Quotes from EW
''[Water for Elephants] makes you think about opportunities and missed opportunities and how important it is to live a full life.'' —Reese Witherspoon
''That was the other thing about Water for Elephants. There was something about the posture of the '30s, something that I felt my body could fit into — it was quite languid, which I find easier. I think modern-day things generally, I don't understand. I can watch actors move and there's something, there's some kind of snappy thing to it and I don't... I'm not snappy. There is a lack of snappiness." —Robert Pattinson
''There's something about her. She's just this genuinely nice person. I don't know if she puts an effort into creating a nice aura, but her mood dissipates over the whole set. It was a completely different environment from when she wasn't there. All the kids and the animals were just drawn to her.'' —Pattinson talking about Witherspoon
''He's dedicated. And he loves what he does. It's amazing, he got such an incredible opportunity so young and he intends to use every bit of it to make creative choices from here on out.'' —Witherspoon talking about Pattinson
''Well, it's a boy thing, right? To have dirty fingernails and dirty hair, and his clothes were dirty all the time. It was a nice escape for him to be tan and in the sun all the time instead of the vampire gear.'' —Witherspoon talking about Pattinson
How is it that I like these pics so much better?
Gorgeous, just gorgeous.
that was quick..hope to have at least 100 more! :)
kinda makes me want to snap his suspenders :)
@Nicole, LOL! These pic are absolutely gorgeous!!! This movie is going to be so epically awesome! :)
I love the pictures. :)
OMG!that pic of him in suspenders makes me wanna eat him..lol!!@Nicole..hahaha..I'd love to see you do that..I can see some of the favs and other regulars are here..Rob is like a drug to us..it's hard to stay away..WE are Hooked Big Time..lol..Gorgeous pics:)hi to Iluvthemovies,JA,Calihi27,Yaelfica,Mrs.Deen(..where are you..)and Twilola..hugs to all the favs! and thanks Rpl.
I hope there are LOADS more. :-D
@twilightnan, I know I haven't been commenting but I am here always. Really excited as everyone else for this movie to come out...Got Vanity fair and EW ..Proud to see him same as beforeand very excited for him. Hope WFE makes ton of money...Love to all especially my favs lluvthemovies, yaelfica, JA and you twilightnan ...Hope all of you are doing wonderful and staying healthy...Love and hugs always
no hesitation very rapidly it will be famous, due to its quality content
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