It was amazing, I don't have words to describe, neither voice at all. I love it. Just this.. OH OH Robert, Kristen & Taylor were amazing. Really good job!
Was a great movie, alot of the book was captured....Charlie and Bella "the talk" scene was great. Going again tomorrow to watch it again. Hopefully this time without all the yelling and talking through the movie.
David Slade did a wonderful job. ALL of the actors were wonderful. Taylor L. really stood out in a good way and we finally got more of Edward and Edward with Bella. All my fav. Scenes were there. So happy and can't wait to see it again. I agree, once is not enough. Too much to take in the first time.
It was definitley the BEST of the series! Acting was awesome. Romance was just WOW! Sweet and passionate! Rob was by far the best Edward ever. Proposal and bedroom scene were incredible: sweet, endearing, passionate. Rob in the tent scene...I have no words. WONDERFUL!!! :)
Seems I am the only one not to be blown away by Eclipse. I loved Edward... Except him in graduation cap! LOL The big three were great.. I loved many parts but felt many were missing.. I just left me wanting. What? I don't know! LOL I'm hoping a second viewing will give me a better picture! :)
the official proposal scene in his bedroom was just mindblowing. Edward gets some kind of logorrhea and it was so sweet and just perfect. And the hug... Aww. :)
Everything except Victoria is thousand times better than NM. I loved the opening with the title, the eclipse was so dark, exactly how I imagined.
Well, there was no I-want-you-right-now scene but it didnt bother me and i throught it will if they cut put something as important as this scene.
Jasper and Maria, wow, so DARK, almost true-blood-ish, I would say.
Well, well, i could say 'love it' about just every single scene. xx
Oh geez where to even start? I thought everyone did well performance wise, so well that I was able to get lost in the characters and forget that I was watching the actors- which I tend to do by picking out their acting ticks lol. My cons were that I kinda felt like everything happened too quickly- it was like watching the book on warp speed. I coulda watched less of what the army was up to- like when the Volturi was watching them I felt that time could have been less. Also, I haven't decided on who's wolves I like better. And lastly, THE Eclipse line wasn't in there- that almost felt like one book quote that should have been a must. But the pros- OMG how perfect was Robward, seriously? He reminded me why I'm loyally Team Edward. I really enjoyed all the Cullens' screen time and the back stories and one of my fave sequences was the fight training. Of course all the romantic stuff was good- thank god because if that was off I wouldn't have been too happy haha. Okay I think this is long enough- now I need to go see it again...
Ok so I LOVED the movie- but hated how the book was turned in to a movie. The movie drap my jaw I LOVED LOVED LOVED it!! There was romance, fighting and laughter! It was great! The whole thing was shot close up. But I wish that they wouldn't have cut out some the the key things like the whole babysitting thing, and then end of Jaspers story when Edward kicks in with the Alice being so small but so annoying and stealing his bedroom. I also didn't like that the locations of that talk and Rosalies went down different places. And I was REALLY looking forward to seeing the dress and Jakes monologue at the end. I can't wait to see it again and the get it on DVD-I just wish they would have told me less that we found out in Bree and more what Bella knew in Eclipse.
It was amazing....better than the first and second together!!!
the effects were amazing,the book was a lot in there, i nearly cried when Edward was asking Bella to marry him... And what about Jacob/Bella's kiss??? OMG they were... :O "the talk" was hilarious!!! Charlie always cracks me up... the flasbacks were awsome, and Edward in a graduation gown??? gorgeous!!!!!
i loved the movie and i think i'm going to see it again!!!!!
It was amazing....better than the first and second together!!!
the effects were amazing,the book was a lot in there, i nearly cried when Edward was asking Bella to marry him... And what about Jacob/Bella's kiss??? OMG they were... :O "the talk" was hilarious!!! Charlie always cracks me up... the flasbacks were awsome, and Edward in a graduation gown??? gorgeous!!!!!
i loved the movie and i think i'm going to see it again!!!!!
Twilight will always be the start for me. The characters are growing with each movie. Eclipse stayed true to the book as much as it could. As mentioned, I smiled with Rob so much my face hurt. He was absolutely impossible to look away from, he face breathtaking. Everyone clapped when the movie finished and were smiling as they left the theater. I will be going again tomorrow to see other things that I didn't get to concentrate on since I couldn't look away from Rob.
Ladies, I am seeing it on Friday but I have read many reviews and I am so happy about the leg hitch and proposal scene being HOT!!! The one thing that I have not heard and I am curious about; is there any animosity between Charlie and Edward like in the book? Did Edward, Bella, and Charlie discuss where Edward and Bella would be attending college in the kitchen? I heard they do keep the scene where Edward is in Bella's truck and removes the carborator, but did he say the line to Bella if your mad leave the window closed? I loved that line in the book. Those are the only questions I have and I want to thank you all for sharing your reviews with us I am so eager to see this in two more days.
Very good!! But I usually hold my opinion, until I see a movie a couple times. You always see, and catch more the second visit. But, initial first impressions:
Vampire speed. I prefer Chris Weitz's version in "New Moon". It wasn't bad, per say, in "Eclipse", it was 'faster' but I think a combo of the two would have been much improved.
The Cullen's Are Vampires??: Why, yes, they are! It was nice to finally see them as such. Instead of the dreamy, sparkly, "Drink a human? Never!" Vamps we know them as, it was nice to see them in action, fighting, Rosalie and Jasper's red eyes, killing etc. Edward pissed off is a nice change too, much more emotions coming out of him this go around.
Some scenes, felt a bit rushed, like the editing was done in a frenzy.
Sparkle and Black eyes: Much more of both, and was great to see, sense they are noted so much in the books, as some of the few things about Vampires that change. But, I again, I think Chris Weitz's sparkle effect in "New Moon" was more lovely. But, David Slade did make the wolves more life like.
So...great acting, lots of dialogue direct from the book (HUGE BONUS), honestly, I think the only thing, in my opinion, that keeps "Eclipse" from completely outdoing "New Moon" is some of the special effects.
Movie was the best by far. A lot of the scenes were rushed in my eyes but I guess it would have to be to capture all of the book in about 2 hrs. Loved it!
This movie rocked beyond words! The sexual chemistry that was lacking in NM was back in full force! The action, the fast paced story line, the Cullens...too damn good, worth sitting through a hurricane threat to see! Can't wait to go again, & again, & again...
I just saw eclipse like less than an hour ago and I have to say I liked it a lot. Less than the previous two, but a lot, still! The official proposal was perfect; Rob was so good in that scene. But in my opinion there was too much action and too little romance; I think that if it would've been, say, half an hour longer they could've put a lot more stuff in it. I felt like something was missing but I just can't name it. But all in all I loved it!!! The acting was brilliant and I really liked all the visual details plus it was probably the funniest one of the three. And also the soundtrack was awesome... And, well, I guess I HAVE to say it(even though it's pretty obvious): Robert looked soooo good! ;)
wow! looking at all the comments,the overall opinion so far,was that Eclipse had generally met the fans high expectations..I cannot wait to see the leg hitch and the proposal,omg the anticipation and the excitement is killing me,I'll be watching ECLIPSE on sunday 4-july..SO not long now..thanks to everyone who put their comments about eclipse..except but one ,whose comments has entirely nothing to do about Eclipse..but about airshoes!!what a waste of space!!anyway where am I? OH YES TEAM EDWARD!!TAKE CARE ALL.
It's the best Twilight movie ever. But I want to say a few little things. I think, in the 1st movie, make up, hairs (especially Bella's & Alice's) and the forks scenes' colors are much better. And I hoped to see the fight scene longer. We have seen most the fight scene in fragments, right?. Eclipse was awsome! Effects were fascinating! Rob was great :) I guess, I'll watch it again. Totally I loved it!
This was the best film yet, however each film I loved because they all served their purpose!! this was just the most action filled book is all, and Robert NEVER looked hotter!!! Edward smiles so much more in the film, he has so much more emotions that show through, even when he is mad he is so hot!!!! It was the best, I remembered why I am team EDWARD!!
Hi @ Yaelfica and @ Iluvthemovies..My love in the leghitch/proposal scene must be even better!...omg..Sunday seems such a long way ..what's the crowds like at the cinemas where you live?..kisses to both and mrs.deen.
I am going today to see the movie and leaving work a little early. I just stepped out of my office which is in Calabasas, California and the theater there has a huge line to see the movie. I see guys, girls, adults everyone. Can't wait, so much hype and excitement.
Hi Twilightnan, I have reservations at a new theater called Gold Class Cinemas, located in Pasadena, California. There should be no lines as far as I know. I paid extra because I was so excited to see Eclipse I wanted to be certain I was not surrounded by sceaming and talking girls in the cinemas which many people have complained about and which I have experienced in the past. I am so happy we will be seeing it shortly.
Mrs. Deen enjoy the movie, look forward to your review.
Yaelfica, you are so welcome. I look forward to your review as well because I won't be seeing it until Friday. Enjoy.
It was awesome! The best twilight movie! I love it! Team Edward for ever! I'm so happy I'm so excited, I love Robert, he was awesome! ! I'm definitely going to see it three more times ;)
Okay I'm going to be shredded for saying this but Robsten physically are perfect for the parts of Edward and Bella but Jeesh! They are so bad at acting as them! Their acting is just SOOOO annoying to me. Neither of them come even close to having the fervor and passion that the characters have in the books. Pretty much everyone in the film is guilty of that and is SO BLAISE in the film except for Taylor Lautner. He's the only one who comes closest to portraying his character properly.
As far as the film Eclipse itself, I though it was very sterile in the way it's told. No creativity. It does have a semi cohesive story line to it, which is more than the other 2 films can say, but I still think all the films fail horribly especially with the acting.
hi fans!! specially twilightnan iluvthemovies and mrs deen..:D i can't wait and i confess that i like the screaming and comments of girls at the cinema...that's not normal behavour here so it's exiting for me to see their reaction to something i love as well...i actually threatened my 12 year old goddaughter that if she didn't scream as loud as everybody else i wouldn't take her to see it ever again!! hahaha she agreed of course ;) the last time this kind of hype happened was for "titanic" now u know what i mean.. hugs to u all
THE PROPOSAL SCENE WAS MY FAVORITE SCENE!! Especially the leg hitch lol. But I kinda didn't like it cause they deprived from the book SOOOO much, I didn't get exactly the Edward I wanted.....but it was something. BRING ON BREAKING DAWN!!!!
Wow Wow what a hoot...I just came back after watching the movie. Actually where I went there were so many adult guys and it was kind of family atmosphere with guys commenting more than girls. I can't thank David Slade enough, he did a good job. It may not be exactly like the books but when we get out of that theater we don't feel like empty inside. It made you happy and it was really close to the books. It had funny moments, embarassing moments and oh my God that proposal scene was so good I felt like Rob was really asking kristen to marry her...The entire theater was so into it...leg hitching absolutely amazing.....I had a slight distaste in my mouth when J/B kiss went a little longer than it needs to be but I understand the book had pages describing the kiss. Most of the people in the theater kind of felt awkward I think. The guys in the theater did not take Edward's silence after that happily..I felt like they wanted him to be pissed or even not take Bella back. But we know Edward, he is a sweet heart and Bella is his existance. Guys don't get it....
To make it short both my daughter and myself had smiles on our faces when we got out of the theater. I want you to know my daughter (16) who is much mature for her age and is a good critic did not like prior two movies. She liked this one.
I will go and see it again on the daughter said once is enough for her ..I told you I am worse when it comes to Rob. He did a wonderful job , everyone did but he was so so beautiful. I felt happy for Edward and Bella. Also happy that everyone got a chance to act. Wonderful job guys
OMG ... From the first scen..i directly loved it !!!! so please..the movie comentator..don't underestimate eclipse..the haters and not underestiamte eclipse and twilight saga !!!! David slade did a GREAT JOB!!!! Edward ??? of course wonderful..all the comments above are representating my opinion Bella ??? Beautiful..of course..that's why rob fallin love wit kris... Jacob ??? he's good..damn...LOL..i hope Taylor wouldn't steal the BEST KISS AWARD from Rob next year :D The fight ??? awesome...very good... more like "guy-thing" and it makes Eclipse more perfect than the other two :) The Cullen : good..the history of Jasper..i loved it, but not Esme..i dont know..just dont like it Meadow scene??? FANTASTIC!!!!!! not in the I LOVED IT !!!! Bed scene?? i think i need to watch Eclipse again..hahaha... just to make clear what i see..hahaha.. Bella is so welltrained loosin up Edward's button..OMG... wkwkwkwk
i wish i can order the DVD right now....LOL so..i can slow-mo the meadow scene..the bedscene..and all the kissing scene of Bella-Edward..
I loved, I loved and I loved! It was amazing, I dind't expect it so real like the book, but everythinh was pretty perfect! Congratulations for all cast!
Eclipse was the best movie out of the 3. I am so impressed with how true they tried to keep to the book and still being able to keep it within 2 hours.
The proposal scene was more than I could have asked for and I think all felt the same. My only real issue was the ring. It looks so fake! I guess I was expecting this amazing antique ring with intricate metal work and a big single diamond in the middle. Not a costume jewelry ring. If they change that out in Breaking Dawn I would be really happy about it. What is everyone else's thoughts on the ring?
I am a huge Kristen supporter and I think she totally delivered in this movie. You can tell she worked so hard at this role. She was more focused and more experienced then the other movies.
Rob was more sexy and amazing as ever.
Taylor was good too but seriously did they need the official kiss to last as long as it did??! I'm obviously team Edward.
With all that I cannot wait for Breaking Dawn Part 1! I have a feeling they will have to rate it R which I think the older audience will be very happy about.
I love it!!!!!!!! OMG the proposal... hitch leg!!! ahhhhh .... the newborns great.......everything so good.... and charlie and "the talk" LOL .... edward... ohh what can i say..I LOVE HIM HE IS SO SWEET IN THE MEADOW !!!
I don't like the ring either, I like better the one that Stephanie design with Infinity jewelry ,thats better, I don't know why they didn't use that, I hope they change it for BD too.
Kat....Your comments are the only negative comments on the site. Hummm....If you feel all three movies have failed, then you definitely do not want to see Breaking Dawn...just saying.
From Sweden Wi loved the movie I and two girlfriends had the pleasure of attending movie marathon, all three films in one day. Wonderful, Robert, is eye candy =)
@Kat : I love the Twilight Saga Books, I love Rob but you're totally right. I agree. I think, because of the fame, they don't pay much attention about acting. In the interviews, they look bored from the Twilight stuffs, to me.
I just keep hoping someone will direct them properly :D There was so much about this being the best one so I went with my fingers crossed but sadly that didn't help. I always have the books to keep me blissfully fantasizing.
Yaelfica said... i loved rob's acting better in this one but.. don't hate me.. i didn't like the movie and i dont know WHY!!.. the music was a bit off and i LOVE howard shore!..everything was going too fast maybe or my expectations were too high or i've watched too many clips from the movie or too many interviews...i don't know...i was sad i was the only one who didn't applaude at the end...i was kind of confuse or something..or i was waiting for something else...maybe i need to see it again as @papagáj did...and then i will be happy again hehe....
sorry if u didn't like my comments..i'm off to bed..kisses
My favorite movie so far!! Edward and Bella's chemistry seemed much more believable this time around. I really enjoyed all the dialogue taken straight from the book. Loved the tent scene!!
@ Yaelfica,..Hi,I'm so sorry to know that u were dissappointed after seeing eclipse..well maybe you were right that ur expectation was high or maybe an overload of previews/clips it's good you're going to try a see it again like..@papagaj did and give u more time to absorbs Twilight's magic effects..don't worry we still love regardless!he he..I'm sure @Iluvthemovies + @ Mrs.Deen share my feelings! take care!!
twilightnan, you are absolutely right. Yaelfica, dont' you worry, all of us went with certain expectations, I did not have much expectation as I was not a big fan of the first two, but ofcourse went and saw it more than twice. When I went to see Twilight I was came out stunned and literally went back to see it agian the same day. I am sure you will like it a little bit more the second time. Let us know how you feel the second time around.
I will be going again this weekend and my daughter decided she is coming too. I knew that would happen.
I want to wish all of you again a wonderful Eclipse weekend. Take care.
@yaelfica, I agree with Twilightnan and Mrs. Deeen you never need to worry about expressing your honest opinions as long as they are not hateful towards someone personally. That is why I luv this site, you can express different opinions without all the hateful comments. This thread is the reaction board not the I love Eclipse board. We want to hear what others felt about the movie whether it is good or bad. I do feel bad that the movie did not meet your expectations. That is what I am worried about tonight. I am keeping an open mind however and I will let you know my thoughts after I return.
saw the movie... loved it but i was disappointed, i thought Bella's venerability and insecurity was the biggest part of eclipse thats why she worried far too much abt losing Edward, the movie was rushed in i don't understand the need to show her strong ........she is so stone cold i dint feel she either deserved Edward or Jacob, there are such beautiful moments in the book btwn her and Jacob none of them there in fact when she goes to meet him after the fight is so beautiful where she justifies her love for Edward and feels Jacob's pain too....... like was when she faces Edward after she has kissed Jacob or when after Victoria dies the discussion btwn her and ed is so........ or for that matter when she tells Edward to stay with her and not 2 fight i think this scene was completely ruined. and i thought there was nearly a choice when it came to Edward but then again i was wrong. to be honest i had the leaked script and i read it which at that point i thought was doing justice to the book but then this is even worse thank god they re shot the tent scene bcoz the lines r different that from script... i think Chris weitz was the only who got close to Bella's character i cant imagine eclipse Bella to be a mother and wife i am sorry its just too hard to digest imagine her waking up crying and pursuing Edward very difficult ........ David Slade might be good in actions but i doubt he can get the emotions right here he has not stuck to the book or read it i guess and how could Myer's let this happen ......... ok now that i have said so much bad i still loved the movie many reason's "Edward Cullen/RPatzz " has never looked hotter, and his smile............ ah made me wana blush..... when he hands her the bracelet or the leg hitch or when he proposes OMG or when he smiles at jacob in the tent that was just.............felt bad for him when she is so rude to him be in the parking lot or when he feels helpless in the tent or when she run's after jacob before she kisses him and Jasper u the way he looks at alice when they fight & good to see more of Dr cullen too....... is this the best of three i don't know may i need to more than once to and last but not the least i hope this teamed and team jacob nonsense is over now that it has settled on the big screen
Okay, first disclaimer: movies are never as good as the books. I liked eclipse and thought all of the actors did a nice job. However, I felt like the storyline was missing in that it never really captures how deeply Bella feels about Jacob. I felt like the goodbye scene with Jacob was too short and not emotionally draining enough on Bella. I especially missed one of my favorite parts: when she leaves Jacob and Edward finds her crying in her truck and she sobs and cries all night similar but not the same as when Edward left her in New Moon. She tries to throw off her bracelet and Edward tells her to keep it because it's part of who she is. And the next morning he questions if she made the right choice because he's never seen her in so much pain. I just don't think the movie showed enough of Bella's inner emotional struggle over Jacob. Also I missed the funny dialogue from the book after Bella punches Jacob and returns home. The movie played it as much angrier and intense between the guys when in fact Bella is the one who is angry in the books. I, too missed the whole kidnapping scene with Alice and the phone calls Bella makes during that scene. Overall, I did like the movie, but as with the others I missed smaller scenes from the book with good dialogue that often are left behind to move the movie along. I suppose some of us fans of the book would like a word-for-word movie adaptation. But since that's just not possible, we will take these what we are given because they really aren't that bad. I will probably enjoy it more on DVD when I can watch it a few more times. I just hope the 3 key actors do the audio commentary on the DVD. I enjoy hearing what they were thinking during filming.
ooohhhh tks u guys!! @twilightnan @mrs.deen @iluvthemovies yes i'm going back tomorrow with my best friend (finally she came to her senses hehe) and my goddaughter who now is a bigger fan of rob and twilight than myself :D i really didn't want to spoil anything for u but i want it u to know...ur comments are one of the best parts of everyday posts...really..
@reshma @mistygirl i agree with u on the fact that yes i know not everything can be in the movie but some things i thought were very important were missing imho...
i'm glad everybody else loved it here in my town coz i want more ROB and twilight fans!
i will never forget the applause and screaming when "the eclipse" came on exciting
I just returned from watching the movie, it is a great improvement over New Moon. The romance is back and Rob looks so delectable and dreamy. Taylor and Kristen did an outstanding job as well. All the actors did and my shout outs to Xavier Samuel and Jackson Rathbone. They gave outstanding performances.
I really liked the movie but I did not love the movie and I have to agree with some of the other ladies on this thread the main problem for me was the pacing of the film. Pivotal scenes were cut way to short. This movie should have been extended to 2 1/2 hours to really have worked well. Although many people loved the movie I know as well there are many like me that found the pacing horrible. I didn't feel the connection to the characters.
The proposal scene was very good but way too short. The tent scene awesome, so many scenes clipped and rushed that the I felt hardly an attachment to any of the characters.
All in all out of 5 stars I would give this 3 1/2 stars. The acting improved and the chemistry between Edward and Bella for the most part has returned. The pacing and some of the dialogue was less than stellar. AT first I thought I would have no problem with the last scene but once Edward said "so it is not for me" I thought where did this psycho-babble come from Bella come from. What was Melissa trying to convey with Bella telling Edward that she felt awkward, so she would forsake her family to become a vampire but not really to be with Edward. Made no sense to me.
As I stated a good movie but still a bit underwhelming in my opinion. However, the proposal scene and the tent scenes are the best scenes in the movie. I wished I had loved it but at least it was a vast improvement over NM and the romance is back on.
Hi @ Iluvthemovies..intersting review ,ur feedback is more or less the same as few of the others on this thread ..It must be terrible to have this feelings of being slightly let down by some areas of the film..I would probably feel the same,I hate this when Bella rode away with jacob in the car park which was not in the book missing the beautiful and very funny interactions between R/B in the classroom when they were changing notes ,I love that part in the cannot help the high expectations especially if you know the characters in the book by heart .I'm glad to know the chemistry between e/b are back I'm going to the 11:00 am show tomorrow with my daughter after I've attended the mass service I'll give my feedback tomorrow..kisses to u ,to ur grandma ,Yaelfica and Mrs.Deen!
@lluvthemovies i am so with u on the last meadow scene but there is no point blaming the writer in the script it was suppose to be more intense and passionate when she says sorry. in the book it says there is no point of forever with out Edward but..... I think the director is at fault here
@reshma, I did not know that. My apologies to Melissa. If that is the case that was a very bad move under David Slade's direction. Thank you for letting me know.
@twilightnan, Mrs. Deen, and Yaelfica, I watched the movie again today and I actually liked it more today than yesterday, maybe because I knew what to expect. However in the future for any of the movies Rob is in I am skipping the clips and hype I think it really builds so much up for the individual and when it does not deliver, you do have a letdown.
I still am unable to say the words to describe how gorgeous Rob looks in the movie, gorgeous does not cut it. Jasper and Alice's time on screen are adorable. Emmett and his "badass" comment to Bella when she slugged Jacob is priceless. After David Slade mentioned in a recent video that Rob and Kristen knew how to do the meadow scene, because they were together (assumed) made the leg hitch scene even hotter and I needed a cold shower.
I still despised the last speech from Bella and thanks to reshma for correcting my assumption that Melissa wrote those lines, so whoever did, it was rather disturbing after her accepting Edward's marriage proposal. When Bella finally makes her decision and goes to see Jacob, I thought what a heartless b***h. No tears or nothing just a blank stare. While the poor guy has sweat from his pain or morphine. Leaving out the Eclipse line was also a letdown.
The Proposal and Tent scenes priceless.
Thank you Twilightnan for your good wishes and enjoy the movie, I promise you won't be disappointed in Robert. I also agree with you that I wish they had done the scene in the classroom as well, I thought it especially funny when she writes him if they are about to crash in a plane what would he do. A great scene from the book.
Take care ladies, btw who won the football game between Germany and Argentina?
Hi to all! Iluvthemovies,Yaelfica,and Mrs.Deen..just got back after watching Eclipse it's 2pm London time and you are all waiting for my view..omg! I loved it,you were right to say the romance is back and more E/B scenes which obviously I liked.,the first meadow scene,the proposal ,the bedroom/leg hitch and the tent scenes were my! the kissing scenes between E/B was so romantic made me really hot and bothered !!hehehe..and Rob in the tent w/J and K,was impressive it must have been difficult to keep a straight face trying to remember your lines and looked serious with the three of them in close proximity ..I thought I was never going to say this..that I also liked Jacob on this film..credits to all the cast in my opinion they all delivered..Xavier and Rathbone's acting were very impressive and need special credits ..I did watched Jacob /Bella kissing scene ,I was going to close my eyes when that scene came but did'nt,I did not see any passion in that kiss but anger that Edward has to be standing there watching them it is different whenE/B could feel deep passion..ITA with mrs.deen during the proposal scene it feels like Rob was actually asking Kristen to marry him..must not forget the werewolves..they were great especially during the fight scenes with the newborn..and all the Cullens were all lethal during the fighting..well thats all for now I'm definitely going to see it again next week..I was surprise to see a lot of men in the audience it's amazing they were more enthusiastics than the women..Iluvthemovies,I'm glad you liked eclipse the second's definitely lovier the second tme around! love to all and ur grandma xxx.
@reshma I did not have a chance to read your review and finally read it. Your comments are spot on regarding the movie. I do think Eclipse was a better movie than New Moon. However, I do agree that Bella's performance was better in New Moon. The last scene when Jacob in wolf form leaves and she looks at him she has actual tears in her eyes. I rarely saw emotions from her in Eclipse. When I wrote my first review, it was late and I said she did an outstanding job, I only meant Taylor did an outstanding job. When she was playing opposite Robert on the romantic scenes she seemed to come alive, but in other scenes opposite him you are correct she was a b***h. In my second review of the movie after seeing it again I stated that she was very cold.
I understand they don't want to portray Bella as a damsel in distress but she is a human girl surrounded by mystical beasts and has really no clue what to expect and yet it is one thing to be strong but we also as an audience want to see her vulnerability. I am glad that we are not the only people who felt that about the movie. I did enjoy the movie more the second time around. I am a movie enthusiast and there have been many successful adaptations of books to the screen and I do believe in 10 to 20 years they will redo the saga with one director and all the movies filmed back to back like Lord of the Rings so you do capture Edward and the other vampires at the age they are suppose to be. I hope they put in the bloodletting scene and the proper meadow scene in Twilight, a very believable break-up scene and the bedroom scene after Bella and Edward return from Italy where he tells her how much he loves her not a couple of lines and The vote scene with Edward storming off after Carlisle votes yes and you hear something break in the next room. In Eclipse I want the compromise scene with the leg hitch in it, the proper proposal scene and the school scene the way it should have been without Bella riding off on Jacob's motorcyle. That is what I want to see and in the meantime between the next remake of the movie if Stephanie can rewrite BD that would be nice as well, of course that is a dream of mine, and I know it won't happen.
@twilightnan, I am so glad you enjoyed the movie with your daughter. Can you get over how beautiful Robert looks, like in the books he is a male model next to Bella who looks like a plain Jane.
I know we feel about the same in regards to BD. I read a review of BD on A comment was made by a person known as Russ, it is not a man, she gave an idea how she would have wrote BD. I have pasted a link so you can see how she would have wrote it and I tell you I enjoyed this version and it had everything I would have wanted in BD. All the main characters live happily every after, there is no imprinting plus other things are missing which you will read and there is more drama than what Stephanie wrote for BD. Copy the link and paste it onto your URL addres, if you have any problems let me know. It is a very short but good read. Enjoy.
hi to everybody specially twilightnan, iluvthemovies and mrs.deen.. i'm really glad twilightnan got to see the movie finaly and enjoyed it..i went to see it again yesterday i too liked it better than the first time.. i still think that some things are unforgivable.. like after ed lets jacob hear that they are going to get married she disses ed to go to jacob that was very rude and bella never does that to ed in the book i mean it's not the worst thing that could have happen to me but it really make me mad... my goddaughter is so exited about this movie that she even wants an account so she can leave her own comment about it here..hahaha i don't know if i'll translate...hahaha iluvthemovies.. Argentina lost terribly and everybody is amazingly devastated about it, it's funny for me but not at all for everyone here...:)
@Iluvthemovies i always thought melissa dint justify the saga especially after chris int 4 new moon where he mentioned that the scene btwn cella carliel was not there in the script but he felt that it was very imp 4 the story but this time she this time its the director who is the culprit,i ù want the script let me know vl mail it to ù bella is much better on paper than on screen
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edwards smile made me smile and when i smile my face hurts from smiling to much.
LEG HITCH BABY!! damn kristen, you sure know how to get your boy goin rubbing your leg on his junk ;)
It was amazing, I don't have words to describe, neither voice at all. I love it. Just this.. OH OH Robert, Kristen & Taylor were amazing. Really good job!
My favorite movie so far! Loved having more of the Cullen Family. Tent scene and the leg hitch met all my expectations! Loved It!!!
Was a great movie, alot of the book was captured....Charlie and Bella "the talk" scene was great. Going again tomorrow to watch it again. Hopefully this time without all the yelling and talking through the movie.
Fantistic!! But I wanted the scene from the still in this post, but all in all, by far - this was the best of the three.
All Im going to say is LEG HITCH!!!!!!!
OMG it was amazing!!! :)
Loved this movie!!! By far my favorite and thought it was well done and better than the last 2, definitely does not disappoint!
David Slade did a wonderful job. ALL of the actors were wonderful. Taylor L. really stood out in a good way and we finally got more of Edward and Edward with Bella. All my fav. Scenes were there. So happy and can't wait to see it again. I agree, once is not enough. Too much to take in the first time.
film is simply HOT. Scenes between E/B are very beautiful. I wants one more time and one more time to go and to watch it.
LOVED.. LOVED.. LOVED ECLIPSE!!!!! So awesome!! Everyone did an AMAZING job!! <3 Robert!!!
It was definitley the BEST of the series! Acting was awesome. Romance was just WOW! Sweet and passionate! Rob was by far the best Edward ever. Proposal and bedroom scene were incredible: sweet, endearing, passionate. Rob in the tent scene...I have no words.
Seems I am the only one not to be blown away by Eclipse. I loved Edward... Except him in graduation cap! LOL The big three were great.. I loved many parts but felt many were missing.. I just left me wanting. What? I don't know! LOL I'm hoping a second viewing will give me a better picture! :)
OMFG!! What is Edward Cullen in Eclipse? If he gets even more perfect in BD I'm pretty sure I'm gonna have an heart attack!!!
Thank you sooOO much David Slade!!!
and Rob, you rocked!! as always...
I<3 you more than yesterday and less tha tomorrow... You're, definitely, the reason of my existence!!!
the official proposal scene in his bedroom was just mindblowing. Edward gets some kind of logorrhea and it was so sweet and just perfect. And the hug... Aww. :)
Everything except Victoria is thousand times better than NM.
I loved the opening with the title, the eclipse was so dark, exactly how I imagined.
Well, there was no I-want-you-right-now scene but it didnt bother me and i throught it will if they cut put something as important as this scene.
Jasper and Maria, wow, so DARK, almost true-blood-ish, I would say.
Well, well, i could say 'love it' about just every single scene.
Loved the movie. The fighting scene was amazing! Rob and Taylor are acting even better. Loved it!
Oh geez where to even start? I thought everyone did well performance wise, so well that I was able to get lost in the characters and forget that I was watching the actors- which I tend to do by picking out their acting ticks lol. My cons were that I kinda felt like everything happened too quickly- it was like watching the book on warp speed. I coulda watched less of what the army was up to- like when the Volturi was watching them I felt that time could have been less. Also, I haven't decided on who's wolves I like better. And lastly, THE Eclipse line wasn't in there- that almost felt like one book quote that should have been a must. But the pros- OMG how perfect was Robward, seriously? He reminded me why I'm loyally Team Edward. I really enjoyed all the Cullens' screen time and the back stories and one of my fave sequences was the fight training. Of course all the romantic stuff was good- thank god because if that was off I wouldn't have been too happy haha. Okay I think this is long enough- now I need to go see it again...
Ok so I LOVED the movie- but hated how the book was turned in to a movie. The movie drap my jaw I LOVED LOVED LOVED it!! There was romance, fighting and laughter! It was great! The whole thing was shot close up. But I wish that they wouldn't have cut out some the the key things like the whole babysitting thing, and then end of Jaspers story when Edward kicks in with the Alice being so small but so annoying and stealing his bedroom. I also didn't like that the locations of that talk and Rosalies went down different places. And I was REALLY looking forward to seeing the dress and Jakes monologue at the end. I can't wait to see it again and the get it on DVD-I just wish they would have told me less that we found out in Bree and more what Bella knew in Eclipse.
It was amazing....better than the first and second together!!!
the effects were amazing,the book was a lot in there, i nearly cried when Edward was asking Bella to marry him... And what about Jacob/Bella's kiss??? OMG they were... :O
"the talk" was hilarious!!! Charlie always cracks me up...
the flasbacks were awsome, and Edward in a graduation gown??? gorgeous!!!!!
i loved the movie and i think i'm going to see it again!!!!!
It was amazing....better than the first and second together!!!
the effects were amazing,the book was a lot in there, i nearly cried when Edward was asking Bella to marry him... And what about Jacob/Bella's kiss??? OMG they were... :O
"the talk" was hilarious!!! Charlie always cracks me up...
the flasbacks were awsome, and Edward in a graduation gown??? gorgeous!!!!!
i loved the movie and i think i'm going to see it again!!!!!
EDWARD is GORGEOUS!! His smile makes me speechless.. almost get heart attack when i see his smile..
Twilight will always be the start for me. The characters are growing with each movie. Eclipse stayed true to the book as much as it could. As mentioned, I smiled with Rob so much my face hurt. He was absolutely impossible to look away from, he face breathtaking. Everyone clapped when the movie finished and were smiling as they left the theater. I will be going again tomorrow to see other things that I didn't get to concentrate on since I couldn't look away from Rob.
Ladies, I am seeing it on Friday but I have read many reviews and I am so happy about the leg hitch and proposal scene being HOT!!! The one thing that I have not heard and I am curious about; is there any animosity between Charlie and Edward like in the book? Did Edward, Bella, and Charlie discuss where Edward and Bella would be attending college in the kitchen? I heard they do keep the scene where Edward is in Bella's truck and removes the carborator, but did he say the line to Bella if your mad leave the window closed? I loved that line in the book. Those are the only questions I have and I want to thank you all for sharing your reviews with us I am so eager to see this in two more days.
Very good!! But I usually hold my opinion, until I see a movie a couple times. You always see, and catch more the second visit. But, initial first impressions:
Vampire speed. I prefer Chris Weitz's version in "New Moon". It wasn't bad, per say, in "Eclipse", it was 'faster' but I think a combo of the two would have been much improved.
The Cullen's Are Vampires??: Why, yes, they are! It was nice to finally see them as such. Instead of the dreamy, sparkly, "Drink a human? Never!" Vamps we know them as, it was nice to see them in action, fighting, Rosalie and Jasper's red eyes, killing etc. Edward pissed off is a nice change too, much more emotions coming out of him this go around.
Some scenes, felt a bit rushed, like the editing was done in a frenzy.
Sparkle and Black eyes: Much more of both, and was great to see, sense they are noted so much in the books, as some of the few things about Vampires that change. But, I again, I think Chris Weitz's sparkle effect in "New Moon" was more lovely. But, David Slade did make the wolves more life like.
So...great acting, lots of dialogue direct from the book (HUGE BONUS), honestly, I think the only thing, in my opinion, that keeps "Eclipse" from completely outdoing "New Moon" is some of the special effects.
Movie was the best by far. A lot of the scenes were rushed in my eyes but I guess it would have to be to capture all of the book in about 2 hrs. Loved it!
This movie rocked beyond words! The sexual chemistry that was lacking in NM was back in full force! The action, the fast paced story line, the Cullens...too damn good, worth sitting through a hurricane threat to see! Can't wait to go again, & again, & again...
airshoes.. what are your comments all about, the Eclipse movie???
I just saw eclipse like less than an hour ago and I have to say I liked it a lot. Less than the previous two, but a lot, still! The official proposal was perfect; Rob was so good in that scene. But in my opinion there was too much action and too little romance; I think that if it would've been, say, half an hour longer they could've put a lot more stuff in it. I felt like something was missing but I just can't name it. But all in all I loved it!!! The acting was brilliant and I really liked all the visual details plus it was probably the funniest one of the three. And also the soundtrack was awesome... And, well, I guess I HAVE to say it(even though it's pretty obvious): Robert looked soooo good! ;)
wow! looking at all the comments,the overall opinion so far,was that Eclipse had generally met the fans high expectations..I cannot wait to see the leg hitch and the proposal,omg the anticipation and the excitement is killing me,I'll be watching ECLIPSE on sunday 4-july..SO not long now..thanks to everyone who put their comments about eclipse..except but one ,whose comments has entirely nothing to do about Eclipse..but about airshoes!!what a waste of space!!anyway where am I? OH YES TEAM EDWARD!!TAKE CARE ALL.
the tent scene: sexual tension between Jake and Edward!
like seriously, am i the only one who noticed this??
nice tnx
It's the best Twilight movie ever. But I want to say a few little things. I think, in the 1st movie, make up, hairs (especially Bella's & Alice's) and the forks scenes' colors are much better. And I hoped to see the fight scene longer. We have seen most the fight scene in fragments, right?.
Eclipse was awsome! Effects were fascinating! Rob was great :) I guess, I'll watch it again. Totally I loved it!
This was the best film yet, however each film I loved because they all served their purpose!! this was just the most action filled book is all, and Robert NEVER looked hotter!!! Edward smiles so much more in the film, he has so much more emotions that show through, even when he is mad he is so hot!!!! It was the best, I remembered why I am team EDWARD!!
i can't wait till tomorrow...can someone please tell me if MY LOVE. by SIA it's in the meadow scene?? PLEASEEEEE i'm dying to know...
From other posts I heard My love is during the leg hitch/proposal scene.
@iluvthemovies TKS!! the suspense was killing me...well not where i thought but fine by me!! ;D
Hi @ Yaelfica and @ Iluvthemovies..My love in the leghitch/proposal scene must be even better!...omg..Sunday seems such a long way ..what's the crowds like at the cinemas where you live?..kisses to both and mrs.deen.
Hi Everyone:
I am going today to see the movie and leaving work a little early. I just stepped out of my office which is in Calabasas, California and the theater there has a huge line to see the movie. I see guys, girls, adults everyone. Can't wait, so much hype and excitement.
Hi Twilightnan,
I have reservations at a new theater called Gold Class Cinemas, located in Pasadena, California. There should be no lines as far as I know. I paid extra because I was so excited to see Eclipse I wanted to be certain I was not surrounded by sceaming and talking girls in the cinemas which many people have complained about and which I have experienced in the past. I am so happy we will be seeing it shortly.
Mrs. Deen enjoy the movie, look forward to your review.
Yaelfica, you are so welcome. I look forward to your review as well because I won't be seeing it until Friday. Enjoy.
It was awesome! The best twilight movie! I love it! Team Edward for ever! I'm so happy I'm so excited, I love Robert, he was awesome! ! I'm definitely going to see it three more times ;)
Okay I'm going to be shredded for saying this but Robsten physically are perfect for the parts of Edward and Bella but Jeesh! They are so bad at acting as them! Their acting is just SOOOO annoying to me. Neither of them come even close to having the fervor and passion that the characters have in the books. Pretty much everyone in the film is guilty of that and is SO BLAISE in the film except for Taylor Lautner. He's the only one who comes closest to portraying his character properly.
As far as the film Eclipse itself, I though it was very sterile in the way it's told. No creativity. It does have a semi cohesive story line to it, which is more than the other 2 films can say, but I still think all the films fail horribly especially with the acting.
hi fans!! specially twilightnan iluvthemovies and mrs deen..:D
i can't wait and i confess that i like the screaming and comments of girls at the cinema...that's not normal behavour here so it's exiting for me to see their reaction to something i love as well...i actually threatened my 12 year old goddaughter that if she didn't scream as loud as everybody else i wouldn't take her to see it ever again!! hahaha she agreed of course ;) the last time this kind of hype happened was for "titanic" now u know what i mean..
hugs to u all
THE PROPOSAL SCENE WAS MY FAVORITE SCENE!! Especially the leg hitch lol. But I kinda didn't like it cause they deprived from the book SOOOO much, I didn't get exactly the Edward I wanted.....but it was something. BRING ON BREAKING DAWN!!!!
Wow Wow what a hoot...I just came back after watching the movie. Actually where I went there were so many adult guys and it was kind of family atmosphere with guys commenting more than girls. I can't thank David Slade enough, he did a good job. It may not be exactly like the books but when we get out of that theater we don't feel like empty inside. It made you happy and it was really close to the books. It had funny moments, embarassing moments and oh my God that proposal scene was so good I felt like Rob was really asking kristen to marry her...The entire theater was so into it...leg hitching absolutely amazing.....I had a slight distaste in my mouth when J/B kiss went a little longer than it needs to be but I understand the book had pages describing the kiss. Most of the people in the theater kind of felt awkward I think. The guys in the theater did not take Edward's silence after that happily..I felt like they wanted him to be pissed or even not take Bella back. But we know Edward, he is a sweet heart and Bella is his existance. Guys don't get it....
To make it short both my daughter and myself had smiles on our faces when we got out of the theater. I want you to know my daughter (16) who is much mature for her age and is a good critic did not like prior two movies. She liked this one.
I will go and see it again on the daughter said once is enough for her ..I told you I am worse when it comes to Rob. He did a wonderful job , everyone did but he was so so beautiful. I felt happy for Edward and Bella. Also happy that everyone got a chance to act. Wonderful job guys
Have a great Eclipse weekend.
Love you all
OMG ... From the first scen..i directly loved it !!!! so please..the movie comentator..don't underestimate eclipse..the haters and not underestiamte eclipse and twilight saga !!!!
David slade did a GREAT JOB!!!!
Edward ??? of course wonderful..all the comments above are representating my opinion
Bella ??? Beautiful..of course..that's why rob fallin love wit kris...
Jacob ??? he's good..damn...LOL..i hope Taylor wouldn't steal the BEST KISS AWARD from Rob next year :D
The fight ??? awesome...very good... more like "guy-thing" and it makes Eclipse more perfect than the other two :)
The Cullen : good..the history of Jasper..i loved it, but not Esme..i dont know..just dont like it
Meadow scene??? FANTASTIC!!!!!! not in the I LOVED IT !!!!
Bed scene?? i think i need to watch Eclipse again..hahaha... just to make clear what i see..hahaha.. Bella is so welltrained loosin up Edward's button..OMG... wkwkwkwk
i wish i can order the DVD right now....LOL so..i can slow-mo the meadow scene..the bedscene..and all the kissing scene of Bella-Edward..
I loved, I loved and I loved!
It was amazing, I dind't expect it so real like the book, but everythinh was pretty perfect!
Congratulations for all cast!
and i love so
Eclipse was the best movie out of the 3. I am so impressed with how true they tried to keep to the book and still being able to keep it within 2 hours.
The proposal scene was more than I could have asked for and I think all felt the same. My only real issue was the ring. It looks so fake! I guess I was expecting this amazing antique ring with intricate metal work and a big single diamond in the middle. Not a costume jewelry ring. If they change that out in Breaking Dawn I would be really happy about it. What is everyone else's thoughts on the ring?
I am a huge Kristen supporter and I think she totally delivered in this movie. You can tell she worked so hard at this role. She was more focused and more experienced then the other movies.
Rob was more sexy and amazing as ever.
Taylor was good too but seriously did they need the official kiss to last as long as it did??! I'm obviously team Edward.
With all that I cannot wait for Breaking Dawn Part 1! I have a feeling they will have to rate it R which I think the older audience will be very happy about.
I love it!!!!!!!! OMG the proposal... hitch leg!!! ahhhhh .... the newborns great.......everything so good.... and charlie and "the talk" LOL .... edward... ohh what can i say..I LOVE HIM HE IS SO SWEET IN THE MEADOW !!!
I don't like the ring either, I like better the one that Stephanie design with Infinity jewelry ,thats better, I don't know why they didn't use that, I hope they change it for BD too.
Kat....Your comments are the only negative comments on the site. Hummm....If you feel all three movies have failed, then you definitely do not want to see Breaking Dawn...just saying.
From Sweden
Wi loved the movie
I and two girlfriends had the pleasure of attending
movie marathon, all three films in one day.
Wonderful, Robert, is eye candy =)
@eq_chantique LOL!! great comments tks!!!
tks to u all for ur comments really...
I've seen twice so far and i ' m going to the twilight marathon tommorow.
first time i saw eclipse it didn't blow me
second time
OMG i felt in love
it's weird i know;)
Whole peoples was dazzled Slade get all the men and twilight virgins LOL
no annoying screams
only giggling ,clapping and positive vibes around
It was magic
@Kat : I love the Twilight Saga Books, I love Rob but you're totally right. I agree. I think, because of the fame, they don't pay much attention about acting. In the interviews, they look bored from the Twilight stuffs, to me.
I just keep hoping someone will direct them properly :D There was so much about this being the best one so I went with my fingers crossed but sadly that didn't help. I always have the books to keep me blissfully fantasizing.
@ kat, I love Rob (and kristen too) and I think they're trying harder to improve their acting's skill BUT in my opinion I blame on the script by MR.
both of them great in other movies, but agree with u about their acting in Elipse.
Yaelfica said...
i loved rob's acting better in this one but.. don't hate me.. i didn't like the movie and i dont know WHY!!.. the music was a bit off and i LOVE howard shore!..everything was going too fast maybe or my expectations were too high or i've watched too many clips from the movie or too many interviews...i don't know...i was sad i was the only one who didn't applaude at the end...i was kind of confuse or something..or i was waiting for something else...maybe i need to see it again as @papagáj did...and then i will be happy again hehe....
sorry if u didn't like my comments..i'm off to bed..kisses
My favorite movie so far!! Edward and Bella's chemistry seemed much more believable this time around. I really enjoyed all the dialogue taken straight from the book. Loved the tent scene!!
@ Yaelfica,..Hi,I'm so sorry to know that u were dissappointed after seeing eclipse..well maybe you were right that ur expectation was high or maybe an overload of previews/clips it's good you're going to try a see it again like..@papagaj did and give u more time to absorbs Twilight's magic effects..don't worry we still love regardless!he he..I'm sure @Iluvthemovies + @ Mrs.Deen share my feelings! take care!!
twilightnan, you are absolutely right. Yaelfica, dont' you worry, all of us went with certain expectations, I did not have much expectation as I was not a big fan of the first two, but ofcourse went and saw it more than twice. When I went to see Twilight I was came out stunned and literally went back to see it agian the same day. I am sure you will like it a little bit more the second time. Let us know how you feel the second time around.
I will be going again this weekend and my daughter decided she is coming too. I knew that would happen.
I want to wish all of you again a wonderful Eclipse weekend. Take care.
Sorry I made some errors on my comments above, too many words in certain places..sorry
I agree with Twilightnan and Mrs. Deeen you never need to worry about expressing your honest opinions as long as they are not hateful towards someone personally. That is why I luv this site, you can express different opinions without all the hateful comments. This thread is the reaction board not the I love Eclipse board. We want to hear what others felt about the movie whether it is good or bad. I do feel bad that the movie did not meet your expectations. That is what I am worried about tonight. I am keeping an open mind however and I will let you know my thoughts after I return.
saw the movie... loved it but i was disappointed, i thought Bella's venerability and insecurity was the biggest part of eclipse thats why she worried far too much abt losing Edward, the movie was rushed in i don't understand the need to show her strong ........she is so stone cold i dint feel she either deserved Edward or Jacob, there are such beautiful moments in the book btwn her and Jacob none of them there in fact when she goes to meet him after the fight is so beautiful where she justifies her love for Edward and feels Jacob's pain too....... like was when she faces Edward after she has kissed Jacob or when after Victoria dies the discussion btwn her and ed is so........ or for that matter when she tells Edward to stay with her and not 2 fight i think this scene was completely ruined. and i thought there was nearly a choice when it came to Edward but then again i was wrong. to be honest i had the leaked script and i read it which at that point i thought was doing justice to the book but then this is even worse thank god they re shot the tent scene bcoz the lines r different that from script... i think Chris weitz was the only who got close to Bella's character i cant imagine eclipse Bella to be a mother and wife i am sorry its just too hard to digest imagine her waking up crying and pursuing Edward very difficult ........ David Slade might be good in actions but i doubt he can get the emotions right here he has not stuck to the book or read it i guess and how could Myer's let this happen ......... ok now that i have said so much bad i still loved the movie many reason's "Edward Cullen/RPatzz " has never looked hotter, and his smile............ ah made me wana blush..... when he hands her the bracelet or the leg hitch or when he proposes OMG or when he smiles at jacob in the tent that was just.............felt bad for him when she is so rude to him be in the parking lot or when he feels helpless in the tent or when she run's after jacob before she kisses him and Jasper u the way he looks at alice when they fight & good to see more of Dr cullen too....... is this the best of three i don't know may i need to more than once to and last but not the least i hope this teamed and team jacob nonsense is over now that it has settled on the big screen
Okay, first disclaimer: movies are never as good as the books. I liked eclipse and thought all of the actors did a nice job. However, I felt like the storyline was missing in that it never really captures how deeply Bella feels about Jacob. I felt like the goodbye scene with Jacob was too short and not emotionally draining enough on Bella. I especially missed one of my favorite parts: when she leaves Jacob and Edward finds her crying in her truck and she sobs and cries all night similar but not the same as when Edward left her in New Moon. She tries to throw off her bracelet and Edward tells her to keep it because it's part of who she is. And the next morning he questions if she made the right choice because he's never seen her in so much pain. I just don't think the movie showed enough of Bella's inner emotional struggle over Jacob. Also I missed the funny dialogue from the book after Bella punches Jacob and returns home. The movie played it as much angrier and intense between the guys when in fact Bella is the one who is angry in the books. I, too missed the whole kidnapping scene with Alice and the phone calls Bella makes during that scene. Overall, I did like the movie, but as with the others I missed smaller scenes from the book with good dialogue that often are left behind to move the movie along. I suppose some of us fans of the book would like a word-for-word movie adaptation. But since that's just not possible, we will take these what we are given because they really aren't that bad. I will probably enjoy it more on DVD when I can watch it a few more times. I just hope the 3 key actors do the audio commentary on the DVD. I enjoy hearing what they were thinking during filming.
ooohhhh tks u guys!! @twilightnan @mrs.deen @iluvthemovies
yes i'm going back tomorrow with my best friend (finally she came to her senses hehe) and my goddaughter who now is a bigger fan of rob and twilight than myself :D
i really didn't want to spoil anything for u but i want it u to know...ur comments are one of the best parts of everyday posts...really..
@reshma @mistygirl i agree with u on the fact that yes i know not everything can be in the movie but some things i thought were very important were missing imho...
i'm glad everybody else loved it here in my town coz i want more ROB and twilight fans!
i will never forget the applause and screaming when "the eclipse" came on exciting
bear hugs to my favs!! hehe
I just returned from watching the movie, it is a great improvement over New Moon. The romance is back and Rob looks so delectable and dreamy. Taylor and Kristen did an outstanding job as well. All the actors did and my shout outs to Xavier Samuel and Jackson Rathbone. They gave outstanding performances.
I really liked the movie but I did not love the movie and I have to agree with some of the other ladies on this thread the main problem for me was the pacing of the film. Pivotal scenes were cut way to short. This movie should have been extended to 2 1/2 hours to really have worked well. Although many people loved the movie I know as well there are many like me that found the pacing horrible. I didn't feel the connection to the characters.
The proposal scene was very good but way too short. The tent scene awesome, so many scenes clipped and rushed that the I felt hardly an attachment to any of the characters.
All in all out of 5 stars I would give this 3 1/2 stars. The acting improved and the chemistry between Edward and Bella for the most part has returned. The pacing and some of the dialogue was less than stellar. AT first I thought I would have no problem with the last scene but once Edward said "so it is not for me" I thought where did this psycho-babble come from Bella come from. What was Melissa trying to convey with Bella telling Edward that she felt awkward, so she would forsake her family to become a vampire but not really to be with Edward. Made no sense to me.
As I stated a good movie but still a bit underwhelming in my opinion. However, the proposal scene and the tent scenes are the best scenes in the movie. I wished I had loved it but at least it was a vast improvement over NM and the romance is back on.
Hi @ Iluvthemovies..intersting review ,ur feedback is more or less the same as few of the others on this thread ..It must be terrible to have this feelings of being slightly let down by some areas of the film..I would probably feel the same,I hate this when Bella rode away with jacob in the car park which was not in the book missing the beautiful and very funny interactions between R/B in the classroom when they were changing notes ,I love that part in the cannot help the high expectations especially if you know the characters in the book by heart .I'm glad to know the chemistry between e/b are back I'm going to the 11:00 am show tomorrow with my daughter after I've attended the mass service I'll give my feedback tomorrow..kisses to u ,to ur grandma ,Yaelfica and Mrs.Deen!
@lluvthemovies i am so with u on the last meadow scene but there is no point blaming the writer in the script it was suppose to be more intense and passionate when she says sorry. in the book it says there is no point of forever with out Edward but..... I think the director is at fault here
I did not know that. My apologies to Melissa. If that is the case that was a very bad move under David Slade's direction. Thank you for letting me know.
@twilightnan, Mrs. Deen, and Yaelfica,
I watched the movie again today and I actually liked it more today than yesterday, maybe because I knew what to expect. However in the future for any of the movies Rob is in I am skipping the clips and hype I think it really builds so much up for the individual and when it does not deliver, you do have a letdown.
I still am unable to say the words to describe how gorgeous Rob looks in the movie, gorgeous does not cut it. Jasper and Alice's time on screen are adorable.
Emmett and his "badass" comment to Bella when she slugged Jacob is priceless. After David Slade mentioned in a recent video that Rob and Kristen knew how to do the meadow scene, because they were together (assumed) made the leg hitch scene even hotter and I needed a cold shower.
I still despised the last speech from Bella and thanks to reshma for correcting my assumption that Melissa wrote those lines, so whoever did, it was rather disturbing after her accepting Edward's marriage proposal.
When Bella finally makes her decision and goes to see Jacob, I thought what a heartless b***h. No tears or nothing just a blank stare. While the poor guy has sweat from his pain or morphine. Leaving out the Eclipse line was also a letdown.
The Proposal and Tent scenes priceless.
Thank you Twilightnan for your good wishes and enjoy the movie, I promise you won't be disappointed in Robert. I also agree with you that I wish they had done the scene in the classroom as well, I thought it especially funny when she writes him if they are about to crash in a plane what would he do. A great scene from the book.
Take care ladies, btw who won the football game between Germany and Argentina?
Hi to all! Iluvthemovies,Yaelfica,and Mrs.Deen..just got back after watching Eclipse it's 2pm London time and you are all waiting for my view..omg! I loved it,you were right to say the romance is back and more E/B scenes which obviously I liked.,the first meadow scene,the proposal ,the bedroom/leg hitch and the tent scenes were my! the kissing scenes between E/B was so romantic made me really hot and bothered !!hehehe..and Rob in the tent w/J and K,was impressive it must have been difficult to keep a straight face trying to remember your lines and looked serious with the three of them in close proximity ..I thought I was never going to say this..that I also liked Jacob on this film..credits to all the cast in my opinion they all delivered..Xavier and Rathbone's acting were very impressive and need special credits ..I did watched Jacob /Bella kissing scene ,I was going to close my eyes when that scene came but did'nt,I did not see any passion in that kiss but anger that Edward has to be standing there watching them it is different whenE/B could feel deep passion..ITA with mrs.deen during the proposal scene it feels like Rob was actually asking Kristen to marry him..must not forget the werewolves..they were great especially during the fight scenes with the newborn..and all the Cullens were all lethal during the fighting..well thats all for now I'm definitely going to see it again next week..I was surprise to see a lot of men in the audience it's amazing they were more enthusiastics than the women..Iluvthemovies,I'm glad you liked eclipse the second's definitely lovier the second tme around! love to all and ur grandma xxx.
I did not have a chance to read your review and finally read it. Your comments are spot on regarding the movie. I do think Eclipse was a better movie than New Moon. However, I do agree that Bella's performance was better in New Moon. The last scene when Jacob in wolf form leaves and she looks at him she has actual tears in her eyes. I rarely saw emotions from her in Eclipse. When I wrote my first review, it was late and I said she did an outstanding job, I only meant Taylor did an outstanding job. When she was playing opposite Robert on the romantic scenes she seemed to come alive, but in other scenes opposite him you are correct she was a b***h. In my second review of the movie after seeing it again I stated that she was very cold.
I understand they don't want to portray Bella as a damsel in distress but she is a human girl surrounded by mystical beasts and has really no clue what to expect and yet it is one thing to be strong but we also as an audience want to see her vulnerability. I am glad that we are not the only people who felt that about the movie. I did enjoy the movie more the second time around. I am a movie enthusiast and there have been many successful adaptations of books to the screen and I do believe in 10 to 20 years they will redo the saga with one director and all the movies filmed back to back like Lord of the Rings so you do capture Edward and the other vampires at the age they are suppose to be. I hope they put in the bloodletting scene and the proper meadow scene in Twilight, a very believable break-up scene and the bedroom scene after Bella and Edward return from Italy where he tells her how much he loves her not a couple of lines and The vote scene with Edward storming off after Carlisle votes yes and you hear something break in the next room. In Eclipse I want the compromise scene with the leg hitch in it, the proper proposal scene and the school scene the way it should have been without Bella riding off on Jacob's motorcyle.
That is what I want to see and in the meantime between the next remake of the movie if Stephanie can rewrite BD that would be nice as well, of course that is a dream of mine, and I know it won't happen.
I am so glad you enjoyed the movie with your daughter. Can you get over how beautiful Robert looks, like in the books he is a male model next to Bella who looks like a plain Jane.
I know we feel about the same in regards to BD. I read a review of BD on A comment was made by a person known as Russ, it is not a man, she gave an idea how she would have wrote BD. I have pasted a link so you can see how she would have wrote it and I tell you I enjoyed this version and it had everything I would have wanted in BD. All the main characters live happily every after, there is no imprinting plus other things are missing which you will read and there is more drama than what Stephanie wrote for BD. Copy the link and paste it onto your URL addres, if you have any problems let me know. It is a very short but good read. Enjoy.
hi to everybody specially twilightnan, iluvthemovies and mrs.deen..
i'm really glad twilightnan got to see the movie finaly and enjoyed it..i went to see it again yesterday i too liked it better than the first time..
i still think that some things are unforgivable.. like after ed lets jacob hear that they are going to get married she disses ed to go to jacob that was very rude and bella never does that to ed in the book i mean it's not the worst thing that could have happen to me but it really make me mad...
my goddaughter is so exited about this movie that she even wants an account so she can leave her own comment about it here..hahaha i don't know if i'll translate...hahaha
iluvthemovies.. Argentina lost terribly and everybody is amazingly devastated about it, it's funny for me but not at all for everyone here...:)
@Iluvthemovies i always thought melissa dint justify the saga especially after chris int 4 new moon where he mentioned that the scene btwn cella carliel was not there in the script but he felt that it was very imp 4 the story but this time she this time its the director who is the culprit,i ù want the script let me know vl mail it to ù bella is much better on paper than on screen
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