Everyone's saying 'I am number four' resembles Twilight
There are things that are similar between the two films and then those that are different.
You are touted as Britain's next Robert Pattinson!
All I can say is, he is a good looking guy!
Read the full interview at the source
Thanks to KstewDevotee
a lot of ppl in the UK wanted this guy for Edward actually...kinda cute...nothing on ROB tho :)
it really makes you realize just how ordinary every other guy is
I have to say, there are some really good looking British boys out there. Remember how some fans did not like Rob when it was first announced he would play Edward - he was not handsome enough. And I will admit to this (it is blasphemy I know), I was not too sure when I saw the first trailer ("I know what you are" with the icky blue tint). But when I saw Rob in an interview, his personality totally won me over. To me, it is his personality that makes him so yummy and he gets better looking with each interview. Looks are an accident of birth, and he has that, but who you are on the inside is where the real beauty comes through and he has TONS of that too!! If he were just a pretty face, we would all be bored with him by now.
@JLC ITA with u...@JA knows the whole story of how i "met" ROB...pretty long to tell here but similar to yours..
he's got it all, now i know :D
Hi girls, ITA with you, JCL and Yaelfica, he won me by his personality too. And with How to be... And can you tell me, who is this other guy? I just dont want to search him on imdb.... I don't want him over Rob on Imdb....
OK, I've read the source... And he is one of tens, but Robert is one and only one!
I think it is fantastic that there is a British Invasion of hot men older and younger for women to gaga over. From the older Brits of Clive Owen, Daniel Craig, Jude Law, and Colin Firth, to the younger fresher, Andrew Garfield, Pettyfer, and of course Robert. There has not been this sort of invasion of Brits since the Sixties with music with the Beatles and the Stones. Luv it. I admire them and hope Rob becomes successful outside the Twilight franchise to do marvelous indie and studio films. I think most of the Brits are self-depricating, but Rob is very shy and adorkable. I think that is what makes him so sweet to women and tweens. Hi @Yaelfica, JA, and Twmmy. I think this is the most comments I have seen in awhile for a posting on RPL. I hope it continues. Tks Linda and Mandy for your postings and will you be posting the preview of Cosmopolis from Indiefilmsonline anytime soon? Because I would certainly like to comment on that.
I am #4 interview!! http://bit.ly/dHNtMu
Alex is so flat......and his personality is questionable...and he is like 5'8..too short
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