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Don't miss award-winning director-writer-producer David Croenberg ('A Dangereous Method', 'A History of Violence' ' Eastern Promises') and actor Robert Pattinson ('The Twilight Saga' 'Water For Elephants'). Their new film 'Cosmopolis', based on the novel by Don DeLillo, debuted at the Cannes Film Festival and opens in New York on August 17.
When: Wednesday, August 15 - 6:30PM - 8:00PM
Where: The Times center - 242 West 41st St. NYC
I know two people who are attending this event and i am absolutely envious and very happy for them. I hope they provide us with pics and info about Rob and David.
@Iluthemovies...I'm also thrilled to know they are going...omg! be in the same room with Rob and his amazing director David Cronenberg for be there seeing and hear him talk and answer questions about his film Cosmopolis it's going to be awesome..hope our friend keep her cool and don't passed out:) know and you've seen what she's like in previous encounter with Rob:)..bring back lots of pics and info!!....WTH..this Flickr explorer..go put your ads somewhere else!
to bad there's no more tickets :( i would die to see him! please if some of the favs are going, post pics and tell us how do you do! of the FAVS is definitely going:)!!!..she has got her tix..we are all jealous..she is like "speedy gonzalez" when it comes to getting tickets..just put Robert Pattinson's name and she will move mountain to get it lol!..I'm sure she will share:)..hugs to all the Favs!..and thanks RPL ladies for your hard work running the site:)
Can't wait to see picture and videos!!!!!!!
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