JACOBS: How close were you to getting the role of Edward Cullen in Twilight?
FERNANDEZ: You’ll have to ask Catherine. It appears that I was closer than I maybe remember. I did have a screen test and signed contracts and all that. But the thing that came out of it, whether I was second runner-up or not, was that Catherine and I liked each other, and she was gracious enough to keep me in mind for other things. I really don’t know how close I was to getting the part in Twilight. Did I want the part? I did. But I don’t think I was right or ready for it. And I don’t think anybody knew that it was going to be what it’s turned out to be. When Riding Hood came along, I thought it was a much better fit.
JACOBS: Is it strange to consider Robert Pattinson’s life? How that madness could have been yours?
FERNANDEZ: I don’t think it ever could have been mine. I think it would have been really, really bad for me. He seems like a really neat guy who’s handled himself amazingly well. I’m very grateful at this point that I didn’t get it. I remember when my agent called to tell me I didn’t get it. And then the next day I had an audition for something else. [laughs] When it came out, I was doing a movie with Ashley Greene, who’s in Twilight, and we went to the movies and watched it. It is a funny experience but I can’t say that it was one of the movies I was heartbroken over not getting.
Full interview at the source | via
"I can’t say that it was one of the movies I was heartbroken over not getting."
LOL! I think its funny how he dismisses the fact that he didn't get cast. Hey Shiloh! On behalf of Rob fans, we're glad you didn't get cast either.
I just don't get the reason, why the reporters ask any other actor about not casting them for the role Edward. And the other actors always get the attention by mentioning Rob's name... So this guy has his goal..we are speaking about him. Sorry, I was twmmy with our blog-name.
I find it funny when they say that "the madness could have been [his]" if he were cast as Edward, when in reality, I think Rob is one of the main reasons why Twilight blew up the way it did. If this dude got the part we all might not have even been attached to Twilight the way we are now.. just my thoughts.
@laura i'm soooo with u on that...the first time i saw it was like ..eh...and when i saw just ONE interview with ROB i was instantly converted to ROBsessism hehe
sour grape...
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