Friday, August 13, 2010

Rob Visits the 'On The Road' Set in Montreal

Setje at Pattinsonlife


Anonymous said...

one day in montreal...lots of pap pics already. Kristen almost 1 month just 2 fanpics...
Rob = Papz magnet...
Love his Shirt...

Anonymous said...

"Get off my dick" LOL How he still looks beautiful with a cig (disgusting habit :P) and low riding pants (find that annoying sometimes).....on second thought, I don't mind Rob wearing them that way ;) Fruit of the Loom LOL I'm not liking him wearing glasses so much b/c we can't see his beautiful eyes.....I love his eyes! OK I'm off to dream......

Anonymous said...
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robsten love 4 ever said...

he is so so so hot as every day love him nice t-shirt bey the way and so nice of him to go see Kristen love robsten

Nicole said...

in my eyes...this can't get any better <3. Guess all of our speculations are over. He is in Montreal visiting Kristen and seems very happy.

behnaz said...


Suus said...

I hate that smoke but I have to admit that he's hot even with that cigaret and that slobby pants ha ha...
I like that shirt too. He's trying to wear something not sexy but he's just hot even with a bag on his body ha ha. I like him

katy said...

ROB...YOU Are SO that shirt 'Get off my dick'....So funny....and Rob don't put the jacket...LOVE your harms...and I LOVE YOU....ROB

I alraedy knew Rob was in Montreal...but can this get any better...Hell YEAh...a pic of Rob and Kristen holding hands.

neerja said...

hmmmm.. u right everyone... didnt like 2 things in this series... cig and his pant... so low waste lol... well he is handsome any ways.. but he mst not spoil his looks with cigs :(

dorym said...

I love that he flew to his ladylove right away!

Unknown said...

So awesome, he looks so good. @erpatz, totally agree with you. Sad the papz have found them so soon. Director might kick him off set if he causes too much distraction.

Iluvthemovies said...

@mello, ITA. These are people he may want to work in the future, like his friend Tom, I know he would love to work with Gus Van Sant who is producer on the film as well as Francis Ford Coppola, so you don't want to upset them by attracting fans and paparazzi to the set, I bet he will either stop coming to the set or leave all together before it becomes a freak show. He looks great, but I feel a littly motherly right now and want to tell him, "will you pull up your pants". However, I do luv the shirt.

neerja said...

@ iluvthemovies hahahahha.. elder sisterly comment frm my side ;) PULL UP UR PANT DEARIEEE :)

drabrasil said...

oh shit!!! this guy is HOT!
total sexybeast..
ohhhhh I just cannot stop smiling...he is my sunshine in a clod day!
LUV him.

drabrasil said...

I meant '...cloudy day.' but can be all days..every single one.

Mrs.Deen said...

lluvthemovies, i was reading your comment and cracking up...when I saw it, i just wanted to pull up his pants myself and pat his back and say son, why do you want to show your briefs to everyone... just pull the pants up darling...

Nicole, they have been together for a while now ..speculations were over a while ago atleast for some like me, they are not going to announce anything and I love that fact. yep I love to see them happy especially Rob.....

Yeh he looks so hot as usual but I hate the fact he smokes. Kid, it is time to stop now...just give it up darling.

Even though I wanted them to be left alone, i like this picture.

now I am off to work...

Love you all

LK said...

Rob is hot!Love the t-shirt!I'm glad that he got time for his gf,before he goes to London.

papagáj said...

I want to steal this shirt from him

i'm freak at finding rare t shirts
and THIS is awesome and message ....very clear

I love his wicked sense of humour

Jane said...

Rob has that rolled out of bed look...ummm..I don't need to go there. Wonder if the message on the back of his shirt is regarding all the twitter about his d... on the paparrazi picture in Malibu. A whole site has been developed for Rob's peen. Come on people, get a life.
Love the fact he is there with kristen and she looks so cute with her new hair color.

Nicole said...

@Mrs. Deen,

I never was speculating on him and kristen, just where he was going...Montreal or London.

There is no way someone can tell me they aren't together. :)

Nicole said...

if anyone is interested...this was sent to me by a friend a few mins ago... pap pics, so if you don't like, don't look:

twilightnan said...

Hi! everyone it seems nearly all the FAVS are here aside from Yaelfica,Oh MY GOD!!..He is so Hot in that tshirt and shades..@ Nicole,yes but u still have fans who are still in denial(mainly on anti- Kristen site)saying Rob was there mainly to visit his friend Tom Stu) these people makes me angry they all professing to be Rob's fans but cannot accept Rob is now in a relationship w/ Kristen and that she makes him happy!I was fumming last night when I saw this pics on another site but couldn't comment as I was not a member,and also too tired...@Iluvthemovies,@Jane,@Mrs.Deen,@papagaj,@Nicole..and Yaelfica...Do you have this feeling he must have read our comments on this know our obsession w/ that particular part of his anatomy?that message on the back of his tshirt could be meant for us lot!!haha...HOW I'd love to see a pics of Rob and Kristen would be Ecstasy!!..Big hugs to all Favs xxx

Nicole said...

HAHAHAH @twilightnan, if he did that would be the best joke ever! sadly, i think his shirt is just a shirt :)

I used to be anti Kristen, bc really, she is not that great of an actor (in more then just twilight). But, after watching Eclipse, my hubby turned to me and said "I think Kristen Stewart got acting lessons" and i agreed with him. She is becoming a better actor...ya know..probably bc of her man.

She also is absolutely beautiful, no wonder why he is in love with her. <3

twilightnan said...

@ Nicole,wow!I'm impressed u managed to get ur hubby to go to the cinema to see eclipse..mine wouldn't go but I managed to get him to sit w/ me to watch Twilight and NM..he thinks I'm crazy and wants to ban me from using his computer!..he is getting jealous, and says I'm probably having an affair as I'm spending so much time on the pc..anyway..loved ur comments today..I feel very happy R/K to bits..take care and as usual..Big Hugs to u and the rest of the FAVS!!

Nicole said...


Actually, my husband read the books as they came out years ago. He is a huge science fiction fan and listens to books on his way to work into DC every morning. He told me to read them a million times, saying it was a love story not so much a blood and guts book. I finally caved. It's mice bc we have something in common. He is not obsessed with rob like me, but when we want to watch a movie together we can pop in twilight!
I actually got him and his friend ( male who also read the books years ago) t-shirts that say "real men read twilight". They love them! My 2 year old son has one too.

meleny said...

@Nicole you're a very lucky girl!! I would be very happy if my husband likes a little bit Twilight,he thinks I'm crazy, ridiculous,because I'm not a teen girl,any way I don't care but sharing it with him will be nice!
I love the pics, Rob looks very Hot with that shirt.

twilightnan said...

Hi! @ Nicole,wow!..ur hubby has read the books+wearing twilight tshirt--that say"real men read twilight" that is super impressive!!..I don't think my hubby would wear a twilight tshirt but I'm working on our 3 grandchildren..It was my daughter who got me into Twilight and as soon as I saw the film and saw Robert Pattinson as Edward Cullen..well life has never been the same again,for me anyway.hahah!:)hugs to u all favs!:)

OCD56 said...

I agree with twilightnan about the double message on Rob's shirt. If he has read some of the comments about his "lower anatomy" I have read, he may be embarrassed by this. Are we just treating him like a piece of manmeat? When I read some of these comments I just laughed about it, but now I think maybe his fans should show him more respect for the incredible person that he is (a great actor, a great musician, a sweet person).

♪♫ Yaelfica ♪♫ said...

ahahahaha @twilightnan yeah mine has never been the same either!!

and about the t-shirt in twitter there's the same speculation about that pic we ALL lusted on....and some say there is a site dedicated to it so i don't know but i'm inclined to think it is a anti-papz' t-shirt...wont u agree? funny about ur hubby and i'm glad for u ;)

kisses to the favs

JA said...

@yaelfica, THAT'S what a phone in the pocket looks like, hehe :)

♪♫ Yaelfica ♪♫ said...

O_O @JA ahahahahahahahaha

i was gonna say that if "get off my d***" is dedicated to all of us lusters then u guys win!it WASN'T a cellphone then!! it is confirmed finally!!!
i'll stop the speculation then ahahaha

Sara said...

Love Love LOVIN the shirt, he is a bit to young for the Beastie Boys, but he sure is Rockin that shirt! And it is Soo Effing funny to boot!

twilightnan said...

@ Yaelfica pls check libernet ,"Robsten Sensual" video.. have a look at the scene in NM,when Bella run to stop Edward from stepping forward to be under the sun..anyway,back to this hot pics..@ Sara...your comments ROCKS!!love it!:) goodnight and hugs to all my FAVS!!

Sara said...

@twilightnan, Thanks a bunch! I happen to Love Roberts style, it makes me think he is a bit more "normal" then the average Super Star Actor, that includes most of the cast, they were all mostly Indi actors, and even though they have shot right to the top, they seem to be grounded by something OTHER then acting! This Blog happens to be the ONLY one I go to for Robert Pattinson info. Most of the time I skip the Pap shots that arent from a movie set, bc paps are the stuff that pond scum feed on, But I saw the shirt, zoomed into the saying on the back and I just HAD to put my two cents in! And I just wanted to say that my husband has also gone to see all of the movies with me! He is not a reader, but is interested enough to go see the flims! We both agree Eclipse was not as good as it should have been! He also puts up with my non stop FF reading! What can I say he loves me! :) Good night all!

snooze said...

Yes, he is perfect but give this girl some credit too. He's the only one that gets all the attention and he obviously likes her a lot.

Unknown said...

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