Robert Pattinson films new scenes in Georgia for his latest movie "Water for Elephants" in which he co-stars with Oscar winning actress Reese Witherspoon. The British actor filmed scenes outside a farmhouse in rural Georgia where he can be seen getting out of a vintage Ford and leaving his family wearing a tweed suit and bow tie

Thanks to setje at Pattinsonlife
This man is mesmerizing. He can transcend any time period. Eonline has an article comparing Zac Efron to Robert and who would have the more successful career. As far as longevity is concerned, I give it to Robert because he is one of the few young actors that looks good in any time period. Look at him in his 30's depression outfit, he looks amazing. Here is a link and tell me if I am wrong if he would not be perfect to portray Jesus, in the remake of Jesus Christ Superstar, with Beyonce as Mary Magdaleine. Zac I am certain will be successful, but I do believe his roles will be limited and Robert has boundless opportunities to play a role in any era or century.
@ Iluvthemovies..ita w/u..he is mesmerising everyone as u can see..even the police ranger is busy taking pictures..of Rob no doubt!!I wonder where he is off to now as soon as the filming wraps up completely?..great crowds at the location..hopefully some of the fans had a glimpse of Rob even briefly..I'm sure he was as disappointed as the fans...HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE FAN WHO PUT UP THE POSTER ...we're extending you this greetings on behalf of Rob and all his trizillion fans all over the world!!
wow!! he's so darn handsome!! he takes my breath away!!! can't wait for the movie!! :)
I agree with iluvthemovies, Rob's career will surpass Zac's. Zac is too pretty and that is limiting. Rob is very handsome, but he can play down his looks - to a surprising level - as in Bad Mothers Handbook and How to Be. Add to that his natural talent and the undefinable thing that just draws your eye to him whenever he is on camera. We will get to enjoy his work for a long long time. Yea!
@Iluvthemovies i like Efron but he's a little short and beefy, Rob is tall and slim, it fits so much better in the characters, Rob can play anyone!! he changes so much to characters to characters, if you see o pic of him on Bel Ami set, you give him 35 y.o and look for the first pics that came out on the set on WFE you give him 20, 22, it's unbelievable
in the 6th pic from the top on the left the cop is taking a picture LOLOLOL!!!
so many nice pics
I bet Rob was so hot in that suit. This weekend was one of the hottest times in Georgia. The weather was 100 degrees. Maybe up in the mountains of North Georgia it was not as hot. I feel sorry for Rob having to work in this hot weather. I live just north of Athens, Georgia and I know how hot it was here. Of course he looks great in that suit.
Will we ever get over him? I don't know...I keep trying to but I just can't! Never seen anyone this amazing in years and years. Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Tom Cruise, have NOTHING on Rob in the looks dept. Hopefully one day Rob will catch up with them in the acting dept. Rob is a good actor, but one day he will be a great actor!
@twilightnan, JLC, and
I have to concur with many of the additional thoughts you mentioned about Rob and the longevity of his career.
I also noticed in one of the photos that there are two people standing behind Rob in period clothing, this must be his mother and father in the movie. This part of the movie (no spoilers) will be sad if it goes by the book. This is where I want to see his acting skills shine for Rob's sake because it will be difficult for him to find good parts if this movie is not successful at the box office. He needs a hit outside of the Twilight Saga to be certain he can receive good scripts or work with A-list actors and directors on future projects.
In another site a man, no less,
had responded to me regarding Remember Me and it stuck with me, if 10 percent of the people who went to see the Twilight Saga had gone to see Remember Me it would have been a successful movie. It would of doubled what it initially made. I know I don't need to tell anyone on this site to see the movie but I am going to promote it to friends and family and I am setting up a facebook page and will add it there as well. Here I go, making this comment way too long. My apologies.
Rob reminds me of Warren Beatty getting out of the car, like a young Clyde in Bonnie and Clyde. He is such a chameleon and I agree with LovsRob, he is on his way to become a great actor. Bet Rob didn't feel like layering in the Georgia sun.
Doesn't he look darling in his little bow tie? I just love bow ties, they are so cute to me. Rob looks completely adorable in them.
How does he manage to do that? How can he just transforms into these characters like that...he could look 20, 30, with just a wardrobe change. His demeanor changes, too. The way he walks and carries himself is exactly right. That's incredible. Rob, "you're gonna go far, kid." :)
I am with all of you..He will go far......His face changes every moment...I have never in my life has become a fan of any film stars and here i go caring and trying to protect this kid. I started adoring him not because of twilight movie but watching his interviews and I thought what a genuine, real , shy, humble, chill guy he was ...on top of it he is a jokster...he is hilarious...
lluvthemovies, believe me , do you know how many times I have thought about why rob's fan base did not go and see Remember me. If all his fans went, that movie would have made double or triple in US....I was so disppointed and saddened. That is the reason he thinks his fans are Edward fans not his...But all of us are his fans more than Edwards....I know it made good money internationally but I was so sad when the box office results came that weekend...
Part of the fault was Summmit's who really did a crappy marketing for Remember me...on top of it critics made it worse....I love Remember Me more than Twilight movies and watched it 3 times in the theater and bought DVD on the same day.....and I watch it atleast 2 to 3 times a week. Such a good movie and Rob is, oh God fantastic in it.
I am behind you to support Rob and his films...
Sorry this is a long comment. Just making up for the last two days...had a migraine...
Love you all..Have a great rest of the weekend....
@mrs.deen i hope u feel better..i really do.. we missed u..
@ALL OF YOU of course i'm a diehard fan of ROB and i also think he will be amazing in BA and WFE...tks for all the comments of support coz that makes me feel i'm not alone in this crazy thing called ROBSESSION ;D
i hate facebook but i will totally support @iluvthemovies
i hope u all do the same by following me in twitter @pattinsonian this account is exclusively dedicated to ROB(obviously) and to make his fandom bigger than already is. TKS in advanced!!
Beautiful Rob :)
wow I love the pics, and I agree with all of you, he's awesome, I can't wait to see this movie, I love Remember me and all of the movies that he was been on.
Hava a good night chicas!
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