

Adorable pictures from MTV

Fan Photos - All Rob's pics from Color.com


Gorgeous HQ pictures from ToR

Twilightish has a bunch of pictures (I think I'll crash blogger if I add all of them here + the ones already posted, so check them for more)

Twitipic: 1 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11- Lost track with a few twitpics. If your picture is here and I didnt credit, let me know and I'll add
great, when I am at work tomorrow I watch it all over here because it's in the middle of the night at that time...you'll have fun
oh my...I am sooo excited...
I'm really excited two of my Favs will be there!!Wow..to be able to see Rob on the Red Carpet will be an Amazing Experience..can't wait for the pics..thanks for all your hard work Mandy & Linda -RPL-..it will be quite late here in the UK but I will try to keep awake..IT'S...ROB!!how can I fall asleep?LOL!!..Hi there Twilola,and Yaelfica..big hugs to both of you<3<3<3.
Thank you for putting up the streams. Very enjoyable.
do we reallllly need headless pics of rob????
thanks for the hard work RPL!!
hi to my FAVS!! @JA and @iluvthemovies were there!! those lucky ladies!!! love them but hate them at the same time hehe...just kidding
sorry to say this but Christoph looks hotter than ROB in this pics...and i'm afraid of that guy tbh...what happened? me not like the red hair...
reese was gorgeous!!
love to all ROB fans!!!
Thank you for your time and effort here, so to give Rob's fans so much!!! He really does have wonderful fan site and fan support. I luv him, he deseves this!!! carolyn/milasmine
WHOOOOOOWWWWWW thank you for al this good work. I really enjoy this
Awesome pics. Thanks to Bleriana over at The Cold Shower for directing us here for the pretty! Amazing pics...I might need to borrow a few for my Rob folder. lol
@yaelfica...hair not at all red. natural brown color...lighter than it appears in most of these pics. and he was absolutely stunning!
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