E!Online is reporting that Paris Hilton has the hots for Rob.

Watch out, Robert Pattinson!
It sounds like Paris Hilton wouldn't mind sinking her teeth into you.
"I just saw Twilight last night for the first time, and I have to say that I think Rob is a beautiful man and an amazing actor," Hilton gushed to us at Cash Money Records' Lil Wayne party. "He's fabulous!"
Yes, Hilton realizes she's a little a late to the Twilight game...
"Now I understand all the hype," she explained. "I just didn't get it before, but now it all makes sense. I really enjoyed the movie and loved watching Rob in it."

let us pray...
please no... please.
I am praying right now....
Well, of course...
yikes! Nooooooooo!!!
holy god. please let him be smart. oh please.
Well, he is faster than the others...
Well, he is faster than the others...
he is faster but not stronger!!Paris is really dangerous kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Rob's facial expressions are priceless. Well done!
Run to my house Rob, I won't tell anyone your hiding in my bed...err, under my bed...lmao
Paris Hilton Sucks! I hate her xD
They are so completely different it makes me laugh. lol I think it's obvious Rob wouldn't go for someone like her.
Plus I can't stand her!
OH NO!! Paris is barking up the wrong guy!! Please let us all pray just in case… Rob RUN!! RUN FAST!! -lol
oh my god!!! run!!!!
Rob says he likes girls with mystery and um talent. She has neither. I don't think we should be too worried.
Give Rob some credit- first off.
Secondly, can we blame her? she isn't blind!
I don't think Rob would ever stoop that low. I mean seriously.. the man has got to have good taste and she is a complete idiot. I don't think he would like to be with someone who wants to be in the spotlight 24/7. Besides, if he feels the need to start running from her.. there is a bed in Arkansas that he can always stay in ;)
The facial expressions you guys did are brilliant.
I think that we all know there's no chance for Paris...ya...none.
Please ROB NO! Don't get swallowed into the black hole that is Paris's vagina...we may never see you again. ANYONE but her...
I agree with Laura :)
RUN ROB...RUN...!!!!
now, wait a second.. they could be cute together...
i'm sorry what? i think i just went temporarily insane for a second.. what was the question?
1. who does Paris NOT have the hots for.
2. Rob has better sense than that i'm sure he'd be flattered but i don't see him getting involved with anyone that has the reputation of paris hilton at least if he did i'd be shocked
Well if she can go for the likes of Mr. Madden, then it wasn't going to be long before she caught wind of Robert mania! I would guess that they will never travel in the same circles and hence she will never get a chance to flirt with him/meet him..unless she tries to orchestrate a meeting...wonder how he would react?
to use LA parlance.. AS IF.
Haha, nice animations.
OMEC! I liked the animation at the end. I had the same reaction after reading this
LMFAO those clips are HILARIOUS!!!! How did u do that??????
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