. and thanks...we could be friends :)

@iluvthemovies, all very true, but IMO i think the hype would stop eventually...ya know like 10 years from now after they finally put out the last two movies.

BTW, so excited W4E will be out before the next twilight film. i will need my rob fix, at least once in the next year.

Night all.

JA said...

@yalfica i'm glad to hear your cellphone theory is gone...i was wondering what cell phones look like in your part of the world, ha!

@Nicole it's hard to believe there will be 2 rob movies out before BD. someone commented that he's going to be 27 when BD2 comes out. so sad, i wish he'd stay 24 forever.

♪♫ Yaelfica ♪♫ said...

@ja rob will be 26 when BD2 comes out but will be 27 when they get the nominations for the TCA's the next year so IMO he and the rest of the cast for that matter, will be too old to be in that show right? i just think it'll be akward that's all..

and about the ex-cellphone take a look at this:

JA said...

@yaelfica well sandra bullock is still doing TCAs...but she knows where her bread is buttered.

omg you found the pic! i'm blushing. i don't even know how to respond.

♪♫ Yaelfica ♪♫ said...

@ja i actually blushed all the way down while scrolling!! hahaha
it's a fact on twitter..i'm still not convinced but it is so much fun the whole speculation!! ;)

Iluvthemovies said...

Aye Carumba, you know with that photo it does look like a cellphone. Jeez, why did Biel put that shot in her video, I think she is just like us because almost every video she pans to that area, except for a very few. Ok will I must be off, I need to finish this resume. Till we meet tomorrow, except @Yaelfica, you said you would be gone most of the day, we will miss you. Hugs to all.

JA said...

@iluvthemovies, i hope it's a cellphone, for all our sanities! but if that's a cellphone, that's one big pocket. nite pervs :)

Mrs.Deen said...

It looks like everyone went to sleep....

Thank you Mandy, yep we do not need haters on this site.

lluvthemovies, cell phone it is....

I know rest of you would like to think it is something else..go on ...speculate ..have fun darlings....

Sleep well.. will talk to you all tomorrow.

Love you all....especially my favs....hugs and kisses

Anonymous said...

maybe he went to see his girl first before heading to london :)
omg!!!i knew i never should have look at the picture..*blushing*
the image left in my head

Mrs.Deen said...

Lexie, yes he did ..I read it on another site....he is in Montreal..

I hope everyone leaves them alone..

Love them both

Unknown said...

Hey Nicole, Glenda, Evita....details??? please?? Do you all work for Air Canada? Did KS travel with a bodyguard? Why did u have to change her seat...obviously in first class? So who saw Rob? and?? was he as gorgeous in person?? did he travel with his bodyguard?
Where did they fly out of? you guys are located there? when did they fly out so they wouldn't get ambushed by paps & fans..the middle of the night?
You guys are pls share the wealth.

neerja said...

mandy.. thanks for making this site clean and peaceful for rob's fan :) i searched lots of sites but really enjoying this one and moreover comfortable here..

twilightnan said...

Hooray!! thanks for that decisive action Mandy!!we don't want Rob haters of them is back again,so I leave it to U.,to take appropriate action...Hi!! Mrs.Deen,.great ur back..ur news about R/K made me u know by now,I'm crazy about's raining here so if he is coming here after his visit to Montreal,the weather would be a nice change for Rob,mind u it's probably raining in canada as well...Yaelfica busy I'm missing HER terribly already. ,but Iluvthemovies will be here ,I'llcatch up with her to u later..big hugs to u all the FAVS!..@JA..ur not the only one reading those gossip hubby even bought that Famous AUS/NEW ZEALAND mags when we were abroad recently and here in UK a small USA/OK not sure how reliable these are..bye for now..Hugs to all !!

LK said...

Honey is one fucking bitch troll,who claims that she's a Kristen fan(big lie).She's a psycho nonsten,who wants to make Kristen's fans look bad.She's posting at many blogs with the same moniker the same shit.She just wants to stir the pot and get some attention.She's mental.

Nicole said...

if its a cellphone i hope it's on vibrate. :)

papagáj said...

First, I warmly greet all the favs, and I missed you. 48 hours,
especially in Robland is like a whole year.Oh how i missed U all
@Twilightnan,@Mrs.Deen.@Yaelfica@Iluvthemovies and All wonderful rob fans


OK.Amazingly,that everyone has the right to express their opinions,
each is accepted with respect, provided that the affront to her and not hurt others feelings.
So we set some of the bad reputation of their own volition.
Bad ,bad,move @Honey;(

Second In fact, everything i wanted to know I know already ...Rob is a safe and sound and finally rest...and it's a key word now...
Everyone wished him this, but it depends on us how long you will be able to actually break away from the madness the face of fact that likely location leaked and dozens of paparazzi is on the road
I still ....still hope that thanks to his luck and cunning, the only people who will be hanging with him, it will be friends, no one else.

twilightnan said...

Hi! @ glad you're back ..we all missed u as well!.Yaelfica will not be around today,she has got a busy day,but Iluvthemovies is around and I'm sure the rest of the FAVS will join soon...papagaj,just ignore this haters...u take care it's so nice to read from u again...BIG HUG especially for you xxx...HI!@ Nicole..Good God're shocking(vibrates)..BUT I LOVE IT!hahaha..Rob will kill us!!if he only knew what part of his body we are most obsessed about!!dreamy hugs to all FAVS!!

Iluvthemovies said...

Hi papagaj, twilightnan, and Nicole,

Nicole, you are wicked and my willpower is slowly coming apart. If you read minds, you can guess what I am thinking about the Vibrate comment.

twilightnan, I don't read those magazines except for an occassional People, so you will have more success than I will, I just hope he gets plenty of rest and of course the romantic in me loves that he is up there with her. I just wished the airport woman had not tweeted the info and on another site some journalist released information about them having dinner at a restaurant in Montreal w/4 friends and a bodyguard. I wonder if Dean is back. I have to step out for a bit, but will return, hope you are not in bed by that time.

papagaj, welcome back, I loved your comments and ITA.

Hugs to my Favs and everyone who speaks kindly about Rob.

♪♫ Yaelfica ♪♫ said...

HI my FAVS!!! i've scaped some "visiting friends" i had for today and here i am :D

love all ur comments and the fact that all my dear ones logged in today!! that makes me really happy..u know it does..
been missing all of us together..we should have our respective msn at some point everyone feels confortable to give..and if u have one ;)..
i will always come here first coz thats what i do everyday since i got internet in my own bedroom, in my own pc :)..but it is a fact that sometimes many of the things we say to eachother r missinterpreted by i'm just saying..

kisses to "the" favs-------->@twilightnan @iluvthemovies @mrs.deen @papagaj ♥♥♥♥ :)

twilightnan said...'re so sweet..that end bit of your comments is great very artistic.. loved it..goodnight and big hugs !!until tomorrow:)

twilightnan said...

Well..Well..Well!!..I think I'm wearing the biggest smile today,and can't seem to stop smiling,all because of the pics of ROB apparently taken somewhere in Motreal..he looks fabulous..I'm sure all my FAVS would be thrilled to bits !!I asked...WHO IS FOOLISH NOW???!!!